Although he had already been mentally prepared for failure, he thought that his attack could at least make Yami take a step or half a step back. Didn't he think that he couldn't even break through the defense?

"whispering sound."

Yami patted his abdomen disdainfully, and then punched Chadu in the face casually. The huge impact directly made Chadu fly backwards, and fell down in front of Kurosaki Ichigo with blood on his face. .


Kurosaki Ichigo quickly helped Sadatari up, suppressing the anger in his heart, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"Sorry, Ichigo."

Chadou raised his hand and wiped the blood on his face, and then said with some shame: "Although I have started training, I am still too weak to help you."

"Tea ferry..."

Kurosaki Ichigo felt that he was always touched. Just when he wanted to hug his good brother, Yami stood in front of him and said, "The guy who got in the way has fallen, and now it's time to take care of you." !"


Kurosaki Ichigo tried to move, but forcibly relieved the weakness caused by the blur and the damage caused to him by Ulquiorra, which made his body extremely sluggish, and he could only watch helplessly as Yami's fist became more and more Get closer to yourself.

"Shield of Blood—"

Just when Kurosaki Ichigo was about to be punished by Yami's iron fist, a red energy shield blocked the front of Yami's fist.

"Ah, I almost missed-!"

Kisuke Urahara looked at Yami's blocked fist with feigned surprise, "Really! Ms. Yoruichi, you won't wait for me! My Shunpo level can't catch up with you, okay?"

Clog hat Urahara Kisuke.

Tangtang, come on!

Chapter 0395 Who is Sacred?

Seeing Urahara Kisuke who suddenly appeared, everyone present showed different expressions.

Kurosaki Ichigo was surprised: "Mr. Urahara! Are you here too?"

Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and complained, "You're too slow! You didn't arrive until I was injured."

"Well, don't say that—"

Urahara Kisuke pressed his hat with a grin, then glanced at Yami "slightly apprehensive", and said, "I've been working very hard on my way."

"Tsk, is there another guy?"

Yami, who was already a little impatient, looked at Urahara Kisuke and said with a ferocious smile: "Little insect, let me crush you!"

"Oh my god, it's terrible—"

Kisuke Urahara raised his red princess, and then said softly, "In this case, I have no choice but to fight back—cry, red princess!"

A dazzling red light flashed past, and a bloody flower exploded from Yami's shoulder, and he himself took two steps back with a look of astonishment, and then let out an angry roar while clutching his wound: "Uh, I shoulders—"

After hearing the screams of his companions, Ulquiorra frowned inconspicuously. He hit Uryū Ishida away with a few dummy bullets, ducked in front of Yami, and looked at Urahara Kisuke.


Urahara Kisuke showed a dignified expression on his face - there is no doubt that this seemingly indifferent broken face is fundamentally different from that stupid big man.

"Ur--Kiora--" Yami stared at Kisuke Urahara in front of him with bloodshot eyes, and shouted, "Help me tear him apart!!"

However, Ulquiola did not satisfy his request, but after taking a cold look at Kisuke Urahara, he stretched out his hand and opened the black cavity, saying, "Go back."

"Huh?!" Yami showed an unbelievable expression, "Are you going to take me away? Ulquiorra!"

"Yami, our mission has been completed."

He glanced at Ya Mi and said very calmly: "We have already identified Kurosaki Ichigo's quality. He is just an insignificant bug. There is no need for Aizen-sama to pay special attention to-"

Although she couldn't meet Orihime Inoue, she was only ranked second in the sequence of orders from Aizen-sama, and in the current increasingly troublesome situation, it is not a bad idea to give up temporarily.

Thinking of this, he stepped into the black cavity, then looked at Yami and said, "You need to exercise your detection nerves, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"Tch, I see."

Yami nodded on the surface, then covered his wound and followed Ulquiola into the black cavity, and while the black cavity was closed, he also gave Kurosaki Ichigo and others a fierce look, and said violently: "The next time we meet, I will definitely crush you!"


Seeing that the black cavity was completely closed, Urahara Kisuke couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Oh my, that expressionless Arrancar is so oppressive. That’s right—I’m right, Mr. Isshin.”

Kurosaki Ichigo: "!?"

In his stunned expression, the figure of Kurosaki Isshin appeared in his line of sight.It's just that his expression at this time is not the usual playful and carefree face, but full of a kind of solemnity.

"Unexpectedly, Aizen's strength has reached this point."

Kurosaki Ichigo showed a troublesome expression, and said, "This is already a complete broken face, right? I really didn't think..."

Before he finished speaking, Kurosaki Ichigo kicked him on the waist, and said roughly, "Idiot dad, I'm talking to you, why are you in a daze!"

"It hurts..."

Kurosaki rubbed his old waist with all his heart, glanced at his son angrily, and said, "I really envy your ignorant mind, unlike me—"

I only feel sorry for giegie~


Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but say, "Father, do you know something?"

"This is..."

Isshin Kurosaki rubbed his head and smiled, and said: "For the specific situation, you should first ask Urahara, or...well...the people who have appeared around you."

"what are you talking about!"

Kurosaki Ichigo was numb all over. He put his head in his hands and said, "Why can't you just tell me the matter directly!? I don't understand what you're saying!"

They're all fucking Riddlers!Go to hell, go to hell! !

"Ichigo-san, it's not that I won't tell you, but there are some things that can only be solved better if you have experienced it yourself."

Urahara Kisuke covered his face with a fan with a smile on his face, and said, "Besides, at this moment, I think there are things that should be clarified..."

He stopped, and then put his eyes on Nilu, Ishida, and Chadu, and said softly: "This unknown lady with a face, and Mr. Ishida and Mr. Chadu who wear the same uniform as her, you three Can you explain to us what happened?"

