Slightly forward, Master Nilu of the Kingdom of Heaven, I may, be (socially) dead.

With all hope lost, Peixue explained to the few people present what a tauren is with a stick-reading voice without any ups and downs, roughly as follows——

"Mrs. Masaki, you don't want Ichigo to be bullied at school, do you?"

"Mrs. Feizhen, you don't want Rukia to have enough food and clothing in Ruukon Street, do you?"

Then, as a matter of course, I received the expressions of the two wives as if they looked at scum, and the vigilant and guarded expressions of Shiba Haiyan, Ishida Uryu, and Chadu Yasutora.

"Don't look at me like that, Hundan!"

Pei Xue was so anxious that he couldn't help shouting: "Same as the young master, we are both pure love warriors, Hun Dan! You can doubt the young master's character and IQ, and you can also doubt the young master's evil nature." Interesting and IQ, you can even doubt the young master's luck and IQ, but you must never doubt the purity of our pure love!"

Hima & Masaki & Haiyan & Uryu & Chadu & Hao: "Did he mention the young master's IQ three times in a row just now?" '

At this time, a hand reached out and patted Pei Xue on the shoulder: "Did you just say my IQ three times in a row?"


Peixue let out a strange cry, he turned his head like a rusty machine, then looked at Lin Qiong behind him, and asked, "Ah Qiong, when did you come here?"

Lin Qiong recalled it for a moment, and said, "It probably came from when you were dancing while dancing on the pole just now."

Peixue slapped Lin Qiong's hand away, and then angrily said: "Iron! You are slandering, Hong Guoguo's slanderous mouth! How could Mr. Peixue do such a thing!"

Lin Qiong said to Peixue solemnly: "But, that's Peixue? It's not surprising that Peixue did anything, right?"

Peixue showed a shocked expression: "Say, it makes sense—what the hell! Who do you think I am!"

Lin Qiong raised his index finger, and said seriously: "Can you shout on the street that you like the original Nene hero who likes beautiful girls?"

Pei Xue roared angrily: "Isn't that the change of Tai! Am I the change of Tai in your heart?"

Lin Qiong was taken aback, and then said angrily: "What are you talking about!? How can you insult Peixue with the word Biantai? He is the world's number one Super Galaxy-level Biantai!"

Peixue stretched out his hands and grabbed Lin Qiong's collar, and said with veins all over his face, "Did you do it on purpose? You definitely did it on purpose!? No doubt it was on purpose!?"

Lin Qiong picked out his ears and said, "No, it wasn't intentional, it was intentional."


As if someone had punched him in the face, Pei Xue raised his head and took several steps back. Then while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he gasped and said: "No, you are indeed my lifelong rival! Ah Qiong, I have to admit that you are the best in the world when it comes to being a human being!"

"Thank you for the compliment."

Lin Qiong nodded with great honor, then his face changed, and he said with a little disgust: "But can you stop calling yourself your lifelong rival? If I am your rival, I feel that my grade has been lowered."


At this moment, the few people who eat melons can't hold back anymore.

Kuchiki Hima covered her mouth and turned her head away, Kurosaki Masaki lay on her shoulders and shrugged, and Shiba Haiyan squatted on the ground covering her stomach...

In short, everyone is happy!


Peixue lay directly on the ground, then kicked her legs unrepentantly, screaming: "It's too much! It's too much! My young, pure and innocent heart has been indelibly traumatized, woo Woohoo, I might die..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Qiong's face changed drastically and he shouted towards the outside: "Boom! Peixue is going to die, hurry up! It's a good day to play a song today!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The people who were holding back their laughter just now couldn't help it anymore, and the cheerful laughter immediately echoed over the training ground.

The only one who was injured was the famous detective, Peixue, who looked like a beast on the outside, but was actually a comedian!

"Ah, Ah Qiong..."

He struggled to crawl towards Lin Qiong, then grabbed his ankle with his hands, and said hoarsely: "I'm a ghost and I won't let you go!!!"

Lin Qiong said without thinking: "No, in terms of classification, Xu itself is the evolution of ghosts, right?"


Peixue's words got stuck in his throat, and he felt that he couldn't continue acting.So he got up from the ground, then patted the dust on his body, and said, "It seems like this?"


Lin Qiong sighed, and then helped Peixue pat the place on his pants that he didn't see, and said speechlessly: "Your combat power is really not good, I don't have any sense of accomplishment when I win you - can you go back again? How many years have you been practicing?"

"Just kidding! Are you talking like I can beat you after a few years of practice?"

Pei Xue suddenly showed a disdainful expression, he sneered, and said: "Please, you are the best in the world in terms of inappropriateness! If I practice for 800 years, I can't compare to you, okay?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He gave Peixue a thumbs up and said, "That sentence just now is very good, I can give you 70 points."

Peixue: "?"

He clutched his chest, squatted on the ground with a face of pain, and said in a low voice: "As expected of Aqiong, just a word can choke someone to death!!"

Lin Qiong glanced at Pei Xue, who was playing tricks, and then looked at the members in front of him who were already laughing and rubbing their abdominal muscles. He put his hands on his hips and said, "Okay, okay! The relaxing cross talk time is over - all of you should practice well. Go! I want you to beat all those guys from Soul World to the air in the final battle in Karakura Town at the end of the year!"

other people:"……"

They returned to the center of the training ground with delicate faces, then buried their heads and started practicing.

