
After learning that the city of the sky has entered Aizen's field of vision, everyone...

Everyone should eat and drink.

"Afraid of hammers."

Miss Wanshitong trimmed her fingernails with nail clippers with a look of disdain, and said, "Lanran's biggest reliance is nothing but the magic trick—do you believe that he can use the trick to hypnotize me?"

Although Miss Wanshitong can only display twice Lin Qiong's strength due to the restriction of the world-transmitting gate, where is the strength of her soul?Aizen took his head to hypnotize her.

"That's all right."

After getting the information from Miss Know-It-All, Lin Qiong immediately showed an arrogant expression, waiting for Aizen to come to his door.

In this way, three days passed.

With the opening of Heiqiang again, a group of four people appeared in front of Lin Qiong.

The leader was dressed in a black Grim Reaper outfit with a white captain's cape and black-rimmed glasses on his face. He looked elegant and gentle. It was Aizen Soyousuke;

On his left side is a man with short silver hair and a cunning fox-like smile. His dress is exactly the same as Aizen's, and he exudes a suspicious aura. It is Ichimaru Gin.

As for the other two, it was naturally Salted Fish Stark and his follower Lilinette.

"Hey, Lao Shi!"

Lin Qiong waved towards him, then turned his attention to Aizen, the leader, and said curiously: "This is the immediate boss you mentioned three days ago - oh, when did Xuye Palace let the God of Death take charge? Already?"

"Oh, Captain Aizen, it seems that this new Mr. Broken Face doubts your strength—"

Ichimaru Gin said with a look of fear that the world would not be chaotic: "Why don't you show off your skills and let the other party know your strength?"

"Don't say that, Silver."

Aizen's magnetic voice, which seemed to be able to control pregnancy by voice, sounded slowly, and said arrogant lines in a humble voice: "Before the frog at the bottom of the well realizes the vastness of the sky, it has been immersed in the world the size of the well mouth, and it is inevitable that there will be This situation."

"Tsk tsk, otherwise it's Aizen, who speaks forcefully—"

Lin Qiong sighed in his heart, then looked at Stark, and asked, "You boss is so arrogant! The last time I saw a person who spoke so arrogantly, he was beaten four times after walking 100 meters—— "

Aizen stopped talking, the cold virtual sun shone on his eyes, reflecting a strange light.

Ichimaru Gin was still fighting: "Captain Aizen, you can bear this man talking about you like this? Why don't you teach him a lesson? Or let me do it for you?"

Before Aizen could speak, Lin Qiong pointed to Ichimaru Gin and said to Stark: "This white-haired man with squinting eyes is not a good thing either! Letting him sit here all day long - one thing to say, he just goes to join in the fun , when the time comes, both parties will definitely beat him up first."

This time Ichimaru Gin stopped talking.

Stark covered Lilinette's mouth, telling her not to laugh out loud, otherwise she might die miserably, and at the same time gave Lin Qiong a look - you are almost done, don't burn the fire on me by then coming.

Okay, old history has said so.

Lin Qiong thought he was a good and understanding young man, so he looked at Lan Ran and said, "Your name is Captain Lan Ran, right? Hello, Brother Captain, my name is Qiong!"

"Hello, Mr. Qiong." Aizan said with a gentle smile on his face, "It's just that my name is Aizen Soyousuke, and captain is my title, not my name."

"Oh, okay Captain Aizen, I know Captain Aizen."

Lin Qiong showed a stunned expression. He touched his head and said, "So, you are a god of death. Why did you appear in Hueco Mundo and become the leader of Xuye Palace?"

The corner of Lan Ran's mouth curled up in a strange arc. He looked at Lin Qiong and said, "Do you really want to know? But, if you are too curious, you will get angry—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said, "Don't worry, we have steel skin and are not afraid of fire."

Aizen: "?"

Is this what I mean?

Is this big void a bad brain?

Chapter 0380

Looking at Lin Qiong who was pretending to be upright in front of him, Aizen couldn't help but push up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then said softly: "I think it's best not to pursue some things too deeply. It's good for you. , which is also good for me.”

Lin Qiong asked a little recklessly: "But if my curiosity is not satisfied, it feels like there are a hundred Neutra crawling on it, and they laugh while crawling."

