Nilu couldn't help laughing and said: "The little tiger was knocked down by Yami's punch, and the little dragon was treated like a fly by Ulquiorra, who didn't take him seriously at all."

"Puff, puff, puff—"

Lin Qiong put his palms in front of his mouth, and let out a mocking laugh: "No way!? I remember some people shouting something like 'Kurosaki, we must help you this time' before setting off. The lines, the result is so miserable?"

Very angry, very angry.

But no foul language.

"Aqiong, don't provoke them."

Nilu smiled and approached Lin Qiong, then reached out and took a bunch of squid from the plate in front of him, put it into her mouth, and said, "How long have they started training? It's not bad to have the current record." .”

This is the truth.

Chadata Taihu's talent in the protagonist group is not particularly good to begin with. Look at some of his friends -

Kurosaki Ichigo: I am a heaven-defying protagonist who is born with the trinity of Shinigami, Hollow, and Quincy;

Ishida Uryu: I, the last pure-blood Quincy, the designated heir of Yuhabach;

Inoue Orihime: I have mastered the power of taboo, the real heroine who has the power to reject everything.

And look at Chadu Taihu himself?

Chadu Taihu: The four of us designated Quack to kill randomly!

It was really miserable, so miserable that Lin Qiong couldn't help feeling sorry for him!

And what about Ishida Uryu?

He has talent, but at this stage he is in the "low period" after the expiration of the loose spirit glove, and the short-term training can only make up for his own shortcomings in front of him - if he wants to face the No.40 blade, That is really a dream.

"Indeed! Nilu makes sense!"

Lin Qiong nodded his head, and said to the two of them: "You two have to work hard! I look forward to the day when you can wear gold-patterned uniforms like Nilu and become full-fledged members of the Guardian Shield. -"

"Don't worry, I will do it—" Ishida Uryu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said with a firm face: "The next time I see that Pomian, I will use the bow in my hand to teach him how to pretend!"

Chadu thought for a while and said, "I will also use my own fist to beat him down."

Lin Qiong nodded in satisfaction, he waved his hand, and said, "Okay, okay, you guys continue to train! But don't wait until the day when Aizen and the Soul Realm start a full-scale war, and you can only play soy sauce on the sidelines. "

That's impossible!

Stimulated by a sense of urgency, Cha Du and Ishida devoted themselves to training again.



research room.


Lin Qiong was lying on the sofa, and let out a scream like a zombie, which made the working lady raise her head helplessly from the sea of ​​information——to be reasonable, if it was in the gourmet world, someone would dare to read it while she was researching. To disturb her by making such a sound, she made it so that she couldn't hold back the poop from that person.

But, but!but……

But, who made the one who is going crazy now be her most, most beloved, most beloved, and most doted on little idiot?

So, Miss Passenger lightly touched the ground with both feet, and slid the seat under her body to come to Lin Qiong, then stretched out her fingers to poke his face, and asked, "What are you struggling with?"

"The main reason is that I kind of want to make a big news, but I don't know how to do it—"

Lin Qiong sat up from the sofa, then folded his hands on his chest, and said with some distress: "In the final analysis, Feng Wang is too useless, you must have your soul in front of you to be resurrected, and the resurrection scepter is convenient, but it has a long-lasting effect. A decade of cooling..."

King Feng: "?"

She stopped her pretentious behavior, then tilted her head and looked at Lin Qiong, and said, "Have you thought of saying what you just said again? Ang?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

Following Feng Wang's example, he tilted his head and looked at her, and said, "So what if I say it again? Can you still turn the other way?"

Feng Wang sneered and said, "If you have the guts to say—"

Lin Qiong also sneered, and said, "Fengbao is the most powerful, hug and hold her high - I said, what's the matter?"


King Feng looked at Lin Qiong in shock and said, "No, you are so shameless?"

Lin Qiong made a movement with a smile on his face - he stretched out his hands and scratched in front of his face, and then made a throwing movement towards King Feng.

Well, obviously, he chose "shameless" and threw "face" to Feng Wang.


Feng Wang couldn't help taking a breath, and then said emo-wise: "It's amazing! How could I become friends with a guy like you? If the residents of Pokémon World know about it, they won't be able to close their eyes." Stare out?"

The majestic God of Life, Phoenix King, actually became close friends with such a shameless guy. Who cares if you tell me this?Those Rainbow Heroes holding rainbow-colored feathers may not be able to imagine such an unfolding in their dreams, okay?

Lin Qiong: "?"

He looked at the Phoenix King in front of him and couldn't help but ask: "Are you really embarrassed to say such a thing?"

Feng Wang didn't take it seriously: "Why am I embarrassed to say it?"

Lin Qiong asked: "You said I was shameless, right?"

Feng Wang smiled and said: "Otherwise? Aqiong, you have to be a little self-aware."

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "If you can write an 15-character composition with praise for me as the core theme within [-] minutes, I'll ask Erina to make you a fried food platter—a huge portion of."


King Feng immediately sat up from the coffee table and asked anxiously: "Is this true?"

Lin Qiong pointed to the sky three times, and said seriously: "If I lie to you, I won't be able to touch stockings in my life."

As soon as these words came out, Feng Wang rushed towards the direction of the desk: "It's only [-] words——"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but shook his head, and then said with emotion: "I really don't know, where did she get the face to say I'm shameless?"

