The eldest lady raised her head, and then glanced at Lin Qiong who just turned her face away. The moment their eyes collided, they quickly moved away. The awkward embarrassment made Nazi and the secretary couldn't help showing their aunt Laughed.

No no no, hold back!


The eldest lady put her hair behind her ears pretending to be careless, and then said in a yuppie voice that seemed as steady as an old dog but was flustered: "Then, let's play a little bit."

Lin Qiong pretended to be reserved but actually nodded eagerly and said, "It's true that just sitting around is quite boring. Come and play."


A smile appeared on the corner of the secretary's mouth. She shuffled the cards and said casually: "Last time our punishment was to stick stickers, but I don't think it's interesting."

Na Zi was very loyal and teased: "Yes, it's boring."

Secretary: "So how about we change the punishment this time?"

Nazi: "That's okay, what should I change?"

Secretary: "Why don't you just take the risk of truth or dare, the last one will be punished, and the first one will be responsible for the punishment."

Nazi: "I think it's okay!"

Then the secretary looked at Lin Qiong, she blinked and said, "Mr. Xiao Lin, what do you think?"

'You two have discussed it, you come to ask me? Lin Qiong rolled his eyes, and then said a little speechlessly: "As long as it's not too much - I have the right to refuse too much punishment!"

Just like a reasonable marriage is to increase the fun, but a vulgar marriage is a trouble to death, silly X.

Of course, if it's a nonsense, then just pretend I didn't say it-hey!Reina Kurashiki and Reika Kurashiki, come and have a hee hee hee with me...

The secretary nodded decisively and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we are all our own people here and we won't mess around."

So, the duel begins!

"Oh, Lie Nuo, Doro!" Lin Qiong decisively drew a card from the secretary's hand, then opened it, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Huh, I'm special summoning from the card in my hand." Draw the two of diamonds and perform a stack summon with the two of clubs that you just drew! A huge jet——"

Take one first, handsome!

The secretary silently drew a card from the eldest lady's hand, and then threw out a pair of sixes;

The eldest lady drew another card from Nazi, but she was unlucky and didn't draw a pair;

Na Zi turned around, and casually took the joke card from Lin Qiong's hand.

Lin Qiong burst into laughter from the three elders of the Soul Hall, "Nazie, Nazi! Your life is like a candle in the wind, Jie Jie!"

Nazi's mouth twitched slightly, then she glanced at Lin Qiong with squinted eyes, and sneered in her heart: "Heh, you will be the one who dies in the next round." '

Soon, under the control of Nazi's superpower, the round ended with the defeat of the eldest lady, and the winner was naturally the secretary.

"Then, miss—" the secretary blinked at the miss and asked, "Do you choose to take a big risk, or to tell the truth?"

"Heart...big, take a big risk!" The eldest lady who was about to choose what was in her heart suddenly thought, if Fei Shazi asked the most important person in her heart, how would she answer?Although Fei Sha is also very important, but...ahem!

It's still a big adventure!Presumably Fei Shazi wouldn't embarrass himself too much, eh!

"A big adventure—"

The secretary nodded clearly, and then said with a smile on his face: "Then, the content of Missy's big adventure is..."

that is?

A sentence that elongated the voice immediately made the eldest lady's heart lift up.

"Well, the first punishment should be easier." The secretary raised a finger and said, "Please show off your cuteness, miss! The qualification standard is... the three of us think it's cute, how about it?"

Selling...acting cute! ?

The eldest lady's expression began to distort. She glared at the secretary angrily, and the reproachful look made the secretary look away. Sorry, eldest lady, this is all to break Mr. Xiaolin's resistance!When things are done, you will definitely thank me, my gold medal matchmaker!


As expected by the secretary, after Lin Qiong heard the word "cute", he immediately focused his attention on the eldest lady - you must know that the cute characters who are often cute are cute, but they are cute for a long time. After all, it will make people a little aesthetically tired, but if the character who has always been arrogant suddenly softens and acts cute, the lethality will be a massacre!

So Lin Qiong's answer to the matter of the eldest lady being cute is--I'm looking forward to it, okay?Wakuwaku!

So, he cleared his throat and said, "Let's think about it, this request is not too much! It's cute, one meow is almost enough, isn't it?"