Stark on the side was a little uncomfortable, mainly because after Lin Qiong finished saying this, he couldn't help imagining a hundred pictures of Neutra crawling there while "Jie Jie Jie" with a weird smile.

Really, his scalp was numb, and he almost missed Lilinette's head on the spot, and then sent an infinite filling false flash towards Neutra x100 in front of him,

It's disgusting⑧, it's a devil!

Unlike Stark, whose scalp is numb, Aizen's endurance is pretty good.

He looked at Lin Qiong with a smile, and asked, "Qianjun, can I call you that?"

Lin Qiong nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

"Qianjun, do you know? People in this world can know as many things as they are in any position—" Lan Ran showed a gentle smile to Lin Qiong, and said, "If you cross this line without authorization, ..."


A heavy spiritual pressure erupted from Aizen's body. It was a heavier, larger, and more solid spiritual pressure than that of Balegon's Returning Blade—for just a moment, Lilinette beside Stark He showed an expression as if he was about to suffocate.

"His Reiatsu is still such a monster..."

Stark stood in front of Lilynite and took off Aizen's spiritual pressure for her. A drop of cold sweat slid down his forehead to his chin.

He is too familiar with this sense of oppression. Back then, Lan Ran relied on this unparalleled, abyss-like spiritual pressure to make him surrender—thinking of this, he couldn't help but glanced at Lin Qiong worriedly. Scared to pee?

At the same time, Lan Ran looked at Lin Qiong in front of him with a smile on his face, and thought: "Sure enough, we still need to use this simple and rude method to deal with Xu." '

Xu is different from the God of Death. You can reason with the God of Death, but not with Xu!In the virtual world, only "power" is the most important thing, and everything else is just vain.

Lan Ran has a clear heart, why do those rebellious and unruly bad faces in Xuye Palace gather under his command?Isn't it because he is strong enough, his wrists are big enough, and his ideas are hard enough?

Therefore, after seeing the mysterious Vastod who broke his face in front of him, Aizen decided to use the simplest and rude method to make the other party surrender.


than me--

understand better -

Conquer the broken face——

"Oh, as expected of Captain Aizen—"

Feeling the heavy air and having difficulty moving around, Ichimaru Gin put a fox-like smile on his face and said: "Every time I feel this monster-like spiritual pressure, I feel suffocated - I guess, this The same goes for Mr. Arrancar, right?"

However, Lin Qiong's answer stunned Ichimaru Gin.

"Feeling suffocated? No -"

Lin Qiong raised his hand and scratched his hair, then looked at Lanran with some unhappiness, and said, "Brother Captain, can you stop exploding the Reiatsu here? I feel a little uncomfortable without seeing Lily ?"

Aizen: "?"

Stark: "?"

Lilinette: "!?"

Ichimaru Gin: "!?"

All four of them were stunned.

What happened? Aizen burst out with spiritual pressure and failed to suppress this person?

Aizen frowned, feeling that this Arrancar might be a little beyond his expectations - but it's not a big problem, can he be as powerful as him?Since the current spiritual pressure can't suppress him, then make it stronger!


A heavier spiritual pressure than before spewed out from Aizen's body, pressing down on the surrounding creatures like mountains, seas, and stars—Stark squatted on the ground for the first time, and then sweated profusely Hugging the pale Lilinite tightly, Ichimaru Gin couldn't help but take a few steps back, and then bowed to resist the pressure from Aizen.

'Hey, are you kidding me? '

A trace of cold sweat slipped from Ichimaru Gin's forehead, and the sly smile on his face couldn't hold back, "I always thought that the level of spiritual pressure was already his full strength, but I didn't expect it to be suppressed?" '

How strong is this monster?

The next moment, a figure flashed in front of Aizen.

"Didn't I tell you-"

A trace of white air spit out from Lin Qiong's mouth, he clenched his right fist, and threw it towards Lan Ran's face: "Let you restrain yourself!"


Lin Qiong's right fist hit Lan Ran's palm, forcing him back a few meters away, and the heavy spiritual pressure that bloomed from his body disappeared without a trace along with this brief confrontation no trace.

At the same time, the liberated Stark, Lilinette, and Ichimaru Gin showed shocked expressions—Ichimaru Gin's squinted eyes opened a crack, and it is conceivable that he had to What a surprise.

