Bailegang burst out laughing. He interrupted Lin Qiong's "praise" and said loudly: "Good boy, if you have some insight, I can only break one of your legs!"

"——But it's better to be famous than to meet." Lin Qiong ignored Bai Legang's boasting, but shook his head and sighed: "I didn't expect it to be just an old trash with a brain that couldn't keep up with the times."


Hearing Lin Qiong's ridicule, Stark on the side couldn't help but lifted his sleep mask, and then glanced at Lin Qiong with some surprise—good guy, I call him good guy, this guy has such a poisonous mouth!If this doesn't turn Balegon into a puffer fish, I'll change my name from Kyathai Stark to Tony Stark, okay?

Chapter 0372 Provocation

Just as Stark guessed, after hearing Lin Qiong's ridicule, the bronze-colored old face of the somewhat plump Balegon suddenly flushed red.

"Uneducated brat—"

Blue veins bulged out of Bailegang's fist holding the handle of the axe. He laughed angrily and said, "You can be arrogant if you think you are Vastord? Let the old man educate you, Vastord." There is also a gap between virtues!"

"Of course there is a gap -"

Lin Qiong raised his right hand, plucked his ear with his little finger, then blew on his fingertips with a casual expression, and said casually: "I understand, you are only No.20 blade, right? In other words, the one over there The tenth blade is stronger than you, isn't this the best explanation of "there is a gap between Varstord"? Otherwise, why are you only second? Second, second, second, second -"

'Hey, hey, hey, don't involve me too——'

Stark showed the expression of the subway old man's cell phone.jpg, and then quietly glanced at Baile Gang in the background of Lin Qiong repeating "second" again and again.

"Oh, I'm so angry—"

Stark clicked his tongue, then took two steps back silently, praying in his heart: "You can't see me, you can't see me—"

After silently retreating to the corner, Stark patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief, then squatted on the ground and continued to eat melon, 'This little guy won't be torn apart by the angry Bailegon, right? '



Just as Balegon was preparing to return the sword with a gloomy face, Ulquiorra's figure appeared in front of him, looked at him with expressionless eyes, and stretched out his right hand to point to the sky.

He didn't say anything, but Balegon already understood what Ulquiorra wanted to say - according to the rules made by Aizen, the fourth and above ten blades are forbidden to return under the canopy of the Void Night Palace. bladed.

Balegon is the No.20 blade, within the limits of this rule.


Balegang glanced at Ulquiorra who interrupted his interest with a sullen face, and shouted in a low voice: "Go away, I don't need you, a brat, to tell me what I'm going to do!"

Ulquiorra stepped aside silently, and then looked at Balegang with calm eyes - if the opponent was ready to die under the canopy again, he would stand up again.

"You bastard—"

Bailegang slammed the ax on the ground with a "boom", then tilted his head, and said defiantly, "Come out with me, I'm going to eat your spiritual pressure today!"

Hot knowledge, Daxu can grow by swallowing the spiritual pressure of other Hollows, but a Hollow whose mask is eaten will lose the possibility of growth.

"Wow, it's worthy of being the second-ranked Ten Blades in Xuye Palace. It's really scary——"

Lin Qiong pouted, and Huang Li sighed angrily, "I'm so scared that I can't speak~"


Stark on the side looked away, and he had to admit that this new Varstord was really outrageous in terms of provoking people-if he was the one being provoked, he would more or less Show respect by being angry.


Xuye Palace, outside.

"Although the mouth is a bit cheap, but dare to follow out, I still have a bit of courage—"

Bai Legang looked at Lin Qiong and his party in front of him, and said murderously: "This old man will give you the most painful death to punish your rudeness!"

"The most painful punishment?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin, then seemed to remember something, his expression changed, and he said with fear: "I'm Zhuo, are you planning to change into a black stocking bunny girl, and then pole dance in front of me? Are you going to disgust me to death? Are you too vicious?"

Balegon: "?"

Harribel: 0o0

Ulquiorra: 0_0

Stark: "Poof...cough cough..."

He quickly covered his mouth, then knelt on the ground and silently hammered the desert beneath him with his fists.

