Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said angrily, "Can you stop judging hotness by its appearance? Don't underestimate it just because it's just a cute gummy bear, okay?"

"Thief hahaha, I really look down on it!"

Yami let out a wild laugh. With a look of disdain, he pinched the gummy bear on the table with his fingers and said, "I remember you said that this thing is the hottest one, right?"

"You're not going to eat it directly, are you?"

Lin Qiong showed a worried expression on purpose, and dissuaded him: "I suggest that you should take it step by step. If you find that you can't bear it, you can stop in time!"

As if stimulated by something, Yami blew his beard and stared and said, "Can't bear it? You actually said I can't bear it?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored Lin Qiong's (hypocritical) stop, raised his head and threw the gummy bear into his mouth, then chewed with disdain, and shouted in his mouth: "Cut, I want to see you How powerful is this nagging thing that you are talking about—it is nothing more than that, I even think it is a little sweet!"

Yami's expression at this time is exactly the same as that gangster squatting on the side of the road and yelling "Yelu dies bitterly" on the neon street. His indifferent expression made Lilinette look suspiciously at He turned to Lin Qiong and asked, "Hey, is this really spicy?"

"It's not overtly hot, but it lasts."

Lin Qiong put the potato chips and lollipops on the table into his backpack - it seemed that these things prepared for A Jian and Feng Wang were of no use for the time being.

"real or fake?"

Lilynite looked at Yami who was chewing suspiciously. Just as she was about to question, she saw Yami's chewing speed suddenly stopped.


Lilinette regained her spirits, she couldn't wait to get close to Yami, and asked: "Hey, big man, are you hot?"

"No, no."

Yami's forehead burst out with bulging blue veins. He grabbed his thighs with both hands, and with firm eyes and a determined expression, he insisted: "One! Point! Also! No! Spicy!"


Lin Qiong, Lilinite and Stark next to them silently looked at Yami's forehead covered with sweat, as well as the other person's face that was gradually turning red, and the mucus slowly flowing out from under his nose...

"Not spicy, really."

Yami is still having a hard time talking.

Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing. He looked at Lilinette and said, "Lily, believe it or not, if Yami is killed by the god of death one day, he will definitely have this mouth left."


Lilinite, who was poked at the point of laughter, fell to the ground laughing.

According to Yami's usual bad temper, if he was teased like this by Lin Qiong, he would have designated Bangbang to give Lin Qiong two punches, but he really had no time to care about it now - that gummy bear was about to turn into Putin in his mouth now He was jumping, and a severe burning and tingling came from his mouth, so hot that his consciousness began to blur.

Incidentally, at this moment, Ya Mi knew something cold - it turns out that Daxu's steel skin only exists on the skin surface, and does not exist in the mouth.


After holding on for a few seconds, under the gaze of the three of Lin Qiong, Ya Mi fell with his head up and completely lost consciousness.

"Hey, Stark—"

Seeing this scene, Lilynite couldn't help but widen her eyes. She couldn't help but look at Lao Yi and asked nervously: "He won't really be burned to death, right?"

"It's not that it's not—"

Stark waved his hand and said with a strange expression: "I probably just fainted from the spicy food - but, Brother Qiong, was the food you took out spicy? You actually knocked down a person easily." Ten blades.”

Lin Qiong raised his hand and scratched his face, then showed a subtle and awkward expression, and said: "Actually, Yami's gummy bear is a special prank prop. Although its spiciness exceeds the limit, as long as you drink milk You can quickly relieve the spicy, but..."

After all, it was used to defraud Ah Jian and Feng Wang, how could it really cause harm to the body?The high degree of spiciness is just to break the defense.

Stark also understood Lin Qiong's subtext. He looked at Yami who fell on the ground dumbfounded, and said, "However, he refused to drink milk for the sake of face, so he was forced to faint? This is really... ..."


Chapter 0375 Who is not interested in black history?

One yami fell, and thousands of yami stood up—this kind of thing didn't happen.

It's just that there is one more "corpse" that Paluk needs to guard.

"Speaking of—"

With a squid whisker in his mouth, Lin Qiong looked at Lilinette who was kicking Stark in front of him, and said vaguely: "Your way of getting along is so strange, it's the first time I've seen it. A subordinate officer who dares to kick ten blades."