'Am I right?That Arrancar actually gave Aizen a straight punch under such pressure and even knocked Aizen away? '

Ichimaru Gin had the urge to wash his eyes with 100% sulfuric acid—would this really happen?Isn't this even more inconceivable than the fact that the Emperor of the East China Sea returned to Arima Memorial after a year and defeated the most popular Pipa Datou at that time? ?

This is that blue dye! !

Arbitrary Eternal (Dense Fog) Aizen! !

Was actually repulsed? ?

'I was repulsed? '

Compared with the other three, Aizen himself was the one who was most surprised, "This broken face, under the pressure of my spiritual pressure, can still launch an attack at will, and even knock me back?" '

He couldn't help but raise his head, looked at Lin Qiong in front of him with eyes full of interest, and said softly: "This is really, really interesting!"

He used to think that Ke Yatai Stark, who broke his own face and possessed an unbelievable spiritual pressure, was already at the top of Daxu, but after seeing Lin Qiong today, he had to admit that he Maybe I missed it.

"I admit it-"

Aizen suddenly showed a chuckle, "In the level of Vastod, I would like to call you the strongest."

Lin Qiong withdrew his right fist, then grinned, and said, "That's really an honor, God of Death."

'Still calling me Death? '

Aizen put his right hand on his Zanpakuto with a smile, then pushed his glasses with his left hand, and said: "Since Qiongjun calls me Death God again and again, then Qiongjun is interested to know more about it. Is it the fighting method of the god of death?"

"Oh? Zanpakuto?"

Lin Qiong moved his neck, and said pretending to be disdainful: "I heard that the god of death can gain several times the strength after the first release and swastika release. Is it true or not?"

There was a slight smile on the corner of Lanran's mouth, he slowly pulled out his Zanpakutao, and said softly: "About this, wouldn't it be better for Lord Qiong to experience it for himself?"

'It's over—'

Looking at this scene, Ichimaru Gin couldn't help but sigh in his heart—he never expected that this broken face that could suppress Aizen would be so big, and just watched Aizen begin to unravel.

"Sure enough, none of these big ghosts can be counted on, and in the end I can only rely on myself—"

Ichimaru Gin strengthened his determination to take revenge.

"Break it, the mirror--"

Accompanied by Aizen's deep voice, an invisible wave spread out, causing all creatures who saw his world to enter a state of being completely hypnotized by the mirror.

'The composition of victory has been completed—'

The corner of Lan Ran's mouth showed a winning smile, he looked at Lin Qiong in front of him, and said to himself: "Then, let me see, you can only move freely under my spiritual pressure. Face, how much color is it—"

In fact, Aizen also had some expectations - originally, in his opinion, Stark had represented the end of Hollow, but now there is an Arrancar stronger than Stark. Does that mean that "Hollow" is the end of Hollow? What kind of creature does it have, and what are the limits that he has yet to explore?If he could figure out more extreme data, it would be more useful for his plan, right?

Thinking of this, Aizen began to construct various parameters, preparing for Lin Qiong and the "false Aizen" to have an exciting duel-to be honest, the flower in the mirror is very strong, but Aizen is really strong.

However, at the moment when Ai Ran was about to make a move, he realized that his self-awareness had been cracked—by this new broken face in front of him.

Aizen raised his head in surprise, and he found that Lin Qiong's eyes had turned from black to gold unknowingly, and he was staring at him.

"Your abilities seem to be hallucinations or something?"

With a disdainful smile on Lin Qiong's face, he pulled away and said to Lan Ran: "Then our compatibility is really bad——I have the ability to see through some falsehoods."

"Then our compatibility is indeed very bad——"

Aizan's lens reflected a strange gaze, he gently raised the Zanpakutō in his hand, and said, "Can I ignore Kyoka Suigetsu's ability to completely hypnotize me? It's a rare ability—let me take a good look, you It's fine!"

Unknowingly, Lin Qiong's status in Aizen's heart rose again and again, and now it has risen from "a dispensable experimental body" to "a rare and precious body".

The next moment, black light enveloped Lin Qiong's body.

"Ninety of the broken way—" Lan Ran walked towards Lin Qiong, and said softly, "The black coffin."

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