Chadu Yasutora slowly stretched out his hand to take Ishida Uryu's bento box, then lowered his head slightly, and said, "Thank you, Ishida. This is the first time I have received a bento box from someone else."

"Don't say that, I'm about to feel guilty..."

Ishida Uryu sighed from the bottom of his heart, "It's too miserable to receive a bento for the first time, but it's for another purpose." Holding another bento box, he sat next to Chadu Yasutora, lowered his head and said, "Chadu, Do you still remember that captain Aizen who betrayed the soul world when we went to the soul world to save Rukia?"


Chadu Taihu stuffed the remaining half of the bread into his mouth in two or three bites, then opened the bento box in front of him while chewing, and said, "Is there any problem with him?"

Ishida Uryu took a deep breath, and said quickly, "Chadu-san, I got a piece of news from someone else——Aizen has his eyes on Inoue-san, and it is very likely that he will send his men with captain-level strength to kidnap him." she!"


Cha Du paused slightly while eating, then turned his head to look at Ishida Uryu, and said in a serious tone, "Does Kurosaki know about this?"

Ishida Uryu shook his head and said, "I haven't told him about this yet."

Cha Du Yasuo was silent again, and then asked: "Then, is there any purpose for you to tell me this news specifically?"

"Sure enough, even though Chadu looks clumsy, he is actually a very smart person..."

Ishida Uryu sighed, his behavior of dragging Chadu Yayotora alone to announce the news was indeed a bit weird—normally, this kind of news should not be hidden from the most powerful Ichigo in the small group anyway. right.

"It does have a purpose."

Ishida Uryu nodded lightly, he lowered his head and took a bite of fried pork cutlet, and then said calmly: "Chadu, do you think your strength is strong? I mean, compared with those captains in the soul world— —”

'My strength...'

Chadu recalled the scene where he was instantly killed by a certain captain in the world of souls, and couldn't help but said in distress: "It's not an opponent at all, the gap is too big."

'The opportunity has come—'

Ishida Uryū stood up, then walked up to Sadatō Taihu, and said seriously: "So, Chadō, do you want to become stronger? Become as strong as the captain, no, become stronger than the captain, stronger To the extent that I can protect Kurosaki and Inoue in future battles!”

Chadu Yasutora raised his head and said, "Tell me the way to become stronger."



virtual circle.

Castle in the Sky.


Lin Qiong looked at Uryū Ishida who came out of the black chamber and Taihu Sadatari who followed him, and said with a smile: "Isn't this a very beautiful task, Ishida-kun!"

"forgive me."

Ishida Uryu couldn't help but sighed, and then complained: "I don't want to do this kind of calculation of my friends again."

"What nonsense are you talking about? How is this plotting against your friends?" Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said angrily, "This is obviously a rare and good thing about becoming stronger to share with friends? This is an opportunity, an opportunity! "

Ishida Uryu showed a tangled expression, and he said with difficulty: "Although, although it sounds reasonable, but..."

"Ishida, you don't have to be so entangled."

Chadu on the side walked up to Ishida Uryu with a serious face, bowed to him, and said seriously: "Actually, I am very grateful to you for giving me such an opportunity, so that I can have enough The power to protect the people you value!"

In fact, in this world, because of his strong body, Chadu Taitora always thought he was very strong, but this confidence was torn to pieces by Jingle Shunsui in the world of souls—his attack was as strong as the opponent's. Powerless as a child in front of you.

To be honest, he never wanted to feel that powerless feeling again in his life—especially when he learned that other people were fighting hard and even defeated their opponents, and he was the only one When he was not established, that kind of remorse and unwillingness caused him even more pain.

Chatata Taihu lowered his waist further and said extremely seriously: "Thank you very much."

"No, there's no need to do this, Sado-san—"

Apparently, the arrogant Ishida felt overwhelmed in the face of Chadu's direct ball thanks. He raised his hands with a wry smile and said, "I'm just following orders. If you want to thank you, you should thank the young master." .”

