Lucia couldn't care less about getting angry with Lin Qiong, but instead focused her gaze on the side of the cell - sure enough, a black-haired figure was standing on the side, with half of her face exposed, "Is it Ishida-san?"

"It's me, Kuchiki-san."

After stopping his laughter, Ishida Uryu walked out pretending to be serious and said: "We are here to rescue——"

At this moment, Lin Qiong quietly said from the side: "Onion——"

Ishida: "Pfft——"


The little Miao Miao named "touch" that had just arisen in Lucia's heart disappeared with a "pop" and disappeared.

"Ahem, what happened just now was an accident."

Ishida Uryu coughed dryly twice, then looked at Rukia seriously, and said, "Kuchiki-san, we—"

Lin Qiong: "The rotten board."

Ishida: "Pfft-"


Lucia's expression gradually became ferocious. She stretched out her hands to grab the railings of the cell, then stared at Lin Qiong and Ishida outside, and said, "You did this on purpose, right?"

Ishida hurriedly explained: "No, Kuchiki, listen to my explanation!"

Lin Qiong nodded aside and said, "Yes, we didn't do it on purpose, we did it on purpose."

Ishida covered his face and said, "Senior, can you please stop interrupting?"

"That won't work, we have to hurry up—"

Lin Qiong pulled Ishida Pa to the side, and then said to Lucia, whose face was full of black lines: "Time is running out, Miss Onion, let's make a long story short-Kurosaki Ichigo has come to Soul Soul Realm to save you, but he Ukitake Shishirō fell in love with women's clothing, and the two are dating on the premise of marriage, we are here to invite you to their wedding, after all, the best man is your brother..."

Rukia: "Eh? Eh!? Eh?? Eh??!!"

Wait, wait wait! ?What happened outside during the time I was locked up! ?



A few minutes later, Lin Qiong bid farewell to Kuchiki Rukia, who was in a trance, and left the Palace of Repentance with Ishida Uryu, who was even more in a trance.

"That, that, senior..."

Looking at Lin Qiong's back, Ishida hesitated and said, "Since we're all here, why don't you rescue Lucia by the way?"

Lin Qiong turned his head and glanced at him, then jumped down the stairs with a smile, and said, "First of all, although I helped you, it doesn't mean that I am on your side? I am not going to intervene to change Kuchiki Rukia's ending—"

She wouldn't have died anyway.

Then, in Ishida's silence, Lin Qiong raised his second finger and said, "Secondly, if I rescued Kuchiki Rukia, wouldn't I be too sorry for Kurosaki Ichigo's efforts? Let him take the position of C."

And Aizen won't let me intervene in Rukia's rescue work now.

Finally, Lin Qiong put his hands on the back of his head and said, "Then, see you again, Ishida Yulong-kun."

After the words fell, Lin Qiong had disappeared from Ishida Yulong's sight.


Uryū Ishida held his chest and let out a muffled groan. He was shocked to find that after Lin Qiong left, his "spiritual scattering phenomenon" that had stagnated appeared again.

and so……

He reached out and touched the octahedral crystal in his arms and fell into silence.


8 month 6 day.

On the day of execution.

Bipolar Hill.

"Oh, it's really lively——"

Lin Qiong squatted on the mountain not far away, looking at the captains gathered below, and said to Aizen beside him: "Xiao Lanlan, you said that if I jump down at this time, the seven or eight captains, Soul Society will be Isn’t it almost finished?”

"Hehe, Lord Qiong, the water in the world of corpses and souls is much deeper than you imagined."

Aizen had the same smile on his face as before. He gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers and said, "The Gotei Thirteen are not the foundation of Soul Society."

For example, the mysterious Zero Division, the mysterious ghosts, and the private army of nobles, etc...


Lin Qiong touched his chin, then waved his hand somewhat boredly and said, "Tch, it's boring. I'll go back to Hueco Mundo to prepare the anti-film first - be careful, don't overturn."

