Hearing the cries for help, Feng Wang looked away guiltily, then pecked at the melon seeds on the table as if nothing had happened, and said apologetically in his heart: "Sorry, little girl, whoever told me to treat your black History is a little bit interesting--'

Chapter 0376 Reasons for Quarrels at the Kindergarten Level

"Wooooow, it's too much, it's too much——"

The secretary knelt down on the ground with disheveled clothes, as if she were an innocent girl who was raped by the evil young man like this and then this and then this and that - but in fact, the real young master was sitting at the table eating spicy rice cakes at this time, and The one who did such a shameful...I mean evil deed is the young master's lover.


The eldest lady's face was refreshed and rosy, and she moved her fingers with endless aftertaste, and said with emotion: "It's no wonder Qiong loves it so much every time, so it turns out that rubbing someone else feels so good?" ?”

Lin Qiong: "?"

Is this something you can say?

Secretary: "!"

Is this something I can listen to?

The eldest lady, who was completely unaware of the abnormality between the two, did another move that made Lin Qiong almost spit out the rice cake in her mouth, and made the secretary almost bite off her tongue—she stuck her left hand into her clothes , and then directly started to feel the touch of his own.

Σ( ° △ °|||)

Lin Qiong and the secretary stared at the eldest lady in amazement, what are you doing! !


The eldest lady was sitting on her knees on the floor, with her eyes closed and her brows furrowed. She placed her hands on both sides of her body like claws, moving them in turn, apparently reminiscing about the previous touch.

After a long time, the eldest lady opened her eyes, folded her hands on her chest, and gave a serious evaluation: "My elasticity is better, but Feisha's is softer——"

The secretary's face was so red that she almost burst out of lava. She fell down on the carpet with a thump, and then wailed: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.com," said the Secretary. !”

Lin Qiong also wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with some shame, and said, "No, Erina, let me think about it, our nightlife should be relatively happy, right?"

He recalled the nightlife, the young lady's eyes that seemed to be overflowing with water, and the words whispered in his ear when he was emotional, made his thoughts more certain.

So he continued: "So I see no reason for you to step into that forbidden garden, do you?"

Originally, when the eldest lady heard Lin Qiong mentioning nightlife, she was still a little shy and emotional, her eyes became moist, and her legs rubbed unconsciously, but when she heard the second half of Lin Qiong's sentence, After speaking, a question mark was raised at that time.


She looked at Lin Qiong blankly and couldn't help but ask: "What are you talking about? What kind of forbidden garden?"

"Lily Garden."


The eldest lady came to her senses, blushed and hit Lin Qiong's shoulder twice with her fist, and said, "What nonsense are you talking about! I don't have that kind of emotion!"

Lin Qiong: "Ah—"

Secretary: "Ah..."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at the secretary and couldn't help but said: "No, why do I feel there is a pity in your tone? Are you really from over there?"

"No, no, no!"

The secretary hurriedly waved her hands, and she stammered: "I, I, I, although I do seem to have a little bit of admiration for Missy, but I have absolutely no interest in that!"

"Good guy! Secretary, let me tell you quietly, in the real world punctuation marks are free -" Lin Qiong smacked his lips, then crossed his arms and muttered: "But to be honest, Secretary, you are The performance from the 1th minute on in the second episode of Shokuge no Soul makes it hard for me to believe what you say!"

By the way, in the scene that Lin Qiong said, the eldest lady asked the secretary if she wanted to taste her new dishes, and the secretary was very shy and looking forward to it.


After the eldest lady on the side thought about this plot, she suddenly showed a gloating smile. But before her smile could bloom, Lin Qiong added: "Speaking of which, it seems that it was in that episode that the news was exposed. The first sentence of Erina's life seems to be that milk is not good?"


The eldest lady couldn't stop laughing.

She glared at Lin Qiong, then took the secretary's hand, and snorted, "Fei Shazi, let's go! Elope! Don't be such an idiot—"

"Oh wow-"

Feng Wang was overjoyed, she landed on Lin Qiong's shoulder, and gloated: "Something happened, something happened! Your wife doesn't want you anymore, eh~"

"You're a real dog."

Lin Qiong flicked Feng Wang's head with his fingers, then reached out and grabbed the hand of the eldest lady, pulled her into his arms, and bowed his head for a passionate kiss.


Under the fierce sound effects, the secretary's face turned red and she opened her fingers to cover her eyes, and then she watched the saliva exchange so close to her with all her strength.

'Is this, is this something I can see? '

The secretary's breathing became rapid, she showed a difficult and shaken expression, and with a final cruel move, she put her hand down.

After about ten minutes, Lin Qiong let go of the waist of the young lady who was so soft that she seemed to have no bones, let her lean on his body, then brushed her hair with her left hand, and said, "Huh, a secretary !"

Secretary: "?"

I feel like I was scolded, but it seems like I wasn’t?


The secretary was furious, but to no avail.

"All right--"

Lin Qiong wiped the water stains from the corners of his mouth, then sat down on the ground holding the limp young lady, and then looked at Feng Wang, who was almost full after eating melons for a long time, and said with a smile: "Feng Wang Sauce, come on, show me!"

King Feng: "?"

Seeing her confused expression, Lin Qiong couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and said, "Have you forgotten? We just said that we want to communicate with each other about black history."

King Feng: "!"

She froze for a moment and asked, "No, you mean, let me come first?"

