Castle in the Sky.

"Oh? Looks like our guests are here."

Lin Qiong, who was in Rua Fairy Ibrahimovic, raised his head, looked at the black chamber opened in the courtyard below with a smile on his face, and said, "It's time to welcome our new members."

On the other side, after walking out of the black cavity and looking at the surrounding scenery, Ishida Uryu fell into shock.

This is a virtual circle! ?

This is a fucking virtual circle! ?

This place where the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant and the sun is shining brightly is a fucking circle! ?

*Praise from elegant Kuzacho*, is the environment in the virtual circle so introverted now?Then what reason do humans have for not protecting the environment? ?


"Yo, Ishida-kun—"

Lin Qiong's figure appeared in front of Ishida Ulong, waved to him friendly, and said with a smile, "Are you ready to recover your strength?"

Ishida Uryu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "I'm ready to start anytime."

Lin Qiong nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Come along."

Ishida Uryu followed Lin Qiong into the castle of Sky City without saying a word, and then came all the way to Miss Wanshitong's research room.


Miss Know-It-All wiped her chin, looked up and down at Uryu Ishida standing in front of her, and said, "I see, that's it! Is this the Quincy? It is indeed a little different from the Shinigami and Hollows."

Ishida Uryu said with some confusion: "What do you mean?"

"Do you know why Death defines Quincy as a 'world-destroying existence'?" Miss Know-It-All looked at the data detected on the tablet and said, "The statement given by Death is that Quincy is not a Purifying the virtual soul, but completely destroying it, will cause an imbalance of the soul, which will lead to the destruction of the world."

It was the first time Ishida Uryu heard about this kind of thing, showing a bit of consternation.

Before he could react, Miss Wanshitong continued: "Judging from the flow of spirit particles, the God of Death's statement is correct—I checked the data of past battles, and found that those virtual spirit particles killed by you, It's all gone completely."

Ishida Uryu suddenly showed a shaken expression. He recalled what Nirvana Mayuri said to him, and couldn't help but said to himself: "So, is this why the Soul Society attacked Quincy?"

This reason is really "awe-inspiring" - in order to prevent the balance of the world from being destroyed by Quincy, so I have to watch Quincy die, right?

"I don't have the right to comment on this matter, but Death itself has been deceived." Miss Wanshitong put away the tablet, then looked at Ishida Uryu, and said: "You are also a high school student after all, have you studied the conservation of energy? "


Ishida Uryu paused suddenly, and then nodded with difficulty - Damn, he actually heard the words "energy conservation" from a big Xu's mouth. Is the world crazy or is he crazy?

"Since the energy is conserved, why do the virtual spirits destroyed by the Quincy disappear out of thin air?" Miss Wanshitong smiled, and she said softly: "Because those spirits were plundered by a mysterious existence—— Neither the Quincy himself nor the Grim Reaper discovered this fact."

Lin Qiong on the side showed a dazed expression and said, "Pug?"

"Bingo, that's right—"

Miss Know-It-All snapped her fingers, and then said with a smile: "If I guessed correctly, all Quincy should have such a technique in their bodies - the souls of the void killed by them will be purified and then transformed into The power of friend Harbach.”

"Wait, wait a minute—"

Ishida Uryu felt that his brain was a little messed up, and he couldn't help asking: "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all?"

At this time, Ishida Uryu had the urge to transform into Kurosaki Ichigo——

"What did you say……"

"What are you talking about!!"

"I'm asking you, what are you talking about!"

"I don't understand!"

Not to mention Kurosaki Ichigo, wouldn't he, Ishida Uryu, not understand?

"Oh, let me explain—"

Lin Qiong sighed helplessly. He first waved to the chocolate at the door and asked her to prepare tea and snacks. Then he took Ishida Uryū and sat on the chair and said, "Then, let's get rid of it." Let’s start talking about the ancestor of Queshi…”



The Quincy, Yuhabach, the prophecy of 99 years, the first sanctification...

Grim Reaper, Team Zero and Gotei Thirteen Team, Aizen's strategy...

Hollow, Broken Face and Ten Blades, Aizen's research...

And lastly, False God.

"...In general, that's what it's all about."

Lin Qiong took a sip of milk tea to moisten his throat, then took a bite of the cookie on the plate, and said, "You digest it first, if there is anything you don't understand, please continue to ask me."


Ishida Uryu wrote "Aba Aba" in his left eye, and "Makabaka" in his right eye. The whole person felt unreal—EXM?Am I too crazy, or is this world too crazy? ?

A full 10 minutes had passed before Ishida Uryu nodded his head with difficulty and said, "...Hmm! Well, I probably understand the information you just said!"

"very good."

Lin Qiong clapped his hands gently, and then said with a smile: "So, do you have anything to ask?"


Ishida Uryu nodded, looked at Lin Qiong with a serious expression, and said, "If I regain the power of the Quincy, will I become Yuhabach's... accomplice to plunder the spirit again?"

I didn't know it before, but now that I know the truth, and that Yuhabach is the real murderer who killed his mother, what Ishida Uryu really thinks and responds to, there is a feeling that Ania is crawling all over his body. a feeling of.

Sorry, Ma Fei!

"Hahaha, you can rest assured about this." Lin Qiong gave his thumbs up sassyly, and said: "Miss Wanshitong will provide you with a new cultivation method, and you will get a completely new change—when you You can aim at Juhabach's head and shoot his balls with one arrow!"


Ishida Uryu wrinkled his face, showing a complex and delicate expression.



