The eldest lady looked at her boyfriend dumbfounded: "What's that expression on your face? I am also the eldest lady of the Nakiri family, so I still understand these techniques of winning people's hearts, okay?"

Lin Qiong shook his head, and said subtly, "I just feel that I am worthy of being the daughter of a capitalist, or something—"

'This shouldn't be a capitalist, right? '

The eldest lady couldn't help but wiped the sweat from her forehead, and then said, "Tell me what you think first, what do you think of the plan I just mentioned?"

"Well, this..."

Hearing this, Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest showing an obvious, tangled expression, and muttered: "It sounds very good, but isn't it too...too late?"


"What do you think, the entire Shinigami chapter is probably the prelude chapter, the chapter on saving Rukia from the soul world, the chapter on recapturing Orihime Inoue, the chapter on confronting Aizen, the chapter on full manifestation, and the chapter on the thousand-year bloody battle, right?" Lin said. Qiong counted with his fingers, then scratched his head, and said, "If we wait until after the battle against Aizen, and then recruit Kurosaki Ichigo and Inoue Orihime, then only the Millennium Bloody War chapter confrontation with the Quincy will be left." oh-"

The secretary nodded in agreement and whispered: "Miss, the young master seems to be right!"

The eldest lady held her chin up and said: "In other words, you not only want to participate in the thousand-year bloody battle, but also want to participate in the duel with Ying Aizen?"

"Well, I'm actually conflicted too—because personally, I don't really hate the character Aizen."

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, and said with some distress: "But if you become a friendly army with him, I always feel that with my IQ, I will be played to death by Aizen."


Hearing what Lin Qiong said, the eldest lady and the secretary nodded in unison.

Lin Qiong: "?"

"No, although what I said may seem to be the truth, the way you nodded without hesitation still made me a little hurt!" Lin Qiong looked like he couldn't bear it, and he covered his head. Chest, he whispered: "Ah, my young and pure heart has been indelibly damaged!"

Secretary: 'Young?Where are you young, master? '

Missy: 'Pure?Those tricks of yours make you embarrassed to say you are pure...'

The two looked at each other, then shook their heads helplessly.

Forget it, let's coax this big kid who looks more and more like a kid.


The eldest lady coughed dryly twice, and then said seriously: "Qiong, you are actually very smart, for example..."

Lin Qiong showed a hopeful expression: "For example?"

"Uh, for example—" The eldest lady rubbed the bridge of her nose, and then said with a strange expression: "For example, when you were looking for an excuse to touch my leg..."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He hesitated for a few seconds, then looked at the eldest lady, and said, "Well, let me confirm, you are indeed complimenting me seriously, am I not mistaken?"

The eldest lady nodded firmly and said, "How can you doubt such a thing? Of course I'm praising you."

"Then I'm relieved." Lin Qiong nodded, then looked at the secretary with hopeful eyes and said, "Secretary, do you have anything to say?"

'Is there anything you want to say?You actually want to ask me if there is anything I want to praise you for...'

The secretary raised his hands helplessly and scratched his head, then racked his brains and said, "The young master has a kind of simplicity from the heart in dealing with people and things!"

High emotional intelligence: simple

Low EQ: naive

Lin Qiong, who didn't understand the subtext, showed a satisfied expression. He patted the secretary's shoulder cheerfully and said, "Yeah! You are right! I am a simple and honest person!"

Seeing how easily Lin Qiong was fooled, the eldest lady and the secretary sighed again.

Secretary: "Miss, you should help the young master more." '

Missy: 'Of course, this is my duty as a girlfriend. '

Chapter 0371

"Ah - my omnipotent know-it-all lady, please give me an idea -"

Lin Qiong lay on the sofa in Miss Wanshitong's laboratory, then looked at Miss Wanshitong who was sitting at a small European-style table on the balcony, drinking milk tea elegantly, and said, "How am I going to treat Lan Ran? This kind of big boss-level character, I feel like I can't handle it—"

'Well, why can't we figure it out? '

Miss Wanshitong put down the teacup in her hand and thought, "Based on what we know about you, I'm afraid you only need to stay with Aizen for a month, and you can turn him into a comedian." '

This is your inherent enchantment jaw!

