Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, then thought about it and said, "Okay, then I'll take you with me."


Ishida Uryu breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you—"

Ah, but how is he going to take me there?Use a black accent?still--



"—It's too dangerous to use that method."

Sitting on the tatami at Inoue's house, Ishida Uryu was still pale and wrapped in a deformed coat, and said, "Aren't you worried that I will fall——ah, thank you, Inoue-san, for the tea."

"No, it's fine."

Inoue Orihime nervously put two cups of tea in front of Ishida Uryu and Lin Qiong, and asked tentatively, "That, Ishida-kun, and this..."


"...Mr. Qiong, I don't know if you are coming to my house at this time, what's the matter?"

Inoue Orihime looked at the two people in front of him delicately—especially when these two people appeared, but Mr. Yuqiong was holding Ishida-kun's collar and floating outside the window of her house.

This is not "normal" at all, is it?

"This, Inoue-san!"

Ishida Uryu sat up straight, then looked at Orihime Inoue with some worry, and said, "I hope you can listen quietly to what I'm going to say next, is that okay?"

Inoue Orihime nodded.

"This matter will start when we go to the soul world to rescue the dead wood..."

Ishida Uryu took a breath, and then told him about his encounter with Lin Qiong, Lin Qiong's appearance in reality, and his purpose, "... Out of worry, I asked him to bring me along gone."

"Eh? Eh! Eh!?"

A large amount of knowledge poured in all of a sudden, causing Inoue Orihime's pig brain to be overloaded at once. After frantically gesticulating for a long time, she stammered and said: "Also, that is to say, that, Mr. Qiong is here to kidnap me Is it—?"

"No! It's Aizen who is interested in your ability, not us?" Lin Qiong waved his hand, "unintentionally" revealing the information of Xuquan, "Xuquan is now being controlled by two forces. The rulers are the Xuye Palace led by Aizen, and the sky city where I am - these two strengths are equal partnerships, so even if Aizen wants to send someone to kidnap you, it will only be Xuye Palace people come over."

Orihime Inoue showed a reassuring expression, then patted her chest, and said with a sigh of relief, "That means Mr. Qiong didn't come to kidnap me, right? That's great——"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Did this girl only understand the three words "no"!Has your nutrition gone to the fat on your chest? ?

Chapter 0390 Answers

If at this moment, Lin Qiong faced Inoue Orihime alone, he would probably be very distressed about this melon girl's ability to understand.But fortunately, there is still a man with a normal IQ in this room.

"Student Inoue, now is not the time to say 'Great'!"

Ishida Uryu looked at his classmate with black lines on his head and said, "Although he is not here to catch you, Aizen's men will come sooner or later!"

"Eh? That would be bad."

Orihime Inoue tapped her head, showing a distressed expression, and said, "What should I do?"

Looking at the helpless Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryu clenched his fists and said in a low voice, "Inoue-san, go find Kurosaki! He will definitely protect you."

He has lost his strength and has no way to protect others.

Hearing Ishida Uryu's words, Inoue Orihime showed a hesitant expression: "But, won't that cause trouble for Kurosaki-kun?"

"The young man named Ichigo Kurosaki finally rescued the girl named Rukia Kuchiki after experiencing life and death several times. But before he could rest for long, he had to face the even more powerful Aizen? ?”

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, nodded his head aside, and continued to "unintentionally" reveal the information of Xuye Palace: "By the way, there is an organization called 'Ten Blades' in Lan Ran's Xuye Palace, Every member's fighting power is at the captain level—in other words, Kurosaki Ichigo may have to face ten captain-level enemies alone this time? And even if he knocks down all ten blades, he still has to To face the more powerful Aizen..."


After hearing Lin Qiong's "inadvertently" confide in the desperate news of the super high school level, the two high school students fell into silence immediately.

Ishida Uryu looked at Lin Qiong, and couldn't help asking: "Ten Blades? Is it the people standing next to you when the black cavity opened?"