"By the way, Miss Know-It-All—"

Lin Qiong lay on the fence, looked at Ishida Ulong who had resumed his cultivation, and asked curiously: "Ishida Ulong is a Quincy master, right? If he practices the source power cultivation method, will he also become a false god?"

The source force cultivation method has two effects——

First, sublimate the energy in the body and convert secondary energy (dominance/chakra/spiritual power/magic) into superior energy (source power);

Second, trace back the origin of the blood, purify the purity of the senior blood, and bring yourself closer to the most original life posture.

"Of course not—from the essence of life, the False God and the Quincy are at the same level." Miss Wanshitong supported her chin, lazily put the biscuit into her mouth, and explained: "If If the highest-ranking soul king in the Shinigami world is compared to Otsutsuki Kaguya, then Shinigami and Xu are Uchiha and Haruhi, and Quincy is the Hyuga clan."

After Lin Qiong recalled the setting of Naruto and the God of Death, he couldn't help but sigh: "Your metaphor is a bit wonderful!"

It is indeed wonderful!Like Hyuga's lineage, the Quincy lineage was an inconspicuous existence in the early days, but when the final form was revealed, the audience shouted "I'm Zhuo, against the sky".

"Theoretically speaking, if the Void God and the Quincy Master have cultivated to the end, they can rely on the source force cultivation method to make a further breakthrough, combine the power of the Void, the Death God, and the Quincy Master into one, and trace the status of the Spirit King— —” Miss Know-It-All rubbed her chin and said, “It’s just that it’s very, very, very difficult, and it takes a lot of time and resources.”

Lin Qiong said with a strange expression: "This Kurosaki Ichigo is worthy of being the leading actor, and he has acquired the power of the Trinity from the very beginning."

"After all, he is the male protagonist~" Miss Know-It-All Xiaoji smiled softly and said, "My dear host, you should think of ways to recruit Chadu Taihu next, right?"

"Isn't it? I just came back?"

Lin Qiong immediately lay down on the chair, yelling, "At least let me rest for three, four, five, six or seven days?"

"Too long! Too long!"

Miss Wanshitong couldn't help but raised her right foot, which was wrapped in black silk, and then stepped on Lin Qiong's thigh, and said, "Tomorrow! Tomorrow, go to recruit Chadu Taihu for me—bring Ishida there too , strive to bring him to me tomorrow!"

She can't wait to study that big man!

"I know, I know! Don't step on it, don't step on it! You use this to test your foot control, who can stand it! I'll bring him here tomorrow, okay?"

Lin Qiong stood up in embarrassment, then stumbled and ran out of the room, yelling: "I suddenly realized that the rice cooker in my room hadn't been turned off, and if this continues, the laundry in it will soon run out of power! Slip away! -"


Miss Know-It-All curled her lips, and then looked diagonally upwards.

Sure enough, after more than ten seconds, Lin Qiong's shout came from upstairs: "Erina, Tie Tie! Let me kiss, hug, rub and hold high—"

Immediately afterwards, there were fluctuations in the soundproof barrier, and finally everything returned to calm.


Miss Know-It-All curled her lips again, and then set her sights on the training ground.

Chapter 0392

Late that night.

After five hours of training, Ishida Uryu had finished rearranging the spiritual particles in his body, and successfully condensed a spiritual particle arrow.

"It's going pretty well—"

Lin Qiong sat in a chair in the gazebo and said to Mr. Shi Tian: "If this continues, you will be able to recover your original strength by September at the latest."

The so-called original strength refers to Ishida Uryu's strength before using the loose spirit gloves.

"But, I don't know when Aizen will send people to arrest Inoue." Uryu Ishida's eyebrows showed a hint of urgency, but he still used his self-control to calm down, "I need to seize every minute and every second. It takes time to regain your strength."

"Is this why you are still running the cultivation method in your body even during the rest period?"

Lin Qiong glanced at Ishida Yulong's state at this time, then propped his chin, and said, "There is an old saying in the Celestial Dynasty called 'combination of work and rest'! If you keep yourself too tense for a long time, maybe you will get twice the result with half the effort."

"Master Qiong, I understand what you're saying, but whenever I'm about to relax, I can't help but feel..." Ishida Uryu moved his fingers, then smiled wryly, and said, "If it's because These few seconds of relaxation made me a little bit short at the last moment, so what should I do? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but run the exercises again and cultivate the source power."

Lin Qiong rubbed his head and said, "Who did you learn the title 'Master' from?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ishida Uryu's mouth, and he said, "I think everyone calls you that - is there a problem? Master."

'Ah, damn it, this guy actually has a bad personality, right? '

Lin Qiong rubbed his head, then smiled at Ishida Yulong, and said, "Of course it's no problem! It just so happens that I have a mission for you - this is a mission Ishida-kun obtained after joining Sky Castle Oh? Don't let me down!"

"Can I ask what the task content is?"

"I want you to represent Sky City to invite newcomers to join."

"Newcomer? Who?"

"Chadu Taihu, am I an acquaintance of yours? Be happy!"

"You're all about revenge, right?"

"You're kidding! Am I that kind of person?"

"do not you?


'Hey what is it! '



The next day, lunch break.


"Ahem, Chadu-san—"

Ishida Uryu stood in front of Chadu Yasutora with a tangled expression, and said in a rare and awkward way: "Well, I have something to tell you."

Yasutora Chadu, holding the yakisoba bread for lunch in his hand, looked at Ishida Uryu expressionlessly and fell silent.

After a while, he said, "What's the matter?"


Ishida Uryu breathed a sigh of relief. He first handed over the bento box in his hand, and then pretended to be calm and said: "This is an extra bento I made, please accept it if you don't mind."

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