There was a smile on Lin Qiong's face. Now he seemed to have returned to the time when Jian Yulei was instructing him to fight - but now he was standing in the position of A Jian.

'Hey, I never thought I'd have a day like this -'

Lin Qiong looked at Nilu who was charging again, put away his distracted attention, and then unconsciously started pointing.

"The main attack method of the Knight Spear is stabbing, but it can also be used as a half stick. Li Dazhuanfei understands?"

"Your 'mount' is controlled by yourself, and you can move more flexibly than ordinary cavalry!"

"You're too light! You don't even have the strength to thrust and still want to protect me?"

Unknowingly, this battle has become a pointing battle between Lin Qiong and Nilu, and Nilu's mind has long been in Lin Qiong's pointing again and again, from "Let Aqiong use the first solution" It has become "a little more progress, a little more progress".




Exhausted, Nilu could no longer maintain her swastika, and the equipment on her body turned into light fragments and disappeared into the air. There was only a long spear that had shrunk a lot for her to lean on to prevent it from falling to the ground.

"Do you still feel that I am not Aizen's opponent?"

Lin Qiong walked up to Nilu without blushing and panting, looked at Nilu who was panting with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I will deal with Aizen, you just need to help me block the ten blades." OK."

"Huh, I see."

Nilu wiped the sweat off her face with her hands, then smiled bitterly and said, "I never thought that I would be the frog in the well in the end—Aqiong, how strong are you?"

"This is..."

Lin Qiong touched his chin, and then said distressedly: "How strong is it? I can't find a suitable comparison for a while."

The only thing that is certain is that Ichigo in the moonless state should not be my opponent.

Oh, this is too arrogant to speak. Let me put it another way.

Compared with Muzuki Ichigo, it is probably a little bit stronger (raise the thumb and index finger of the right hand).

"I'm blanching! It's amazing, Aqiong!"

Peixue came over, then looked at Lin Qiong with bright eyes, and said, "Why don't you point me out too?"

"Yes, yes, but what are you studying?"

Lin Qiong looked at Peixue strangely, scratched his hair and asked, "Is it Tiger Landing Style? Or Tiger Landing Style Changed Hell Roller Style? Or Tiger Landing Changed Two Star Flying Style?"

"What is that! It sounds amazing!"

Peixue's eyes were almost bright, he clenched his fists and said: "I will learn this! A Qiong, teach me, teach me quickly!"

"Good good-"

Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and nodded, then leaned into Peixue's ear and whispered, "You do this first, this, then this—"


Peixue crossed her arms and imitated what Lin Qiong said in her mind, then grabbed his clothes with red eyes and said, "Iron! What kind of tiger landing is this? It's obvious that it's kneeling down and begging for mercy." Hello!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The big sweet potato on the side... ah, Dongde Chaka immediately covered his stomach and laughed loudly: "Pei Xue, isn't this suitable for you? Fierce, the tiger fell to the ground, poof -"


Pei Xue raised his right hand angrily and shouted: "Shine your glory, the ultimate!"

The next moment, a weapon like a laser sword in Star Wars appeared in Peixue's hands. He looked at Lin Qiong with a murderous look on his face, and said, "Ah Qiong, it's time for you to see it, my Strength——I want to make people look at me with new eyes!!"

As soon as the words fell, Peixue, who had not yet grasped the solution of the swastika, held up the laser sword named "Ultimate" and rushed towards Lin Qiong, shouting: "Super·Ultimate·Tianxuan Aurora turns and shines! ..."

Lin Qiong rushed over, grabbed Peixue's wrist with his right hand and pulled it back, then raised his knee.

Peixue: "Huh?"

With only time to utter a light hey, Peixue was attacked like a storm—under the condition that Lin Qiong deliberately suppressed the intensity of the attack, Peixue only felt like a plastic bag in a storm, enduring what he shouldn't have at this age. Tolerated blows.

This continuous beating lasted for 4 minutes, and during these 4 minutes, Peixue stayed in midair without falling—and when he finally survived 4 minutes and landed miserably, he had already It started to smoke.

"I, I feel..."

Peixue raised his head, and stretched out his right hand towards Dongde Chaka with difficulty, "I, I can still grab..."

The next moment, Dongde Chaka stepped on Peixue's back, then held Lin Qiong's hand enthusiastically, and said respectfully: "Aqiong, no, Master Lin! Please teach me the kung fu just now, I also want to beat Peixue to the ground!!"