That last "yeah".He said this to his secretary.

The secretary glared at Lin Qiong bitterly, but she had already said it out, and she couldn't say "Why don't Missy come and sing meow like a cat".

'Give you a chance, you are useless! The secretary shook his head. If it weren't for her as a gold medal wingman, with his emotional intelligence, he would never even be able to find a girlfriend in this life.

Oh, and the cardboard people don't count.

Wouldn't someone really call his wife to the paper man?Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, it's me, that's fine.

"Cat, meowing..."

The young lady breathed a sigh of relief, she thought she was going to perform some kind of excessive performance, but it was just meowing... No, no, meowing is also very difficult, right?Since when did she, Nakiri Erina, ever show off her cuteness!

So, under the gazes of Lin Qiong, Secretary Zi and Na Zi, the eldest lady's face gradually turned bright red, and then she hurriedly lowered her head, and then nervously grasped the hem of her skirt with both hands, as if she was caught in a very intense inner decision. Same.

Angel Erina: "If you want to bet, you have to admit defeat! Besides, it's not too much to say meow, right?"

Demon Erina: "Yes, yes! They are so cute!"

'What's going on with the united front of the two of you! The corner of the eldest lady's eyes twitched, she raised her head as if she was going all out, and "meowed" her neck, then asked out of breath, "Why, how is it? Is it okay?"

"No..." I saw Lin Qiong put down his mobile phone that was recording video with a look of disgust, then pointed the screen at the eldest lady, and said, "Why don't you see for yourself what the hell you were meowing just now? Anyone who knows Knowing that you are acting cute, people who don’t know will think you are performing Midnight Cat!”

Chapter 0043 Ants Crawling on My Body

After hearing Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady blushed, but before she felt guilty, she discovered something was wrong.


The eldest lady looked at the mobile phone in Lin Qiong's hand suspiciously, and couldn't help but ask: "What are you planning to do when you take the photo?"

"Is this inappropriate black history?" Lin Qiong showed a natural expression, and he said with a proud face: "I recorded it, and I will return to the world of food halberds in the future, and I will show it to Alice and Tian Suohui and the others! "

Hearing this, the secretary immediately slapped himself on the face: "My young master Lin Qiong, what about the dark history of your group chat screenshots here?"Don't you say 'I want to record Erina's cute side'? '

Aren't you making the eldest lady angry?

"You guy-"

Sure enough, the eldest lady grinned at Lin Qiong, and said angrily, "No recording! Delete it for me, delete it quickly!"

Lin Qiong looked at his phone reluctantly, and whispered, "Do I have to delete it?"

If it was an ordinary cute video, the eldest lady would have allowed Lin Qiong to keep it half-heartedly, but just now Lin Qiong recorded a dark historical video that he called "Midnight Fierce Cat". The eldest lady will only allow it if she has a brain Lin Qiong kept it.

"Delete, must be deleted!" The eldest lady glared at Lin Qiong, and said fiercely: "Delete it now! I will watch you delete it! Delete the deleted items too!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but smacked his lips. He was going to superficially delete a wave, and then recover from the recycle bin later!Unexpectedly, this trick was also seen through by the eldest lady!

Damn it, who taught that arrogant and innocent young lady to be so social... Oh, it's me, that's okay.

"Deleted, deleted—"

With a hundred or eighty people, Lin Qiong deleted the video in front of the eldest lady, and then emptied the recycle bin to eliminate the possibility of keeping it, then stared at the eldest lady with dead fish eyes , said: "Hurry up and start your performance!"

With that said, Lin Qiong quietly turned on the camera function of the phone again, and then pointed the camera at the eldest lady, thinking that I won't tell you this time that I'm taking pictures of you, I'll take it back and take a peek.

The corner of Missy's mouth twitched, she felt that Lin Qiong was so stupid that it was convincing!He is like the elementary school student who made small movements below but thought the teacher sitting on the podium couldn't see it—please, I can see it clearly, okay?

'I just don't want to pursue it—'

The eldest lady coughed dryly twice with a reddish face, and after brewing her emotions, she gave a "meow" with an uncomfortable face.

Nazi: "Not at all! This cat is too embarrassing!"

Secretary: "Indeed, at most forty points out of [-]."

