
The next moment, with Lin Qiong (Fang Hai)'s spiritual pressure erupting, the black coffin that wrapped him shattered in an instant, revealing the figure who had summoned the White Night King's armed forces.

"Such a weak attack has no effect on my steel skin -" Lin Qiong punched his body with both hands, and then said with high spirits: "God of Death, please please me!"

Chapter 0381

'Has the weapon in his hand already returned to the blade? '

Regarding the fact that the black coffin didn't work, Aizen didn't have any fluctuations in his heart—even if he released the black coffin himself, it would be unavoidable for him to instantly kill a broken face who surpassed the current tenth blade. It is also too big.


Just when Aizen was observing Lin Qiong, Lin Qiong had already put his foot on the ground and rushed towards him: "What's wrong? Death! Wasn't he very arrogant just now? Could it be that he found that his ability to solve the problem didn't work? , so you’re scared?”

"Afraid? When did you have the illusion that I would have this emotion?"

There was a disdainful smile on the corner of Lanran's mouth, he raised the mirror, easily blocked Lin Qiong's straight punch, and asked back: "You don't think that after I lose the power of mirror, I am nothing Bar?"


Lin Qiong looked at the blade in front of him, couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and then said with a little excitement: "I feel sorry for my judgment——Reaper, you are a man with two brushes!"

Aizen: "?"

Although he praised me, but for some reason, I felt an inexplicable malice.

"Without further ado--"

Lin Qiong was about to set up a person who was "a virtual circle without a brain" in front of Lan Ran, so he rushed towards him with a shout, and shouted: "Stark told me that you oppress him all day long! I will avenge him—”

Stark: "I'm not me without you don't talk nonsense—"

Now he wanted to jump up and kick Lin Qiong's knees. Are you sick?I can't beat Aizen!


Aizen mentioned blocking Lin Qiong's attack again, then glanced at Stark with a playful look on his face and said, "So you have such a big problem with me?"

Stark said in his most sincere voice, "No."

"When you are fighting with me, do you still have the mind to ask others? Do you look down on me—"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and he slammed a left straight fist towards Lan Ran's face and greeted Lan Ran, shouting: "Tianqiong Friendship Shattering Fist—"

As the saying goes-

If someone hits me: don’t hit them in the face!

I beat others: Hey, I smashed the fist!

"Binding Dao 81: Breaking the Void!"

Aizen opened his lips lightly and laid out a defensive ghost path in front of himself - although it only blocked Lin Qiong for half a second, it was enough for him to take half a step back, perfectly avoiding his attack.

After dodging the Po Yan Fist, Aizen turned from defense to offense and swung his Zanpakuto from bottom to top.


After Lin Qiong blocked Aizen's swing with the armor on his arm, he was instantly repelled by the impact for a distance of several meters. raised his left hand.

"Broken Path 63 Thunder Roar Cannon—"

The golden magic cannon occupied Lin Qiong's sight, so he had to cross his hands in front of him and use a red false flash to counteract.

Taking advantage of the moment when Lin Qiong's attention was attracted by the Leihou Pao, Lan Ran's figure had appeared behind Lin Qiong, and then he raised Zanpakutao and stabbed towards Lin Qiong's vest.

'Didn't you notice? '

Ichimaru Gin watched this scene with cold eyes, but the next scene made the corners of his mouth curl up a bit.


Just when the tip of Kyoka Suigetsu's knife was about to touch Lin Qiong, Aizen suddenly turned his head and kicked one foot into the air, almost grazing his cheek.

"Hey, nice response—"

Lin Qiong kept kicking back, slowly lowered his left leg, and said, "I thought you would be kicked to death by me."

"What a coincidence, I also thought you would be stabbed to death by me."

Lan Ran chuckled, looked at Lin Qiong with a slightly satisfied look, and said, "Qianjun, your performance has exceeded my expectations—whether it is responsiveness or adaptability, you are very good."


A question mark appeared on Lin Qiong's head, and he couldn't help but ask: "We should be evenly matched now... No, to be precise, I should have the upper hand, right? Why do you have to comment like a winner?"

"Occupy the top?"

Lan Ran chuckled, his right hand naturally drooped, pointing the tip of the knife to the ground, and said softly: "Mr. Qiong, when did you have the illusion that I have used all my strength?"


Lin Qiong narrowed his eyes, tilted his head and said, "Are you trying to say that you were just 'testing' me in the fight just now?"

Lan Ran nodded lightly, and said, "I am very satisfied with the performance of Lord Qiong."

Lin Qiong understood: "Sure enough, it's the same as Miss Wanshitong's analysis, except for those who can get into his eyes, he looks down on anyone—"

Ordinary people look at others, probably from [Contempt] - [General] - [Respect], which increases in layers, but lower than Aizen, there are only two levels of [Contempt] and [General].

Want him to respect you?

Thinking too much, he can't even look down on Ling Wang.

"Reaper, making a declaration of victory now is too much to look down on me—"

Lin Qiong rushed towards Lan Ran again, and said with a sneer, "Beat me down first, before you say such things!"

"Nice suggestion."

Lan Ran raised the mirror, pushed the glasses, and said, "Then let you look up at me."




After three to ten minutes of intense fighting, both Lin Qiong and Lan Ran were already sweating profusely.

'So tired——'

Lin Qiong couldn't help complaining from the bottom of his heart: "You can't put too little water, so as not to overturn Lanran's car, and you can't put too much water, so that Lanran can overturn my car--I suddenly feel that Ajian and Erlang are too big." Are you strong? '

After all, Ajian and Erlang have always controlled the degree of release of water to a very perfect level in the competition with Lin Qiong, allowing Lin Qiong to obtain a very perfect training result.