The other subordinate officials of Ten Blades don’t even dare to refute their superiors, let alone kicking their own boss. The buzzing.

"Humph, that's because my relationship with Stark is different."

Lilinette turned around, put her left hand on her hip, and said casually, "I'm in a relationship of one mind!"

"One mind and one body..."

Lin Qiong chewed on these four words, and then seemed to understand something. He looked at Stark with shocked eyes and said, "So that's it, a combination of decadent uncle x lively lolita? I just didn't expect you to be like this." I really can’t tell the relationship…”

Stark: "?"

Stark: "#"

He looked at Lin Qiong with twitching corners of his mouth, and said angrily, "Hey, hey, where are you going? My relationship with Lilinette is not what you think!"

Lilinette looked at Stark blankly, and asked, "Hey, Stark, what did he mean?"

"I understand, I understand! You are afraid of the FBI, right?" Lin Qiong winked at Stark with an "I understand you" look on his face and said, "Don't worry, the old Americans can't control Hueco Mundo!"

"That's not true! You listen to me!" Stark looked at Lin Qiong with a black line on his face and said, "Lilinite was split with a fragment of my soul when I broke through on my own. Individuals that come out—that’s what I mean by one mind!"

"That's right!"

Although she couldn't understand what Lin Qiong said just now, Lilinette understood Stark's explanation. She put her hands on her hips and said with a high air: "I and this idiot are of the same mind!"

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin, looked at the two of them thoughtfully, and said, "So this is self-inflicted or self-sufficient or child support..."

"So that's not the relationship!"

Stark felt annoyed for the first time in a long time. He gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Qiong and said, "You guys actually know everything. You just said that on purpose, right?"

"No? You don't care about Qiongqiong?"

Lin Qiong blinked, then glanced at the competition that was coming to an end, and said with a smile: "It seems that they are about the same, so let's end the party today."

"Eh? Are you leaving?"

Lilinite looked at Lin Qiong with some reluctance—I have to say that Lin Qiong, who has a gentle personality (in Lilinite's opinion), is really a clean stream in the noodles, and there are so many delicious snacks, Give her a "made friend" feeling.

"Well, if Lilinette is reluctant to part with me..."

Lin Qiong looked at Lilinette's pitiful expression, and couldn't help but glanced at Stark who was scratching his head, and said, "If there is a chance, let Stark take you to the place where I live—I I will bring out more delicious snacks to entertain you!"


Lilinette suddenly showed a surprised expression, she waved her hand enthusiastically towards Lin Qiong, and said, "Then we have made an appointment! Don't go back on your word!"

"Haha, don't worry—"

Lin Qiong waved his back to Lilinite, then followed by Nilu, walked towards the direction of the "battlefield", leaving behind Stark who was jumping on Stark's body, and then sandwiched his legs waist, shaking his shoulders, shouting "Stark, let's go to his house next time" Lilinette.


Castle in the Sky.

"In the end, you really just went to visit us?"

After the eldest lady listened to Lin Qiong's talk about this event, she couldn't help but complain: "I thought you would poach a few Arrancar corners along the way - I have reviewed the Shinigami again in the past few days, don't you think Are those three-digit numbers easier to poach?"

"Three digits..."

Lin Qiong rubbed his head, recalling the Arrancars who appeared in the plot, "Oh, you mean the ones Ichigo and the others fought against when they first entered Hueco Mundo?"

Ichigo and Nilu met one, Uryū and Peixue met one, and Chadat met the last one.

"That's right! Don't you think it's easy to poach someone who is pursuing three-digit power?"

The eldest lady took a sip of the black tea, and then said gracefully: "Aizan can't give them stronger power, but we can."

"Next time, definitely next time."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, he lazily fell on the eldest lady's lap, rubbed his face, felt the touch of the stockings, and said, "I've worked hard enough today, I need to take a break Already!"

King Feng, who was squatting on the shelf of the coffee table, couldn't help complaining: "I can smell your laziness here, how dare you say you worked hard enough?"


Lin Qiong turned his head and stared at the Phoenix King squatting on the bird stand with an unkind expression, and said: "You glittering toucan knows how to hammer! Did I think I was squatting here eating all day long like you? Be careful to become so fat that you can’t even fly!”

"You guys, you said this taboo word again!"

The bird feathers all over Feng Wang's body exploded, she squatted on the crossbar, spread her wings, and screamed: "Today, I will let you know why the flowers are so red!"

