Lin Qiong smiled, then reached out and patted the "antelope back" on Nilu's lower body, and said, "Nilu, defeat him."


The docile lamb Nilu nodded gently, she slowly raised the spear in her hand, pointed the tip of the spear at Bailegang in front, and said softly: "Mr. No. 20 Blade, please don't die— —”


Bailegang was furious, and reprimanded: "Who do you think this old man is? Your attack like this can't even break through the black mist of this old man's body protection!"

Nilu didn't quarrel with Bailegang, she just calmly gathered the energy in her hands and said, "Royal Shootout·Quartet!"

The shadows of the four guns overlapped, breaking through the black mist in front of Bailegang in an instant, and then concentrated on his abdomen, flying him for hundreds of meters, and turned into the most beautiful object in the sky with a "boom". mushroom cloud.


Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, and said to himself: "Thinking about it carefully, Bailegang's figure can barely be called a 'fat man', right?"

It's a pity that Miss Know everything is not around, so no one can understand Lin Qiong's wicked jokes, which makes him feel a little lonely.


"Hey, are you kidding me?"

Harribel, who covered the lower half of her face with her collar, had a drop of cold sweat on her forehead. She looked at Bailegang, who was submerged in spiritual pressure, and then at Nelly, who was not blushing and not panting. Ai Lu couldn't help but said: "Is the broken face so curly? It's also the No.30 blade. How can you embarrass me like this?"

She, the only officially designated female Vastod, has been deflated from her debut to the future and has never been domineering. Thank you Eggplant.

Unlike Harribel's shame, Neutra's whole body is going crazy.

"Why why why why—"

His eyes...oh, he only had one eye, and that was one eye that was red. Panting like an ox, he looked at the heroic Nilu and made a hysterical voice: "Pray, Holy Crying Mantis!!!"

The next moment, Neutra, who turned on Returning Blade, rushed towards Nilu crazily. Nilu, the reckless attacker holding a sickle in four hands—but what makes people feel sad is that his sickle waved Cutting on Nilu's armor, except for the crisp sound of metal collisions, did not cause the slightest damage to Nilu.

"Why ah ah—"

Neutra shouted unwillingly: "It was like this hundreds of years ago, and it will be like this again after hundreds of years!! Nelliel, you should die, you should die—"

He has clearly surpassed the original Nelliel, why did the other party change suddenly, but returned to him with a more powerful posture! ?Why!Why! !

Unwillingness, envy, jealousy, hatred...

Numerous negative emotions rushed into Neutra's heart, biting his self-esteem like insects and ants, gnawing at his pride, and corroding his heart.

"Why, you can't just disappear in front of me honestly——"

Niluailu looked at Neutra with a sad face, and she said softly: "If I hadn't met A Qiong, I might really have completely disappeared in front of you, but..."

Sorry, now I want to fight for Aqiong.

She completely ignored Neutra's crazy attack, and gently raised her right hand, but when she raised it halfway, she seemed to think of something, put down the spear again, and raised her own left hand.

Neutra widened her eyes and asked, "Nelliel, what do you mean?"

Nilu aimed her palm at Neutra, and a pink energy gathered in her palm—this kind of wave is very familiar to all the Ten Blades present.

It's a false flash.

"Woman ahhh!!!"

Neutra understood, and because of this, he felt unparalleled shame and insult: "What do you mean!? Why, why did you put down your weapon and attack me with a false flash!!!"

The next moment, the pink flash flooded Neutra's body, and the high-quality spiritual pressure impact instantly crushed his steel skin and burned his body.

A few seconds later, the pink flash disappeared, revealing Neutra, who looked like an acquaintance in Hiroshima, covered in scorched black and exuding heat—his mouth was wide open, his right eye was white, and he had lost consciousness.


Grimmjow not far away looked at this scene, and his whole body went numb—fuck you, Nuo Laowu couldn't even catch a false flash?Are you kidding me or are you kidding me? ?