Pei Xue who was trampled by Dongde Chaka: But, hateful Dongde Chaka, please remember it!Next time you take a shit, I'll lose if I don't throw a [-]-ring whip in your cubicle! ! !



"Well, not enough, not enough manpower at all—"

Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said with some distress: "Peixue and Dongde Chaka's qualifications are not very high, and after so many years of neglect, Dingtian can be an adjutant."

"Aren't there five little white mice over there?"

The eldest lady raised her chin, motioned Lin Qiong to look at the five Pomian who were training in the training ground, and said, "Those five Void Gods have almost mastered the swastika, so they can be called Ten Blades, right?"

"Just barely."

Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then propped his chin, and said distressedly: "So, is it really necessary to poach corners from Xuye Palace? Damn, there is a feeling of buying second-hand blue dye, so uncomfortable."

"Young master, think about it from another angle. When Lan Ran returned to Xuye Palace, she found that the broken face that she had abandoned like a shoe had suddenly transformed into a Void God who crushed Ten Blades—" The secretary approached Lin Qiong Beside him, he said with a bewildered look: "Isn't this kind of scene exciting? Isn't this a kind of tauren?"


Lin Qiong's eyes widened at that time, and then he showed an emotional expression, and said, "Hiss, it's interesting! If you change the way of saying it, it will feel different right away? Hess, it's interesting!"

Two in a row is a bit interesting, obviously Lin Qiong has already been tempted.

"So, who are you going to poach?"

The eldest lady held her chin and said: "The original Ten Blades should be difficult, right? They are doing well under Aizen's hands. There is no need to come to your side to become the new Ten Blades."

Lin Qiong was taken aback, and then asked, "What is the new ten blades?"

"Aren't you going to dig... oh no, the broken face under the hands of the tauren Aizen, and then build your own ten blades?" The eldest lady stretched out her plain finger, picked up a puff, and said softly: "But If it’s also called Ten Blades, it feels like it’s imitating Aizen, right?”

"One thing to say, I feel that the name 'New Ten Blades' is not only more copycat, but also has no fashion value - you know, in the realm world, the level of fashion value is directly proportional to your combat effectiveness. Attributes!"

Lin Qiong shook his head with a "You're still too young" look on his face, then raised his finger and said seriously: "Take Aizen, for example, when he first appeared on the stage, his fashion value was almost full, okay? In the future, he will be fashionable all the way. The value is online, so as soon as he appears on the stage, he will be in the air for seconds - until he faces Ichigo Mutsuki, the fashion value drops all the way with the progress of the Honyu Transformation, and finally stretches the crotch to the extreme.

In Realm World, you can throw away anything, but you can't bring down your fashion value!

After hearing Lin Qiong's "fashion theory", the eldest lady couldn't help showing a subtle expression: "What you said makes sense, so are you going to choose a fashionable name for the new group?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

A drop of cold sweat slipped from Lin Qiong's forehead.

You don't want me to name it.I can do anything, but really can't name it.

Chapter 0370


Nobi Lin Qiong ran home crying all the way, then "da da da" ran up the stairs, opened the sliding door of the bedroom, and threw himself into the arms of Fatty Lan, wailing: "Help me, pull me!" Fei A dream—"

Miss Wanshitong reached out her hand helplessly to stroke Lin Qiong's hair, and said softly: "My dear Mr. Lin Qiong, did Fat Tiger steal your comics again? Or did my husband not take you to play? Did Shizuka study together?"

Lin Qiong: Σ( ° △ °|||)

"Why are you so proficient?" Lin Qiong raised his head, looked at Miss Wanshitong in astonishment, and said, "How many times have you seen Doraemon?"

"Although I really want to say that I saw Doraemon, but I have actually seen Doraemon many times—"

Miss Wisdom blinked her eyes, then folded her hands on her chest, and said in distress: "Even I can't understand how the props in Doraemon are made—it's not that they can't produce the same effect." , but how to think of these props appearing in the pocket of a 'parenting robot' makes people feel overwhelmed!"

For example, if you want to say that the strategy uses the omnipotent angel to pull out Apollo, the ultimate weapon that can destroy a country, we can understand!But if you want to say that an entertainment uses a universal angel to take out a pair of naval guns, who can accept this?

Your entertainment is to blow up a spaceship to add to the fun, right?

"Ahem, Zigong Xiang Animation, if you take it seriously, you will lose."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and then whispered: "This is why I dare not go to the world of Doraemon, no matter how awesome the props are, they have to die—"

In the world of Dragon Ball, at any rate, Quan Wang and the Great Priest will not monitor all universes 24 hours a day, but Doraemon is a real space-time inspection team, okay?