It's just that they especially want to ask: Young master, you like to have fun so much, are you really not afraid that the person involved will fight back and beat you up?

Chapter 0399 The Second Impact


About a month has passed since Ulquiorra and Yami came to the world for the first time.

In this month, there have been many changes in Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and the real world——

In terms of Soul Society, Hitsugaya Toshiro is the captain and leads Renji Abarai, Rangiku Matsumoto, Ikkaku Madarame, Yumichika Ayasekawa and Rukia Kuchiki to settle in Karakura Town to prevent the Arrancar from invading again;

In terms of Hueco Mundo, everyone summoned by Lin Qiong has made great progress. Among them, the strongest Kurosaki Masaki, Ishida Uryu and Shiba Haiyan have the combat power to rank among the top five of the Ten Blades;

In the present world, with the help of the masked army, Kurosaki Ichigo has initially mastered the power of virtualization, but the duration is still short and cannot be used as a conventional combat force, while Urahara Kisuke and Sifengin Yoruichi are Investigated Sky City for a month to no avail.

Just when everyone thought that such a stable life would last until Lan Ran's Bengyu was completely unsealed, an accident happened.




Along with the harsh friction sound, the sky of Karakura Town seemed to be torn open, and a huge black mouth appeared.

"Hiss, whoo—"

Grimmjow walked out of the dark cavity, and then let out a heavy breath, as if he wanted to spit out all the grievances in his heart, and while he was taking a deep breath, five figures walked out from behind him one after another.

No.11, Xiao Long;

No.13, Edorad;

No.14, Naqim;

No.15, Ilvert;

No.16, Dee Roy.

They are Ge Laoliu's subordinate officers, and they are also the main army that conducts "trials" on the real world this time.

'Grimmjow, I have a task for you. '

'Go to this world, and fight the god of death there. '

'Check their condition. '

'By the way, further stimulate Kurosaki Ichigo's evolution. '

'Don't let me down too much. '

Recalling Aizen's "instructions" before setting off in his mind, Grimmjow showed a violent expression mixed with displeasure, and said to himself: "Stimulate his evolution? Ha, are you kidding-"

Is my value the "bait" that stimulates Ichigo Kurosaki's evolution?

What a joke! ?

How could a proud little meow like him accept this kind of thing?

"—Shoot with all your might!"

Grimmjow raised his head and said with murderous intent in his eyes: "I want to see a river of blood!"

"Yes—" x5

The subordinate officers behind him replied in unison, and then quickly started the ringing rotation, and rushed towards the direction of the spiritual pressure of the god of death they sensed.

'Next, it's my turn—'

Grimmjow rushed towards Kurosaki Ichigo's direction with a gloomy look in his eyes.

'If I accidentally kill him, it's not my fault--'


About 15 seconds after Grimmjow leaves.


A small black cavity unfolded in the alley below, and one figure after another quietly rushed out of it.

"Phew, the air in Karaza Town is still the same as before... Uwah, it stinks!"

Kurosaki Masaki looked at the wine bottles in the alley, then showed a disgusted expression, and said, "This place is so dirty! Let's leave quickly!"

Ishida Uryu nodded and said softly: "Then, let's all follow the plan and act separately, right?"

Inoue Hao nodded slightly, and rushed towards Inoue Orihime's residence, he wanted to see his sister;

Kurosaki Masaki ran towards Kurosaki's house with cheerful steps. She wanted to see her two daughters;

Kuchiki Haizhen ran straight in the direction of Kuchiki Rukia, she wanted to see her sister;

Ishida Uryu shook his head, and walked towards Ishida's house, he had to tell himself that his old bean had regained his strength.

All of a sudden, the few people who came to this world were scattered around like the previous Pomian.



Grimmjow stood in mid-air, looked at the little orange-haired strawberry below with a tyrannical expression, and said excitedly, "I found you, Kurosaki Ichigo!"

Kurosaki Ichigo clenched the machete in his hand, and then asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

Ge Laoliu poked his chest with his thumb, and said with a domineering and cool look: "No. 60 blade, Grimmjow Jakajack - remember this, the one who killed you name!"

After the words fell, Grimmjow's figure had disappeared from Kurosaki Ichigo's sight.


The crazy warning sixth sense made Kurosaki Ichigo instinctively activate the swastika, and at the moment when his swastika took shape, Grimmjow's right leg was already on his back, leaving him in a state of embarrassment. The ground rolled over a distance of more than ten meters.


With a playful sound in his mouth, Grimmjow slowly put down his right leg, and then said defiantly: "Very good reflexes, to be able to unleash the swastika at the last moment—"

If Kurosaki Ichigo hadn't activated the swastika, the kick just now would have broken his spine.


Panting heavily, Kurosaki Ichigo got up from the ground, then stared at Grimmjow, and asked, "You just said that you are No.60 blade, right?"

Grimmjow nodded.

"Then, who is stronger, you or Ulquiorra?"

Kurosaki Ichigo held the Tensuo Zangetsu in front of him and asked with a serious face: "Who is ranked higher?"


Ge Laoliu showed a displeased expression. He plucked his ears and said, "My number is six, but his number is four."

"In other words, he is stronger than you, right?"

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