"Ouch, why don't you teach me why the glittering toucan has dark circles under its eyes!"

Lin Qiong said with merciless venom: "Did he get beaten by Lugia? Thinking about it carefully, Lugia seems to be able to learn the mind hammer."

"Bastard! Who told you that I can't beat Lugia!" Feng Wangjiang was furious, "I am Feng Wang, the god of life and fire! A first-level god in Chengdu! I can't beat Lugia? What a joke! "

Lin Qiong plucked his ears indifferently, and then said absently: "Someone is in a hurry, but I won't say who it is."

The eldest lady who was acting as a knee pillow covered her mouth and turned away her eyes. She didn't want to be involved in the verbal battle between Lin Qiong and Feng Wang.

"Ha? Ha! Ha!? Who is in a hurry, ah!? Who is in a hurry, who is in a hurry, who is in a hurry!"

Feng Wang, who was like a king in a hurry, jumped on the spot angrily, and she shouted: "Tell me, who is in a hurry, who is in a hurry, and who is in a hurry, you say it, you say it!"

Even the secretary couldn't hold back at this moment, she secretly wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and said in the bottom of her heart: "Lord Feng Wang, you are not in a hurry, so what is a hurry?"You are about to become a phoenix king and become a frozen bird—"

"I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry, I'm the king in a hurry—" Lin Qiong hugged the young lady's legs with excellent touch, and then buried his face in the stockings and took a deep breath, and said in a muffled voice: " I'm the one who can't beat Lugia, I'm so anxious, I can't beat Lugia——"

The eldest lady stroked Lin Qiong's hair, then looked at Feng Wang with a strange expression, and thought: "Qion has a hand in yin and yang, and Feng Wang is about to become a ball of anger—"

Phoenix King: ヽ(Д)ノ

Her body grew so angry that she flapped her wings and hovered above Lin Qiong, saying, "You are here to be angry with me today, aren't you?"


After Lin Qiong raised his right hand and let Feng Wang fall on it naturally, he turned his head slowly, looked at Feng Wang standing on his finger, and said, "I'm just curious, what is the relationship between you and Rogia?" What happened during that time that made you so hostile to her."

Not only will the bird-shaped Daxu be forced to change its name to Lugia, but the Phoenix King will blow his hair like an exaggeration whenever Lugia's name is mentioned--no, it's not like you have any other fights between two birds, In the end, Rogia took away your lover, right?

Where did you come from, Mrs. Lost Dog?

"You guy, curiosity was born in a place where curiosity shouldn't be -" Feng Wang stared at Lin Qiong fiercely and said: "That is related to my dark history. Do you think I will tell you?" Do you listen?"

"Well, it involves dark history, which is indeed a bit troublesome..."

Lin Qiong thought for a few seconds and then suggested: "By the way, I have a bold proposal. Do you dare to accept it?"

Feng Wang looked at Lin Qiong vigilantly, and said, "What kind of moth are you planning to do?"

The secretary also looked at Lin Qiong with some suspicion: "Master, please tell me your proposal first."


Lin Qiong didn't hesitate, he smiled and said: "My proposal level is—Qiang Qiang, black history is revealed!"

"Huh?" x3

"Didn't Feng Wang say that? The past between her and Rogia is related to her black history, right?" Lin Qiong said confidently: "Then we all expose a black history, right? That's even gone?"


King Feng, the secretary and the eldest lady looked at each other.

"I, I forget it?"

The secretary sneered, and she cautiously moved towards the door, saying, "Well, I'm not that interested in the dark history of your lords..."

Seeing the secretary's reaction, Lin Qiong and the young lady looked at each other with bright eyes.

"Jie Jie—"

Lin Qiong dodged and blocked the door, then looked at the secretary with a wicked smile and said: "Secretary, your reaction like this only proves that the dark history you want to hide is something very serious! "

"That's right, that's right—"

The eldest lady also had a playful smile on her face, she put her hands in front of her body, and looked at the secretary with fangs and claws, "Fei Shazi, what kind of dark history are you trying to hide? Hehehe, let me ask you carefully." Let's go!"

"No, no..."

The secretary who was imprisoned by Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady who was getting closer, and shook her head tearfully, "Miss, you, don't come here! Lord Fengwang, help me!!"

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