Ulquiola nodded and said calmly, "This is exactly part of the plan."

Chapter 0403 The Prelude to the Great Battle

"Kurosaki-kun, please don't come looking for me."


Inoue Orihime turned around with a sad face, and then walked towards the depths of the darkness. Kurosaki Ichigo stretched out his right hand to hold her, but found that he couldn't move at all.

"Inoue, don't go!"


With a cry, Kurosaki Ichigo sat up with a face full of fear, then covered his face and panted heavily.

At this moment, a cold voice came from the side: "Kurosaki, are you awake?"

He turned his head and found Uryu Ishida sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall, holding a light novel in his hand.

Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help asking: "Ishida, why are you here?"

"Because it was Ishida-kun and Sadatari-kun who carried you here when you fell into a coma——"

With a frivolous and unreliable voice, the sliding door of the room was pulled open, and the smiling face of Urahara Kisuke waving a fan appeared in Kurosaki Ichigo's sight, "Oh, it's really being swayed by the people in the virtual circle." It’s just one! You actually set up such a powerful barrier, so that we can’t detect the battle on your side at all.”

"Chadu also..."

Kurosaki Ichigo raised his head in surprise, and saw Chadu Yasutora walking in behind Urahara Kisuke, he couldn't help asking, "Why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here to help you."

Ishida Uryu put down the light novel in his hand, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose with his fingers, and said, "Unless you are not prepared to take Inoue back."

"Of course I will save Inoue, but..."

Kurosaki Ichigo glared at Ishida Uryu, and said, "But, you and Chadu are not, what kind of organization is that?"

"You're right. Ishida Uryu is indeed an official member of the Guardian Shield and one of Aizen's cooperative groups." Ishida Uryu calmly took a sip of the tea served by Sister Tsumuya, and said: " But what does that have to do with me, Ishida Xuelong?"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Huh?"

"That's true! Chadu Yatsutora is also an official member of the Guardian Shield." Chadu Yatsutora took a bite of the senbei served by Jinta Hanagari, and then said in a muffled voice: "But, I am him younger brother, Chadu Taishi."

Kurosaki Ichigo: "Huh?"

Looking at the two friends in front of him, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help raising his hands and scratching his head - hiss, my head is so itchy, maybe it's about to grow a brain?

Ishida Uryu glanced at Kurosaki Ichigo with a blank face, couldn't help but sighed, and said, "Kurosaki, don't think about the specific situation, you just need to know that from now on, I am Ishida Xuelong, as long as he is the Thai lion of Chadu."

I'm really convinced. How could this stupid Kurosaki Ichigo be my cousin of Uryū Ishida and my cousin of Shiba Haiyan?You have really single-handedly lowered the average IQ of the entire family tree!

Damn stupid!

"Oh, it's okay for such a small matter—"

Urahara Kisuke helplessly interrupted Kurosaki Ichigo's ineffective thinking, and then urged: "Compared with this, isn't it more important to discuss how to rescue Inoue sister?"

"Yes, yes!"

Kurosaki Ichigo came to his senses, and he hurriedly said: "I want to call everyone together to save..."

"Kurosaki! It's impossible for everyone in the soul world to go to the virtual circle to rescue Inoue together."

Ishida Uryu interrupted Kurosaki Ichigo's unrealistic fantasy. He said coldly: "Just 10 minutes ago, the Shinigami stationed in Karakura Town were brought back to Soul Society."

Kurosaki Ichigo was dumbfounded, and he asked in disbelief: "How could this be?"

"The thing is-"

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's stupid appearance, Ishida Uryu couldn't help but sighed, but decided to be a good cousin honestly: "All this is in Aizen's calculation, he specially Let Inoue heal you, and leave her spiritual pressure at the scene..."

To put it simply, the current situation has changed from "Orihime Inoue was kidnapped to the virtual circle" to "Orihime Inoue chose to go to the virtual circle independently under the condition that she can act freely" - it is impossible for Soul Soul World to be in this situation I sent reinforcements to rescue Inoue Orihime.

Kurosaki Ichigo angrily smashed the tatami under him and shouted: "How could this be happening!? Damn Aizen! He is so despicable!"

Kisuke Urahara looked at the fist marks on the tatami with distress, and then secretly took out his passbook, calculating how much money he could save to subsidize a new tatami after paying off all the water, electricity, Internet, and mortgages for the next month. .

Life is not easy, Urahara sighed.

"Aren't there me and Chadu?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ishida Uryu's mouth, he stretched out his hand and patted Kurosaki Ichigo on the shoulder, and said, "If the three of us go to Xuyue Palace, we will be designated to kill you indiscriminately!"

Kurosaki Ichigo: "?"

He couldn't help looking at Ishida Uryu strangely, and said, "Ishida, why do you feel like you haven't seen me for three months? Your way of speaking has become so weird."

Why are you talking so much?Who taught you that?

Ishida Uryu was silent for a few seconds, and then said with some melancholy: "You will know in the future - are you going to Hueco Mundo or not?"

Can you not go?

Kurosaki Ichigo hastily stated: "Go, of course!"

"Then the time will be set in three days -" Urahara Kisuke smiled and covered his face with a fan, and said: "I need some time to prepare the black passage leading to Xuye Palace! No problem, Mr. Ishida, tea Mr. Du."

