Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Did she just casually say something that hurt my heart?



On the other side, the Xuye Palace.

"Interesting, it was so much fun."

Aizen sat on his throne with a smile on his face, then looked at Gin Ichimaru beside him, and asked, "Gin, do you know what that shaman means?"

"Oh, Captain Aizan, don't embarrass me."

Ichimaru Gin spread out his hands pretending to be wronged, and said, "I don't have the eyes of Captain Aizen."

"Hehe, whatever."

Seeing that Ichimaru Gin pretended not to understand, Aizen didn't expose him, but said to himself: "His existence means that I have to re-enter all the data about creatures like 'Xu'."

"Isn't that bad?"

Ichimaru Gin looked at Aizen with a smile, and said gloatingly, "Doesn't this mean that Captain Aizen's previous research must be repeated?"

"That's right."

Aizen's voice was still so magnetic, "But it also means that when I break through the boundary between Death and Void, I will become more perfect-yes, he will become the bait for me to become stronger, making me stronger. My evolution has become more perfect."

At this time, Aizen is like Iron Man who has acquired Chitauri technology, full of desire to study the unknown—Jie Jie, you will all become the nourishment for my growth! !

"This is really a congratulations to Captain Aizen—"

On the surface, Ichimaru Gin congratulated Aizen, but in fact, he was already stomping on the spot angrily, yelling "I'm a sinner—"—what's wrong with this?Aizen, who was already as strong as a monster, now has the data of another monster, and is going to become even more monster.

The cloth ring balls are spicy! !

Xiba, if it wasn't because Aizen took away a sliver of Matsumoto Rangiku's soul, his Ichimaru silver would have been ruined long ago-but he can't vote now!How can it be repaired!



After becoming Aizen's collaborator (nominally), Lin Qiong was finally able to visit Xuye Palace openly and openly.

"Hey! Little Skull, Little Yuyu, Little Bat, Little Praying Mantis, Little Meow—"

Lin Qiong came up and mocked the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth children all at once, then sat down beside Stark carelessly, and said, "Have you all eaten?"

Bailegang's fist was hardened, but he couldn't beat it, forbearance;

Harribel took a deep breath, but couldn't beat it, endure;

Neutra's teeth are almost broken, but he can't fight, bear;

Grimmjow's palms were bleeding from clenching in anger, but he couldn't beat him, bear it.

"Thank you, Lord Qiong, for your concern."

The only one who responded to Lin Qiong was the loyal Xiaowu. He lowered his head slightly and said softly, "It's just that we don't need to eat, so there is no such thing as eating."

"Eh - that's not acceptable!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said seriously: "Whether you need to eat is one thing, but whether you want to eat or not is another thing - maybe you don't need to eat, but the act of eating can bring people happy."


Xiao Wu looked at Lin Qiong in a daze. He looked at Lin Qiong and asked in confusion, "Master Qiong, what exactly is 'happiness'?"

He raised his hand and touched the edge of his empty hole, full of bewilderment.

"Happiness? Happiness is that dogs eat meat, cats eat fish, and Ultraman fights little monsters—"

Lin Qiong smiled, snapped his fingers with his right hand, took out a piece of fruit cake from his backpack, and said, "Come on, this is the cake I brought from home for everyone, let's share a piece with each other?"

However, except for Stark and Lilinette who have already tasted the sweetness, none of Ten Blades stretched out his hand——

The second child dismisses it, the third child closes his eyes and rests his mind, the fourth child thinks about life, the fifth child looks unhappy, and the sixth child turns his head and shuts himself.

Lin Qiong: "?"

He moved his wrist, inspected the other people back and forth, and said, "You don't eat it, do you? You don't give me this face, do you?"

Laugh to death, who dare not give you face?

Aizen has said it all, your status is equal to him, if you don't give you face, you won't give Aizen face, so Aizen can't kill us when he comes back?