In case you open the door with your front foot, and someone pauses for a while with your back foot, and then "clicks" to tie you up, I'm afraid it won't be sent directly.

"This kind of world that plays with the rules at will should be listed as the highest taboo." Miss Wanshitong waved her hands with fear, and then changed the subject: "Okay, let's get down to business—what do you want from me?"

"Ahem, it's like this—" Lin Qiong recounted the previous discussion with the eldest lady, and then clasped his hands together and asked, "Miss Know-It-All! Please help me make a fashionable name online!"

"Can't you just copy the name of an organization from an anime?"

Miss Wanshitong looked at Lin Qiong strangely, and said, "Bronze Tree, Akatsuki, Phantom Troupe, King Qiwuhai, etc., don't they all sound very fashionable?"

"Fashion is fashion, but it doesn't feel right—" Lin Qiong was living like a Party A at this time, "It's neither a mercenary nor a group of pirates."


Miss Know-it-all raised her finger and tapped her forehead, saying: "It must not only be fashionable, but also fit the scene. Is that what you mean?"

Lin Qiong nodded: "That's true—"

A smile appeared on the corner of Miss Wanshitong's mouth, and she said softly, "Then it's called..."




The eldest lady, the secretary and Yoyo repeated.

"That's right! Aizen is the 'blade', we are the 'shield'!"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "How about it, is there a feeling of tit for tat?"

"Well, that sounds good."

The eldest lady touched her chin like Lin Qiong and said, "Now that the name of the team has been established, do we have to decide on the candidates? There are only six candidates at the moment, right?"

Lin Qiong shook his head, and then said helplessly: "To be honest, in my heart, only Nilu can be considered as the candidate for the Holy Shield."

As for the five False Gods who voluntarily became guinea pigs?

I'm sorry, although they can now defeat Nnoitra in battle, that's only because they have become virtual gods and have an evolutionary relationship from the essence of life-if the Great Void, who is also a ten-blade, evolves into a virtual god, God, then Bridget and others will be reduced to backgrounds again.

The eldest lady propped her chin, and said helplessly: "According to your standard, the only one who can catch your eyes is probably the original Vastord—the daxu of that level, I guess all of them are in Aizen. in the Void Night Palace."

The secretary nodded, and she carefully filled the young lady with black tea, and then concluded: "In other words, the master's final path is to dig... ahem, Niu Lanran's Ten Blades, right?"

"It's a matter of time."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, and said: "There are only a few Daxu at the top of the virtual circle. I don't know where can I recruit people? Can't I find the protagonist group?"

The eldest lady suddenly said, "Why not?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

The eldest lady touched her chin in a very Lin Qiongfan way, and said: "First of all, Ishida Uryu, I remember that he used a degraded version of the perfect holy body in order to defeat Nirvana Yuri in the battle to rescue Rukia, Lost the power of the Quincy, right? If you tell him we can help him regain his power, he will join us, right?"

Lin Qiong scratched his face and said, "Uh, it should be possible?"

The eldest lady raised her second finger and said: "Next is Chadu Taihu. After experiencing the fiasco in the world of corpses and souls, he should have a clear understanding of his own strength. Let us tell him that he can Help him become stronger and better protect his friends, will he choose to join?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Should it be possible?"

The eldest lady raised her third finger and said: "Next is Orihime Inoue, we can contact her after Aizen is defeated——At that time, Orihime Inoue had already deeply understood herself because of the kidnapping incident. She is powerless, and her two friends are on our side, so it shouldn’t be difficult to persuade her.”

Lin Qiong showed a tangled expression: "Hmm..."

The eldest lady raised her fourth finger and said: "The last Kurosaki Ichigo, you can also contact Aizen after he is defeated, and tell him that we can help him regain the power of death after using Wuzuki. Strength, plus his three little friends have joined us, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Lin Qiong crossed his arms, his expression even more complicated.

The eldest lady put down her fingers, put her hands on her hips, and said confidently: "Besides, isn't our biggest hole card the resurrection scepter? If I remember correctly, Kurosaki Ichigo's mother, Ishida Uryu's mother, Inoue Ori Ji's older brother can be used as a weight for us to recruit them—wait a minute, maybe we can use the resurrection of Kuchiki Hima and Shiba Haiyan to take advantage of Kuchiki Byakuya and Kuchiki Rukia? Oh yes, and that Dongxian wants to..."

After hearing what the eldest lady said, Lin Qiong's expression was like this——

Σ( ° △ °|||)

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