"OJ8K." Lin Qiong made a gesture and said, "I know! It's you, instead of carrying out your plan, but strolling around here, is it really okay?"

Aizen smiled slightly and said in an unquestionable tone: "My plan is flawless and there won't be any accidents."

Of course, there was still half a sentence he didn't say to Lin Qiong, which was "If there is any accident, it can only be caused by you."

This is also why Aizen came here specially - in his inference, in the entire soul world, I am afraid that only he and the captain are capable of dealing with Lin Qiong, so if Lin Qiong makes a fuss, things will change Very troublesome.

"Life is not easy, Aizen sighs—"

Lanran sighed inexplicably in his heart, when did he become the majestic blue boss and wipe other people's buttocks?

I remember this hatred.

(Lan Ran took out a small notebook and found that Lin Qiong's name was all written down recently, and couldn't help sighing).

"Oh, as expected of Xiao Lanlan, she still speaks so coolly."

Lin Qiong folded his hands and nodded, then casually found a wooden stake by the side of the road and sat on it, and said with some distress: "Damn it, I was planning to go to Goulan with the leader of the Beijing band to listen to a ditty, but now the plan is in vain. , I can't find anything to do for a while..."

Hearing this, the "dome bell" in Lan Ran's heart suddenly rang, he pushed the bridge of his nose with his hand, and then said without hesitation: "I suddenly thought that there seems to be a mistake in my plan, I need to hurry up Go back, you can go shopping by yourself first."

"Why don't you take me... eh?"

Before Lin Qiong finished speaking, he watched Aizen disappear in front of his eyes using Shunpo, which immediately made him show a disappointed expression, and complained: "It's really stingy! At worst, I'll share with you a few oirans. "

Forget it.

'The next words...'

Lin Qiong touched his chin, then put his eyes on Seireitei, and murmured, "Why don't you take a look at the kittens, or go and see Orihime Inoue first?"

Forget it, now is not the time to get in touch with clogs and hats, let's go and see Inoue Orihime and Ishida Uryu first~



Seireitei, inside.

"...Don't get too complacent, it's just a mere Quincy!!"

After being confused by Uryū Ishida, who was equipped with the Soul-Scattering Glove and activated the final mode, Niryuri raised the Zanpakuto in his hand angrily and said sternly: "Swastika - Golden Boil Kill Jizo!"

A giant caterpillar with a huge golden baby's head and a red cloak appeared in front of Nirvana Mayori. He looked at Ishida Uryu with a ferocious expression, and said through gritted teeth, "Now, your time to die has come!"

Then, it was the "villain commentary" time unique to Hot Blood comics-in general, Nirvana Mayuri's swastika has the ability to spread deadly poisonous mist, but he happened to meet Ishida Uryu who had entered the proud mode.

"Sorry, I'll get rid of you before you spread the poisonous fog—"

Ishida Uryu bowed his bow and drew the string with a cold face, and then aimed at the golden Jizo Jizo who was rushing forward—launch!

"call out--"

The high-density arrows that gathered the surrounding spirits easily split Nirvana Yuri's swastika in half, and left a huge wound on Nirvana Yuri's abdomen.


Nirvana Mayuri looked at Ishida Uryu in front of him furiously, then pierced his own throat with a knife with his backhand, and disappeared in front of Ishida Uryu with his back hand—so, this kind of scientist mad Demons have countless ways to save their lives, which is really annoying.

Not only that, after Niriya Mayori escaped, Ishida Uryu, who had won the victory on the surface, fell into crisis because of the toxin in his body. Poison, then the real loser in this battle is Ishida Uryu who won.

'So, it's really, really, really annoying to fight with a guy who has a lot of life-saving means and is also good at using poison. Lin Qiong showed a disgusted and resistant expression, and muttered: "Next, it's my turn to play."

Lin Qiong turned around and rushed towards the Confession Palace where Kuchiki Rukia was imprisoned—if his memory was correct, Ishida Uryu would meet the captain of the ninth division, Dong Shanniyao, on the stairs of the Confession Palace next.

'However, this Captain Dongxian is a bit awesome -' Lin Qiong wiped his chin and muttered to himself thoughtfully: "Not only is the skin color correct, but he also has the disability buff of 'blind man'. Add to that the 'friend's death' backdrop..."