"Don't worry, Lord Qiong—"

With a supercilious smile on the corner of Lan Ran's mouth, he said softly, "I'm waiting ahead, absolutely invincible."

However, Lin Qiong did not respond to Lan Ran, but was writing something in his notebook.

Aizen asked curiously: "Qianjun, what are you doing?"

"Take notes."

Lin Qiong put the notebook with written notes back into his arms, then patted his chest, gave a thumbs up to Lan Ran, and said: "I just feel that Xiao Lanlan, you are good at pretending, so I put your lines Write it down and prepare to see if there is a chance to use it in the future."

Aizen: "..."

He blankly watched Lin Qiong covertly open the black cavity and drill back into the virtual circle, then helped his eyes with trembling hands, and said to himself: "I really want to use his data as a template to break through the god of death and the virtual circle." Boundary? Shouldn’t it be affected?”

Shouldn't it?

No way?

Chapter 0388 Do you understand the deterrent power of flowers in mirror and moon in water?

After Lin Qiong left, the plot on Bipolar Hill was not much different from the original version——

First, after the execution begins, Kurosaki Ichigo appears on the stage, and begins to untie Zangetsu, and kills the two-pole phoenix in anger with his sword;

Then came the captain melee, Ichigo vs Byakuya, Yoruichi vs Zaihou, Kyoraku + Ukitake vs old man Yamamoto;

In the end, Aizen jumped back, hearted Rukia, killed Ichigo in seconds, and was surrounded by many captains.

"You have nowhere to go, Aizen—"

Zaihou placed the Zanpakutō on Aizen's neck, then looked at him with a cold face and said, "As long as you try to move, my sword will cut off your head."


Lan Ran looked at Sui Feng with a smiling expression on his face without changing his face, and said in a gentle tone: "Captain Sui Feng, do you think that you, or you, have already won the victory?"

Si Fengyuan Yoruichi on the side narrowed his eyes and asked: "Aizen, what do you mean?"

"Haha -" he chuckled and said, "I just want to say to you - I'm sorry to make you happy in vain, but the time has come."


The next moment, a Reiatsu that was so heavy that it seemed to crush the bones of many captains descended from the sky above Bipolar Hill. -

"That, that is..."

The strongest god of death who has been hidden in the Soul Society for hundreds of years and can instantly kill Yhwach with one finger, Ohmaeda Kichiyo looked at the torn sky with a horrified look on his face and shouted: "Black accent, that's black accent - —”

"Black Qiang, Hueco Mundo? Could it be that..."

Seemingly aware of something, Shishiro Ukitake said with an ugly expression: "Have Aizen and Xuquan cooperated?"

Jingraku Shunsui pressed the brim of his hat and said with a wry smile: "This is really bad news——"

Aizen is the captain of the fifth team of the thirteenth team of Goutei, and he can be called (except for the zero team and the central room 46) one of the thirteen people with the highest status in the soul world, but now he has betrayed The world of corpses and souls has joined the camp of Death's greatest enemy—Xu.

Just when everyone was feeling heavy, one figure after another appeared on the edge of the black cavity——

"Hey, Aizen—"

Lin Qiong stepped on the edge of the black cavity, then looked down at the people in the Soul Society below and said, "What are you waiting for? Come here as soon as possible!"

"Your Majesty's behavior really exceeded my expectations——"

Aizen gently pushed away Zanpakutō in front of him with his hand. Then, under the gazes of many captains, he slowly walked towards the cliff of Shuangji Hill and said, "In my original arrangement, , but there is no such scene."

"Hahaha, aren't I trying to support you?"

Lin Qiong smiled, then waved his hand at Jingle Chunshui, who had a weird face, and said loudly, "Brother Jingle, we have an appointment, take me to drink flower wine next time!"


Jingle Chunshui secretly thought something was wrong, he turned his head in despair, and sure enough, he saw his teacher looking at him with a gloomy expression, and reprimanded him: "Jingle, do you know that person?"