Bye, Bai Legang is wearing a black silk bunny girl dancing pole dancing... Pfft, this picture is also...

At this moment, Stark subconsciously made up the picture in his mind, and then he couldn't laugh out loud, and the whole person lay on the ground like a salted fish.

'Ah, that's disgusting, I'm dying—'

The first ten blades, Stark, lost the ability to fight.

"Boy!!! I was robbed of the position of the king of the virtual circle, and I only got the No.20 blade ranking, and now, you dare to insult me ​​like this, you are looking for your own death——" Furious Balegon raised his double-sided axe, and then roared: "Corrupt, Skeleton Emperor!!"


Spiritual pressure with all the aura of decay spurted out from Bailegang's body. The heavy spiritual pressure seemed to make the air thicker, and Bailegang himself changed from a plump old man to a head-haired man. A skeleton wearing a gorgeous golden crown and a dark blue cloak.

"see it?"

Bailegang looked at Lin Qiong indifferently, and his voice suppressed his anger: "This is the true posture of the king of the virtual circle, Emperor Bailegang! Do you feel the terror? But, it's too late!!"

I'm going to rot you completely!Let you rot into dirt! !

"Well, based on common sense, you don't want to keep fit, so you look like a skeleton after returning to the sword, right?" Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, then looked at the "exposed old man" in front of him, and said : "Obviously you were so fat before you returned to the sword, but now you are so thin that only your bones are left."

Balegon: "?"

Harribel: →_→

Ulquiorra: 0_0

Stark, who was lying half-dead on the ground, twitched, then held his stomach and curled up into a ball: "No, no, my abdominal muscles hurt." '

"And what about the real posture, the horror..." Lin Qiong raised his fingers solemnly, and said, "I knew you couldn't keep up with the times when I heard it! It's 2202 now, and there will be no one left. Are you afraid of skeletons? Don’t you know that in the reality of the developed network, skeletons are generally the lowest-level monsters? Like in the Guardian of Light 2 I played before, the necromancer can summon dozens of skeletons at any time. By my side!"

Stark looked at Lin Qiong dumbfounded. He sat up from the ground, then rubbed his chin, and said to himself: "If this kid is not killed, then he is really awesome!"

Nonsense, if you can provoke Balegang to such an extent without being killed by the furious Balegang, that's obviously a tough idea!


The next moment, black mist visible to the naked eye emerged from Bailegang's body. He roared and stretched his right hand towards Lin Qiong, saying in a cold tone: "Under my absolute power, die!!"

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Lin Qiong.

It's Bridget with big purple waves.

"Want to hurt Master Qiong? Wishful thinking!"

Bridget clasped her hands in front of her body and said silently in her heart: 'Swastika!Purple Storm · Mishang Poisonous Dragon! '

Shining, holy warrior-style metal armor emerged on Bridget's body, and her arms held a pair of purple arms that were somewhat similar to War Greymon's arm armor.

"Poison China Claw!"

Bridget crossed her hands in front of her and waved forward, four to the left and four to the right, and the energy claws exuding purple poisonous mist flew out of Bridget's armament, and the black mist of Balegon They collided together: "The black mist in the area, corrode it for me!"


A strange corrosion sound sounded at the collision between the black mist and the purple claw, and after a while, the black mist that had the upper hand spread towards Lin Qiong again.

"Jie Jie Jie-"

Watching this scene, Bai Legang let out a hearty laugh: "Screaming so loudly, I thought you were amazing! But that's it, huh! In front of the absolute power of this old man, let's rot and die! "

"My Poison Claw actually lost—"

Bridget's eyes narrowed a bit, and she showed an expression of unwillingness, "Even if they grow up to this point, are they still their opponents?"

"In any case, he is the No.20 blade of the Void Night Palace—"

Lin Qiong reached out and patted Bridget on the shoulder, and said: "The Night Palace is a place where all the top players gather—in other words, the strength of Bailegang is the top one in the entire virtual circle." A few, you are not wronged."


Bridget pursed her mouth and said, "It's fine if you lose, but my attack has no effect on him—"

It's not that she can't accept losing, but being crushed would be too shocking, right?