Lin Qiong was just complaining, but Ichimaru Gin and Stark, who were watching the battle, had a feeling of doubting life - Lin Qiong could actually fight to a draw with the arrogant Aizen? !Are you still human?

Oh, Da Xu is not human, is he?That's fine.

Compared with other people who were shocked to doubt their lives, Aizen himself was a bit surprised, but more excited and curious-he didn't panic at all, okay?

After all, in Aizen's own opinion, he is now in the mature stage of completing the whole body - he is still just a simple Shinigami, and can be tied with Lin Qiong, who is already an Arrancar, then when he breaks the Shinigami and the Hollow's After the limit, isn't it easy to kill Lin Qiong with one hand?


Aizen stopped and continued to attack. He clapped his hands gently and said: "Qiongjun, you really gave me a big surprise - I never thought that someone could be different from me now. On par."

Even if he didn't break the boundary between Shinigami and Hollow, Aizen still felt that he was invincible in the present world, and he was an arbitrarily immortal emperor--even the commander-in-chief Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni was just a bad old man who was caught in the mirror That's all.

However, the only difference was that the Arrancar in front of him had the ability to see through mirrors, flowers, water and moon!He is the only creature in the world that can compete with him! !

'I'm going to get him—'

An excited smile appeared on Aizen's lips, 'He will be a trump card used to seal the captain! '

"Tsk, Reaper, you are very good—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, with an expression of "I approve of you", and said, "You are the only guy I meet who can fight me!"

Aizen was not surprised by Lin Qiong's reaction, after all...

Nobody, better than me...

You know everything.

"That's it for today, okay?"

Lan Ran put the knife back into the scabbard with a smile, and said softly: "If you continue to fight, it won't be so easy to stop."


Although the two seemed to be fighting fiercely, under the deliberate control of Lin Qiong and Aizen, the battle was actually controlled within the scope of "discussion" - however, if the fight continued, it might It has developed from "discussing" to "fighting hard".


Lin Qiong clapped his hands, then released Shijie, and said, "Reaper, I am very satisfied with your strength, so I won't compete with you for the night palace, hahahaha——"

"Oh? So, is Lord Qiong interested in Xuye Palace?"

There was a smile on the corner of Lanran's mouth, and he said curiously: "Then, do you want to join the Xuye Palace? I can give you the same authority as me, how about it?"


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and then sighed in his heart: "As expected of Aizen, he really gave up his children in order to trap the wolf——"

But this is exactly what Lin Qiong wanted. He released the water just to get in the way and become Lan Ran's "friendly army". Otherwise, wouldn't it be simpler and rude to just kill Lan Ran here?

But that would take away the fun!

"Join Xuye Palace? No, no, you are at most on par with me now, so I won't join your side unless you beat me—" Lin Qiong deliberately made an attitude of "strength speaks", and then clapped his hands She hugged her chest and said: "At most it is a cooperative mode! Your Void Night Palace cooperates with my Sky City, and you and I are allies!"

Hearing that Lin Qiong refused to join Xuye Palace and only wanted to form an alliance, Aizen did not show any disappointment, but continued to smile and said: "Can Sky City and Xuye Palace become allies that advance and retreat together and defend against enemies together? There is nothing wrong with it—if Sky City encounters a difficult enemy in the future, it only needs to be contacted, and I will definitely come with Ten Blades to help."

Lin Qiong heard Lan Ran's words and said in his heart, "Good guy, this turtle grandson is really wilted and bad - almost as bad as the kind of person who poops in other people's houses and blocks the toilet."

However, Lin Qiong smiled modestly, and he was similar.

"Okay! From today onwards, you are my good brother!" Lin Qiong put his arms around Lan Ran's shoulders with enthusiasm, and then said with a big smile: "My good brother is in trouble, so I will definitely attack you." ? Don't worry, if the Xuye Palace encounters a difficult enemy, I will also go to help!"

'All I want is this sentence—'

The corners of Aizen's mouth curled up.

'Have you been lied to by me? '

The corners of Lin Qiong's mouth also curled up.

'I vomited, why did Aizen's power become stronger again?How can I take revenge for this——'

Ichimaru Gin's mentality was a little fried.

'Why did we form an alliance?Why did he become my boss? '

Stark is still living in a dream.

It can only be said that everyone has a bright future.

Chapter 0382 is another half month of loneliness

"Mother, it's time to go—"

After Lan Ran walked into the black cavity and the black cavity was closed, Lin Qiong couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, and then complained: "It's so tiring. It's really tiring to chat with such a scheming boy. I'm afraid of being beaten by him." It’s obvious that I’m a fool.”

Damn it, why can’t the author of this book be smarter and give me a wise character?


"For the host, Aizen is indeed a very bad opponent—in various senses."

Miss Wanshitong's phantom overflowed from Lin Qiong's body, condensed into a real body, landed lightly on the ground, and said, "But in my eyes, he is still a little tender."

"Thank you, Master of Everything."

Lin Qiong clapped his hands in front of him, then bowed to his golden fingers, and said, "However, there is one thing to say, it's probably because I played the simple-minded broken face and played it too realistically, which caused the sound of Aizen's abacus to be Undisguised—Grandma, do you really think I can't see that he is going to let me gang up on Mr. Yamamoto?"

"Haha, after all, in his opinion, as long as he can break through the boundary between Death and Hollow, his strength will surpass you, so he just needs to comfort you before completing the plan-"

Miss Know-It-All laughed, she reached out and patted Lin Qiong's shoulder, and said, "By the way, maybe you are not acting, but acting in your true colors."

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