Neutra's steel skin is notoriously hard. His (Ge Lao Liu)'s normal attack does not break the defense, but he was hit unconscious by the opponent's false flash...

Are you off?

Can't have fun, can you?

"Tut tut-"

Lin Qiong shook his head, looked at Neutra who fell on the ground with some disappointment, and said, "Isn't this Neutra? I haven't seen you in a few months, why are you so dragged?"

In fact, it is not surprising that such a result is caused.

Originally, the strength of Ten Blades was between the fourth and fifth, but there was a precipitous decline-why let the little mantis be only Yachukas, and the top four are all Varstord?

Nilu herself is a Valstord-level Daxu. After recovering her fighting power in her heyday, she further evolved into a Void God, and then used Swastika.

Come on, she can touch Stark now, one blade at a time, is it difficult?

It's not difficult at all.

Seeing that the little mantis ignored him, Lin Qiong shook his head in disappointment, then turned his attention to the other Ten Blades, and said with a smile: "Is there anyone else who wants to compete?"

no response.


Lin Qiong scratched his head in distress, and added: "How about this? If you don't send Stark, we promise not to actively use Nelliel, how about it?"

Stark: "?"

Old Xianyu saw that everyone's eyes were on him, he quickly waved his hands, then covered Lilinette's mouth, who was about to speak, and said with a dry smile: "Don't look at me, my old cold legs broke out this morning , now the pain is so severe that I can’t even move.”


This is the first time I heard that the Vastord class Daxu has old cold legs. This is a problem brought back from this world, right?

"Hey, speaking of old cold legs—"

Lin Qiong sighed, touched his waist, then staggered to Stark's side, sat down on Stark's buttocks under the gaze of the other party, and said: "I have a protruding disc in my waist recently and it hurts." It’s amazing, I’ll take a break too.”

'This guy, a fellow--'

Stark raised his hand and scratched his hair, and was about to speak when he was interrupted by Lin Qiong's movements.

"Want one?"

Lin Qiong was holding a pack of freshly torn shrimp crackers in his hand. He pointed the gap at Stark and said solemnly: "The specialty I brought from this world tastes very good."

Stark was silent for two seconds, then reached out with Lilinette, picked up one and put it in his mouth.


Eat well!

Chapter 0374 Dental down

"Ding Ding Ding-"

In the desert outside the Xuye Palace, the False Gods brought by Lin Qiong are competing with the lower-ranked members of the Ten Blades——

Lugia faced off against Lao Jiu;

Bridget faced off against Lao Ba;

Kabensis faced the old seven;

Boqi met the sixth child;

Palukh, who moved a step slower, was squatting and drawing circles beside Neutra and Bailegang who were lying dead (not dead).

Harribel and Ulquiola had already returned to the Palace of the Void, and they didn't want to continue participating in this boring party.

On the other side, Lin Qiong, Stark, Lilinette, and Yami are forming a circle, happily eating the food that Lin Qiong brought out——


Yami raised his head, poured the whole pack of Latiao into his mouth, then chewed the food in his mouth with a happy face, and laughed loudly: "Wow hahaha, this one is called 'Latiao' Things, I really like it! Boy, I like you too, thief hahaha—"

"Oh, I didn't expect you to like spicy food." Lin Qiong held a pack of dried mangoes in his hand, gnawing on them, and said, "Stark doesn't dare to eat at all."

"forgive me."

Stark raised his hands dumbfounded, and said, "I really can't handle that kind of thing, I'd better eat snow cakes honestly."

"Tch, you are worthy of being the tenth blade?"

Yami showed a rather disdainful expression, and mercilessly mocked: "Your subordinate officials can eat spicy food better than you! Are you a man?"

Stark glanced at Lilinite, who was eating Weilong's kiss, and scratched his cheek in distress, but before he could explain, his adjutant—and part of his split soul—Lilinite Te mercilessly added insult to injury and mocked: "That's right! This kiss-and-sear is not spicy at all, so I can eat it, but Stark doesn't even dare to touch the spicy chicken!"


