Otherwise, even if Lin Qiong was squeezed a hundred times, he still wouldn't be able to squeeze out so much magic power.

Finally, after instilling thirty times the magical power of Lin Qiong at this time, the dim jewel at the top of the resurrection scepter he held in his hand once again shone with a faint light.

Looking at this scene, Lin Qiong couldn't help but raised the resurrection scepter in his hand, and said excitedly: "Successful!!"

"Oh oh oh-"

Hearing Lin Qiong's shout, the surrounding melon-eaters gathered around excitedly, and the ones running in the front were the eldest lady, the secretary, and the three generals Yoyo.

Lin Qiong lifted the swastika on his body, then exhaled with a slightly pale face, and concluded with some excitement: "I don't have a clear grasp of 'time', so now I can only use 'quantity' to make up for 'quality'." ', this is also the reason why so much magic power will be consumed this time! As long as my understanding of time is further deepened, the consumption of recharging the scepter will be further reduced, and time..."

Not only did the eldest lady not stop Lin Qiong from chattering, but she sorted out his messy hair with a smile on her face—why, my boyfriend finally solved a problem, so why don't you let him sit around for a while? ?

Besides, this is the mighty power of "time", and how amazing is it that Lin Qiong can step into the threshold of the palace of time?

Thinking of this, the smile on her face became brighter, and the hands that were arranging Lin Qiong's hair even embraced his neck, then leaned forward and kissed him lightly, and said, "Qiong, you are awesome!" .”


Lin Qiong's face turned red, and then he said with some embarrassment: "Well, this is all thanks to the help of Miss Wan Shitong! Without her, with my learning ability, I would not be able to enter in 700 years, let alone seven days." Door."

After hearing this, the eldest lady kissed Lin Qiong again and said with a smile: "Then I really have to thank Miss Wan Shitong, hehe."

Lin Qiong nodded his head subtly, thinking: "If you know how Ms. Wanshitong taught me knowledge, you probably want to kill me..."




Lin Qiong lay lazily on the sofa in the research room, hugging his head happily, and said: "I feel comfortable, now I no longer need to worry about the cooling time of the resurrection scepter - hehe, no It’s very beautiful to think that there are such loopholes in the restrictions of the crossing gate!”

The [-]-year cooldown of the resurrection scepter itself is arranged by the portal, but now it can bypass its restrictions through this method - the only disadvantage is that the current consumption is still relatively large, and it is necessary to continue to deepen the analysis of the law of time. .

But these questions are in front of Miss Know-It-All, are they called problems?

That's not called!

Miss Wan Shitong pinched her chin and said thoughtfully: "Host, do you think there is a possibility that this is not a loophole in the restriction of the boundary gate, but a rule allowed by it itself?"

Lin Qiong: "Huh?"

Miss Know-It-All continued: "The world-traversing gate has always followed a rule, which is that the host must master the power himself, rather than relying on external objects - you may have chosen to learn the power of time in order to bypass the built-in cooling of the scepter. On the contrary, is it what the rules of the boundary gate hope for?"

Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "Maybe there is such a possibility?"

After all, the message Chuanjiemen has been conveying to him is basically the same——

"Cub, stand up!"

“If you can’t rely on external forces, you have to rely on yourself!”

“If you are in good health, you can eat well and sleep well!”

She was as verbose as an old woman, and his ears were almost calloused.

After getting Lin Qiong's affirmation, Miss Wanshitong said a little excitedly: "From this point of view, it seems that the portal can add some expansion plug-ins, for example..."

Lin Qiong listened quietly for a few minutes, and after realizing that his CPU was about to be dry-burned, he decisively chose to put it badly.

"Miss Know-It-All."

Lin Qiong looked at his external thinking circuit with a serious face, and said, "I will leave all the brainwork to you!"

Miss Know-It-All: "..."

Hey, the host I chose can only continue to pamper him.


the other side.

In the small garden.


