Stark: "???"

He clutched his chest, and said in pain, "Lilinette, you were only leaking air before, why are you still growing barbs now!"

My mind is broken!

Looking at Stark in pain, Lilinette couldn't help showing a happy smile, and then looked at Lin Qiong and asked, "Hey Aqiong, should this be regarded as a successful smile transfer?"

Lin Qiong held back a smile and gave Lilinite a thumbs up, and then sent a silent look to Stark.

It probably wasn't my fault that I taught Lilinette from a windy little padded jacket to a barbed rebellious armor, right?

Chapter 0402 The Third Shock

December 12th, Christmas.

Empty Town.

Over the sky.


Accompanied by the sound of space distortion, a deep black cavity opened above Karakura Town.


After Kurosaki Ichigo, who was reading a book at home, felt the familiar Reiatsu, he grabbed the head of the lion doll next to him who was reading the swimsuit magazine of the beautiful lady without hesitation, and put his finger into its throat roughly. , squeezed out the Yihun Pill.


The next moment, Kurosaki Ichigo, whose soul was ejected from his body, looked at the soul occupying his body, and said with a serious expression, "I'll leave it to you!"

"Yijigu, you must be careful!!"

Feeling the spiritual pressure that seemed to be crushing the sky, Hun couldn't help but hide in the bed, and said tremblingly: "Don't die!"

Ichigo Kurosaki glanced at the cowardly soul speechlessly, then jumped out from the open window and rushed straight towards Grimmjow, who had been waiting for him for a long time.

"We meet again, Kurosaki Ichigo—"

Grimmjow put his hands in his trouser pockets, still wearing his arrogant, cool, and domineering attitude, "Can you still replicate the short-lived fighting power last time?"

"Why not?"

Kurosaki Ichigo held his wrist, and then shouted in a low voice: "Swastika——Tian Suo Zhanyue!"

Swastika with hands to show respect!

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey -"

Grimmjow's tone gradually became irritable, and the anger on his face was greater than the smile, "Kurosaki Ichigo! I haven't seen you for more than two months, and you are so inflated that you think you can just rely on With the swastika, you can defeat me without putting on the mask?"

One thing to say, Grimmjow was so angry that he almost exploded, okay?

Of course, Kurosaki Ichigo did not swell to that point, but he needs to figure out his current level—that is, what level of his strength has reached without blurring.

and so……

He raised the sky lock Zhanyue with a "clang", looked at Grimmjow seriously, and said, "How do you know if you don't try it?"

"How dare you say that!!"

Grimmjow's eyes turned red with anger. He also gave up on returning to the blade and rushed directly towards Kurosaki Ichigo, "Then just wait for me to twist your head off!"


the other side.


Inoue Orihime wiped the sweat from his forehead, then looked at the room that had been cleaned, bowed to Ulquiola with a smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Ulquiola, thank you Willing to wait for me to finish tidying the room."

"It's okay."

Ulquiorra kept his handsome posture with his pockets inserted and said calmly: "Sir Aizen's order is to bring you here intact, so it would be great if you can voluntarily cooperate."

"Well, I see."

Orihime Inoue nodded, recalling in her mind the instructions Ishida-san and Chadu-san gave her some time ago——

"Inoue, if someone wants to take you to Xuye Palace, then follow him! Don't resist to avoid injury!"

"Don't worry, we will definitely save you!"

Thinking of this, she glanced at the room covered with dustcloth again, then turned her head resolutely, and said, "Mr. Ulquiola, let's go."

Ulquiorra nodded, then stretched out his right hand towards Inoue Orihime and said, "Give me your hand, woman."


Empty Town.


Kurosaki Ichigo fell heavily to the ground, the impact on his back and the ground made him cough up a mouthful of old blood.

"That's it?"

Grimmjow indifferently stepped on Kurosaki Ichigo's chest, condescendingly said with a ferocious expression: "Without that mask, you are nothing in front of me!!"

"You're right, but at least—"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Grimmjow, and said stubbornly, "At least I've persisted longer than last time!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Grimmjow let out a piercing mocking sound, he stepped hard on Kurosaki Ichigo's chest, and then roared: "That's just because I don't want to deal with you so quickly, so I played with you for a while longer !"

This is a lie.

Ichigo Kurosaki is worthy of being the trinity of male protagonists. His talent has indeed allowed him to achieve full growth in just two months of training - but it is still a bit whimsical to defeat the Arrancar with just the swastika.

"Next, show me your mask, or else-"

Grimmjow pointed the palm of his right hand at Kurosaki Ichigo with a domineering look, and red flashes visible to the naked eye began to gather in his palm, "Otherwise, I will kill you!"

"Then as you wish..."

Kurosaki Ichigo put his right hand in front of his forehead, and just as he was about to activate the blurred one, a voice that haunted him sounded not far away.