Ishida Xuelong and Chadu Yashishi can't open the dark side, right?

Ishida Uryu nodded and said: "Thank you Mr. Urahara for your assistance."

Everything, just three days later!



12 month 28 day.


Urahara store, underground space.

"In short, after entering, run as hard as you can."

Kisuke Urahara raised his fingers with a serious face, and said: "Because of time constraints, the passage is limited in duration, so you must enter the virtual circle before the passage collapses, otherwise you will be permanently lost in the gap in space—— Even so, do you want to go?"

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded without hesitation, and said in a deep voice, "Please, Mr. Urahara!"

"So, get ready, turn on—"

With Urahara Kisuke's order, the black chamber was officially opened, and Kurosaki Ichigo rushed into the black chamber first, while Ishida Uryu and Chadu Yasutora followed closely behind.


Yoruichi, who kept the cat appearance, landed beside Kisuke Urahara, then yawned and said, "How long can this passage last?"

Urahara Kisuke put his chin on his head and thought for a moment, then said, "About twelve hours?"

"Then how long will it take to run from here to the virtual circle?"

"About 15 minutes?"


Yoruichi licked his paws and said lightly: "You are indeed a bad guy."


virtual circle.

Accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, Kurosaki Ichigo quickly ran out of the black cavity, then he staggered to a stop, panted and looked at the passage ahead, and said: "Is this Hueco Mundo? "


Uryū Ishida, who followed closely behind, nodded slightly and said, "The density of spiritual beings in Hueco Mundo is denser than in the real world or even in Soul Society. You will practice faster here."

Cha Du added: "But it's also more difficult."

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded while moving his left ear into his right ear, then raised his right hand and said, "Okay! Let's go to Xuye Palace now and rescue Inoue!"

The three quickly started to move forward, and after easily breaking down the two miscellaneous fishes blocking the way, the three encountered a giant Daxu in the desert who claimed to be the "Guardian of the White Sand Nurugangka". In the case of fishing) suddenly fell into a bitter battle.

"Jie Jie Jie, I am an elemental life form whose whole body is made of sand. Ordinary physical attacks are ineffective against me!"

Nurugangka let out a piercing laugh. He raised his hands high and said, "The only way to defeat my lord is a water attribute attack—but there is no water in Xuquan, jie jie jie!"

As we all know, villains like this who can explain themselves and expose their weaknesses generally don't survive three pages.

Just when Nurugangka was arrogant without limit, a cold voice came from behind the three of them.

"Oh? Is it so easy to defeat you? Then, Ci Wu——Bai Lian!"

The next moment, Nurugangka's whole body was covered in ice, and the spiritual pressure disappeared instantly. It was obvious that he was dead and couldn't die anymore.

"Rukia, Renji!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the two friends who appeared in surprise, then waved his right hand excitedly, and said, "Why did you appear here?"

"Is this my line?"

Rukia looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with an unkind expression, and said, "You bastard, why didn't you wait for me to come back? Inoue is also my friend..."


Void Night Palace, in the depths.

"...I will definitely come to save her!"

Hearing Rukia's voice from the monitor, Lin Qiong looked at Lan Ran beside him with a smile, and said, "As expected of you, Ah Lan! Everything is in your plan, so amazing—"

Aizen thought for a few seconds - he didn't know why, even though Lin Qiong's words were normal, he felt that this person was trying to blame him.

Strange things!

"Since it's all in the plan, let's just follow the plan."

Aizen put down his hand, then smiled, and said, "Let the Ten Blades stay in Xuye Palace peacefully and wait for Kurosaki Ichigo's arrival."


Dong Xian nodded behind them and then exited the room.

"Qianjun, let's start preparing too."

Aizen stood up from the chair, then walked to the edge of Bengyu, stared at this brilliant crystal, and said in a low voice: "For this kind of thing, I gave you the original No.90 blade. "

Lin Qiong smiled and walked to his side, then raised his right hand and said, "Of course! In exchange, I will provide sufficient spiritual pressure as the nourishment for you to break the boundary between death and void."

Aizen looked at Lin Qiong's movements and showed a satisfied smile: "Happy cooperation, Lord Qiong."

Lin Qiong also showed a smile: "I wish you success in evolving, Alan."

The two people with evil intentions both smiled friendly. This scene is really...

it's so funny.

Chapter 0404 Zhibo Haiyan makes a grand appearance!

Just when Lin Qiong was serving as a male mother to drink milk for Aizen, the five-person group of "Go to Xuye Palace for Love and Justice to Reach Aizen to Save Inoue Orihime's Kuzacho Super Powerful Squad" encountered first puzzle.

"It seems to be a fork in the road."

Lucia blinked and looked at the five doors in front of her, then turned her head and looked behind her, and said, "How to divide this?"

Kurosaki Ichigo said solemnly: "This is terrible."

Everyone looked at him, with question marks all over their heads.

Pointing at Renji: "One."

Pointing at Xue Long: "Two."

Pointing to the Thai lion: "Three."

Pointing at Lucia: "Four."

Ichigo pointed to the door again, and said with a solemn expression: "There are only four of us, but there are five doors over there, too bad."


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