Upon hearing this information, Ishida and Chadari's expressions changed.

"How could it be so fast—"

Ishida showed an ugly expression. He bit his fingernails anxiously and said, "In such a short time, there is no time to improve my strength."

"But it's all I can do."

Chadu shook his fist, and said with a serious face, "We must protect Inoue and Kurosaki."

"You don't have to show such a serious expression. Although Lan Ran has sent personnel to the present world, it should still be in the testing stage—" Lin Qiong looked at the dignified expressions of the two, and couldn't help comforting: "I guessed right In other words, his purpose of attacking Jing was to speed up the fusion of the Bengyu in his hand, but before that, he had to unfreeze the Bengyu in his hand—in other words, at least before the Bengyu was completely thawed, Inoue Ori Ji is safe."

"In other words, is there still a while?"

Ishida Uryu shook his fist, then glanced at Chadu Taitora, and said, "But before that, let's go and touch Juren—at least figure out the gap between us and them .”

Cha Du Yasutora nodded, and said in a deep voice, "I need a definite target."

"Okay, let's go!"

Lin Qiong waved his hand, then remembered something, raised his right index finger and said, "Ah, that's right! Just to be on the safe side, let Nilu go with you."

The two of them suddenly showed surprised expressions. The two of them, who had been in the Sky City for a while, already understood the gold content of Nilu's "Protective Candidate of the Protector's Shield".

"Don't show that blank expression! After all, Lan Lunran sent a general there—"

A smile appeared on Lin Qiong's lips, and he said softly: "So, out of politeness, we should send enough members here!"



the other side.


Turn the time back 10 minute.

A pitch-black crack emerged on the outskirts of Karakura Town, and the tall Yami followed Ulquiorra out of the dark cavity, and then looked at the city ahead with an unhappy expression.

"Tch, why did I come to such a (accented) place for business trip?"

Yami put his hands in his pockets, and his expression was like that of a delinquent who was having sex with students on the street. "The air quality is not good, and there are no delicious snacks - Hey, Ulquiorra, anyway. I’ve also clocked in, shall we go back?”

Ulquiorra glanced at Yami expressionlessly, and said, "Aizan-sama ordered us to fight Kurosaki Ichigo, to stimulate the virtual power in his body, and to test Inoue Orihime's attitude."

"Tsk, trouble! I'm in a bad mood—"

Yami pinched his neck with his right hand, then twisted it twice, and said with a tyrannical expression: "When I'm in a bad mood, I want to beat someone, you say... right!"

He opened his mouth, let out a false flash the thickness of a bucket, and fired straight at Kurosaki Ichigo who had just appeared in front of the two broken faces.


Kurosaki Ichigo only had time to curse, and then completed Zanpakuto's swastika in an instant, and then greeted him with a crescent moon.


Seeing that he withdrew a little effort (worried about destroying the city so that he would not be able to eat fried chicken in the city of the sky) and was caught by Kurosaki Ichigo, Yami suddenly showed a joking expression: "It's not bad ! Actually blocked my false flash—hey, are you that Kurosaki Ichigo?"

Kurosaki Ichigo clenched the sky lock Zanyue in his hand, then looked at Yami and Ulquiola solemnly, and said in a deep voice, "Who the hell are you!?"

"We are under the command of Lord Aizen, Ten Blades."

Ulquiorra slowly stretched out his right hand, released his spiritual pressure, and said indifferently: "Kneel down, surrender, and hand over Inoue Orihime, Kurosaki Ichigo—"

Hearing Wu Laosi's words, Kurosaki Ichigo showed a shocked expression: "You said... what...?"

Chapter 0394 They are here to deliver


Wu Laosi slightly tilted his head, and reiterated: "Is what I said not clear enough? Kurosaki Ichigo, you are not our opponent, so you surrender honestly, and then hand over Inoue Orihime, this is the last Simple solution."

"what are you talking about!"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Ulquiorra angrily, he waved a crescent moon angrily, and shouted: "I don't understand!"

Why did he appear in front of me inexplicably, why did he make me surrender inexplicably, why did he ask me to hand over Inoue inexplicably...

I don't understand!What the hell are you talking about! !

"It looks like he doesn't want to cooperate with us."

Yami casually stretched out his right hand to block Kurosaki Ichigo's Getsuga Tensho, and then said with an unruly expression: "Hey, Ulquiorra! His reaction now can be regarded as resistance? Then, can I Beat him up?"

There is one thing to say, Yami was planning to go to Sky City for a big meal today, but just as he stepped out of the door, he bumped into Aizen who was giving instructions to Ulquiorra—oh shit, directly He was arrested by his boss and arranged for a business trip.

This is not cool for anyone!

What should I do if I am upset?That can only vent!

Obviously, at this time, Kurosaki Ichigo became the target of Yami to vent his anger.

"Your opponent is not him."

Ulquiola looked towards the jungle not far away, and said expressionlessly: "Master Aizen's order is to let me test the quality of Kurosaki Ichigo."

"Tsk, I know, I know—"

Yami plucked his ears with his hands full of displeasure, then looked violently at Sifengyuan Yeyi who appeared next to Yiyi using Shunpo, and said, "Then I will play with this little cat! "


Mr. Yeyi, the black-skinned cat girl, showed a playful expression. She pouted her round buttocks and lay on the ground, grinning and said: "Then you have to be careful, don't be scratched by my little cat—— "

"Mr. Yoichi——"

Before Kurosaki Ichigo could express his joy at Yoruichi's appearance, Yoruichi had already disappeared from his sight, and then kicked Yami's back of the head.


Under Shunhong's support, Ye Yi hit Ya Mi's head with a powerful whip leg, causing his huge body to stagger forward.

