"Well, forget it~"

Jingle Chunshui sneered, and said: "If I do this, old man Yamamoto will definitely chase and kill me half of Seireitei with a knife."

"Then there's no way."

Lin Qiong sighed, then clenched his hands into a fighting posture and said, "Then I can only really defeat you, and then let you take me to drink flower wine openly!"


Jingle Chunshui showed a distressed expression, he raised his hand and scratched his hair, and complained: "Really, why am I so unlucky that you are following me?"

"This is probably fate—"

Lin Qiong chuckled, and rushed towards Kyōraku Chunshui with a sudden movement, and reminded him in a friendly manner: "Captain Kyōraku, I am very strong! Don't get hurt~"

"Thank you for your reminder, brother, but I'm also very strong."

Jingraku Chunshui smiled and blocked Lin Qiong's direct punch with the blade of his sword, then took two steps back slightly and said with a hint of surprise: "Oh, my brother is really strong! He doesn't look like an ordinary person -"

"Hey, does it mean that the leader of the Beijing band can't deduce my identity from my appearance, so he is going to use words to seduce?" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and then said with a feigned dissatisfaction on his face: "Captain of the Beijing band, you are so bad~"


Jingle Chunshui took half a step back with a livid face, and then said with a little embarrassment: "Little brother, if the demeanor and tone just now were told by a stunning beauty, I should be very excited, but it's up to you For a man - repeated words, disgusting, want to vomit!"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Damn, you are sick!

Chapter 0385 The Temptation of Interruption

"Although I also admit that a big man tells another big man that you are bad, Queshi has a little bit of disgusting—"

'But you shouldn't just say it so openly, right?After all, isn't it advocating soft persuasion now? '

'Take a step back and say, don't you just repeat your words yourself? ? '

Lin Qiong puffed out his cheeks and punched Jingraku Shunshui, who was passively defending, back one after another. His aggressive look was slightly ferocious.

"Eh? Could it be that I accidentally hurt you? Is that why you are so angry?"

Jingle Chunshui showed a surprised expression. While deflecting Lin Qiong's punch with skillful blocking skills, he said, "If I apologize now, will you feel better?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while and said: "If you are willing to surrender now, then take me to Huajie tonight, and call a loli type, an otome type, and a big sister type oiran, wearing a naked apron to comfort my wounded heart , then I will reluctantly forgive you—”


Jingle Chunshui scratched his head, and said helplessly: "There is no way, then let's continue."

'It's really troublesome. If you encounter a weak traveler, you can fish openly. Kyōraku Shunsui sighed and complained in his heart: "In the end, I met such a strong guy - to be reasonable, it is only reasonable to let the group of fighting madmen from the [-]th Division encounter him, right?" '

"Then let's give you a good beating first!" Lin Qiong put his hands in a posture one after another and said with a grin: "I will be merciful and try not to hit you in the face - if there is any injury on your face, go ahead It’s not very suitable to drink flower wine, right?”

"Oh, my brother is really considerate."

Jingle Chunshui chuckled, then became a little more serious, and said, "However, I am really underestimated!"

Although his personality is a little more casual, and he likes to drink flowers and wine, he is often complained about and kicked by his vice-captain, and he is often fooled around, but he is also the captain of the eighth team, and the disciple of the strongest Shinigami in the soul world for thousands of years. ?

When did he sink to the point where he would be shown mercy by a traveler?

"...Well, although the strength of this travel disaster may be very different."

Jingle Chunshui blocked Lin Qiong's attack while talking to himself, while observing and analyzing Lin Qiong's white-strike style—unfortunately, he couldn't understand it at all.

'Sure enough, let's continue to test--'

After this thought flashed through his mind, Jingle Chunshui said: "My little brother, are you the same type as the captain of the [-]th squad, who use bare hands to fight?"

'This guy, when he was inquiring about my information, he also tried to deceive me with false information -' Lin Qiong's eyes twitched slightly, 'In a sense, his character is also bad. No! '

"you guess?"

Lin Qiong blinked, then showed him a bright smile and said, "Maybe I'm just hiding my Zanpakutō and don't want you to discover my true identity?"

"Oh, that's amazing—"

While Jingraku Shunshui was chatting with Lin Qiong nonchalantly, he continued to analyze Lin Qiong's attack routines and techniques, trying to find any clues.

"Really, to be able to use such exquisite white-handling skills when encountering random accidents—" Jingle Chunshui complained in his heart: "Are all the youths in travel accidents now monsters?" '

Step by step, friction friction, devil's steps, devil's steps...

Under Lin Qiong's continuous attacks, Jingle Chunshui retreated back and forth in this area, and had already circled here almost three times in a short time.

"This Mr. Captain—"

Lin Qiong blinked his eyes, then looked at Jingle Chunshui in front of him with a smile, and said, "I wonder if you have found out my details?"

"Oh, have you been found?"

Seeing that his plan was exposed, Jingraku Shunsui didn't look embarrassed at all, which shows how thick-skinned this person is, "Although I haven't figured it out completely yet, I already understand a lot - then, let's go on Come down, it’s time to fight seriously.”


Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and asked, "Mr. Captain, are you going to use your own method?"

"There is indeed such a plan——"

Jingraku Chunshui pressed his hat, and then said softly: "The flower wind is chaotic, the flower god is crying, the sky wind is chaotic, the demon is laughing - the flower sky is crazy!"

The shapes of the two are exactly the same, but a large sword and a small sword appeared in the hands of Jingle Chunshui. He looked at Lin Qiong with a smile and said, "Brother, you have to be careful? My Zanpakuto has Those who have the ability to issue sonic slashes?"