"Well, it doesn't count as acquaintance..."

Jingraku Shunshui smiled bitterly and said, "I met him two days ago and thought he was just an ordinary travel disaster - now it seems that I have been tricked."

"Idiot! I'll settle accounts with you later—"

Mr. Yamamoto glared at his incompetent disciple, then turned his head and looked gloomily at Aizen, Ichimaru Gin and Tosen Kaname gathered together with the other captains.

Not far from the captain, Matsumoto Rangiku looked at the man who smiled like a fox with a complicated face, and murmured with mixed feelings:

"Silver, why would you..."

"East Immortal!!"

The big dog Gobo Village Left Formation next to him looked at Dong Xianni with excitement, and roared with great anger: "Why are you there!? Is this the justice you have always emphasized!?"

Tōsen Kaname glanced at his "friend" indifferently and said calmly: "Bobon, the Soul Society has become corrupt."


At this time, the captain sneered, slammed the Zanpakutō in his hand on the ground, and shouted in an awe-inspiring manner: "Does Mo Feier think that by joining forces with Hueco Mundo, he can escape from me? How ridiculous! "

"The funny thing is that you are the one--"

Lin Qiong, who was stepping on the edge of the black cavity with his arms folded, acted like a doggy pretending to be a tiger, he shouted loudly: "You bald old man, don't you know how powerful Aizen is?"

"Bald, bald old man?"

Mr. Yamamoto was taken aback for a moment, while Jingle Shunsui and Ukitake Shirōro behind him covered their mouths and turned away their eyes——no, no, no, you can’t laugh, or you will definitely be punished by the teacher for copying the team rules, poof , puff...

'Two traitors! '

Mr. Yamamoto glared at the disciple behind him, and then said in a deep voice: "Under absolute power, all means are vain—under the old man's ruthless blade, everything will turn into dust!"

"I think you don't understand at all! The ability of Aizen's Zanpakuto...ah!" At this point, Lin Qiong stopped "disclosure of information", but turned his head to focus on Aizen's body , asked: "Is this permissible?"

Aizen smiled casually, and said, "Don't worry, Lord Qiong! I have already revealed the ability of my Zanpakuto to other captains, so it doesn't matter."

"Oil shrimp! Then I'll just say it!" Lin Qiong clenched his fists, then looked at Yamamoto arrogantly, and said loudly: "Listen up, you old man with hair growing on your chin—"

"My head, my hair is all on my chin..."

Captain Yamamoto had a vein popping out of his forehead, while the other captains and vice-captains who were less funny were already holding their thighs with their fingers to keep themselves from laughing.

"The head, the hair is long, it grows on the chin..." Jingle Chunshui glanced at the captain's drifting beard, couldn't help squatting on the ground with his stomach covered, and then said with difficulty: "Old man Shan's head... I mean The beard is indeed very elegant...ahem..."


Immediately, Fuzhu imitated Jingle Chunshui and squatted on the ground, then clutched his abdominal muscles, and said with difficulty: "My stomach, my stomach hurts so much."

'Traitor! ! '

At this moment, old man Yamamoto's arms burst out with blue veins. He suppressed his anger and said through gritted teeth, "Boy, what exactly do you want to say?"

"The ability of Mirror Flower and Water Moon does not affect your vision through light refraction at all, but completely hypnotizes the five senses!" People who didn't know thought Lin Qiong was introducing his ability, "You know how powerful his ability is. He can easily hypnotize you, and then let you see the picture of the old man wearing net stockings bunny dancing pole dancing, do you understand?"

Aizen: "?"

Ichimaru Gin: "!"

Other captains: "!!"

Captain: "??"

After Lin Qiong uttered these shocking words, the entire Bipolar Hill fell into a strange silence.

Anyway, the captain is wearing fishnet stockings and the bunny girl is pole dancing! ? ! ?

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