Faced with Lin Qiong's unabashed threat, all the Ten Blades present stretched out their hands, took a piece of cut cake and placed it in front of them - but some were very happy (for example, they were ready to share it with Lilinite) Stark), some are indifferent (such as Harribel and Xiao Wu), and some have a dark face (such as Balegang and Nnoitra).

"Eat, everyone is eating, why are you looking at me?"

After Lin Qiong finished speaking, he couldn't help touching his chin, and muttered with a strange expression: "Why do I feel like I'm feeding chicken soup? Absolutely, this is obviously a very high-quality fruit cake, okay?"

Putting it on the small broken ball, it sells for at least five hundred ones, and others are still rushing to ask for it!

It's a pity that the bad noodles present here are all big fools, and no one can understand Lin Qiong's painstaking chicken soup stalk-they just took the cake mechanically, and then gave a symbolic bite to their own mouths.


Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, and then said with a smile: "Okay, since everyone has eaten the dessert I provided, then we are friends - if I need help from you one day, don't you Resignation ha!"


As soon as Lin Qiong said this, at least three of the ten blades (two, five, and six) showed conflicting expressions, and the others were either expressionless or helpless.

"I say--"

Stark wiped the cream from the corner of Lilinette's mouth, then looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "With your current identity and strength, it is completely fine to order us to do something directly, right? It is necessary Are you here to do this?"

"Oh, it's different."

Lin Qiong waved his hand and said with a smile: "Compared with you helping me because of an order, I hope you help me out of your own will."

"Cut, boring."

Bailegang sneered, then threw the fork in his hand disdainfully back onto the plate with half a cake left, and walked out of the room, "I don't need friends."

Lin Qiong calmly looked at the background of Bailegang leaving, shook his head with some pity, then threw the half of the cake he saved into the trash can, and said, "Is there anyone else who wants to leave?"

After the words fell, Neutra couldn't wait to stand up, and then walked towards the door with his big knife on his shoulders - he didn't say a word, but his attitude said everything.

Lin Qiong shook his head helplessly, then turned his attention to Lao Liu, and said curiously: "I thought you would leave with Little Mantis, but I didn't expect you to stay?"

"whispering sound."

Ge Li Aojiao snorted coldly, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said with a jerk: "You beat me, so before I get back on the field, if you get into trouble, I will help you."

Wow, this standard writing rival reads as a best friend's speech, it is indeed you - the only one of the ten blades who survived the thousand-year bloody battle, and was promoted to the sixth Ge Lao of Valstord.

"Tsk, tsk, a grown man's arrogance is not cute at all."

Lin Qiong clicked his tongue twice, and then said with a smile in the air of the other party's fury: "Thanks anyway! I will try to help you strengthen it when I have a chance."


Ge Laoliu, who was so angry just now that he was about to scratch someone, his eyes lit up. He showed an impatient expression and said, "How much stronger can I become?"

"How strong has it become?"

Lin Qiong made a rough estimate and said, "Conservatively, you can beat a hundred of your current selves with one hand."


As soon as this remark came out, the ten blades present all showed expressions of astonishment, and then focused their attention on Lin Qiong.

Yami looked at Lin Qiong a little unsteadily, and said, "This kind of joke can't be messed up!"

Lin Qiong said angrily: "What's the joke? Whether it's Stark or Aizen with full firepower, they can easily torture a hundred Grimmjows with one hand, right?"

Stark: "Well, it seems possible."

Harribel: "That's true."

Ulquiorra: "After all, this is Aizen-sama."

Zomali: "That's it."

Sal Apollo: "Huo~"

Yaronilo: "Wouldn't it be possible to hit two hundred of me?"

Yami: "Oh, that's okay."

Grimmjow: "???"

No, my mother, I admit that I am only ranked sixth in the ten blades, but you,

Are you polite you! ?

Hi, I'm so angry!

Chapter 0383 Break into the Soul World!