Lin Qiong looked at Jingle Chunshui with contempt, and said, "You just said clearly that your ability to understand is to increase your speed!"

"Hey—did I say that?" Jingle Chunshui blinked innocently, and then said with a smile: "Oh, but having said that, increasing the speed of slashing is also a kind of increasing speed. ,Right?"

Good guy, you lie without blinking an eye!

Lin Qiong looked at the other party with unfriendly eyes, and said quietly: "Mr. Captain, liars have to swallow a thousand needles?"


Jingraku Shunsui showed a reluctant expression, scratched his head and said, "It's not like you made an agreement with a girl, so it shouldn't matter, right?"

Hard, Lin Qiong's fist was hard.

"Since Mr. Captain has even used Shijie, you don't mind me using some special abilities, right?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Qiong's mouth, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and then he roared with a ferocious expression: "Swastika! Solution!"


In just an instant, Kyoraku Shunsui's eyes shrank to the size of a pinhead. In this short moment, his brain associated the Big Bang with Tohsaka Rin's beautiful legs.

'Swastika solution?He said swastika? '

'Have you even mastered the swastika interpretation of travel disasters? '

'I'm super, what the hell happened? '

'I'm living a dream? '

Jingraku Shunshui thought a lot, and then he saw Lin Qiong suddenly speeding up towards him, and punching his face to say hello.


He couldn't help taking a half step back to avoid Lin Qiong's attack, and then complained: "No matter how you think about it, it's not Xie Jie!"

"My swastika is like this!"

Lin Qiong said with a serious face, "Its effect is that as long as my fist hits the face, it will swell up!"

'Is there a possibility?In the whole situation, no matter who it is, as long as someone hits their face with a fist, they will swell up, right? The corners of Jingle Shunsui's mouth twitched indistinctly, and then he added in his heart: "Of course, it's okay to be a monster like the old man or Saraki Kenpachi... Ah, but if it's from the sixth division... ...'

He imagined the image of Kuchiki Byakuya being hit in the face by someone's face-breaking punch and then swelled up, and he couldn't help but let out a "poof" laugh while covering his face.

Lin Qiong: "?"

A vein popped out of his head: "Was what I just said funny? I'm not trying to be a comedian!"

"Ah, sorry sorry—"

Jingle Shunsui, who came back to his senses, apologized in an insincere voice, "I just accidentally thought of something very interesting, and it has nothing to do with your speech..."

No, maybe it can't be said that it doesn't matter?After all, it is precisely because I heard your speech that I made up the funny picture in my brain?


The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched, and he rushed towards Kyoryu Shunsui, who had an inappropriate attitude, with a face full of veins, and said: "Spinning kick!"

Jingraku Shunsui hurriedly blocked Lin Qiong's right straight punch with his blade, and then couldn't help but said: "You are obviously a straight punch, right? Why did you call out the name of the flying kick?"

"No Road Race!"

Lin Qiong swung his left fist again and said: "Exploding right straight punch!"

"Isn't this a straight left punch!"

"Swastika! Solution!"

"The moves that have already been used will be invalid!"

"Flying knee kick!"

"I've said it all...Wow! It's actually true! You're despicable!"

"Stop blabbering! Left straight punch——"

"It's fake this time... The fake thing is actually real!? Fake action!? Wow, you, a person with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can be so despicable!"

It seems that it will take a long time for the two to decide the winner (under the circumstance of frantic water and acting skills).


Well, not really.

Because the unexpected burst of spiritual pressure interrupted the victory or defeat between Lin Qiong and Kyoryu Shunsui.

"That is--"

Lin Qiong and Jingle Chunshui looked at the direction of the burst of Reiatsu at the same time - one of the Reiatsu seemed to be a sleeping beast, while the other was a strange monster mixed with it.

'Saraki Kenpachi and Kurosaki Ichigo? '

Lin Qiong withdrew his gaze, then grinned, and said, "Mr. Captain, it seems that your companion has encountered threats and is bursting out with spiritual pressure for help. Are you not worried?"

"Hahaha, stop joking."

Jingle Chunshui waved his hands with a smile, and said with a relaxed face: "You should be worried, right? Your companion is facing the most... ah?"

Before he could finish his words, Zaraki Kenpachi's spiritual pressure deflated like a deflated balloon.


Lin Qiong looked at the other party with a proud look on his face and said, "It seems that our side is stronger - why don't you go and take a look?"

"Yeah yay-"

Jingle Chunshui relieved himself of Shijie, then put Huatian Kuanggu back into the scabbard, scratched his head and waved towards Lin Qiong, saying: "My little brother, if we meet again next time, I'll take you to drink flower wine, bye~"

Lin Qiong put his hands in his pockets, silently watching Jingle Chunshui leave.

"Lord Qiong—"

Lan Ran's figure appeared beside him, with the usual elegant smile on his face, he said softly: "What do you think of this Beijing band leader?"

0386 Threat

"Well, how should I put it-"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, frowned, showing the expression of an old man on the subway, and said: "He has been testing me from the beginning to the end, and he has never revealed his ability from the beginning to the end—although his speed has changed since he first solved it. Soon, but I always feel that this is his deliberate effort, rather than Zanpakuto's ability."

Of course, Lin Qiong knew that Jingle Shunsui's Zanpakuto was of the rule and ghost way type, but he couldn't tell Aizen openly, could he?So I can only show an expression of "I'm analyzing".

"Just as Qiongjun said! The leader of the Beijing Band is one of the veteran captains in the soul world, and he is a very troublesome guy—"

Lan Ran pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose, and said with a light smile, "Mr. Qiong, please be careful, don't follow his way."

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