"What are you talking about!? Tieba—"

Apache was so angry that she wanted to grab Sunsun's collar with her hands. She said dissatisfiedly, "I'm just worried about Mrs. Harribel! What do you know?"

"Ha ha--"

Sunsun showed a smile of crushing IQ, and she said disdainfully: "I only know that the lord is not angry because of this kind of thing—it's just, Lord Heribel, you really don't think about what he said ?”

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the working environment, the Void Night Palace and the Sky City are no better at all, right?Here is warm sunshine, sultry breeze, tender green grass and attractive flowers, and there is nothing but sand.

The key is that there are desserts here!

"Sunsun, even you—"

Harribel looked at her subordinate officer helplessly, "Stop talking, I want to repay Lord Aizen's kindness."

"Yes Yes Yes--"

Sunsun shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "We will naturally follow in the footsteps of Lord Heribel."

As for Lin Qiong who fell on the ground?

He's not in a hurry at all, is he?Your Aizen will be shipped in a few months, right?When the time comes, I’ll pack you up and dig them out, you’re so pretty!



While waiting for Lan Ran to jump back, Lin Qiong abducted a few more Yachukas to experiment with the evolution of the False God, and then stayed in the room, according to the instructions of Miss Know-It-All, trying to pass the ring and the black cavity. Get some rules about space—it's just that the progress is very unsatisfactory.

A few months passed with a "snap" like this. When Lin Qiong came back to his senses, Kurosaki Ichigo had already turned into a clog hat training in order to save Rukia, and brought his little friend They bravely broke into the soul world.


August [-]th.

Soul Realm.

Fifth Division, somewhere.

"You're so mean, you're notifying me of such an important thing just now."

Lin Qiong changed into a domineering outfit, sat cross-legged in front of Lan Ran with a dissatisfied face, and said, "I almost missed the good opportunity to eat melons."

"My fault, I thought you were not interested in these things like the Ten Blades of the Void Night Palace."

Lan Ran had a good-natured smile on his face, and then looked at Sei Lingting in the morning light with a smile on his face, and said, "I never thought you would be so fond of joining in the fun with such a bad face?"

"Please, this is not the usual excitement—"

Lin Qiong looked at Lan Ran with bright eyes, and said: "The captain of the fifth squad of the thirteen horizontal training Taibao in the Soul Realm actually wants to jump back to the virtual circle - I really want to know what the other captains will be." Do you have a good expression?"

Lan Ran glanced at Lin Qiong, a fun guy, speechless, and said, "Although I really want to meet your expectations, my plan is still a bit short of the last, and I can't let you see that interesting scene for the time being."

"Hi, it's not a big problem."

Lin Qiong waved his hands carelessly, and said, "Anyway, I've been free recently, so I just strolled around the Soul Soul Realm—eh, right? I heard that your seventh...seventh team or the eighth team in the Soul Soul World The captain of the team is an old bastard?"

Aizen thought for a while and said, "You should be talking about the captain of the eighth division, Kyoraku Shunsui, right?"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

Lin Qiong nodded decisively and said, "Team [-], right? Okay, it's him!"

Lan Ran said with some headaches: "Just beat him up, don't accidentally kill him, or my plan will go wrong."

"Who told you I was going to kill him?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Lan Ran in surprise, he pushed open the door, waved his hands and said, "I just asked him to take me to drink flower wine - I haven't tried it yet! Wuhu -"

Lan Ran looked at Lin Qiong's leaving figure blankly, then held his chin with his hand with some worry, and said to himself: "Could it be said that he sacrificed his IQ when he evolved? What if? In this case, if I use him as a template to break boundaries, will it also be affected?"

When Aizen thought that he would be influenced by Lin Qiong and become a not-so-intelligent Yazi, he panicked a little.


"Hey folks, I'm really happy today--"

Lin Qiong walked leisurely around the Seiling Court with the pace of a street runner, and was out of tune with the hurried-looking soldiers around him.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we must find the invading brigade!"

"It is our duty to protect Seireitei from being invaded!"

"Travel disaster, my travel disaster, hehehe——"

Listening to the discussion of these team members around, Lin Qiong couldn't help shaking his head, then took out the map from his pocket, compared the current location, and wandered towards the team building of the Eighth Division.

From a distance, he saw a figure wearing a straw hat and a pink haori jacket, walking towards the Eighth Division at the pace of a street runner.

In this way, the two street runners met.


Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and he walked two steps forward with enthusiasm, then stretched out his hands to hold Jingle Chunshui's hand, and said, "You are the captain of the Eighth Division, Mr. Jingle Chunshui, right? Your name has been admired for a long time!"

"Ah, eh?"

Kyōraku Shunsui, who was suddenly treated warmly by a male Shinigami (doubtful), showed a confused expression. He looked at Lin Qiong in confusion and said, "Um, do we know each other? What do you want from me?"

"Oh, it's like this. I've always had a longing for the Flower Street in Liuhun Street, but I'm a little shy and dare not go alone." Lin Qiong showed a shy expression towards Jingle Chunshui, and said: "No, I learned from Captain Blue Ran that the leader of the Beijing band is a regular customer of Huajie, the kind who never pays for whoring courtesans, so I want the leader of the Beijing band to take me to see the world."

"Oh yo--"

Jingle Chunshui suddenly showed a smile that a man could understand. He smiled and put his arms around Lin Qiong's shoulders, and winked at him and said, "I didn't expect that! Little brother has vision? Come on, my brother will take you with me today." Let’s go to Huajie to play, let you see the majesty of the wolf of Hua’er Street!”

Chapter 0384 Are You Sick?

"Let me tell you, those oirans in Huajie are getting tenderer than each other—"


"Especially the white softness and long legs that are exposed when the clothes are half unbuttoned, it sucks—"

"oh oh!"

"And when they serve you and drink, they will whisper softly in your ear, that voice, tsk tsk!"

"Oh oh oh!"

On the alley in Seireitei, Jingle Chunshui put his arms around Lin Qiong's shoulders, with the appearance of a senior, and taught him the experience of Huajie in his ear - what he said was a temptation, what he said was a tickle .

“Flower Street is great too!”

Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips, and he said longingly: "I also want to lie on the big sister's soft lap, and then let the other two big sisters feed me wine with their mouths, and let the third one The eldest sister called my good brother in my ear—”


Jingle Chunshui widened her eyes at that time, then touched her chin, looked at Lin Qiong in shock, and said, "I didn't expect that, although the little brother is a young girl in Huajie, he is very flamboyant in playing! "

Hiss, this three-pronged approach is interesting, interesting!If you have a chance next time, you must try it!

"Hey, average level, average level——" Lin Qiong chuckled, what he said was what he had played with the eldest lady—but he was lying on the secretary's lap, and the eldest lady fed him with his mouth. He drank his drink, and then Miss Know-it-All was playing coquettishly in his ear.


Lin Qiong looked at the increasingly desolate streets, and couldn't help but look at Kyōraku Shunshui next to him, and said: "Here, Kyōraku Captain! Is there something wrong with our direction? Flower Street should be a quite prosperous place, right? ? Why does it feel so desolate here?"

"Oh, you don't understand this, do you?"

Jingle Chunshui hugged Lin Qiong's shoulders vigorously, and then said with an old-timer look on his face: "How can anyone drink flower wine during the day? Of course they drink it at night, right? Since they drank flower wine all night, Why don't you take a good rest during the day?"

Lin Qiong nodded his head with a dazed expression, and said, "I see! That makes sense, Senior Jing Le!"

Jingle Chunshui winked at Lin Qiong with a smile on his face, and said, "How could I lie to you?"

"But, Senior Kyoraku, I have a small question—"

Lin Qiong stopped in his tracks, then raised his right hand and gestured towards Jingle Chunshui with his thumb and index finger, and said, "First of all, even if there are not many people in Huajie during the day, at least the buildings shouldn't be so dilapidated, right? Secondly, Since it's not suitable to drink flower wine during the day, why did senior take me to Flower Street during the day? Shouldn't it be avoided to bring me here at night?"

"Oh, you've said it all, I'm the little prince of Huajie, so naturally there are some special channels—"

Jingle Chunshui raised his hand and scratched his hair helplessly, he leaned into Lin Qiong's ear and said: "I know a few oiran ladies who are resting these days, if they can give me face, even if it is During the day too..."

At this moment, a cold light flashed from Lin Qiong's left abdomen to his right shoulder, and then the sword energy flew across the corner of the eaves not far away.

"Oh, is it empty?"

Jingraku Shunsui pressed the brim of his hat, then glanced at the afterimage that gradually became transparent in his arms, and said: "It's really a terrifying speed - this kind of speed, ordinary team members can't do anything about it. I have it."