"Call me young master again..." Lin Qiong scratched his head and thought helplessly: "Forget it, young master is young master, I'm used to being called anyway." '

"Young Master, I want to thank you, and Ishida also wants to thank you."

Chadu Taihu straightened his waist, then walked in front of Lin Qiong, bent down straightforwardly, and said seriously: "Thank you young master for giving me the opportunity to become stronger. I will become your shield and protect you well..."

"Here! Me! Wait! Next!"

At this moment, accompanied by a noisy voice, Big Sweet Potato and Orc...ah no, it was Dong De Chaka and Peixue who fell from the sky, and then "chua" fell to the ground like Masked Superman.

Peixue: "Big man, the speech just now—"

Dondchaka: "We can't pretend we didn't hear it!"

Lin Qiong: =.=

'Ah, this familiar development, this familiar speech...' Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose and sighed, 'Pei, Dong, your current performance is a standard villain role?Is this really okay? '

"You are--"

Ishida and Chadu looked at Peixue and Dongde Chaka.

"My lord is a full-fledged member of the Guardian Shield, a subordinate officer of Lord Nellielu, Lord Peixue!" Peixue has now fully proved what it means to be "a fox pretending to be a tiger" and "a dog fighting against others", "For you, this The uncle exists like a senior, understand? Give me a good shout, senior! Senior!"

Lin Qiong covered his face at the side, and said speechlessly: "Peixue, what you said just now felt like workplace bullying, is it really okay?"

"What are you talking about, young master! I'm just teaching newcomers not to try to meddle in areas they shouldn't touch!" Peixue put her hands on her hips, and then leaned in front of Cha Du, saying arrogantly: " Big man! It's my elder sister's responsibility to protect the young master, do you understand? If you dare to intervene indiscriminately..."

Then Lin Qiong saw a crimson spear flying in front of him, piercing Peixue's collar, and flying him and Dongde Chaka to the tree trunk next to the training ground like bunches of potatoes.

"excuse me."

Nilu bowed towards Ishida and Chadu in a flustered face, and then said embarrassedly: "You two, please don't mind the speeches of Peixue and Dongde Chaka!!"

After saying that, she ran towards Peixue and Dongdechaka's position as fast as she could, and then nodded sheepishly while dragging the two of them away in embarrassment.

Lin Qiong seemed to still be able to vaguely hear Nilu’s accusation——

"What are you two doing!"

"Although I also want to protect the young master, this kind of thing is obviously a matter of strength!"


"Punish you not to eat dinner!"

Sure enough, Nilu is so cute!

Chapter 0393 The First Intimate Contact


Looking at Nilu and the others who left, Lin Qiong couldn't help sighing, then looked helplessly at Ishida and Asakura... Ah bah, it was Ishida and Chadu, and said, "Don't worry about it, Pei Xue belongs to the more lively type."

High emotional intelligence: relatively lively

Low EQ: Criticize a fool

"No, it's fine."

Cha Du shook his head, and he said softly: "It can be seen that the atmosphere here is very good, that's why he (referring to Pei Xue) can be so lively."

indeed!As Chadu said, if Castle in the Sky is an overly serious group, then Peixue will definitely not be able to show such joy, that is to say...

'I also have to thank that teaser who proved from the side that Sky City is a harmonious and friendly happy group, right? '

Lin Qiong rubbed the bridge of his nose, and said speechlessly: "Well, what should I say, why don't we start training first? I don't think Chadu is going to waste any more time, right?"


Chadu nodded lightly, then said in a deep voice, "I want to become stronger as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

Lin Qiong nodded, then gave Chadu a thumbs up, and said, "Then I'll find you a schoolmate by the way!"

"Student partner?"

"A good partner who cultivates together, grows together, and supports together, desu!"

Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "He, like you, is a fighter who uses his fists as weapons. You can learn from each other in normal times!"

"it is good."

Chadu Yasutora nodded, and said expectantly, "Thank you, young master."

Ishida Yulong on the side pointed to himself silently, implying Lin Qiong: What about me?look at me!Although my physique is not as conspicuous as that of Chadu, I am also your first recruit after all, right?And me?

