"This, what kind of hell picture scroll is this..."

Jingraku Shunsui, who had just laughed at Old Man Shan for having "his hair growing on his chin", suddenly retched twice with a livid face, and then said with a numb scalp, "My scalp feels numb just imagining this scene."

"Chunshui, you are really brave."

On the side, Fuzhu looked pale, as if he was going to die at any moment, "How dare you have the courage to imagine!! I feel a kind of physical and psychological discomfort just hearing this description."

Seeing the unstoppable expressions of these captains, Lin Qiong let out a wild laugh: "Thief hahaha! Now you know how powerful Ah Lan is?"

Ichimaru Gin was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Aizen, and said with a complicated expression: "Captain Aizen, do you really know how to do such a thing?"

Aizen: "?"

The mask-like smile on his face was almost unstoppable, he glanced at Ichimaru Gin twitchingly at the corner of his mouth, and said in a deep voice, "Gin, am I that kind of person in your eyes?"

Ichimaru Gin thought for a while, and then said with a smile: "Oh, I've never seen Captain Aizen's true face clearly, so..."

So, how do I know if you are this kind of person?

"Hiss! It suddenly occurred to me—"

Suddenly, Lin Qiong showed a shocked expression, he stared at Aizen with wide eyes, and said, "Alan, don't you use this ability to hypnotize yourself every night, and then watch Ichimaru Gin and Tōsen in the room Are you going on a date!?"

Ichimaru Silver: Σ( ° △ °|||)

Dongxian wants:? ? ? ?

Eat melons and eat yourself? ?

The two of them looked at Aizen with terrified expressions—it seems impossible for the wise Aizen-sama to do such a thing, right?


Aizen: "..."

He took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice: "Jun Qiong, don't talk now! I have something to say."

The captains who were originally looking at him with anger and murderous intent now looked strange. If he continued to talk, his reputation would become weirder and weirder!

Don't do that kind of thing! !


Lin Qiong nodded obediently, and then said, "Then tell me."

Aizen took a deep breath to calm down his complicated mood. He raised his right hand to take off his glasses, and then wiped his hair with his hand. He suddenly changed from an elegant and modest gentleman to an ambitious villain: "Zombie Gods of death in the soul world, from today on, I will stand in the sky!"

"Standing in the sky?"

The captain slowly held his own Zanpakutao, and said in a deep voice: "Before you said this, did you ask the old man what he meant? Did the old man agree to you?"

Little Aizen is so ridiculous!

I don’t even dare to say that I stand tall in the sky. Where do you have the face?

"The strongest death god in the soul world for thousands of years, the holder of the strongest Zanpakuto in the hot department—"

Lan Ran looked at the captain in front of him, and said softly: "Do you think that I will expose myself to you without any preparation?"

Lin Qiong looked at Aizen who was putting on 13, touched his chin and thought, "If I prevent the anti-film from lowering at this time, will Aizen explain here?" '

At this moment, a golden beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped the three Aizen standing together, forming an "absolute protection" that isolated the two worlds inside and outside.

"Sure enough, it's an anti-film—"

The old man Yamamoto didn't show a surprised expression—it would be better to say that from the moment he learned of the cooperation between Aizen and Xu, he had already guessed that there would be such a scene, "Boy Aizen, the next time we meet is you Time to die! Wash your neck and wait—”

"Ha ha--"

Lan Ran, who was standing beside Lin Qiong, showed a very contemptuous smile towards the bottom in the slowly closing black cavity.

Chapter 0389 Where did your nutrition go?

Aizen walked away gently, waved his sleeves, did not take away a single cloud, but left behind a heavy sorrow——

There are vacancies for captains of the [-]rd, [-]th and [-]th teams;

Captains of the [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th teams were seriously injured;

The deputy captain of the fifth division and the deputy captain of the sixth division were seriously injured.

"Feel sorry--"

Lucia looked at the friends in front of her, smiled wryly, and said, "I really don't have time to receive you now."

"It's okay, Kuchiki-san—"

Inoue Orihime hurriedly waved her hands, she made a strong movement, and said enthusiastically, "Why don't we help too!"

"How is this possible? You are guests..."

Before Rukia could finish her refusal, she was interrupted by a call from the side.

"Here comes a fourth team, he's dying!"

"Whoever passes by, can't spare his hand—"

"Come on people!!"

Rukia sneered, then bowed to Inoue Orihime, and said, "Please, Inoue-san."

"Hey, hey, I don't find it troublesome at all——"

Inoue Orihime chuckled, then happily ran towards the direction of the injured, saying to herself: "At least, I came in handy!"



virtual circle.

Void Night Palace.

Lan Ran, who had already changed into a white uniform, sat on the throne of the Xuye Palace, then looked down at the ten ten blades below, and said softly: "My lords, starting from today, a new era has come!"

"Clap clap-"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands in a face-saving manner. He even looked at the Ten Blades below, and urged, "What are you still doing in a daze? Applause! Do you all understand what is company culture? The boss speaks to the subordinates. How can you not applaud? Be careful that Aizen will put on shoes for you when you turn around—for example, let Harribel do the loach dance!"

Harribel: "!?"

Aizen: "??"