"Compared to my speed, your sword light just now can't be wielded by anyone. You are indeed a disciple of Mr. Yamamoto—" Lin Qiong looked at the smooth section of the eaves under his feet, couldn't help scratching his head and said: "However, I have a question—the leader of the Beijing Band, why are you trying to pinch me? When did I get exposed?"

"When was it exposed?"

Jingle Chunshui scratched his face with the hand holding the knife, and said, "Why do you feel that you haven't been exposed?"

"Eh? Did I show it so obviously?"

"Yes~ I could see it at a glance~" Kyoraku Shunsui chuckled, then shouldered his Zanpakutō and said casually: "Although I am a bit unserious, your attitude towards me is too... It’s casual – that’s one of them.”

"I see! A normal team member should have full respect for the captain, right?"

"The answer is correct~"

Jingle Chunshui gave a thumbs up, and then continued: "Besides, the relationship between the thirteen divisions is not as close as you imagined? Captain Aizan is unlikely to introduce I'm a frequent visitor to Flower Street—this is the second."

"Eh? Aren't you familiar? You are obviously the guardian team of Seireitei?"

"Because all sorts of things have happened."

Jingle Chunshui shrugged his shoulders, then slowly put on a fighting posture, and said softly: "Furthermore, when you approached me, my instinct warned me crazily, telling me to be careful of you—— It’s the third one.”

"Ah this..."

Lin Qiong scratched his face in confusion and said, "So, you blame me for being too strong?"

"That's true~" Kyoraku Shunsui smiled, and then his eyes gradually became serious, and he said: "Then the small talk ends here! Mr. Taikaki, what is your purpose of invading Soul Society? ?”

"Hey, Mr. Captain, I have a proposal—"

Lin Qiong looked at Jingle Chunshui, raised his finger, and said, "Why don't we make a bet?"

Jingle Chunshui: "Huh?"

"If you win, I will know everything you want to know!" Lin Qiong raised his finger and said with a smile: "If I win, you will take me to drink flower wine and give me some How about ten or eight oirans?"

Jingle Chunshui was silent for a few seconds, and then said a little speechlessly: "I said, the reason why you invaded the soul world, isn't it really just to drink the flower bar?"

Who and the captain's purpose of solo is to drink flower wine after winning?

Lin Qiong: "Hey?"

Jingle Chunshui: "Hey, what do you mean!"

Lin Qiong: "Anyway, the purpose of this stage is to drink flower wine! As for the purpose of the next stage—want to know? Come and hit me!"

Jingraku Shunshui tugged at the corner of his mouth and muttered speechlessly: "I have never seen such an arrogant person. Really, it makes me a little bit..."

In the next moment, Jingle Chunshui, who was still thinking about it, appeared at the position where Lin Qiong was standing, and launched an attack with a horizontal knife, but at the same time, Lin Qiong's figure appeared at the position before him. The place.

This wave, this wave is transposition.

"I knew you were not a good old boy—"

Lin Qiong pointed at Jingle Chunshui with a look of "Your boy.jpg", and complained: "You are an experienced captain anyway, can't you seriously fight with me? You always do sneak attacks, no Talk about martial arts!"

"Oops, I was scolded——"

The old and unscrupulous Jingle Chunshui scratched his head, and muttered: "I really can't help it, so let's be a little, a little more serious!"

As he said that, his face suddenly became serious, and his body exuded a terrifying aura, and he said in a calm tone: "You don't want to die, unknown young man in trouble."

However, Lin Qiong was not intimidated by his attitude at all. Instead, he complained expressionlessly: "Liar! You old liar! You obviously don't even have the first solution. You are so serious!"

Jingle Chunshui couldn't pretend any longer, he scratched his head in distress, and said, "Why do you know everything? Fortunately, I'm going to plot against you—you can't even understand my ability at first. You know about increasing your speed, right?"

"This guy, the fool doesn't even blink his eyes, it's too bad—"

Lin Qiong twitched the corners of his mouth unrecognizably, and said, "You are lying! The ability of your world is obviously to release a super big stinky fart covering a radius of one kilometer!"

"Pfft, this kind of ability is quite interesting, hahahaha——" Jingle Chunshui laughed, "Oh, if you are a traveler, I really like your character, but it's a pity..."

"It's okay, Captain of the Beijing Band——"

Lin Qiong showed a kind smile towards Jingle Chunshui: "You just need to deliberately lose to me, and then take me to drink flower wine, isn't it all right? Then, we can have a good chat, can't we?"

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