Lin Qiong laughed out loud. He looked at Nicole, Zoe, and Lilinette who were tumbling into a ball with a smile on his face, and said, "Don't you feel healed after seeing such a picture?"

Stark smiled, but did not answer Lin Qiong's words.

Seeing this, Lin Qiong did not continue to dwell on this topic, but instead focused on Lilinette and said, "Stark, you created Lilinette and your own family, but It also creates its own weaknesses."

"I don't think Lilinette is my weakness."

"Oh? If I rushed over and killed Lilinette at this time, would you survive?"

Lin Qiong turned to look at Stark and said calmly: "She is part of your soul, so your life and death are connected, right?"

The originally harmonious atmosphere became stagnant. Stark, who had a relaxed face just now, looked at Lin Qiong with dangerous eyes as if his scales had been touched, and said, "This kind of joke is not funny."

"It seems that my guess was correct."

Lin Qiong didn't seem to feel Stark's warning, but propped his chin with a smile on his face, and said, "Stark, are you confident that you can protect Lilinette for the rest of your life?"

"Did I tell you? I'm strong."

"is it?"

Lin Qiong looked at him and asked: "Since you are very strong, why did you join Xuye Palace? You don't really regard those broken faces as your companions, do you?"


Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Stark fell into silence—no matter how he saw those broken faces, at least the reason he joined Xuye Palace was because he lost to Lan Ran.

So, since there can be a blue dye that defeats him, will there be a second red dye and a third green dye?If an enemy of this level really appeared, he could indeed protect himself, but what about Lilinette?

Looking at Stark who was in deep thought, Lin Qiong showed a smile, then stood up from the chair, and shouted at Lilinette: "Zoe, Nicole, Lilinette, do you want to come and play?" Something interesting?"

Now that he knows that Stark's weakness is Lilinite, then he is too sorry for his untargeted attack!


Sky City, lobby on the first floor.


Accompanied by Lilinette's mournful cry, she, who had almost reached the finish line, was sent into the air by a rocket, and Zoe, who was following her, passed the finish line with a "whoosh" and won the No. .1.

"Yada Thief!"

Zooey raised her hands above her head and let out a cheer, "Beautiful job, Nicole!"

"Hee hee, Nicole is too annoying!"

Nicole high-fived Zoe with a proud look on her face, and then said happily: "Now it's three consecutive victories!"


Lilinite almost cried with anger. She turned her head and looked at Stark who was scratching his head behind her, and said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, Stark! You are not letting yourself go!"

"You think too highly of me—"

Stark looked at Lilinite helplessly and said, "You have to have water to release the water! I haven't even started yet, how can I release the water?"

"Goo! Not reconciled——"

Lilinette was so angry that she was about to bite her handkerchief. She glared at Neeko and Zoe, and shouted, "One more game——Stark, this time, definitely, definitely wins!!"


Stark let out a distressed cry. He stared at the controller in his hand and muttered distressedly: "Why does this thing have so many buttons? And there are so many props - this is too embarrassing for me, a middle-aged man, right? "

Lin Qiong gloated from the side and said, "No way, who made your baby want to play, and you don't have a second baby to accompany her to form a team? Oh ho ho—"

"I hate you more and more now—"

Stark rolled his eyes at Lin Qiong unceremoniously, and said, "If you hadn't brought out this kind of thing, I wouldn't have been rejected."

Lin Qiong picked out his ears indifferently, and said, "Blame me?"

Stark snorted and said with a bad attitude: "Otherwise?"

"Hey, don't blame me then-"

Lin Qiong sneered, waved his hand, and said, "Nicole, make room for me! I'm going to blow up Stark today!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Nicole immediately handed the handle in her hand to Lin Qiong, then hung it on Lin Qiong's shoulder with both hands and feet, flicking her tail excitedly, shouting: "Come on, young master! You are the fattest!"

"You guy..."

Stark tugged at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Lilinite who was full of fighting spirit in front of him, and couldn't help showing a desperate expression - because it was just an individual that he split off, Lilinite's power was particularly weak. Now After finally encountering a game where you can compete with others without relying on strength, you are naturally excited to the point of explosion.

'Ah, damn it! '

Stark gave up struggling, he held the handle (strengthened by Arceus) with both hands, and then roared: "Lilinette, let them see our power!!"

Lilinite glanced at Stark in surprise, as if she didn't expect her lazy dog ​​partner to show his fighting spirit.Then she showed the same excited expression, and shouted: "Ooooh!! Come on, Stark—"

Then, Gorgeous ushered in a three-game losing streak in the second round.

"Aba Aba—"

Stark lay on the ground with a look of despair, and then weakly said to Lilinite: "No, it can't be done! Lilinite, I'm already burned out."

Lin Qiong glanced at Stark lying on the ground and said, "Are you ready to give up?"

"I can't help it! If you keep losing, Lilinette will also feel unhappy, right?"

"I think, rather than being unhappy about losing, maybe the happiness of fighting side by side with you is more—"


After hearing Lin Qiong's words, Stark raised his head, looked at Lilinette who was looking at him silently, scratched his head helplessly, then sat up and sighed: "If you lose, don't kick me. "


Lilinette burst into a smile and said, "I'll bite you to death!"

Stark rolled his eyes, then glanced at Lin Qiong, and said in his heart: "Actually, this guy is surprisingly good——"

Stark's favorability has subtly increased.