Look at the Phoenix King today!Hundreds of years ago, Feng Wang was so noble and elegant, but now Feng Wang is simply a comedian. Just edit and release daily life to make it a funny collection, okay?

'Of course, this cannot be said clearly, as it will damage the host's self-confidence——'

Miss Passionate picked up a strawberry and put it into her mouth, then squinted her eyes to feel the deliciousness blooming on the tip of her tongue, and said, "Actually, the host can directly contact Aizen—as long as he realizes the preciousness of the host. After the execution, it is impossible to harm you."


Lin Qiong raised his head, looked at Miss Wanshitong in a daze, and asked, "Why do you say that?"

"In a sense, Aizen and I are the same kind of people! It's just that compared to the food world, the realm world is too small." Miss Wanshitong held her chin, looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and said : "This also creates Aizen's 'loneliness' and 'emptiness' - these two points must be filled by the host."

Aizen Soyousuke is a foreign object in the world of the gods of death—his talent is so high that he even feels that he is not a species with the gods of death around him, and this feeling of incompatibility separates him from the world.

"No, your statement is very strange."

Lin Qiong showed a subtle expression, he propped his chin, and said, "Let me fill in Aizen's loneliness or something, Aizen is not a girl—"

Miss Know-It-All: "?"

You'd rather speak an old man's yellow accent than mine, would you?

She glanced at Lin Qiong angrily, and said, "I'm telling you something serious, don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Qiong nodded honestly: "Oh——"

"Actually, you can make a bet with Aizen or something—" Miss Wanshitong drank the milk tea in the teacup, and then said with a smile: "For example, if Aizen loses to Kurosaki Ichigo, the old Be honest and be your subordinate or something."

"Will Aizen agree to this kind of bet?"

"When you bring up the right chips, of course he will agree."

Miss Know-it-all showed a sly smile and said, "As for whether he is going to fulfill the bet or not, don't I still have it?"

I, the dignified and know-it-all lady, can control a little Aizen, isn't that something that I can easily do?

"Oh oh oh-"

Lin Qiong thought everything through. He couldn't help but look at Miss Wan Shitong with admiration and said, "As expected of my Miss Wan Shitong, long live her!"

"Hmm, the host can hurry me up!"

"Miss Wanshitong's legs are so big, no, I mean her breasts are so long, no, I mean her waist is so curvy, nor her hips so thin..."

"You seem to be boasting about everything, but you seem to be boasting about nothing."




After receiving Miss Wanshitong's "full commitment", Lin Qiong suddenly had a feeling that her waist was straightened and her back was stiff.

"Cricket blue dye, not worth mentioning—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, and said in high spirits: "If I have the chance, I must touch him and let him know who is talking about it!"

Peixue said in a very face-saving manner: "Brother has the final say!"

Dongde Chaka nodded honestly, and said, "Then blue dye is a chicken feather?"

Lin Qiong was very satisfied, so he put down the knife on the necks of Peixue and Dongde Chaka, and said: "I'm going to go for a stroll in the Xuye Palace, and by the way, get in touch with Pomian over there. go?"

Nilu smiled gently, and said softly, "I will go wherever Ah Qiong goes."

Seeing Nilu expressing her opinion, Peixue and Dongde Chaka looked at each other and nodded silently——we will go wherever Master Nilu is going!

"Then I'll call Bridget and the others, let's go over and show our fists—"

Lin Qiong showed a malicious smile, and he said eagerly: "This time I will communicate with Xuye Palace, I will make all Ten Blades obediently call me brother!"


Although Lin Qiong is not conscious, his will is actually the will of the entire sky city.

So, after he put forward the proposal to bring the False Gods to the Void Night Palace to exchange ideas, Bridget and others quickly put down the training at hand, and then changed into uniforms with a black background and a silver border, standing in uniform behind Lin Qiong.