Lin Qiong nodded as a matter of course, "Otherwise?"

Feng Wang sneered, and said: "Based on what I know about you, you can definitely do such a thing as making a strange smile and then running away after I finished talking about the dark history!"


Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang in shock: "I didn't expect you to know me so well!"

The secretary was startled: "Hey——young master, are you really going to do this!" '

King Feng was shocked: "I'll blanch it, I just said it casually, are you really planning to do this?"


Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and he said angrily: "Erina and Secretary are also participating in this 'Black History Exchange Challenge'! What should I do with them if I run away? I still have some responsibility for this, okay! "

"Oh oh oh-"

King Feng couldn't help but give Lin Qiong a thumbs up with flames and said, "I'm very impressed with you!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He frowned: "Although you seem to be praising me, why do I feel that you are scolding me?"

"It's just your illusion!" Feng Wang turned his gaze away after making a quibble, and said, "Do you really want to know why I have such a big conflict with Rogia?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said, "Actually, I don't really want to know that much."

"You bastard, you're damned, you're going to die!" Feng Wang jumped up angrily, and she said cursingly: "I'm already mentally prepared to narrate, you say this to me now!? Should you die—”

Seeing Feng Wang's uncomfortable yuppie appearance, Lin Qiong burst out laughing, and the secretary beside him couldn't bear to look straight at him and covered his face with that unbearable laughter.

Young master, you will be beaten sooner or later for being so cheap.

"Are you listening!"

Phoenix King asked fiercely.

"I listen."

Lin Qiong sat upright, and then said meekly.

Seeing this, King Feng glared at him, then coughed dryly and emphasized: "I'll explain in advance that you are not allowed to laugh after listening to this - if you laugh, I will chase you to the ends of the world and peck your head off! "

"Ah this..."

Lin Qiong scratched his head, he suddenly raised his right hand to stop Feng Wang from speaking, then took a deep breath, covered his stomach and fell to the ground and let out a "hahahahaha" laugh—it was just a slightly awkward smile .

Phoenix King: "???"

What kind of neurosis does this guy have? ?

The eldest lady who recovered from the side covered her face, with a look of embarrassment: "This is just a guess, a guess that I don't want to admit—Qiong, you shouldn't be forbidden to laugh out loud because of Fengwang sauce. , so let’s make up for the laugh now, shall we?”

Lin Qiong stopped laughing awkwardly, then sat up, gave the young lady a thumbs up sassyly, and said with a smile: "As expected of my Erina, you really understand me!"

The eldest lady covered her face in despair, and said with complicated emotions: "I don't know how to feel about the fact that I know my boyfriend so well——"

Should I be happy?Or should we be sad?

It was Feng Wang who saved the eldest lady.

With a dirty face, she said in a particularly bad tone: "Are you listening? I won't say anything."

"Listen, of course."

Lin Qiong looked at Feng Wang solemnly, then raised his right hand, indicating that Feng Wang could start his own narration.

Feng Wang cleared his throat, and then said solemnly: "It was a long, long time ago, when Lugia and I lived together in the Chengdu area..."

Listening to Feng Wang's description, the expressions of Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary gradually became more subtle, because the story Feng Wang told was really one, one...

It is comparable to a story of the level of "she used my eraser and didn't tell me when she was in elementary school".

The reason why Fengwang hates Lugia so much is because a long time ago, after seeing the statues of Fengwang and Lugia in the square, a child said very innocently and ignorantly: "Ma Ma, why is Lord Rogia so good-looking, but Lord Feng Wang feels so ugly—"

"...The key is that after hearing this sentence, that fellow Rogia actually burst out laughing! She actually laughed out loud!" Feng Wang's indignant voice carried Crying slightly aggrieved, "I thought of her as my best best friend at the time, but her first reaction after hearing someone call me ugly was to laugh out loud! Isn't that plausible!"

Seeing Feng Wang's righteous indignation, Lin Qiong and others held back their smiles and hurriedly shook their heads.


"Too outrageous!"

"This Rogia is not a good Jimei at all!"

Chapter 0377 Black History Big Self Exposure

After spending a lot of effort, Lin Qiong and the others finally calmed down the "suffering" Phoenix King - probably by cursing Lugia crazily with a united front, cursing her for baldness, athlete's foot, hemorrhoids and... Gastric ulcers, etc.

Anyway, very vicious.


After Feng Wang calmed down, he sniffed aggrievedly, and said, "After that, I never saw her again—after she laughed at me and made me angry, she didn't take the initiative to come to see her." I apologize, is that plausible?"

Missy: "How can this bird do this? It's too bad!"

Secretary: "Morals are low, no bird! It's outrageous!"

Lin Qiong: "Lugia will fart in the future, and there will be no paper in the shit!"

The eldest lady and secretary said: "Okay, what a vicious curse!"

King Feng didn't expect that Lin Qiong would come up with such a curse. After she was stunned for a few seconds, she thought about it and said, "Wouldn't the ocean of our world suffer?"

Rogia lives on the bottom of the sea most of the time, so shouldn't it pollute the sea?

Lin Qiong waved his hands fearlessly, and said, "It's not a big problem, isn't Suicune still here?"

Feng Wang suddenly said: "Oh yes, there is also Suicune, so it's all right."

Suicune: "?"

You are noble, you are amazing, you don’t have to step on the water, right?

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