Castle in the Sky

Training Course.

"My Rukia is super, super, super powerful!"

Kuchiki Feizhen's face showed an undisguised pride. She stood in front of Nilu with her hands clenched and chattered endlessly: "It's a pity that Nilu-chan didn't go to this world! Her initial solution is really too, So, so beautiful!”

Three super, three too, fully proved Kuchiki Feima's inner joy at this time.

Masaki Kurosaki approached Shiba Haiyan and asked expectantly: "Haiyan Haiyan, did you go to see Ichigo's battle? How is he doing? I can feel his spiritual pressure, okay?" Isn’t it awesome?”

"Uh, uh, uh..."

Shiba Haiyan put on the pain mask, folded his hands on his chest, and said with a troubled face: "Here, Auntie! This boy Ichigo, he, um, is very powerful, very healthy, and very energetic!"

High emotional intelligence: energetic

Low EQ: Mindless


Kurosaki Masaki suddenly showed a happy expression, and she said eagerly, "It seems that Ichigo will be able to show his talents in the final battle with Aizen!"

What else can Zhiba Haiyan say?

He could only look away in embarrassment, and then let out an embarrassingly fake smile—fortunately, Masaki Kurosaki, who was immersed in the message "My family's treasure is promising", did not notice his abnormality.


On the other side, the Xuye Palace.

"Oh yo yo -"

Lin Qiong sat on the chair, crossed his legs gracefully, and let out an exclamation like a yellow ape: "After blurring, the crescent moon sky, killing the No. 60 blade with one shot, this Kurosaki Ichigo is so scary—— —”

Aizen, who was sitting next to Lin Qiong, chuckled, and said in that magnetic voice: "Qianjun is joking again! Crescent Moon Sky Chong in the state of Kurosaki Ichigo's virtual state, I am afraid that even your defense will be cut off!" Not open?"

"Eh, it's not that—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Grimmjow who was hiding in the shadow of the room, who looked like a wounded beast licking his wounds, and said with a smile: "It's an attack of that level anyway, if it really hits me, there is still a chance to hit me." Lost my hair."

"Ha ha--"

Hearing Lin Qiong's haughty answer, Lan Ran couldn't help but chuckled, his eyes were also arrogant and arrogant, and he said: "To be able to say such an answer, it is worthy of being the King I like—— In this world, only Qiongjun can enter my eyes."

However, it is only for now.

Aizen's eyes looked a little cold under the shadow of the lamp.

Most of the data modeling of this Valstord broken surface named "Qiong" has been completed. He only needs to wait until Beng Yu is fully awakened, and he can implant the data of the strongest void into his body, and then combine his own The strongest god of death will surely stand in the sky.

At that time, Lord Qiong, you will no longer be able to enter my eyes.


Aizen couldn't help sighing softly, and then looked at the void with a little emo——Sure enough, the important rule of being arbitrary and overlooking the common people depends on me, Aizen.

Chapter 0401 The delicious sound of chewing noodles

Lin Qiong tried his best not to pay attention to the "melancholy and beautiful prince you meet once in 4000 years" temperament coming from Aizen next to you, but instead focused on Grimmjow and asked : "Speaking of which, how is Little Miaomiao's injury? Will it affect the battle?"

"No sh..."

Before Grimmjow finished speaking, Neutra on the side let out a piercing laugh.

"What a disgrace—"

He stuck out his tongue, then looked at Grimmjow coldly and contemptuously, and said, "You actually lost to such a weak God of Death—this kind of scum is also worthy of the Ten Blades?"

"What did you say?"

Ge Laoliu, who was already irritable and impulsive, went berserk at that time. He released his spiritual pressure towards Nnoitra without hesitation, and said with a grin on his face: "Do you want to fight?"

"Heh heh heh—"

Neutra licked his lips, then spit out his tongue with the number "5" printed on it with a cold expression, and said, "A mere No. 6, how dare you show your fangs to me?"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the meeting room was suppressed to the extreme.


At this moment, Dongxian Yao's angry shout sounded in the meeting room: "In front of Lord Aizen and Lord Qiong, how dare you be so presumptuous!?"


Neutra and Grimmjow glanced at each other, then turned away their gazes with a "tch".

"This is a fox pretending to be a tiger—"

Lin Qiong glanced at Tōsen Kaname standing on the steps, and couldn't help but change his posture, then yawned a little, and said, "I said Alan, what does this kid named Kurosaki Ichigo have?" Special? Let you pay so much attention."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, Aizen came back to his senses, and then said with a mysterious face: "Qianjun, you don't understand! Kurosaki Ichigo is special."

Lin Qiong: "?!"

After hearing Aizen's words, he hesitated for a moment, and then, under the gaze of the ten blades, he whispered to Aizen's ear and said, "Is he your crush? You're a big kid -"

In just a split second, Kaname Tosen's glasses cracked with a "click" after hearing the news, and the corners of Ichimaru Gin's mouth on the other side also rose by 2.333 degrees.


Inexplicably, Aizen felt that his fist became hard.

He took a deep breath, then looked at Lin Qiong coldly, and said, "Mr. Qiong, you seem to have misunderstood something."

Lin Qiong: "?"

He thought about it for a few seconds, and then showed an expression of sudden realization, and then warmly embraced Lan Ran's shoulders. In his stiff expression, he squeezed his eyes enthusiastically, and said, "Alan, according to the current world In the setting of light novels, you can be regarded as a tsundere heroine like you? This kind of character is usually a loser, so you have to be brave to attack..."

Aizen interrupted Lin Qiong's chattering narration with a black face, and he said indifferently: "Qianjun, what I said just now means that Kurosaki Ichigo is my carefully crafted work, and I look forward to it. growing him—that's all!"