Lin Qiong nodded, and said, "That's right! In order to support Alan, I specially pulled all the blades from No. 60 to No. [-]! Isn't it cool?"

"Rather than being handsome, it's better to say scary—" Ishida Uryu twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "To be honest, I really felt like my bones were about to be crushed."

"Eh? Is that an exaggeration? Hahahaha, could it be that you are too weak?"

Lin Qiong laughed and said something that made Ishida Ulong's heart ache, "This is not okay! Ishida-kun must work hard to become stronger... Oh, you can't become stronger anymore, that's okay."

'This guy……'

Ishida Uryu clenched his fist inexplicably, "Damn it, I really want to hit him, but I can't!" '

"That, Ishida-kun—"

At this time, Orihime Inoue glanced at the two of them, and said in a hesitant and firm tone, "Can you not tell Kurosaki-kun about this?"

Ishida Uryu was stunned. He looked at Inoue Orihime and asked: "Inoue, what do you mean? If you don't tell Kurosaki-kun, do you want to sacrifice yourself..."

"But, but, is this something that can't be helped?"

Inoue Orihime showed a bitter expression, and she whispered: "If Kurosaki-kun is to face ten captain-level enemies, and even the stronger Aizen—he will definitely die!"

She didn't want Kurosaki Ichigo to die because of her relationship, so she chose to sacrifice herself.

Ishida Uryu looked at Orihime Inoue and asked in a low voice: "But, how are you going to lie to Kurosaki? I don't think Aizen will kindly ask you to come to and from school every day after he takes you away—"

"This one……"

Orihime Inoue scratched her face, then forced a smile, and said, "For example, moving or going abroad? Hahaha, there will always be a way!"

'Damn, damn—'

Ishida Uryu clenched his fist in remorse, he once again felt angry because of his weakness - but now, let alone cultivation, even his strength...

and many more!

Ishida Uryu's eyes flickered a few times, then suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and said to Inoue: "I see! I will help you hide Kurosaki."

Hearing this answer, Orihime Inoue showed a relieved expression again, and she smiled and said, "That's great, thank you, Ishida!"



"Well, I feel like there's nothing special about that little girl named Inoue—"

Lin Qiong lay sideways on Ishida Yulong's bed, looked at the old jump in front of him, and muttered, "I really don't know what A-Lan likes about her—hey, wait, maybe it's her figure?"

However, the complaint that Lin Qiong expected from Ishida Uryū did not come - he was sitting at the desk at this time, looking straight at the octahedral crystal placed on the bookshelf.

Lin Qiong supported his side face with his hands while smiling, and asked, "Mr. Shitian, what are you thinking?"

Ishida Uryu was silent for a few seconds, then stretched out his hand to bring the crystal in front of him and said: "Mr. Qiong, you said that as long as I crush this crystal, you can help me find the Quincy." Power, right?"

"That's right, I did tell you that." Lin Qiong nodded, and he sat up from Ishida Ulong's bed, and then emphasized: "However, miracles and magic are not free? You Don't you think I'm a kind and gentle daxu who helps you for free?"

"I wouldn't be so naive."

Ishida Uryu took a deep breath, and squeezed the crystal in his hand vigorously in front of Lin Qiong...

He took a deep breath and squeezed the crystal vigorously...

He took a deep breath, squeezed the crystal...

"When you made this, didn't you imagine that I wouldn't be able to crush it?"

Ishida Yulong was flustered in the wind, he looked at the crystal lying quietly in his palm, and said, "Or should I find a hammer to smash it?"

"Ahem, accident, this is just an accident—" Lin Qiong coughed dryly, and with a wave of his right hand, he recalled the crystal back to his hand with magic power, explaining: "When it was originally set, it was based on your physical condition. Yes, but I forgot that you will weaken into a weak chicken, my pot."

Although Lin Qiong admitted his mistake very honestly, but for some reason, Ishida Ulong didn't feel any joy at all, it's so strange!

"Just treat it as if I crushed it."