"Stop it, Grimmjow."

Ulquiorra's ascetic and cold voice sounded in the empty street, "The target has been obtained, we should go back."

"Tsk! Ulquiorra, couldn't you have come ten seconds later?"

Grimmjow looked at Ulquiola with a look of displeasure, and said, "Just give me ten more seconds, and I'll blow his head off with a flash."

Ulquiola glanced at Grimmjow, and said coldly: "According to the plan, this is the order of Master Aizen."

Grimmjow withdrew his right foot in displeasure, then put his hands in his trouser pockets, walked towards Ulquiola with the classic magic of bad boys, and muttered: "Then go back quickly." !"

"Wait, wait!"

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo got up from the ground after he regained his strength, then stared at the back of Ulquiorra who was standing side by side with Grimmjow in front of the black cavity, and shouted in a low voice: "Ur Kiora, do you remember me?"

"Ichigo Kurosaki."

Ulquiorra turned his head, glanced at Saki Ichigo with indifferent eyes, and said, "I'm not interested in you, so please don't block my mission."

After speaking, he turned his head again, ready to walk into the black cavity.

Grimmjow next to him suddenly showed a gloating look, as if looking at a defeated dog - he seemed to have completely forgotten that Kurosaki Ichigo was also a defeated dog.

Grimmjow → Kurosaki Ichigo → Ulquior pulls it belongs.

"You stop for me!!"

Ichigo Kurosaki waved the Tensuo Zangetsu in his hand with an angry expression, and flew towards Ulquiorra with a blue and black Getsuga Tenshō.


Ulquiorra sighed, turned sideways, easily received Kurosaki Ichigo's attack with his left hand, and said: "Kurosaki Ichigo, you are no match for me, and I have no interest in you. .”

However, because of his sideways appearance, Kurosaki Ichigo, who saw the familiar figure from the gap between him and Grimmjow, was no longer thinking about him.

Kurosaki Ichigo called out the name of that figure with trembling lips: "Inoue, is it Inoue?"


Inoue Orihime, who had half her foot in the black cavity, turned her head, and then showed an awkward smile to Kurosaki Ichigo - like a naughty child who secretly ate snacks in the middle of the night and was discovered by his family: " Kurosaki-kun, good evening?"

'Is now the time to say that? 'x3

Such thoughts flashed through the minds of the three people present.

No, that's not the point!

Kurosaki Ichigo's hand tightened on the handle of the knife. He glanced at Ulquiorra, recalling what he just said in his mind——

'The target has been achieved—'

'Target? '

'Could it be that……'

"Inoue, is that your target?"

After realizing this, Kurosaki Ichigo rushed towards the two ten blades without hesitation, and was immediately kicked back at a faster speed than rushing.

It’s not a lie to blur it out, who do you look down on?

"Cough cough cough-"

Clutching his stomach and getting up from the ground, Kurosaki Ichigo put his right hand on his forehead with an ugly face, and roared, "Give me back Inoue!"


Grimmjow: "?"

Oh, I have been fighting with Lao Tzu for a long time without pretending to be fake, now you see this woman kidnapped, you immediately fake it, right?

I can't stand it anymore!

Discrimination, right?

Pinch it!

Hard, hard, Grimmjow's fist immediately became hard.

"Kill him, Leopard—"

At the moment when Grimmjow was about to return the blade, Ulquiola stopped him calmly and indifferently.

"You don't need to do it."

Under Grimmjow's puzzled expression, Ulquiorra said calmly, "He can't get through."


With Grimmjow's puzzled expression, a golden beam of light spread out from the depths of the black cavity, enveloping him, Wu Lao Si and Inoue in it.


The next moment, there was a scene of Kurosaki Ichigo hitting the anti-film head-on, then rolling his eyes and falling to the ground.

The corners of Grimmjow's mouth hooked subconsciously, but he quickly reacted, trying to suppress his smile with a sullen face.

Obviously, he failed.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Grimmjow let out a gloating laugh: "Is this guy an idiot? He bumped his head against the anti-membrane and knocked himself out? Hahahaha——"

The corner of Ulquiorra's mouth raised by one pixel, he turned his head to look at Orihime Inoue, who looked worried, and said, "Give you a chance to treat him."

Inoue Orihime suddenly showed a surprised expression, he looked at Wu Lao Si: "Yes, is it possible?"

Wu Laosi lifted the anti-mask and said, "You only have 10 minutes."

"Ah, yes, I see!"

Inoue Orihime hurriedly ran to Kurosaki Ichigo's side, then knelt down, stretched out his hands, and said softly: "Shuangtian Guidun, I refuse!"

Grimmjow looked at Orihime Inoue who was treating Kurosaki Ichigo, tilted his head at Ulquiorra, and asked, "Is this also part of the plan?"

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