Lin Qiong comforted the two of them, and said, "Anyway, they all look half-baked, so please stop hurting each other."

Faced with Lin Qiong's ridicule, Peixue rarely complained, but stood in front of him in an orderly manner, bowed, knelt down, and threw himself on the ground.

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth: "What are you doing?"

"Lord Lin Qiong, ah ah ah -"

Peixue suddenly exploded, and then hugged Lin Qiong's thigh tightly, crying loudly: "Give me the whole face! Qiu Li Gao! I don't want to look so shabby—"

"And me ah ah -"

Dongde Chaka also jumped over, hugged Lin Qiong's thigh in a learned manner, and wailed: "Master Lin Qiong, please give me the whole face—at least increase my height!" ? I’m only in Peixue’s belly now! Don’t do this kind of thing—”


Lin Qiong couldn't help laughing, and then quickly recovered his serious expression.

Peixue's eyes were dead: "Did you laugh just now?"

Dongde Chaka's eyes also died: "Is it definitely a smile?"

"It is delusion desu."

Lin Qiong said expressionlessly.

Peixue: "Damn it! You must be laughing at us!"

Dong De Chaka: "Honorie! You are too bad!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He picked out his ears, then tilted his head and said, "You want to ask me to do something with this aggressive attitude?"

Two people: "Sorry, I admit that I spoke too loudly just now, don't mind!"

Lin Qiong nodded with satisfaction, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Lin Qiong was satisfied.

Peixue: "That, that, the plastic surgery thing..."

Dongde Chaka: "Hey hey, Lord Lin Qiong."

Lin Qiong sighed and clasped his hands behind his back, leaving the two of them with a lonely figure. Then at the moment when the two looked at each other in confusion, he quickly ran away into the distance.

Jie Jie!Let me laugh at you forever!

Mud oils the road!

Peixue: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Dongde Chaka: Σ( ° △ °|||)



After becoming False God, the three of Nilu also experienced the same experience as Bridget and others—the spiritual pressure in the body completely integrated into the body in just one week, and achieved the achievement of "receiving flesh".

It has to be said that although she is also a False God, Nilu is worthy of being the original Varstord, and the Varstord born by Miss Know-it-all like Bridget and the others is not at the same level at all——

On the first day of practicing the Source Power Cultivation Method, Nilu's magic level has reached the minimum level for awakening the demon's armament;

On the second day of practicing the source force cultivation method, Nilu was able to summon the demon armament into her hands through the initial solution;

On the seventh day of practicing Yuanli cultivation method, Nilu has successfully mastered her swastika, surpassing herself in the past.

"As expected of the original No.30 blade."

Lin Qiong looked at Nilu in front of him and couldn't help but give him a thumbs up and said, "But one thing, Nilu, your swastika is really cool!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

A delighted smile appeared on Nilu's face, and she said firmly, "Aqiong, I will definitely protect you!"

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

Lin Qiong reached out and touched Nilu's head, and said with a smile: "When we attack Xuye Palace, I'll ask you to take the lead."


Nilu nodded happily, but soon her expression froze.

"Wait, wait."

Nilu's eyes turned into those on Conan's set, and she asked blankly, "Aqiong, what did you just say?"


Lin Qiong tilted his head and said, "I said, when we attack the Xuye Palace, I ask you to take the lead. What's wrong?"


Nilu opened her mouth wide, and then made an unbelievable voice: "Eh!?!?"

Come in, attack the Xuye Palace? ?

She held her head with both hands, then rubbed her hair vigorously, and said, "Aqiong, you, you are not joking with me, are you?"

Lin Qiong tilted his head in doubt: "Why do you think so?"

"Aqiong, I admit that you are indeed very strong—" Nilu recalled in her mind the scene where Lin Qiong defeated the fifth and No.60 blades in the state of returning to the blade in a playful way, and said with a serious expression: "But, The real power of Xuye Palace has never been the ten blades, but the man above the ten blades!"

Lin Qiong pondered for a moment, then said, "Are you referring to Aizen?"

"Yes! That horrible man!"

A trace of fear flashed in Nilu's eyes, and she said softly: "Aqiong! You don't even know how terrifying Aizen is—he can suppress a ten-blade level broken face just by relying on spiritual pressure!!"


Lin Qiong scratched his itchy nose and said, "Is there a possibility, I mean possibility, maybe I can also use spiritual pressure to suppress Ten Blades?"

"Aqiong, the gap between the Ten Blades is very big! Just because you defeated the Blade, you can't think that the other Ten Blades are all on the same level!"

Nilu looked at Lin Qiong with a serious face and said: "Back then, my strength could still rank third, but now I can only barely squeeze into the top five - this is enough to prove that the improvement of Ten Blades' strength over the years is really possible. What an exaggeration.”


Lin Qiong looked at the extremely worried Nilu, and he understood—obviously, the powerful strength and oppressive force that Aizen showed in the past had already brought a lot of psychological shadow to Nilu.

So, he smiled at Nilu and said, "Nilu, let's fight."