Facing the questions from Urahara Kisuke and Kurosaki Isshin, Ishida and Chadu exchanged glances, and then turned their attention to Nilu. In their opinion, the two of them at the "Bronze" level are not qualified to talk about it. For these things, let’s let the “gold”-level Miss Nilu be in charge.

"I am the Guardian Shield of the Sky City, the Antelope Knight Nelliel." Nilu thought for a while, then said softly: "They were selected by the young master, the reserve members of the Guardian Shield. "

"City in the sky? Shield of the Saint?"

Kurosaki Isshin looked at Kisuke Urahara with a serious expression, and asked, "Have you heard of this organization?"

Urahara Kisuke shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

"So, what kind of organization is Sky City?"

Not only failed to cause damage to Yami, but Ye Yi, who was so shocked by the steel skin that his muscles were injured, walked over with grinning teeth, and said, "If I read correctly, the way you appeared on the stage is also black, right? And that The two broken faces also seem to know your appearance—could it be that you know each other?"

"Well, I know you! Because for now, Castle of the Sky and Xuye Palace should be regarded as a cooperative relationship." Nilu blinked her eyes, and said that everyone present except Ishida and Chadu sent a "ah!" ——?” The sighed information, “Some time ago, the members of Ten Blades often came to Sky City to have a meal.”

Recently, probably because Aizen has returned to Xuye Palace, the ten blades who often come to have a meal have never shown up again-otherwise Chadu would have appointed to chat with Yami.

"Wait, wait."

Kurosaki Ichigo was a little dazed. He looked at Nilu, then at Ishida and Chadu, and couldn't help but said, "We are partners with Aizen, so aren't they enemies? Ishida, Chadu, you guys Why did you join Aizen's organization?"

"Kurosaki, Sky Castle and Xuye Palace are a cooperative relationship. We are joining Sky Castle, not Xuye Palace." Ishida pushed his glasses and said: "And the young master also said that we are not prohibited from assisting You deal with Aizen."


Urahara Kisuke fanned the fan in question, and said cheerfully, "Speaking of which, the 'young master' that Mr. Ishida and Mr. Chadu are talking about is the leader of Sky Castle?"

Chadu nodded naively and said, "The young master is the leader."

"Ishida-san, Sado-san, if you can..."

Kisuke Urahara put away his fan with a "snap", and said enthusiastically, "Why don't we go to a small shop to get together? I just bought a new variety of drinks and snacks, and you can taste them for free!"

'Absolutely false...'

Kurosaki Ichigo and Yoruichi squinted at Kisuke Urahara—this guy is definitely trying to get information, right?

Ishida looked at Nilu and asked, "Are you going? Miss Nilu?"


Nilu thought for a few seconds, then raised her finger and said, "It's fine for half an hour!"

Urahara Kisuke immediately showed a warm smile: "It's not too late, let's go!"



Half an hour later, when Nilu left with Ishida and Chadu, the atmosphere in the Urahara shop was slightly heavy.

"The new forces that come out at this time..."

Yeyi grabbed his hair a little irritably, and shouted, "Damn it, why is that guy Aizen so lucky!"

Finally, a second force appeared in the virtual circle, but why did they cooperate with Lan Ran instead of fighting to the death?Damn it!Why didn't you fight over whether tofu nao is sweet or salty?

"The only good thing is that the young master doesn't seem to be helping Aizen wholeheartedly."

Kisuke Urahara rubbed his chin and muttered, "However, Mr. Kurosaki, both of your friends are practicing to help you? Are you going to waste time like this?"

Of course, Kurosaki Ichigo knew what Urahara Kisuke was referring to. He clenched his fist tightly, showing a unwilling expression, and said, "I don't need you to tell me about this kind of thing!"

Of course he knew that Kisuke Urahara was implying that he had mastered the virtual power in his body earlier, only in that way could he exert all of his power stably, instead of like now, once the virtual in his body came out to make trouble, he would try to suppress it. It causes its own weakness…

Ishida, Chadu...

'Wait for me, I won't let you guys fight alone! '

Kurosaki Ichigo clenched his fist, stood up from his seat, and said, "I'll go out for a while!"


Looking at Ichigo's leaving figure, Urahara Kisuke looked at Kurosaki Isshin with a smile and said, "Your son is really full of energy - but you have to seize the time to regain your strength, right? Aizen's The strength seems to be getting stronger again.”

"I don't need you to tell me about this kind of thing—"

Kurosaki glanced at Urahara Kisuke, then stood up and said, "I'm leaving first, goodbye."

Yoruichi looked at Kurosaki Isshin's back, and asked strangely: "What is he doing?"

Kisuke Urahara covered his smiling face with a fan, and said, "Probably to visit an old friend~"

Did the descendants of the Quincy join the Pomian organization?

City of the sky, where are you sacred?

Chapter 0396 This kind of thing can really be done!

In this world, the personnel of the Red Party are in action——

Urahara Kisuke and Sifengin Yeyi began to study the combat method of breaking the defense against the steel skin of the broken surface;

Kurosaki Ichigo approached the masked army wandering in Karakura Town, trying to learn how to control the void in his body;

Kurosaki Isshin approached his old friend Ishida Ryuseki, and wanted to ask why he knew that his son had joined an organization of unknown origin.

All I can say is that everyone has something to be busy with and a bright future.

Xun JinZheng槔槔Nanzhi Guy "You Cang Badger Stirring Search  Province.

"came back?"

Lin Qiong held a squid tentacle in his mouth and asked with great interest: "Nilu, how many moves did they last before they were knocked down?"

Ishida: "..."

Chadu: "..."

Master, you are such a good man!

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