Kurosaki Ichigo let out a breath, then looked at Grimmjow sharply, and said softly, "If that's the case, then I can't lose to you here—"

"Hehehe, hahahahaha——"

After hearing Ichigo Kurosaki's words, Grimmjow covered his forehead and let out a burst of piercing laughter. The laughter was sarcastic and sharp, making Ichigo Kurosaki feel confused.

He couldn't help shouting: "What are you laughing at!?"

"What are you laughing at?"

Grimmjow suddenly stopped laughing, then walked up to Kurosaki Ichigo with cold eyes and said, "Listen to what you just said, your goal is to defeat that guy Ulquiorra, right? "

Kurosaki Ichigo looked into his eyes without fear, and said, "Is there any problem?"

"The idiot who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth-"

Grimmjow kicked Ichigo Kurosaki. Although Strawberry raised his Tensuo Zangetsu to block it, he was still knocked back several meters by the impact. "We haven't even seen our true power." , you dare to brazenly say that you will defeat us?"

Kurosaki Ichigo put down Zan Yue, who was standing in front of him, and said with a look of astonishment: "What are you... saying?"

"Do you know what this is?" Grimmjow pointed to the Zanpakuto at his waist, then asked himself and answered, "When we face off, we put our 'core' and part of our power Sealed into a knife—"

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes shrank sharply, and his breathing also became rapid.

"It seems you understand!" Grimmjow looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and suddenly grinned with a sharp laugh: "Hahahaha! That's right! When I fought you last time, Ur Kiora didn’t use her true power at all!!”

Kurosaki Ichigo's hands were shaking. He couldn't believe what Grimmjow said - for the past month, he had been working hard to achieve the goal of Ulquiorra, but now Grimmjow told He, he didn't use all his strength for his goal? ?

"Let you see it, our Arrancar's return blade—"

Grimmjow looked at Kurosaki Ichigo, whose mental state was a bit broken, and suddenly showed a wicked smile, he slowly drew out his Zanpakutō, and growled, "Kill him, Leopard King! !”


Extremely heavy spiritual pressure rose into the sky from Grimmjow's body, and the Shinigami and Arrancars who were fighting in Karakura Town all looked in this direction.

Toshiro Hitsugaya: "What kind of Reiatsu is this? A monster——"

Matsumoto Rangiku: "Why, how could there be such a huge spiritual pressure?"

Xiao Long: "Is Grimmjow dead?"

Ilfurt: "If that's the case, then I'll do my best too!"

"""Return to the Blade——"""

Accompanied by the sonorous and powerful declaration of the Bamens, the Reiatsu on their bodies further expanded, and then shrouded Karakura Town, making the Shinigami who fought with them show troubled expressions.

However, the most numb person at this moment is Kurosaki Ichigo.

"What is this—"

Ichigo Kurosaki looked at Grimmjow in front of him whose legs had turned into leopard legs, his hair was longer, and his body was wilder. He just gritted his teeth and said: "What has been my goal in fighting this whole time?" Yes—"

"This kind of thing..."

Grimmjow's figure disappeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo, and the impact from his face immediately after that made his figure fly backwards, "...What does it have to do with me?!"


Kurosaki Ichigo inserted the knife into the ground to stabilize his figure, then looked at Grimmjow who was condescendingly looking down at him, pursed his lips, and then slowly put his right hand on his forehead, He whispered: "This trick was originally reserved for Ulquiola—"


Grimmjow showed an interested expression. He looked at Ichigo Kurosaki excitedly and enthusiastically, and urged: "Just use whatever trump card you have! Then be torn to pieces by me!"

"As you wish—" Kurosaki Ichigo took a deep breath, then stared at Grimmjow in mid-air, and said in a low voice, "I'm not very proficient in this move, so I won't fight with you." Small talk!"


Under Grimmjow's excited, expectant and sadistic gaze, Kurosaki Ichigo pulled his right hand from forehead to down, and then said word by word: "Quick battle, Grimmjow!"

Void - transformed -

Along with the pitch-black spiritual pressure, a half-white, half-patterned mask condensed on Kurosaki Ichigo's face, and his spiritual pressure rapidly expanded to a level that frightened the entire Karakura Town warriors. .

Chapter 0400 still have to see me Aizen

"This is……"

Xiao Long, who was fighting Hitsugaya Toshiro, turned his head and looked in the direction of his original position in surprise, saying, "Is it coming from Grimmjow? Is it his enemy?"

Be careful, Grimmjow!


Toshirō Hitsugaya, who was covered in wounds, looked at Xiao Long who was under the blade panting, and said, "Do you still have the mood to look around when you are fighting with me? You really underestimate me."

"This is really rude——"

Xiao Long bowed to Hitsugaya and apologized, then raised his head and said with a smile on his face: "However, please forgive me for saying it bluntly, if the captains of the Thirteenth Guarding Team in the Soul Realm only have this level of strength, then there is no It is necessary to pay attention."

Hitsugaya Toshiro gritted his teeth, his cold voice was full of murderous intent: "How dare you say it."

Xiao Long showed a decent smile, and said like a gentleman: "When Mr. Captain just unwrapped, there were twelve petals of ice flowers floating on his head, but now it has withered to only three petals—if I didn't guess If it’s wrong, this should be the countdown to Mr. Captain’s swastika, right?”

Hitsugaya asked, "So what?"

Xiao Long shook his fingers lightly, and said: "Your swastika is three quarters over, how are you going to defeat me in the next quarter?"

Hitsugaya clenched the handle of the knife, and said in a cold voice, "Just look at it——Matsumoto, aren't you alright!?"

The next moment, his vice-captain responded.