Nilu: "Huh?"

Lin Qiong stood up and smiled at her: "This is the best way for you to understand my strength, right?"



Sky City, the training ground.

Hearing that Lin Qiong wanted to give Lin Qiong some guidance, even though he was practicing, the five-man group of white mice who were trying to catch up with their progress rushed to the sidelines and looked at Lin Qiong and Nilu who were confronting each other in a polite manner.

"Nilu, liberate."

Lin Qiong reminded.

"it is good!"

Nilu raised her right hand and whispered, "Sing it, Antelope Knight!"

After "Zanpakuto" evolved into "Demon Armor", Nilu's liberation also changed - her body did not change, only a double-ended spear with a cold light appeared in her hand.

"Swastika! Solution—"

Immediately afterwards, Nilu shouted with a serious expression, and the spiritual pressure visible to the naked eye began to wrap around her body. When the storm dissipated, a "centaur" with armor covered in white and blue patterns appeared on the scene. In the middle, "——Zero Lancer, Antelope Knight!"

Lin Qiong looked at Nilu who was wearing a sci-fi-like armor in front of her, and then looked at the double-headed to single-headed knight's spear in the opponent's hand, and couldn't help but clapped his hands and said: "Although I have seen it once Yes, but now Nilu looks like a cyberpunk heavy cavalry, very handsome."

"Huh, thank you for the compliment—"

Nilu let out a long breath, and then her voice came out through the antelope-shaped helmet on her head: "Aqiong, you have to be more careful! After the swastika, I am very strong!"

One thing is that at this time, Nero felt that he could torture the Nnoitra he met before with one hand - she could even stand there and let the other party chop her, and then yawn and ask the other party if they had eaten.

Nilu: Please, you are weak——

"Hahaha, don't worry, Nilu." With a smile on Lin Qiong's face, he waved to Nilu slowly, and said, "Come, let me see your current strength."


Looking at Lin Qiong's appearance at this time, Nilu couldn't help but said, "Aqiong, where's your initial explanation?"

The smile on Lin Qiong's face remained unchanged, and he said, "It depends on whether you have the ability to let me take out the weapon."

Nilu was silent for a few seconds, stopped talking, silently raised the knight spear in her hand, and pointed the tip of the spear at Lin Qiong.

"Da da da--"

After stomping her hind legs on the ground, Nilu started to charge.

"Destroy Charge—"

A light blue shadow appeared around Nilu's body. In just an instant, her figure crossed a distance of nearly a hundred meters and appeared in front of Lin Qiong. Then she raised the knight with her right hand high. The spear thrust forward with great force.

Seeing this, Lin Qiong stretched out his hands, firmly grasped the top of the knight's spear, and abruptly received Nilu's charge.

"what happened?"

Lin Qiong looked at Nilu who seemed to be stunned, and joked: "If it's just this level, there's no way I can summon the weapon."

"I understand--"

Nilu took a deep breath, then clenched the spear in her right hand with firm eyes, and shouted: "Royal shooting!"

The next moment, a blue energy spear made of spiritual pressure gushed out from the tip of Nilu's spear, and then hit Lin Qiong firmly in the abdomen, flying him into the air.

"It's not over yet-"

Nilu didn't stop, but clenched the spear tightly and made a throwing gesture, and said in a low voice, "Red Lotus Pure Land—"

"call out--"

The spear wrapped in red energy pierced the sky like a shooting star.

Chapter 0369 I can do everything except give a name

"Using the spear as the carrier, is it integrated with the attack of false flash?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help chuckling as he watched the red comet attacking him.

"However, in the face of an enemy much stronger than you, it is not a good choice to let the weapon go."

Lin Qiong's magic power gathered on the soles of his feet to form a foothold. He stepped on one side to avoid the frontal attack of the spear, and then quickly reached out and grabbed the handle of the spear with his backhand.

"Take your own attack first!"

Lin Qiong let out a low cry, and turned around 360 degrees on the spot with the help of the spear's flying force, and with his own strength, he threw it towards Nilu.

"call out--"

The spear came and went even faster, piercing the sky like a meteor chasing the moon, and it came to Nilu in the blink of an eye.

Then disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, is this cheating?"

Lin Qiong fell to the ground with a speechless face, then looked at Nilu who had lifted the swastika, and complained: "I ate your royal gun shot firmly, and then took your red lotus pure land. ? Can't you give me some strength?"

"Don't be kidding, I don't have such a strong steel skin as you."

Nilu twitched the corner of her mouth, then looked helplessly at Lin Qiong in front of her, and said, "Even if I managed to dodge the direct attack, I'm not sure I can hold the handle as accurately as you."

So she took a trick and contacted Swastika, allowing the Antelope Knight to return to her soul sea.


After the words fell, Nilu launched her swastika again, then raised the antelope knight again, and said to Lin Qiong: "After the fight just now, I have a better understanding of Aqiong's strength, so next , I will do my best to force out your initial solution!"

As for the swastika?

It’s so funny that I can’t even think about it!

"Then let's have a try."

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