Lin Qiong: "Can't you curl up your hands and make a cat's paw motion? Then tilt your head or something -"

Say you're fat and you're still breathing?

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong angrily, gave a fierce "meow", then turned her head with a "hum", and said, "That's it! There is no more! But I won't meow anymore!"

It's yes if it's broken.

Lin Qiong lowered his head and looked at the screen of the mobile phone. The young lady's shy and angry milky cat couldn't help touching her chin, and said thoughtfully: "Well, it's not impossible, is it?"

The secretary held her chest, showing an expression as if she had been hit by the Demonic Light Killing Cannon, and said with a silly smile: "Young lady with a fierce breast is so awesome!"

Na Zi looked at the two who had already been captured, shrugged her shoulders helplessly, and said, "Then you've passed the test."

The young lady let out a sigh of relief, and then said aggressively: "Come on! Next round!"

She must win this time, and then severely make things difficult for others!

"Begin to begin—"

Secretary Zi and Nazi looked at each other, and they started shuffling the cards with a smile.



In the second round, the winner became Nazi, and the loser was Lin Qiong.


Lin Qiong uttered a mournful cry. He looked at the joker card in his hand with a painful face, and murmured, "Why do you always get drawn?"

Na Zi, who used superpowers for psychological hints, blinked her eyes, and then asked, "Lin Qiong, do you want to take a big risk or speak from your heart?"

'It's absolutely not okay to speak from your heart. If you were asked about some dark history, wouldn't you have sent it? Lin Qiong quickly made a decision and said, "That must be a big adventure!"

"Hey, do you also choose a big adventure?" Nazi frowned and said, "Hmm, a big adventure, let me think about it..."

After thinking for a few seconds pretending to be distressed, Na Zi clapped her hands and said, "It's decided! Please choose one person among me, Fei Shazi and Erina, and make an affectionate confession!"

"Huh!?" X2

Lin Qiong and Erina couldn't help but let out a cry.

"No—" Lin Qiong sat up straight with some unsteadiness, "Is this a little too big?"

Nazi blinked her eyes and said, "It's just a joke! As long as the person involved doesn't take it seriously, it'll be fine, right?"

The secretary nodded seriously, and said, "It's just a joke anyway, Mr. Xiao Lin, you don't take it seriously, do you?"

The aggressive method, this is the aggressive method!

Although it is an aggressive method, it works.

"Huh? How is it possible!?" At this moment, Lin Qiong's whole body was only his mouth hard, "Isn't it just an affectionate confession? What's the big deal? I'm just..."

"Wait a moment!"

Just when Lin Qiong was about to choose a secretary to deal with the errands, Nazi suddenly stretched out her hand and interrupted Lin Qiong.

"I don't think it's good for you to directly choose the candidate for your confession." Nazi raised her finger and said, "How about using lottery to determine the candidate for your confession? Don't you dare?"

"Don't dare!? Why don't I dare!?" Lin Qiong, who still had a mouth open even after being cremated, said with a stiff neck, "Draw lots! Come on! Who is afraid of whom?"

'Hooked——' The secretary and Nazi looked at each other, and there was a tacit smile on the corners of their mouths. After the young lady at the side noticed their smiles, she suddenly had an ominous premonition.

The eldest lady thought suspiciously: "Their smiles...couldn't they be planning to make some big news?" '

After about 15 seconds, Missy's suspicions were confirmed.

The secretary looked at the ball of paper that was opened in his hand, and said solemnly: "The candidate you have drawn is Miss Erina—"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but look at the eldest lady, and the eldest lady happened to be looking at him as well. As a result, their eyes met for a moment, and then they looked away as if they were electrocuted.

'I'm coming--'

Nazi couldn't help showing an unscrupulous smile of a melon-eating crowd. Now she can't wait to take out Coke potato chips and melon seeds spicy sticks to enjoy Lin Qiong and the eldest lady's awkward love comedy, okay?

'This kind of sour romantic comedy is only interesting! '

Under the happy gaze of the secretary and Na Zi, Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady with a tense face, while the eldest lady lowered her head with erratic eyes, and the whole person fell into chaos.

"What to do, he wants to confess to me—"

"Although it's fake, it's a confession—"

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