Chapter 0379

Maybe I made friends in Sky City that I can play with;

Maybe it's a long absence in Sky City to compete with others;

Perhaps it is possible to fight side by side with Stark in Sky City...

In short, once in the Sky City, Lilinette dragged the (on the surface) reluctant (but still very honest) Stark to come here as a guest every now and then.

After going back and forth, the two sides became more and more familiar with each other.

"Can you do it, little dog?"

Lin Qiong was sitting on the sofa with a popsicle in his mouth, looking at Stark who was being beaten by Mr. Guda, he couldn't help cursing, "You're fucking shield-reversing, will shield-reversal be possible?"

"Don't BB!"

Stark, who has a big food addiction, counterattacked this round, but was overthrown by Mr. Gu Da, and rushed to the street on the spot. Looking at the word "vegetable" that jumped out on the screen, he slapped his thigh in annoyance , and then looked at Bureau Lin Qiong angrily, and said: "Okay, dead! Really, if you don't interrupt, I just passed it, just a little bit-"

"Laughing to death—"

Lin Qiong was overjoyed. He looked at Lilinette who was sitting on the other side of the sofa, and asked, "Lily, how much blood did your Stark beat Teacher Guda just now?"

Lilinite estimated it and said, "About one tenth."

Lin Qiong: "So you call nine-tenths 'a little bit', right?"

"You're sick of—"

Stark handed the controller to Lilinite, then turned over and sat on the sofa, saying, "I just didn't master the technique."

"Come on, you said the same thing an hour ago."

Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, Stark is really a video game rookie, "I have said a hundred times that the shield is reversed, where are you going to roll—what, two people?"

"You can die if you don't say a few words?"

Stark was a little impatient, he glared at Lin Qiong, and said, "Don't think that it's great that you can survive Guda without injury."

"I'm sorry, I'm really amazing."

Lin Qiong looked at Stark with a sullen expression, "If you don't agree, you can show me once?"

Stark snorted: "Just pass it, I'm the tenth blade, I'm afraid you won't make it?"

Lin Qiong laughed extravagantly, mockingly: "You haven't passed Guda in three hours, you can't keep up with the refund at this speed, do you understand?"

A master player can get through Black Soul 3 once and get a two-hour BUG refund by the way. A rookie like you can’t make it through the first scene in three hours. What about the hammer?


Watching the two of them play games all morning on the sofa, and dying all morning, when Lin Qiong was yawning a little, Stark finally passed Mr. Guda.

"it is good!"

Lilinette waved her hands excitedly and said, "Stark, you did a good job!"

Stark looked at Lin Qiong happily, and said, "See? This is strength!"

'Four and a half hours past Gouda, you're ashamed to say—'

Lin Qiong plucked his ears, then thought for a while, and said, "Next, we're going to the High Wall of Lothric, but we need to obtain a key item first."

Stark believed it, and asked, "What props?"

"You go to the left here, yes. Did you see the one at the bottom of the tower with the sword?"

Lin Qiong feels that he is really a kind person, "He is the key enemy of this game, and the props dropped by him must be used in the subsequent plot."

Stark did not doubt his presence, nodded and said, "I understand."

Lin Qiong pretended to be worried: "This enemy is very strong."

Stark, who just defeated Guda, was particularly swollen: "I have passed Guda, what am I afraid of? Who can give me death?"

Then he was sent away by Brother Da Dao.

Stark: "?"

Looking at Lin Qiong's deliberate mocking eyes, Stark said stiffly: "It was a mistake just now! You understand the mistake, right? I am an expert who has passed Guda, how could I not get past such a mob?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said he believed it, and then encouraged: "Come on, you can do it!"

Lilinite, who had given up on Black Soul long ago, was holding a 3DS, concentrating on playing Ultimate Sun—by the way, Lin Qiong only had Ultimate Sun in his hand, why?Because the limited Pokémon of Ultra Moon is Lugia.

Feng Wang, everyone understands everything.

In this way, under Lin Qiong's watchful eyes, Stark ate in front of Brother Da Dao for three hours, and the whole face was suspected of being false.

He looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Didn't you tell me that Guda is the strongest enemy in this game, as long as you pass him, no one will be my enemy in this game?"

Lin Qiong looked at him blankly: "Did I say that?"

'That's how I knew it was a badass. Stark sighed, he silently put the controller on the table, and said, "I'm not playing anymore, I'm going back——Lilinette, save a file, we'll play again next time."

"Oh, right now!"

Lilinite skillfully controlled the Western Lion Sea Ren to kill the wild Pokémon in front of her and saved the file, then turned off the 3DS, then quickly jumped on Stark's back and said, "Let's come over tomorrow ?”

Stark shook his head while opening the black cavity, and said, "No, I won't be able to come here until three days later."

Lilinette seemed to have remembered something, and after saying oh, she stopped repeating the matter of coming back tomorrow.

A question mark popped up in Lin Qiong's head. He knew how stubborn Lilinette was, but why was he so easy-talking today that Stark calmed him down with a word?

Just when he was confused, Stark's head popped out of the black cavity again. He looked at Lin Qiong and said embarrassedly: "Oh, I forgot to tell you - I have been a little diligent recently. , I accidentally alerted my immediate boss, so he will probably come over with me next time."

After speaking, he closed the black cavity.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He froze for two seconds, and then realized who Stark's "immediate boss" was——then isn't he little Lanlan?

"Gan, couldn't you tell me such important information earlier?"


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