Ishida Uryu felt that his brain was hurting. He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his trembling right hand, looked at the seemingly gentle brown-haired woman in front of him, and said: "You are my father's cousin, my... ...Uh...Sister-in-law?"


Kurosaki Masaki looked at Ishida Uryu with a smile, and sighed: "Uryu is very similar to his cousin when he was young. They are the kind of characters who are not good at expressing their emotions."

Chadu on the side thought for a while and said, "So, Ishida and Kurosaki are also cousins?"

"Hiss—" Ishida Uryu felt a bit of a toothache, "Maybe it really counts like that? Wait, doesn't that mean that Kurosaki is also a descendant of the Quincy?"

Masaki Kurosaki thought for a moment and said, "Well, Ichigo did inherit my Quincy power in his body! It's just that he shouldn't be able to activate it without someone to teach him."

Ishida Uryu rubbed the bridge of his nose involuntarily, and said, "That is to say, Kurosaki inherited the power of Shinigami and Quincy at the same time? Wait, I remember the young master said that Kurosaki still has the power of Hollow in his body? Good guy... ..."

He called it a good guy, that is to say, Kurosaki Ichigo occupied the inheritance of the three lines of death, emptiness, and destruction at the same time?No, are you the protagonist? You? ?


At this time, Ishida Uryū was like a nerd when he saw those posts on the Internet about "my girlfriend bought me a 4090", and his sour face folded in half.

The point is, it doesn't matter if you have these powers, Kurosaki still has his mother!


'The power of Xu, is it really the bull-head mask Xu of that time? '

Kurosaki Masaki fell into deep thought after hearing the information revealed by Ishida Uryu.

'Aizen, what do you want to do? '


While the Quincy Realm Team was exchanging feelings, the Soul Society Shinigami Team here were also having friendly exchanges.

"You mean, Rukia has been adopted by the Kuchiki family and has become an outstanding Shinigami?"

Kuchiki Feizhen covered her face with her hands, and said with a crying voice: "That's great, it's really great! I'm sorry for her..."

"Hey, hey, don't cry, really don't cry-"

Zhibo Haiyan looked at the woman in front of him with some numb claws, he scratched his head with a wry smile, and grinned and said: "My God, if Captain Kuchiki finds out about this, I'll make his wife cry. Peel me with a thousand cherry blossoms?"

Kuchiki Feizhen was amused by his words: "How can Byakuya be so scary?"

Zhibo Haiyan gave a wry smile, he waved his hands helplessly, and said, "Madam! After your death, Captain Kuchiki has become the cold-faced leader of the Goutei [-]th team—I've never seen him smile before!"

Hearing this sentence, Kuchiki Feizhen immediately showed an expression full of apology. She lowered her head and said guiltily: "My life is really a failed life! I didn't bring happiness to my husband, and I didn't make my sister happy. Happy growth..."


Looking at Kuchiki Hima who was weeping secretly again, Shiba Haiyan felt that her own death omen star sent him a text message in his madness——

"Brother, can you do it?"

"Please don't send it away. Can I leave it under the tower?"

"It's really not possible, can you go back to the spring and hang up?"

What can he do?He is also very desperate!

Just when he was at a loss, Nilu's gentle voice came from the side: "Ms. Kuchimu, I think that instead of being sad here, you should take the time to practice the source force cultivation method taught to you by the young master—a happy life." It's waiting for you, and you need a healthy body to meet it."

When Kuchiki Feizhen heard the words, he immediately touched his tears, then raised his hands to hold Nilu's hand, and said emotionally: "Nilu-chan, you are right! I will start practicing as soon as possible, and then Startle them up!"

Seeing the short figure running towards the training ground quickly, Zhibo Haiyan couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief, then bowed to Nilu, and said, "Miss Nilu, thank you so much——"

Nilu smiled lightly, and said: "You should leave your gratitude to the young master, practice hard, and complete the tasks he entrusted to you."

Chapter 0398 Master, are you not afraid of being beaten?