"This one……"

Lin Qiong scratched his cheeks, and then said with some embarrassment: "Although, it seems that I don't have a Void God with a longbow under my hand—how about you make it a point and partner with Peixue?"

Ishida Uryu: "?"

He was silent for a few seconds, and asked: "I can understand that there is no longbow as a weapon, but I can't understand why I was partnered with that orc just now."

Lin Qiong coughed dryly twice, and said: "Look, Peixue chose to find fault with you as soon as he came up. Isn't this behavior the same as when you found fault with Heisaki at school? What is it called? It's called fate, yes Bar?"

Ishida Uryu's expression was as ugly as if he had eaten a durian that had expired for three months: "I don't want this kind of fate at all!"



Although Ishida Uryu expressed great resistance, but in the following training, he and Peixue formed a very harmonious and friendly role inexplicably.

Sitting on the balcony, drinking Coke and eating fried chicken, Lin Qiong looked at Ishida and Peixue who were happily training, and couldn't help expressing emotion: "This harmonious picture is really touching. It's warm."

Peixue: "?"

While jumping up and down like a monkey to avoid the spirit arrow shot by Ishida Uryu, he looked at it with surprised eyes and made a sound of exclamation. He couldn't help raising his voice and said, "Aqiong! I said A Qiong!? Did you accidentally get your head pinched by a hydraulic machine when you went out just now? Otherwise, how on earth did you see the word 'warm' from the current picture?"


While speaking, Ishida Yulong had already pulled away the sparrow in his hand, and shot three arrows at Peixue in the shape of an upside-down character.

"It's too much—"

Peixue improved his business, and after dodging Ishida's attack sideways, he said cursingly: "You actually launched an attack on my [beep--] and [beep--], these three points cannot be touched. Don't you know that you touched it!"

"is it?"

Ishida Uryu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then said expressionlessly: "Anyway, you don't have a girlfriend, so these three parts probably won't be needed, why don't you let me take them off for you?"

"Wow grass—"

Pei Xue clutched his chest and took two steps back. He said in pain, "Are you whispering like a human? Yujiang, I'm very disappointed in you."

"How many times have I told—"

Ishida Uryu pulled the bowstring expressionlessly, and then shot a rain of arrows, "Don't call me by that kind of nickname!"

nausea!too disgusting! !

"Hmph, Yulong—"

Peixue dodged Ishida Uryu's rain of arrows with a cool face, and then said gracefully: "This kind of attack can't hurt me."

Ishida: "?"

He put down the sparrow in his hand, then looked at the few spiritual arrows stuck in Peixue's body, and said, "Before you say these words, can you pull out the arrows from your body first?"

Peixue held her face shyly and said, "Pull out the arrow? Eh~ dabaa, dabaa dabaa!"

Looking at his appearance, Ishida Uryu instinctively felt a chill, he wanted to stop Peixue, but it was too late.

Pei Xue replied shyly: "The arrow on my body was shot by Yujiang in my heart, Qiu~bi~te~zhi~arrow~"


Excited heart, trembling hands.

Ishida Uryu's face darkened, he picked up the sparrow through gritted teeth, and said coldly, "Here! Me! Die!"

Just as Ishida Yulong was flirting with Peixue (?), Lin Qiong jumped off the balcony on the second floor, then walked to the edge of the training ground with his hands in his pockets, and said, "Okay, okay, You two, now is not the time for you to talk about love—”

Peixue is shy, and Ishida is angry.

Lin Qiong pretended not to see the expressions of the two of them. He waved to Chadu who was training with Paluke, and said, "Chadu also come here, I have news to tell you."

Seeing Lin Qiong's performance at this time, Ishida and Chadu were stunned for a moment, and they seemed to realize something, and quickly came to Lin Qiong.

"I just got the news that Aizen has sent Ten Blades to the present world." Lin Qiong tidied up his clothes that were a little messy because he climbed over the railing, and said: "Now it has happened with Kurosaki Ichigo and Sifengin Yoichi. conflict."

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