After Lin Qiong went to the Xuye Palace once, there were a few more Pomian who came to Sky City to visit every now and then—Herribel and her three subordinate officers, as well as the little Miaomiao.

The former came for morning tea and afternoon tea, while the latter came to compete with the False Gods under Lin Qiong's hands and improve their own strength.

"I'm really curious."

After the snake girl Sunsun took a sip of black tea, she couldn't help holding her pretty face with a suspicious blush in her hands, and said, "Master Qiong, how on earth did you make something that can make us who are humble in stature taste delicious? Does it come out flavorful of the food?"

You know, Xu is a creature that only eats souls, but I have never heard of Xu who can eat ordinary food like a god of death—Lin Qiong's current behavior is equivalent to letting a laptop computer use a CD-ROM drive to give a plate of pasta to him. After it was built, it was incredible to be fully charged.

"Well, it's a company secret—"

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, then looked at Sunsun with a smile on his face, and said, "If you can persuade Heribel to jump from Xuye Palace to our Sky City, I will tell you the secret. "

"Oh, Master Qiong, don't embarrass the little girl—"

Sunsun covered the lower half of his face with his sleeve in distress, and then said innocently and aggrieved: "How dare I do such a thing? If Master Lan Ran finds out, the little girl will be killed." Turned into his snakeskin wallet."

'Maybe it's snake soup—'

Lin Qiong thought with such malice that Sun Sun in front of him couldn't help but tremble, and then looked around suspiciously - where did such malice come from?

Couldn't it be Fahai who came?

"However, Lord Grimmjow has been really desperate lately—"

Nemira, the Indian-style girl, looked at Grimmjow who was sparring with Inuxupochi, and said, "Either I'm fighting, or I'm on the way to fight."

"Isn't it because Lord Qiong's Sky City has good medical conditions?"

Sunsun was "licking" Lin Qiong all the time, "otherwise he would have died long ago."

"Oh, even if you praise me so much, I won't give you more discounts, okay?"

Lin Qiong smiled and waved his hands, and said, "At most, when you are injured, you are allowed to borrow the medical room in Sky City."

"that's enough."

Harribel lowered her head slightly towards Lin Qiong and said, "Thank you for your help."

Daxu generally has the abilities of ringing, steel skin, super-speed regeneration, and false flash, but most of the big Xu will abandon the ability of super-speed regeneration when they face-to-face, and convert it into combat quality—— This is why in the original book, Ge Laoliu's arm was cut off by Dongxian and he couldn't repair himself, because he gave up the ability to regenerate himself.

In this case, the medical ability comparable to "super-speed regeneration" possessed by Sky City is equivalent to giving those who have given up the super-speed regeneration ability a chance to be reborn, and indeed refers to Harribel to express his gratitude.

"Eh? If you really want to thank me, why don't you come here with Sunsun, Mira and Apache—" Lin Qiong propped up his chin, looked at Heribel with a smile, and said, "Just in time Nilu from our side formed a female Varstord with a double flower, how wonderful~"

"Master Qiong, it's better not to make such jokes."

Harribel shook her head, and she said seriously: "Master Aizen gave me new strength, so I naturally want to be loyal to him."

"Well, all right all right."

Seeing this, Lin Qiong could only sigh "Silly girl" from the bottom of his heart, then waved his hands and stopped demanding, and said, "Then you guys eat first, I'll go dig Grimmjow's corner."

Under the watchful eyes of the four girls, Lin Qiong sat sideways on the handrail, turned over and jumped off, and then glided to the edge of the training ground.

"Hiss, I said he won't be angry, right?"

Apache scratched his head, and asked a little unsteadily: "Could it be that we won't have these food when we come next time, only a few brooms for us to clean up?"

"Others say you have big breasts and no brains. I don't think you are big. Why are you so stupid? Could it be that you traded your IQ for strength? But you are not strong—" Sunsun looked at Apache speechlessly .

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