"Okay, my story is over."

After his mood improved slightly, King Feng sat down on the table, then pecked a melon seed and asked, "Who's next?"

Lin Qiong said without thinking: "Secretary."

The eldest lady also nodded: "Fei Sha Sha."

Fei Shazi: "?"

Pointing to her nose, she said, "Why is it my turn?"

Lin Qiong said matter-of-factly: "Who made you the secretary? Isn't it natural to be squeezed?"

The eldest lady nodded, suppressed a smile and said: "Qiong is right, Fei Shazi can tell the truth!"


The secretary felt that her mentality was a bit unbearable, she clutched her chest and said, "Do you really have to say it?"

The eldest lady thought for a while, and said, "It's okay if you don't say anything."

When the secretary heard the words, she immediately showed a surprised expression, but before she could express her happy emotions, Lin Qiong added: "As long as you can convince Feng Wang."

Secretary: "!?"

She turned her head and looked at Feng Wang, who was staring at her expressionlessly and spread her wings, as if preparing for a bird attack.After thinking about it for a while, she felt that she probably couldn't bear it.


The obedient secretary coughed twice and said, "Okay then, let me tell you a little bit about my childhood."


Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and King Feng stared at the secretary intently, and their look of anticipation almost made the secretary turn around and run away.

Can't you just hide your anticipation and your ready-to-go laughter? ?


The secretary said with a serious face: "After listening to this, you will definitely not be allowed to laugh!"

Lin Qiong: "Yeah, oh, oh, ok."

The eldest lady: "Ah, okay."

Phoenix King: "Uh-huh, uh-huh."

Perfunctory, so fucking perfunctory!

It’s hard, the secretary’s fist is hard!But no one can defeat it, and no one dares to defeat it.

The secretary shed tears of a weakling. She choked and said: "I am too weak and have no power."

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary who was crying secretly, and said without changing his face: "You continue to perform, anyway, we have a lot of time, you can cry here for a day."

'Damn it, the trick has been seen through—'

The secretary clicked his tongue, and then said in a self-defeating manner: "Ah, I said, I just said it—"


Probably when the secretary was four years old, she became obsessed with a magical girl animation, and then spent the whole day imagining that she was the "Melancholy Purple" in it, and even specially changed into purple clothes and held a purple wand. (paper tube), claiming to be a "princess from another world".


"That's it?"

Both of them looked disappointed.

"This is already shameful, right?"

The secretary couldn't help but said: "At the beginning of elementary school, in front of the whole class, I called myself a princess from another world, a witch who has mastered 500 million kinds of magic!"

The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched, and then he pretended to be serious and said, "It's a pity that there is no video, otherwise I can eat three or three bowls of rice with the secretary's mournful voice."

"Master, I beg you—" the secretary covered his face with both hands, and mourned in his heart: "Even if you are a human being, you won't lose a few years of life—"

"Next, you or me first—"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other.


Lin Qiong produced stones, and the eldest lady produced cloth.

"Well, you won—"

Lin Qiong sighed and said, "Then let you speak first."

The eldest lady: "?"

She raised her right foot and kicked Lin Qiong, and said, "Don't play tricks, speak up!"

"Just say it—"

Lin Qiong pursed his lips, and he held the young lady's tender feet in his palm, unconsciously playing with them, while showing a reminiscing expression, and said, "It was probably around the summer vacation of the sixth grade of elementary school... ..."

At that time, when Lin Qiong was playing online games, he met a good brother who was three years older than him. The two had a very good relationship, but because the brother had a second-degree illness, he also brought Lin Qiong into the ditch— - Together, the two made up a story on the Internet about "the parents divorced in childhood, the brothers were forced to separate, and they met unexpectedly through playing online games more than ten years later", and they also made up their own age from 12 years old to [-] years old.

"...Probably so."

Lin Qiong covered his face, looking embarrassed, and said: "The key is that I went to the game forum to post about this story. In the end, others found out that all the photos I and that brother were looking for were Net map.”


The secretary couldn't help sighing, she couldn't help but rubbed her arms with her hands, and said, "If this kind of thing happened to me, I'd probably dig out Yuanyue Academy with my toes."

Lin Qiong laughed dryly and said, "Don't make trouble! That's because of your young age. If it happened now, I guess I could really dig out a month away."

The eldest lady couldn't help laughing and said: "I just didn't expect that Qiong would pass like this—I thought you were not good at salty fish since you were young."

"People will always change—" Lin Qiong propped his chin and said, "To tell you the truth, when I was in school, I still liked to read girls' novels—the kind of love stories about twelve constellations. Category."

Students born in the [-]s will more or less encounter a rental bookstore near school. They only need to become a member and pay some rent, and they can rent the novels they like at a low price of just a few cents a day.

It’s just that at that time Lin Qiong was reading novels for young girls, and he wasn’t very interested in fantasy and fantasy—by the way, Lin Qiong doesn’t like reading fantasy now, he reads fans now.


The secretary's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Master! Since you used to like reading girls' comics, why are your skills at flirting with girls so bad?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Are you polite?

He couldn't help complaining: "That's all the way of teasing girls more than ten years ago-don't you two think I'm handsome in the school square with one hand holding the hanging ladder under the helicopter?"

The eldest lady and the secretary immediately showed disgusted expressions. It seemed that the conventions of those novels were indeed outdated.

"You say something I can understand—"

Feng Wang called out twice in dissatisfaction, she stared at the eldest lady, and said with great interest: "Little girl, it's your turn! Come on, satisfy my desire, Jie Jie!"

Lin Qiong complained: "How many soul hall elders are you eating! Don't make such weird laughter!"

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie!"