It's a pity that you are not a member of the protagonist group.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong lightly landed in front of Tōsen Kaname, then waved at him with a smile, and said, "Captain Tōsen, long time no see."

"This voice..."

Dongxian Yao looked at Lin Qiong expressionlessly, then put his hand on the handle of the knife, and said in a deep voice, "Pomian, what's the matter with you appearing in front of me?"

"Oh, your posture——"

Lin Qiong walked up to him with brisk steps, and then asked in a low voice: "Are you showing me your fangs? The God of Death——"

"This is the Pomian who can fight Aizen-sama..."

A trace of cold sweat rolled down Tōsen Kaname's forehead, and he subconsciously let go of the handle of the knife——when he realized what he had done, a sense of shame flooded his heart.

'I was actually frightened by a virtual one...'

He gritted his teeth and said as if he was defending himself: "You are the partner of Master Aizen, so I will not attack you - answer my question, what is your purpose for appearing here."

'Tsk, I'm still pretending here, I really want Bangbang to give him two punches! '

Lin Qiong curled his lips, but because he sensed Ishida Uryu's increasingly approaching spiritual pressure, in order not to waste time, he gave up the idea of ​​beating up the Ni team and said: "There is a Quincy stationed towards you. Come closer to me, I'm somewhat interested in him, so I hope you won't be ungrateful."

After a few seconds of silence, Dongxian pretended to be calm and said: "I understand, then I will leave this to you."

After the words fell, Ni Xianyao turned around without hesitation and used Shunpo to disappear in front of Lin Qiong - to be honest, the pace was a little hasty and even a little embarrassing.

'It's not so much giving way as running away, right? '

Lin Qiong shook his head, then leaned against the wall behind him, waiting for Ishida Yuryu's arrival.




With the passage of time, Ishida Uryu could clearly feel that the spiritual pressure in his body was irreversibly passing away. This feeling of gradually losing power made him unable to bear a wry smile, and murmured: "It seems, My Quincy career is coming to an end here."

However, if he guessed correctly, he should be the first in the team to arrive at the Palace of Repentance!In other words, he should be able to rescue Rukia faster than Kurosaki Ichigo, and then he can appreciate the unwilling expression of the other party.

"He must be unwilling to show an annoyed expression, right? Hum..."

With this thought, Ishida Uryu chuckled twice, and then stepped onto the last step - the next moment, he saw the figure leaning against the wall.

Ishida Uryu paused, screaming in his heart: "I have encountered an enemy at such a time, so I have to find a way to deter him." '

Thinking of this, he straightened his body, then showed an unruly and unruly smile, and asked: "I didn't expect to meet the enemy here-hey, the god of death over there, you don't have white hair on your body." The cloak, shouldn't it be the captain?"

Lin Qiong shook his head and replied, "I am neither the captain nor the vice-captain, nor even the chief executive—"

He didn't lie, after all, he was not a member of the thirteenth team of the Gotei.

"You're not even the chairperson, why do you dare to stand in front of me?" Ishida Uryu said deliberately in a haughty tone: "I just defeated the captain of the [-]th division, Mayuri Naruto—understand? My fighting power Above the captain!"

He thought: 'If only I could scare him off. '

"I know? After all, I saw with my own eyes that you shot through Nirvana Yuri's swastika and abdomen with a spiritual arrow—" Lin Qiong said the words that made Ishida Uryu feel cold all over his body with a body temperature of 37.5 degrees. Come on, "But with your current state of spirit particles constantly escaping, I'm afraid you can't beat me."

'Damn it, it's been seen through--'

Ishida Uryu subconsciously raised his right hand, trying to condense his collar longbow Arc Sparrow, but his right hand had just been lifted less than half a centimeter, and his movements had to stop.

Because Lin Qiong's figure had already appeared in front of him, and he put his left hand on his abdomen and said in his ear: "Don't move, Ishida Uryū-kun! Otherwise, I can't guarantee that I will I won’t make a mistake and open a hole in your stomach that you can see behind you——”

Chapter 0387 Will it really not be affected?

'Wh, when...'