Lin Qiong let go of Lan Ran's arm with a look of disappointment, then wrapped his clothes in frustration, and leaned against the other side of the chair like Mrs. Xianglin.

Aizen: "?"

No, why are you being wronged here?Act like I failed you! ?In fact, I didn't watch the fun, so I was disappointed, right?

Really not an ordinary dog!

Lan Ran rubbed the bridge of her nose, decided not to pay attention to Lin Qiong who was playing tricks, but focused on the Ten Blades, and said: "After the battle with Grimmjow, the stimulated Kurosaki Ichigo will definitely grow further, but..."

However, it is not enough!

He looked at Grimmjow and said softly, "Grimmjow, I'll give you a chance to make up for your mistakes."

Grimmjow lowered his head and said, "Please give me an order."

"Christmas in two months."

Aizan tapped his armrest with his fingers, and said softly: "You and Ulquiola go to the present world together, your goal is still Kurosaki Ichigo, and Ulquiola is responsible for bringing the girl named Ori Inoue to the world. Ji’s woman brought back—don’t fail again this time, understand?”

Grimmjow clenched his fists, then nodded, and said, "I understand."

This failure is an indelible shame in his eyes - he really is a DJ, who sent it to know that the little strawberry swastika with a swastika and a blur made it look like that?As long as you give him a little hint, he won't directly use the steel skin to resist it, okay? ?

Grimmjow couldn't help clenching his fists.

'Next time, I will tear you apart with my own hands—'


After the Ten Blades meeting, Lin Qiong followed Aizen to his own research room.

"It's really surprising, Qiongjun—"

Aizen looked at the data on the screen, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in his eyes, "Although it is very low, your various values ​​have still improved—this means that at your current level, you are still making progress. "

He is not only in a complicated mood because Lin Qiong's strength can still become stronger, but also because Lin Qiong's progress means that he has to update a wave of data on Lin Qiong's strength modeling-he is Aizen, and he must use the most The perfect state breaks the boundary between death and imaginary, and becomes a real transcendent.


Lin Qiong looked at Lan Ran's tangled expression, and couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth—I'm sorry, Lan, I'm a bad person!

Jie Jie, I just want to see your tangled expression!

"Hmph, so can I still become stronger?"

Lin Qiong pretended to be surprised, and swaggered up to Lan Ran, then looked at the screen in front of him, and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, I don't understand it at all!"

Lanran continued to maintain a perfect smile on his face, and said: "It's okay, Lord Qiong, let me explain to you, the meaning of these data?"

Lin Qiong: "?"

He widened his eyes and glanced at Aizen, then shook his head and waved his hands, while quickly retreating towards the door, he said: "No, no, no! How can you bother Master Aizen from Xuye Palace because of this kind of thing?" Wasting time on me? Oh ho ho ho ho ho, I'd better play with Stark! Slip—"

Looking at Lin Qiong's fleeing back, the corners of Lan Ran's mouth curled up slightly, and he said to himself: "Is this a victory for me?"

But soon, his expression froze slightly, and then he looked at his palm suspiciously.

Wait, why do I feel pleasure from this kind of thing! ?Could it be that I have already been influenced by him without importing his data! ?



Lin Qiong, Stark, and Lilinette were reclining on the beanbag sofa, and the picture projected on the wall was a recording of a neon VTB experience mobile game plot.

"Suck, suck—"

Accompanied by the eye-catching, sniffing-like sound, a faint cry came from the memory.

"Why, why is this happening..."

"Teacher Jizi..."

"Why... suck..."


At the same time, on the screen, a barrage of barrages was quickly drawn——

"Jie Jie, the tears of the beautiful girl VTB are so delicious~"

"This naughty face, let's eat, it's too much to eat!"

"I'll just eat three bowls!"

"Precise airborne, perfect noodle, it's you!"

Seeing these bullet screens, Lin Qiong and Stark suddenly showed wicked smiles, they looked at each other, and said in unison: "Indeed!"


Lin Qiong touched his chin with emotion and said, "All the preparations have been made for this moment. When the sound of whispering sounded, the content of this video was sublimated."

Stark nodded, and said with a satisfied face: "However, this is just one of the four heavenly kings of noodles, right? Qiong, quickly bring up the remaining three delicious noodles videos, and let me have a good taste Come on!"

Lin Qiong operated the laptop with an evil smile on his face: "Jie Jie! Don't panic, I'll wait ahead, absolutely invincible!"

Lilinette: "..."

She silently took a bite of potato chips, then glanced at Lin Qiong and Stark with disdain, and said angrily: "Damn it! I thought Stark made a good friend, but this Didn't it completely lead him into the ditch?"

It’s strange to see a beautiful girl anchor cry so much that she makes a squeaking sound and then makes a weird laugh because of a knife plot in a mobile game, right? ?

"Lilinette, I think you don't understand at all!"

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and shook his fingers, he said solemnly: "Do you know what is called 'smile transfer technique'?"

Lilinette: "Huh?"

Stark on the side explained: "The essence of the smile transfer technique is the law of smile conservation, which means that the smile will not disappear out of thin air, but will only be transferred from one person's face to another."

Lilinette: "Black question mark.jpg."

Lin Qiong raised his finger and said: "For example, for example, Stark proudly danced in front of you with an ice cream in his hand but refused to eat it for you, but he accidentally dropped the ice cream on the ground because he was too nervous , will you laugh?"

Lilinite said without thinking: "It will definitely!"

Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said with a smirk: "The moment you smiled, the smile on Stark's face has already transferred to your face!"

Lilinette suddenly showed a dazed expression, she clapped her hands happily, and said, "Alright, I'm going to keep the smile on Stark's face transferred to mine!"

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