"Who told you that it has no effect on him? Look carefully at his black mist. Is it lighter than before? This shows that your attack is so strong that he has to expend part of his strength to eliminate it!" Lin Qiong Pointing to the black mist released by Bailegang, he raised his eyebrows at Bridget and said, "In other words, you are now so powerful that he can no longer look at you like a bug on the roadside. "


Bridget suddenly showed a surprised expression, she turned around, swiped a few more poisonous claws, and then stared at the position where the poisonous claws collided with the black mist—as expected, at After eliminating the poisonous claws, the black mist was slightly thinner than before.

"That's great—" Bridget suddenly showed a joyful expression, "My hard work has paid off!"

Lin Qiong chuckled, then looked at Nilu beside him, and said, "Nilu, I'll leave him to you."


Nilu nodded slightly, walked forward and stood in front of Lin Qiong.


Seeing this scene, Bailegang suddenly showed a sneering expression. He looked at Nilu with disdain, and said, "I remember you! Nilielu, right? Hahaha, just because you want to fight against this old man." ? Really wishful thinking—"

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Nilu smiled slightly, raised her right hand flatly, and chanted in her heart: 'Swastika - Zero Lancer, Antelope Knight! '

The sci-fi-like armor covered the four-footed Nilu. She raised the spear in her right hand and shouted awe-inspiringly: "Royal shooting——"

Chapter 0373

Visible blue spiritual pressure wrapped around Nilu's "Antelope Knight" spear, and then was launched, directly into the black mist spreading from Bailegang.

"Jie Jie Jie, it's useless, it's useless!"

Bailegang has absolute confidence in his own rotten fog. He raised his hands wildly and said: "The strength of this old man is invincible and supreme. Is it... huh?"

In Bailegang's shocked eyes, after swallowing the energy spear, the black mist released by him is becoming thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just two or three seconds, ten percent of it has disappeared⑧ Nine.

"How, how is it possible—"

Bailegang's voice was full of disbelief, he stared at Nili like a maniac, and angrily said: "Niliel! How dare you resist the power of this old man! Damn you, die—"

A larger and denser black mist spewed out from his hands, spreading towards Nilu like densely packed flying insects out of cages——almost at the same time, the other ten people standing beside him The blades flashed to the distance at the same time, lest his power be affected.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Looking at the movement of the other Ten Blades, Bailegang was not only not angry, but was filled with pleasure, "Did you see it? The frightening power of this old man! This is power!!"

Nilu ignored Bailegang's clamor, but raised the antelope knight in her hand again, and said in a low voice, "Royal shooting—"

Seeing this, Bai Legang sneered: "It's useless! The old man has already become serious, your strength is not worth mentioning!"

Nilu calmly yelled out the second half of the sentence: "—Duet!"


The blue energy spear that seemed to be a double image shot out from Nilu's spear, and the whole spear was submerged in the black mist of Balegon, unscrupulously releasing its own energy, consuming the aging energy of Balegon force.

"Tut tut-"

Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "I just said, how can there be invincible power in this world? Take a step back and say, if you are really invincible, why would you be snatched away from the virtual circle?" Where is the position of the king?"

"Damn, damn it—"

Bailegang looked at the stalemate of black mist and spear, listened to Lin Qiong's taunt, and suddenly roared angrily - he has no eyeballs now, otherwise his eyes would definitely be full of bloodshot eyes.

"See? Bridget—"

Lin Qiong ignored Bailegang's incompetent rage, but looked at Bridget beside him, and said, "Although Bailegang's strength seems invincible, in fact his corrosion speed has an upper limit. , once this upper limit is exceeded, his strength will no longer be invincible."

To put it bluntly, the power of Balegon is a bit like the "delete file" function of a computer - when the file size is small, the computer can delete files in seconds, but if the file size grows to 100G or even 100T, the computer will It can only be deleted bit by bit.

"I understand, Lord Qiong."

Bridget looked at Bailegang with eyes full of fighting spirit, and said firmly: "This subordinate will continue to work hard and strive to defeat him personally the next time we meet!"

"Then you have to work hard—"

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