Why do you have the nerve to laugh at my [-]...cough, my [-]...cough, five steps?

Miss Wanshitong on the side covered her mouth and let out a chuckle, jokingly said, "It's not like the family doesn't enter the house."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub Miss Wan Shitong's soft face, and said: "My dear Miss Wan Shitong, you have to know one thing - you are also a member of this family, and you have also entered this family. Do you understand how to work?"

"I see!"

Miss Wanshitong suddenly showed a serious expression. He raised his right hand to salute, and said seriously: "I understand! I will try to become as shameless as the host! Hehe~"

Based on the last laugh, Lin Qiong guessed that 120% of Miss Know-It-All was teasing herself on purpose!

Too bad, you have to rub your face with your hands!

While enduring Lin Qiong's anger, Miss Wanshitong innocently said, "My dear host, should you tell me what exactly you were struggling with just now?"

Lin Qiong stopped what he was doing and said distressedly: "If nothing else happens, won't Aizen be going to have a decisive battle with Soul Society in Karakura Town at the end of the year?"

"Well, then what?"

"Then I was thinking, should I resurrect Kuchiki Hime and let her awaken Zanpakuto to fight Kuchiki Byakuya, or resurrect Kurosaki Masaki and let her fight Kurosaki wholeheartedly?"

"Wow, host, your bad taste is almost overflowing, right? For someone like you, the Black Holy Grail and the Dark Circle will automatically come to claim their master, right?"

"Ahem, I'm not that bad! I just want them to experience a few twists and turns before they get a happy ending!"

"Aren't you a little bit of twists and turns? I'm afraid it can directly blow up their mentality."

"The only problem is that it's too difficult to choose. Is it to revive Kuchiki Hima, or Kurosaki Masaki?"

"Well, why not try to revive them all?"

"Isn't your question inappropriate? I think Miss Know-It-All should not know the reason."

"It is precisely because I know the reason that I am asking this question."

Miss Passionate caressed Lin Qiong's cheek with her own hand, then said with a chuckle, "Have you ever tried, through the power of time, to affect the built-in cooling time of the resurrection scepter?"

Lin Qiong: "..."

After being dazed for a few seconds, he couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then fell back tactically.

"Wow, can this kind of thing really be done?"



Sky City, the training ground.

Lin Qiong supported the table in front of him with both hands, looked at Bailegang standing in the center of the training ground with a smile, and said: "Oh, don't look like someone owes you 800 million! Come on, smile!" "

Stark on the side struggled to swallow the Shaqima in his mouth, then looked at Lin Qiong, and asked: "I don't care whether he can laugh or not, I'm just curious, how do you get from a skull face Come on, see if he's smiling or not."

Lin Qiong pondered for half a second, and then shouted to Bailegang: "If you laugh, just make a "ye" gesture with your hand in front of you so that we can see it, okay?"

Responding to Lin Qiong was Bailegang's raised middle finger.

"It seems he doesn't really want to laugh."

"I think so too."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I respect other people's freedom, so I decided to help him laugh."

"You call that respect for freedom?"

"Yeah, I respect my freedom to make him laugh, is there a problem?"

"I don't think so."

"Thank you for your understanding."

With Lin Qiong's entry, the smiles on Bailegang's face gradually increased.

Just listen carefully.

Chapter 0397 Resurrection, my pleasure

A week later.

Training Course.

Lin Qiong took a deep breath, and then activated the demon armament floating in the sea of ​​souls.

"Swastika! Solution!——"

"Star God White Night King!"

The white full-coverage armor full of sci-fi feeling appeared on Lin Qiong's body, and the looming golden pattern under the wandering of magic power made it full of sacredness and nobility.


Lin Qiong glanced at his own people around the training ground, then summoned the resurrection scepter with his backhand, held it tightly in his palm, and said in a deep voice: "Let me see if we can create Make a miracle!"


The magic power in the body began to drive at an overclocking speed, and the gems at the joints gradually became filled with a dense light, and a heavy pressure also spread, making the weaker Ishida and Sadat couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Kyle glanced at the two of them, and took advantage of the situation to block in front of them, separating the two from the aura exuded by Lin Qiong.

"Oh oh oh-"

Lin Qiong unreservedly poured the magic power in his body into the resurrection scepter in his hand. The terrifying magic power fluctuations even caused cracks to appear in the barrier surrounding the Sky City.

Seeing this, the eldest lady hurriedly said: "Yuyou, strengthen the barrier!"

Yoyo quickly raised the staff, and after stabilizing the crumbling barrier with her own magic power, she breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Lin Qiong, who was bursting out with magic power, and said, "Qioni-chan, is there any problem?" ?”

"Don't worry."

The eldest lady put her left hand on her waist, and played with her hair with her right hand, and said softly: "Miss Wan Shi Tong will not let Qiong make unsure attempts."

The next moment, the boiling magical power in Lin Qiong's body seemed to find a vent, and rushed towards the resurrection scepter in his hand. In just a few seconds, the resurrection scepter absorbed more than twenty The magic of Forest Vault in its heyday.

Feeling the consumption of the magic power in his body, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady outside the field sighed in unison: "Thanks to the skill of eating food."

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