Stark wrinkled his face, revealing a painful mask: "Lilinette, you can't say that..."

Before he could finish his explanation, he was interrupted by Yami's hearty laughter: "Hahaha, thief, you are right! You don't even dare to eat such snack-level spicy sticks! Star Ke, catch more!"


Stark sighed, he leaned back on the chair behind him, then lazily threw two candies into his mouth, and looked melancholy at the dark sky.

Tired, destroy it, hurry up.

Lin Qiong looked at Ya Mi teasingly, and asked, "Ho Ho, Ya Mi, so you are very brave?"

Yami, who swallowed the spicy strips in his mouth, patted his chest, and said arrogantly: "Just kidding! I'm super brave, okay?"


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then with a smile on his face, he elbowed Ding Yami's flanks, and said, "Then I have some good things here, it depends on whether you dare to eat them or not."


Ya Mi showed an expression of interest, he lowered his body, leaned in front of Lin Qiong, and said eagerly, "Better than what I'm eating now?"


Lin Qiong suddenly showed a disdainful expression. He pointed to the dog-shaped Pomian next to Yami who was burying his head in showing off the chicken nuggets——Kukabro—and said: "If the spicy strips you are eating now are If it’s at this level, then what you’ll eat next, well, at least it’s at the ten-blade level!”

Although Kukaburo is a broken face, it is too weak, so weak that Lin Qiong suspects that it can't even defeat the sixth-year student of the Zhenyang Academy of Spiritual Art.


Yami, who knows exactly how good his subordinate officer is, suddenly became interested. He wiped the spicy oil at the corner of his mouth with his thumb, then rubbed his hands excitedly, and said, "Interesting! It's so interesting! Hahahaha, come on!" , show me something—”

"Don't worry, don't worry—"

Lin Qiong waved his hand. He slowly took a few large bottles of milk from his backpack and put them on the table. Then he took out a large box of ice cubes and put them next to him. Finally, he put a bag of freshly opened toilet paper.

Ya Mi was a little puzzled and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm protecting you—"

Lin Qiong raised his fingers solemnly and said: "Milk contains protein, which can quickly dissolve chili oil and prevent you from being too hot to belch; ice cubes can relieve your pain; paper is for you to wipe your saliva and nasal discharge of--"

"Pfft haha-"

Lilynette on the side laughed out loud because of the scene in her mind of filling her teeth with spicy saliva and snot flying from her nose.

"Huh!? Are you looking down on me!?"

Yami's eyebrows suddenly stood up. He looked at Lin Qiong angrily and said angrily: "Get all these things away from me! I, Yami, if I eat the next thing, I will just take a sip of water." I am the dog!”

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help applauding, he gave Yami a thumbs up from the bottom of his heart, and said, "Really man! Bang hard! Awesome! Admire!"

A series of rainbow farts made Yami even happier. He glanced triumphantly at the Stark who was smashing beside him, and then urged: "Quick, take out the things!"

Lin Qiong patted three red boxes with skulls on the table, and said, "Entry-level potato chips, expert-level lollipops, and master-level gummy bears."

By the way, this thing is an advanced version that Lin Qiong asked Liu Maoxing to make with ingredients from the gourmet world. The spiciness of potato chips is 4500 million, the spiciness of lollipops is 9000 million, and the spiciness of gummy bears is 2 million. The spiciness level is [-] million.

hold head high?You ask why Lin Qiong prepared these things?

This is prohibited!

"Pfft haha-"

After seeing that Lin Qiong took out such a few cute little things in a serious manner, Lilinette suddenly laughed out of her stomach: "You said it was so scary, but what you took out turned out to be such a cute little thing." thing!"

Gummy bears!

Even Yami couldn't hold back anymore, he looked at Lin Qiong suspiciously, and said, "Boy, are you kidding me on purpose?"

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