Looking at the straight uniforms of these virtual gods, Lin Qiong nodded with satisfaction and said: "It's not bad, not as handsome as the handsome men and beauties in Xuye Palace, except -"

He glanced sideways at Peixueji and Dafansudongdchaka from the other world, couldn't help but sigh, and said: "How come you two are the only ones out of the camp of a group of handsome men and beauties?"

"Tie Baa! For the sake of you being Lord Lin Qiong now, let me spare you!" Pei Xue clenched his fists and then stomped his feet angrily: "When you turn back to A Qiong, I will make sure you don't have any juice. eat!"

Dongdchaka nodded his big head, and then said fiercely: "I ran into your room in a dark voice at night, then squatted on your bedside, and stole your snacks like crazy!"

'Fuck, you two are so awesome! '

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, then resisted the desire to kick each of the two people, and said: "Everyone, we are going to Xuye Palace this time. We are going with the mentality of friendly exchanges, so even if Conflict, please try your best to control the conflict within a reasonable range, and it is best not to kill people randomly, you understand what I mean?"

"Yes—" x8

Looking at the eight sensible people, Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "If the guy who provokes you is the seventh, eighth and No. 90 blade, it doesn't matter if you strike - as for the blade, Ni Lu, I leave it to you to handle it completely."

Among the ten blades of Xuye Palace, Lin Qiong still has a good impression of the decadent old one, Yujie's third, three-none young four, irascible sixth, and naive old ten; But the other four just...

Love to death, don't bother me!

Nilu showed a faint smile and said, "I understand, Aqiong."

"Then let's go—"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers, and Nilu stepped forward and opened the black cavity leading to the interior of Xuye Palace.


"Oh, what a warm welcome lineup-"

After Lin Qiong walked out of the black cavity, he looked at the dozen Arrancars in front of him and couldn't help but waved to them and said: "Long time no see, little Yuyu, little Mantis, little Meow Meow——"

Harribel: Little, little fish?

Neutra: Me! @#*…

Grimmjow: I fucking tore you up!

One was speechless and the other two were furious. This was the reaction the three gave Lin Qiong.

"Oh, this is the new Arrancar that the three of you met last time, right?" No. 80 Blade Sar Apollo looked at Lin Qiong and others in front of him, and showed a look that seemed enthusiastic, but was actually full of enthusiasm. A disgusting and hypocritical smile, "It seems that we got along quite happily last time."

Hearing this, Lin Qiong looked at the three of them with a slightly teasing smile and said, "Hahaha, that's it! The three of them visited me very enthusiastically last time, so I specially brought my friends here to play this time. ”

'So complicated--'

Stark sighed with a dejected look on his face. He seemed to be back in his room now, and then wrapped himself up in his little quilt to sleep—unfortunately, there is no weather in Xuye Palace, otherwise the background sound of the whole rainy night would be Must be a sleep aid.

"Hmph, what a brat who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth—"

Bailegang sneered, he carried his double-sided axe, and said with a look of disdain: "If you come to find a place, you will find a place. Why are you talking so hypocritically?"

"No no."

Lin Qiong waved his hands hypocritically, and said with a smile: "I really just came to visit Xuye Palace and communicate with you..."

"Without further ado!"

Bai Legang raised his right hand, and a red flash flashed towards Lin Qiong's face, interrupting his "speech".

Lin Qiong smiled and looked at Xu Shan who was getting closer and closer without changing his expression, as if he was too frightened to avoid hiding.

At this moment, Paluke's figure appeared in front of Lin Qiong, he raised his left hand indifferently, and abruptly received Bailegang's false flash.


Bailegang looked at the little green smoke rising from Paluke's palm, and couldn't help laughing strangely: "I actually took a false flash from the old man, it's barely passable."


Lin Qiong shook his head with emotion and said: "I originally heard that this old gentleman is the King of Hueco Mundo, and thought he was a majestic and domineering Vastod..."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

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