Ishida Yuryu sighed, walked up to Lin Qiong, and said calmly: "Then, what do I need to pay in exchange for helping me regain my strength?"

"At this time, I really want to give a magic weapon of the same style to Ishida Uryu, and then watch him transform into a magical girl—" Lin Qiong sat up, "but no, he is precious The body of the destroyer, so he must be asked to complete the data of the source force cultivation method. '

Lin Qiong secretly thought it was a pity, and looked at Ishida Ulong, and said softly: "The price is very simple, Ishida Ulong, please offer your loyalty."

"Mr. Qiong should know, right? What is the purpose of my regaining my strength?"

Ishida Uryu did not answer right away, but after a few seconds of silence, he said: "I will protect Inoue together with Kurosaki—in other words, I will fight Aizen!"

"It's really an honest answer—don't you worry that I will reject you because of this?" Lin Qiong propped his chin with great interest, and said, "I have said that the current Sky City and Aizen The Void Night Palace, is it an ally relationship?"

"I just think that even if I don't say that, you should be able to guess my decision." Ishida Ulong smiled wryly, and he sat cross-legged on the floor like Lin Qiong, and said, "So it's better It's better to say it from the beginning."

Lin Qiong said with a bad smile: "Hahaha, I don't hate your honesty? To be honest, if you are going to help Kurosaki Ichigo secretly without telling me, I'm going to make things difficult for you~ "

Ishida Uryu opened his mouth, and said in astonishment: "Even if you help Kurosaki secretly without telling you, is it just to add to the trouble?"

"Eh? Because I already knew your character, so I invited you—" Lin Qiong showed a natural expression, and said, "In other words, I already knew from the beginning It's your choice?"

Ishida Uryu gave a wry smile, then scratched his hair helplessly, and said, "Then what am I struggling with?"

Lin Qiong said with a smile: "This is probably the trouble of adolescence, right?"

"The troubles of puberty probably don't refer to such things."

Ishida Uryu sighed, turned over and sat up from the ground, then knelt down in front of Lin Qiong, and said, "Please let me offer my loyalty—if I can survive the battle with Aizen if."

"Honey, so I'm still praying that you survive?"

Lin Qiong scratched his hair helplessly, then stood up and patted Ishida Uryu on the shoulder, and said, "Okay! Then you have a good rest today, and I will send someone to take you there tomorrow."

Ishida Uryu pushed his glasses and said, "I see."

He watched Lin Qiong step onto his bed, then opened the window and jumped out.


Ishida Uryu was silent for a few seconds, then rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "There shouldn't be any dust on the soles of Xu's shoes... right?"



Lin Qiong appeared on the roof of Ishida's house, looked behind him and said, "Come out, Ishida Ryuxian."


A figure appeared in front of Lin Qiong, with his left hand in his trouser pocket and his right hand hanging by his side. He looked at Lin Qiong calmly and said, "Pomian, stay away from my son."

Lin Qiong blinked, showed a provocative smile, and said, "What if I don't?"

"Then I will use force..."

Ishida Ryuuxian raised his right hand, condensed the Quincy's Reiko Longbow, and said coldly: "Let you retreat in spite of the difficulties."

Chapter 0391 Occupation

The next day, after school.


After changing into simple clothes, Ishida Ulong stood in the depths of an alley, and then, as Lin Qiong said yesterday, took out the spar from his arms and stared at it.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

As time passed, the struggle on Ishida Uryu's face became more and more obvious.

In the end, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Lin Qiong is handsome, Lin Qiong is cool, Lin Qiong is handsome and cool!"

As the voice fell, a faint blue light flashed in the spar in his hand, and a black cavity opened in front of him, revealing a dark passage, like an evil ghost that devours people.

'At this point... no, from the moment I chose to accept yesterday, there is no going back. '

After such thoughts flashed through his brain, Ishida Uryu raised his right foot and stepped into the black cavity, and the black cavity closed slowly after his figure entered it, and disappeared into the present world.



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