"Captain, the permission to lift the restrictions has been issued——"

Matsumoto Rangiku's voice passed through the ghost path and rang in the ears of Hitsugaya Toshiro and Abarai Renji.

"Is it finally here?"

Hitsugaya lowered his head, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Xiao Long, right? You just said, 'this level of strength', right?"

Xiao Long tilted his head: "Huh? What do you want to express?"

"Who told you that the strength just now was my full strength?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro tore off his collar, revealing a mark of a narcissus pattern, and said in a cold voice: "You don't know yet, do you? In order to avoid unnecessary influence on the soul of the world by too powerful spiritual pressure, so After the captain and vice-captain of the Guarding Thirteenth Team reach the limit, they will be sealed with a seal to suppress the spiritual pressure in their bodies to the greatest extent—the suppression efficiency is as high as 80%."

Xiao Long's eyes narrowed suddenly, he looked at the imprint on Hitsugaya's chest, showing a dignified and shocked expression.

"In other words, when the restrictions are lifted, our strength will be what it was before..."

As Hitsugaya spoke, the narcissus mark on his chest seemed to be erased bit by bit with an eraser, "——Five times!"


The soaring spiritual pressure erupted from Hitsugaya's body, and the last image in Xiao Long's eyes was the figure of Xiao Xiaobai rushing towards him with Zanpakuto in hand.



"Tick, tick..."

Blood overflowed from the wound, and then dripped onto the ground, causing ripples to appear on the accumulated blood on the ground.

Half kneeling on the ground was Grimmjow.

There was a wound from his right abdomen, which continued to his left shoulder. The deep bone cut marks made him almost lose half of his shoulder, leaving only the last bit of flesh and blood tissue barely connected.

In front of him was Kurosaki Ichigo, who was holding the Tensuo Zangetsu and panting.

The blur, which lasted only about six seconds, disappeared after he swung a black crescent sky rush with all his strength, and took away most of his physical strength at the same time. The wound that nearly severed him was proof of that.

"Your companion's Reiatsu disappeared."

Kurosaki Ichigo stood up, looked at Grimmjow with a pale face, and whispered: "It seems that your invasion failed this time."

"whispering sound--"

Grimmjow's expression was embarrassing, he tried to stand up from the ground, but the serious injury made him lose the ability to move.


Kurosaki Ichigo was not prepared to show mercy, he walked up to Grimmjow with firm steps, then raised the sky lock Zhanyue in his hand, pointed it at his neck, and shouted in a low voice: "Yueya Tian— —”

"call out--"

The next moment, a red light beam shot from the side, and Kurosaki Ichigo hurriedly stepped on Shunpo to dodge the opponent's attack, and then looked at the visitor with vigilance.

A tall man wearing an exquisite black uniform with golden patterns embroidered on his body. The only thing that seemed out of place was the bird-shaped mask on his face.

"Sorry, orange-haired little brother—"

Shiba Haiyan squatted on the wall beside her, enthusiastically raised her right hand towards Kurosaki Ichigo, and said with a smile, "I can't let you kill him now."

"This uniform..."

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes shrank suddenly, and he quickly put on a fighting posture, and said, "It's the same as what Ishida and Chadu were wearing last time! Are you a member of that Sky Castle?"

"The answer is correct~"

Zhiba Haiyan jumped down from the fence with a smile, then raised her hand and scratched her hair, and said, "It's the first time we meet, I am the 'Cracking Whirlpool' of the Guardian Shield."

This title was his own idea, and the source was the Shiba family crest tattooed on his left wrist, "Cracking Uzumaki Tide".

"What is your purpose in appearing in front of me?"

Kurosaki Ichigo did not give up his vigilance.

"Of course I'm here to save people."

Zhiba Haiyan stood beside Grimmjow, and said, "Did I tell you that from the beginning? I can't let you kill him now—"

After the words fell, Zhibo Haiyan raised her right hand and tapped lightly in front of her body, a black crack slowly appeared on his side, exuding a faint breath.

"What a joke!"

Ichigo Kurosaki raised the Tensuzu Zangetsu with an angry look on his face, and angrily shouted: "Come when you want, leave when you want? How can it be that easy -"

The crescent moon is rushing!

Zhiba Haiyan raised her right hand without changing her expression, and easily blocked Kurosaki Ichigo's attack with the steel skin she possessed after evolving into a Void God, then looked down at Ge Laoliu who was squatting on the ground, "Mr. Grimmjow , do you need me to help you?"


Under Xu's recovery ability, Ge Laoliu, whose wound had initially scabbed, got up from the ground.

He glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo like a wounded beast, grinned and said, "Kurosaki Ichigo, next time we meet, I won't be so careless—"

After speaking, he held his chest and staggered into the black cavity.

"Okay, little brother, I should leave too."

Shiba Haiyan waved a friendly hand towards Kurosaki Ichigo, and then stepped into the black cavity with one foot, but it was obvious that Little Strawberry did not want his enemy to leave like this.

"Wait for me!"

Kurosaki Ichigo rushed towards Shiba Haiyan and shouted: "Who are you! Why did Ishida and Chadari join you! What is your purpose!?"


Shiba Haiyan showed a distressed expression, he thought for a while, then shook his body, pointed behind Kurosaki Ichigo and exclaimed: "Be careful!"

Almost instinctively, Kurosaki Ichigo quickly turned around, then quickly raised the sky lock Zhanyue to block in front of him, ready to bear the next attack.

However, the attack never came.

What he saw was a leaf that was blown by the wind and swirled in mid-air.

Kurosaki Ichigo: "?"

He turned his head in doubt, and found that the bird mask and the black cavity had also disappeared.

The empty streets seemed to mock him for being a fool.

Hard, fist.



three hours later

virtual circle

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