Ishida Uryu's body froze in place, because he found that he couldn't react at all to the movement of the mysterious god of death in front of him—let alone avoiding it in advance, if it wasn't for the birth of the other party, he might not be able to react at all.

"That's right, I like smart people."

Lin Qiong looked at Ishida Uryu who was motionless like a tortoise, nodded in satisfaction, then raised his hand and patted his shoulder, saying, "Come with me."


Ishida Ulong's eyes shrank sharply, because he found that after Lin Qiong patted himself, the spirit particles that he had been losing because of using the loose spirit gloves stagnated in his body strangely.

"What have you done to my body?"

He hurriedly caught up with Lin Qiong and asked with a look of disbelief, "After using the spirit-dispersing gloves, my spirit-dispersing state should be irreversible."

"It's just temporarily sealing the spirit in your body."

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then casually sat on the wall next to him, and said, "If you continue to wander, I'm afraid you will fall here by yourself before we can even talk for a while."

"For this reason, I stopped my scattered spirit with external force..."

Ishida Uryu twitched the corner of his mouth, he felt as if he saw the uncle downstairs bought Kenda Chicken in order to live a crazy Thursday every day.

Are you normal?

"Your name is Ishida Mizuryuke, right?"

"You did it on purpose?"

"Just a slip of the tongue."

Lin Qiong looked at Ishida Ulong whose breathing was gradually calming down, and said with a smile, "Is it worth it?"


"I mean, in order to save Kuchiki Rukia, is it worth using such an irreversible forbidden move?"

"Of course it's worth it."

"But did you know that Kuchiki Rukia could have been rescued without your participation?"

"What do you mean?"

"It means that your sacrifice is completely unnecessary. Even if you just stay in the hot springs in this world, you can wait for the news of Rukia's safety."

"It doesn't matter whether the news in your mouth is true or not—even if it is true, so what?"

Ishida Uryu calmly pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his hands, and said, "You mean to let me wait leisurely in a safe place like an outsider for Kurosaki and Inoue to rescue Kuchiki, and then send A congratulatory smile? Sorry, I can't do that."

"Well, good answer."

Lin Qiong smiled, and he took out a small octahedron crystal from his arms, and threw it into Ishida Yulong's arms.

Ishida Uryu hurriedly caught the crystal, and then asked in surprise, "What is this?"

"An actively activated signaling device."

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders towards Ishida Yulong, then walked towards the interior of the Palace of Repentance, and said, "If you want to regain the lost power of Quincy, then crush him—but, miracles and Magic doesn't come for free."

Ishida Uryu was silent for a few seconds, then put the crystal into his arms, then trotted to catch up with Lin Qiong, and asked, "Aren't you the Shinigami of Seireitei?"

"I never admitted that I was Death."

"Then who are you? Wait..."

Ishida Yulong followed Lin Qiong, and analyzed solemnly: "Not only can you stop my loose spirit state, but you also know how to recover the power of the Quincy Master after using the loose spirit gloves—won't you Which senior Quincy Master is it?"

"Hahaha, I don't like the attack method of using a bow and shooting arrows—" Lin Qiong laughed heartily, he waved his fist at Ishida Yulong, and grinned: "I prefer fist-to-flesh fighting method."

"Ah, yes, is it?"

Ishida Uryu wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, then obediently followed Lin Qiong into the Palace of Repentance, and came to Kuchiki Rukia.

"Is that you?"

Lin Qiong looked at Kuchiki Rukia, who was concentrating with her eyes closed, and said expressionlessly: "Kuchiki Byakuya's sister, Kuchiki Onion."


Ishida Uryu covered his mouth violently, but his trembling shoulders completely betrayed his emotions.


Kuchiki Rukia couldn't help but opened her eyes, then looked at Lin Qiong standing outside the cell, and said with black lines all over her head, "Who is the onion!"

"Anyone with hair like an onion is an onion—"

Lin Qiong pointed at Rukia with his finger, and then said with a nasty face, "Or do you want me to call you the rotten wood washboard or the rotten wood dwarf?"


Rukia's chest has grown a lot, and she has evolved from eternal zero to AA rank, "You say what you just said again!?"

"How strange, Ishida-kun—"

Lin Qiong showed a strange expression and said, "Would most people ask to hear it again? Does Miss Kuchiki have any strange hobbies?"


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