'Master's mission? '

Zhibo Haiyan recalled the task Lin Qiong gave him, and couldn't help but let out a dry laugh, and said, "Let me test Rukia's current strength or something..."

This is totally bad fun, right?

No, no, you can't use such malice to try to figure out the young master, he is a good man who resurrected us...

but! ?

Shiba Haiyan glanced at Kuchiki Hima who was training——

Her mission is to test Kuchiki Byakuya's current strength.

Shiba Haiyan looked at Kurosaki Masaki who was training again——

Her mission is to test Kurosaki Isshin's current strength.

Shiba Haiyan looked at Inoue Hao who was training again——

His mission is to test Inoue Orihime's current strength

So, this is completely the young master's bad taste! ?

He held his head in both hands, and then mourned in his heart: "Master, I'm sorry, I'm thinking about you with very bad thoughts!" '

"No, no, no, young man——"

At this time, Peixue, who came over at some point, patted Zhibo Haiyan on the shoulder, and then said as if he had come here: "You don't have to doubt, Aqiong definitely resurrected you all out of evil intentions."

Zhiba Haiyan looked at the orc beside him with a blank expression: "Eh?"

Pei Xue sighed with emotion and said: "I don't deny that Aqiong is a good person, but his bad taste is directly proportional to his degree of good person - he will spend more than normal means just to see a happy reunion. Work twice as hard.”

For example, the most correct way to use this resurrection ability is to resurrect Inoue Hao to increase his persuasiveness, and then use the other three people as bargaining chips in exchange for the full cooperation of the Kurosaki family, the Kuchiki family, and the Shiba family?

But Lin Qiong said that I refused.

I want to have fun in the Aizen Battle Chapter!

I want to see Kuchiki Byakuya and Kuchiki Hime flirting!

I want to see Kurosaki Isshin get shot in the ass by Kurosaki Masaki!

I want to see Shiba Haiyan rubbing Rukia's onion angrily!

Fun, fun!

Just when Zhibo Haiyan was about to say something, he suddenly saw a certain figure behind Peixue, which made him change the subject and said, "Peixue, is it really okay for you to say that, Master?"

"Cut! He's not here—"

Pei Xue waved his hands nonchalantly, as if he was coming over, and said, "Besides, Ah Qiong wouldn't mind such a thing!"

Unexpectedly, he was saying good things about the young master! ?

Zhibo Haiyan's eyes widened, then she turned her eyes and said curiously: "Oh? Pei Xuesang, what do young masters usually care about?"

"Well, what do you care about?"

Peixue folded her hands on her chest, and after thinking hard for a while, she raised her fingers and said, "It really is a tauren, right? That guy is a warrior of pure love."

"Huh? Bull, tauren?"

Zhibo Haiyan's eyes turned into bead eyes, and he said with a blank face: "What is a tauren? New Xu?"

"what? What!?"

As if he heard some key words, Kurosaki Masaki stepped on Fei Lian's feet and rushed over, then looked around with a Sakizuki bow in his hand, and said, "Nutu? Where is the bull's head!?"

Hey, it was the bull head made by Aizen that harmed her family and ruined her family. She must become a bull head hunter, okay?Come one to kill one, come ten to kill one team!

It's messed up, it's messed up!

Shiba Haiyan, sweating profusely, raised his hands and said, "Stop! Aunt Masaki, please wait a moment. I don't think Pei Xue meant this by the tauren!"

"Eh? Isn't it?"

Kurosaki Masaki put down the longbow in his hand, then puffed out his mouth and looked at Peixue who was also sweating profusely, and asked, "Mr. Peixue, what do you mean by the tauren?"

Peixue: "..."

He was wailing in his heart: He's meowing, how do you ask me to explain this kind of thing to a wife! ?Does she look at me strangely?It's going to be super weird! !

But, but...

Peixue looked at the pair of curious eyes in front of him, as well as Kuchiki Hima and Ishida Uryu who had pricked up their ears in the middle of the training ground, and couldn't help showing a loveless expression.

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