"Hey, it hurts!"

Yami turned his head with scarlet eyes, then grabbed Yeyi in the air, and said violently: "It hurts so much that I want to crush your bones!"

'Are you kidding—'

Ye Yi stepped in mid-air, and after dodging Ya Mi's claws, cold sweat rolled down her cheeks, "Hey, I didn't show mercy at all, huh? !Did it come out unscathed? '

What kind of monster defense is this?

"Tsk, is it the speed type?"

Yami looked at Yoruichi who ran away, showing an expression of disgust as if mosquitoes had been bothering his ears for a long time in summer, and then shouted to Wu Laosi at the top of his lungs: "Hey, Ulquiorra! This woman is Speed ​​type, I’m so annoyed by this kind of enemy!”

Ulquiorra held Kurosaki Ichigo's neck with one hand and said calmly: "I understand, I will end the battle as soon as possible."

"What are you... joking..."

Kurosaki Ichigo struggled to raise his right hand, then growled ferociously: "Yueya, Tianchong!!"


The black crescent moon impacted on Ulquiola's body, but apart from making his hair flutter a few times, it failed to cause any substantial damage.

"That's it?"

Ulquiola tilted his head, and then spit out a short sentence that made Kurosaki Ichigo's blood pressure rise with a blank face. It stands to reason that Ulquiola is not a person who is good at ridicule, but Lin Qiong He went to Xuye Palace to visit every now and then, so under the influence of his ears and eyes...

Anyway, I understand everything.

'Oh, damn it...'

Kurosaki Ichigo wanted to struggle, but at this moment he was like an atomic warrior caught by a black x, and he didn't even have the strength to resist.

'It's really useless--'

At this moment, a voice full of madness sounded from the bottom of Kurosaki Ichigo's heart, and he said in a bewitching tone: "Let me do it!"Let me tear him apart—'

"This is--"

At the same time, Ulquiola couldn't help squinting his eyes as he watched the mask gradually pieced together on Kurosaki Ichigo's face with black energy debris.

"What are you... kidding!"

Kurosaki Ichigo roared angrily, he raised his left hand and grabbed the mask on his left face, then pulled it down forcefully, and reprimanded: "This is my battle! Go back!"


The mask turned into energy debris and disappeared on Kurosaki Ichigo's face, while Kurosaki Ichigo watched Ulquiorra's movement of grabbing his neck and lifting him up.


"Kurosaki Ichigo, you are really special."

Ulquiorra raised his other hand that had been in his trouser pocket expressionlessly, then fondled Kurosaki Ichigo's bear mouth affectionately, and murmured: "Would you like to open your chest here? What about a hole?"

"call out--"

Just at this moment, a blue spirit arrow shot from the side, accurately crossed Ulquiola's raised hand, and then sank into the ground.

"This is... Ishida!?"

After reacting, Kurosaki Ichigo looked around, but was quickly confused by what happened next - not far from his side, a black cavity was split up and down, wearing a black background, embroidered Uryū Ishida and Taitora Sadatori, who were wearing copper-colored patterned uniforms, stepped out and stood on both sides of Hei Qiang.


Accompanied by footsteps that seemed to resonate with the heartbeat, a beautiful green-haired girl wearing the same black uniform but embroidered with golden patterns came out from the depths of the black cavity.

"Nelliel of the Guardian Shield."

Ulquiorra let go of Kurosaki Ichigo's neck, then looked at Nilu expressionlessly, and said calmly, "Is Sky Castle going to interfere with Aizen-sama's plan?"


Nilu smiled and shook her head. She pointed to Ishida and Chadu who had already run to Kurosaki Ichigo and helped him up from the ground, and said, "The main force of this operation is the newly joined The two newcomers, I was only ordered to protect them."

"Saint Protector's Shield...Newcomer..."

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at his two classmates, and asked with a puzzled face, "What's going on here?"


Ishida stood up, looked at Ulquiola in front of him, and said, "I'll explain the specifics to you after they retreat, Kurosaki."

"Ishida is right."

Chadu Yasutora focused his attention on Yeichi and Yami who were fighting, and said in a deep voice, "The most important thing now is to repel them."

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Hearing the words, Ya Mi immediately let out a mocking laugh, "Hey, hey! You don't think you really have the strength to fight against Lao Tzu after joining the Holy Shield, do you? Do you want to do that? , let the patterns on your clothes turn silver first!"

"Even if you don't tell me, I will do it."

Cha Du put on a boxing posture with a serious face, and then said in a deep voice: "Crush everything, Tiger Chi's Fist!"

The next moment, two cyberpunk-style mechanical gloves appeared in Chadu's hands, causing Kurosaki Ichigo to almost pop his eyes out.

"Wait, wait, Chadu, what's going on!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo raised his hand and wiped his eyes, and said, "Is this the beginning? When did you gain the power of Shinigami!?"

Chado shook his head and said, "This is the devil's weapon."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "?"

What the hell are demon weapons? ?

What are you talking about, I don't understand! !


Yami looked at Chadu who showed his arms, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He ignored Yeichi, walked towards Chadu Taihu, and said, "Boy, don't think you are a member of the Guardian Shield!" , I will show mercy!"


Seeing Yami getting closer, Chadu took the lead in rushing forward with his legs, and said in a deep voice, "Accept the move, strong punch!"

Magic power spurted out from the jet port at the back of the glove, increasing the speed and intensity of Chado's punches, while Yami stood there with a look of disdain and withstood Chado's attack motionlessly.

There was a trace of cold sweat on Chadu's forehead, he pursed his lips and said, "Doesn't it work?"

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