He couldn't help but rubbed his head, and then, under Heribel's suspicious eyes, said in a deep voice: "Qianjun, can I trouble you, don't talk for now?"


Lin Qiong pursed his lips aggrievedly, and then beckoned to Stark. The two of them took Lilinette to the corner of the room, and then took out a deck of cards and started playing.

Aizen: "..."

Forget it!Don't be angry, don't be angry, being angry is giving room to the devil!

Thinking about it carefully, Urahara Kisuke's piece of Honyu is already in my hands, which means that I will be able to synthesize a complete Honyu right away, and then let myself break through the boundary between the Shinigami and Hollows - then I will have enough time to teach him a lesson!


Lan Ran hesitated for a moment, did he really, really, really want to use Lin Qiong's data as a template for breaking through the boundary between death and emptiness?

Really, really, really not affected?



8 month 21 day.

the present.

It has been nearly half a month since Aizen betrayed the world of souls.


After Ishida Uryū watched the last trace of spirit particles drifting away from his fingertips, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Sure enough, the effect of the spirit-dispersing gloves is irreversible? I tried every means, but I couldn't stop the flow of spirit particles. .”

Today, he has lost the ability of the Quincy Master, and is just an "ordinary person" who "can see the spirit".

Thinking of this, Ishida Uryu couldn't help but put his gaze on his desk—on the shelf where the books were placed, there was a small octahedron crystal, which he took over from "that person".

Ishida Uryu shook his head vigorously and said to himself: "No, no, what are you thinking? He is from Hueco Mundo——"

God knows what kind of shock Ishida Uryu received when he saw Lin Qiong standing in the black cavity at Shuangji Hill?This is simply a bigger shock than the one I got when I saw the book of Three Evil Dragons x Fairy Eevee, isn't it?

Is that mysterious "God of Death" actually a "Void"?

What a joke!


Ishida Uryu sighed, then sat on the chair, looked out of the window with sad eyes, and murmured: "Why does this face outside the window look so familiar?"

It's like the god of death I met in the world of corpses and souls... the same...


He stood up from his seat in fright, then stared out the window at the figure waving towards him.

"Boom boom boom——"

Ishida Uryu rushed to the window with lightning speed, then pulled it open suddenly, and asked, "You, why did you appear here!? I didn't crush that stone!"

He even took the time to look at the crystal on the bookcase to make sure that he had not crushed the stone in his daze.

"Oh, the purpose of my coming to this world this time is not you."

Lin Qiong waved his hand with a smile and said: "I just sensed your spiritual pressure that is so thin that it's ridiculous, so I just came to see you - I'm a little worried that you won't be able to see it next time we meet. You can see me."

"Hmph, it won't bother you anymore."

Ishida Uryu snorted coldly, and then said indifferently: "Even if I completely lose all my strength, I won't crush that spar."

"Oh, if you don't pinch it, don't pinch it, what a big deal—"

Lin Qiong's indifferent expression made Ishida Uryu feel uncomfortable - although it is true, can't you persuade me a little more?

Just when Ishida Uryu was slandering in his heart, Lin Qiong had already summoned a spirit by his window, and then deliberately "talked to himself" with a volume that Ishida Uryu could hear: "Let me see, Inoue The direction of Orihime is--okay, I found it!"

"and many more!!"

At the moment when Lin Qiong was about to leave, Ishida Ulong flew over, grabbed his clothes with one hand, and said loudly, "Whose name did you just say?"

"Huh? Ishida-kun, don't make such a dangerous move?" Lin Qiong felt the "resistance" and turned around with concern, then kindly helped Ishida Uryū up and said: "You are now Ordinary people, it would be terrible if they accidentally fell out of the window just now."

"It's not about talking about these things now!"

Ishida Yuryu grabbed Lin Qiong's clothes like a big snake on a stick and hurriedly confirmed: "Whose name did you just say?"

"Orihime Inoue! Have you forgotten? It was the accident that I went to rescue Rukia with you last time—" Lin Qiong looked at Ishida Uryu with a smile on his face, and said, "Aizen seems to be interested in her I am very interested in her abilities, so let me first see what makes her abilities so extraordinary."

This is intentional.

"Wait, wait..."

After hearing the information "unintentionally" revealed by Lin Qiong, Ishida Uryu hurriedly asked: "You mean, Inoue-san was targeted by that Aizen?"

Lin Qiong showed a thoughtful expression, then nodded, and said, "Well, that's about it!"

'This is not good news...'

Ishida Uryu's expression became serious, he stared at Lin Qiong in front of him, and said, "Can I go with you? I mean to meet Classmate Inoue."


Lin Qiong showed a disgusted expression. He pointed to the wall clock on the wall and said, "The male classmate went to the female classmate's home at 11:30 in the middle of the night. Isn't it a bad influence?"

'It's so strange to say such words from Xu's mouth! '

Ishida Uryu twitched the corners of his lips and asked, "Is there no problem with Xu?"

Lin Qiong took it for granted: "Xu is not a human being, so of course he doesn't need to abide by human rules."

'He had a good point—'

Ishida Uryu pointed to himself: "Then I am the Quincy, and I don't need to abide by human rules."

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