Feng Wang stared at Lin Qiong with a face of "I like to call it that, what's the matter", and that frightened look immediately caused a vein to squeeze out of Lin Qiong's forehead.

"Very good." He nodded and said, "Bring Lugia out to play next time."

King Feng replied instantly: "Oh, that's wrong, I admit that I spoke too loudly just now!"

Lin Qiong opened his mouth wide in surprise, and he looked at Feng Wang: "Can't you have some backbone?"

Feng Wang rolled his eyes: "How much is a backbone worth?"

Yes, it has to be you.

Lin Qiong silently gave Feng Wang a thumbs up, and said, "You are amazing, I won't tell you anymore—Erina, now it's your turn!"

'Master Feng Wang, can't you argue with him for a while longer? '

The eldest lady sighed, then glanced at Feng Wang fiercely, and decided to deduct one-tenth of her afternoon snacks.

"Let me think about my dark history——"

The eldest lady struggled for a few seconds, then crossed her arms and said, "Well, it should have been when I was in elementary school..."

Boys in primary schools are very naughty and often like to scare girls with toys shaped like insects and lizards. The eldest lady has a particularly strong temper, so when she found a spider in her hair, she calmly and calmly removed the spider. He caught it in his hand and said disdainfully: "What a childish trick——"

"...In the end, who knew that it wasn't someone else's prank, but a real spider—"

The eldest lady leaned against Lin Qiong with a look of lovelessness, and said dejectedly: "It moved in my palm, and it scared me to tears."


Lin Qiong fantasized about the crying face of the originally cold, calm, and disdainful young lady who found out that the thing in her hand was not a toy but the real thing, and couldn't help laughing.

His laughter immediately made the lady next to him hit him on the shoulder with his fist a few times, and then said angrily: "Really! I didn't laugh at Qiong's dark history, did you?"

Lin Qiong held the eldest lady's fist with his left hand with a smile on his face, then put his right hand around her waist, and whispered in her ear: "I'm not laughing at you? I just thought Erina was too cute when I was a child." , so the good-natured laugh."

The eldest lady who was a little angry just now showed a shy and sweet smile, causing Feng Wang and the secretary to burp at the same time.

Very supportive.

Chapter 0378 Stark's favorability has risen

From Lin Qiong's point of view, even if he invited Stark and Lilinette, with Stark's lazy and sloppy character, maybe he won't be able to wait for these two guests until he wins the virtual circle. But I didn't expect...


Stark, who was sitting on the beach chair, leaned back, took a sip of the rainbow juice, and said helplessly: "Since you left, Lilinette has been yelling in my ear that she wants to come over for a snack—she It's been arguing until now, can you believe it?"

Lin Qiong held up his chin, took a sip of coconut water, then put two potato chips into his mouth, making a crunching sound, and said, "There's nothing wrong with it, right? How happy the child is -"

Not far away from the two of them, Lilinite was playing on the grass with two naughty little girls, Nicole and Zoe. They were going crazy.

Stark held his chin up, sighed, and said, "Indeed, I haven't seen Lilynite so happy for a long time—"

Lin Qiong held the back of his head with both hands, showed a smug smile, and said, "Who made the atmosphere in our Sky City good? As for Xuye Palace? Hey, don't worry about it!"


Stark scratched his face, he tried to defend the organization he belonged to, but he opened his mouth several times, but in the end he could only helplessly shrug his shoulders and said, "Well, you're right—— "

Xuye Palace?Just don’t say it!

"Hey, Old Shi—" Lin Qiong turned sideways and looked at Stark, who was exuding a lazy atmosphere, and said curiously: "You said last time that Lilinette was the time when you broke the face by yourself." Part of the split soul fragment, right? Why would you do that?"

"Well, this..."

Stark scratched his hair and said, "Actually, it's not because of any big reason—the reason why I split Lilinette is because I'm too strong."

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth. He glanced at Stark, who had a natural expression, and thought: 'In a sense, this guy is actually very proud, right?After all, he can keep his expression straight and naturally say things like "I'm too strong." '

Stark looked at Lilinite who was laughing in front of him and said softly: "I was born as a Vashtod, and from the moment I gained consciousness, there were no 'companions' around me."

He turned his head to look at Lin Qiong, and explained: "It's not because I don't want companions, but because no one—even Yachukas—can't bear my spiritual pressure, as long as they get close to me, they will perish. "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lilinette again, and continued: "I long for a companion, but I can't get one! So, when I got the opportunity to break the face by myself, I put part of my soul and part of my spiritual pressure split off and created Lilinette—"

"I see."

Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, he nodded slightly, and said: "No wonder I didn't feel the overwhelming spiritual pressure from you just now - but you are really a unique big salary, They don’t pursue strength, but companions.”

"You're not the first person to say that about me."

Stark put his hands on the back of his head and said indifferently: "But even if I had to choose again, I would still choose Lilinette."

So decadent uncle x poor breasted loli is really good, Jie Jie!

"Actually, I understand you very well! Loneliness is indeed not a very good experience—" Lin Qiong imitated Stark's appearance and held the back of his head with his hands, then looked at the virtual sky above the Sky City, and said softly: "Can It’s such a blessing to have someone by your side.”

Lin Qiong, who had lived alone for a long time, was very qualified to say such lines as "I know what loneliness is" - especially when he was an online author, he still had a reverse schedule day and night, so I could chat with him There are even fewer people!

That feeling of no sound at home in the middle of the night is really too bad.

"You still said that I am very strange, aren't you also very strange?"

Stark glanced at Lin Qiong in surprise, and said, "You are the first person ever to agree with me."

"Hahaha, because I also like my companion very much——"

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