Chapter 0041 Prizes

Half a minute later, Lin Qiong, who had changed his clothes, was adjusting the hem of his T-shirt as he emerged from the dressing room and said, "How is it? Is it okay?"


The eldest lady and the secretary rested their chins, and after walking around Lin Qiong twice thoughtfully, they nodded their heads in unison.

"It's very energetic!" The eldest lady commented: "And this dress suits you very well, hehe."

"That's true—"

Lin Qiong twitched his lips. After he took the clothes into the dressing room, he realized that this T-shirt not only had a pattern of knives and forks on the front of the chest, but also a line of characters on the back - I am a foodie!


Seeing Lin Qiong's helpless expression, the eldest lady and the secretary let out a laugh of a successful prank.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh, I actually quite like this dress." Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, then walked around in front of the eldest lady and the secretary, and said, "Well, although I may not eat much, but I still like to eat small snacks, so I can also be regarded as a... snack?"

The eldest lady curled her lips. She crossed her arms and said with some dissatisfaction: "Please, we chose this dress for you to play a prank! If you show that you like it, then we have failed the prank?"


Lin Qiong showed a teasing expression, and said, "It's just to make your prank fail, I have to like this dress too, hehe~"

"Hey hey bag da yo!"

The eldest lady puffed up her mouth, stomped her feet angrily, then looked at the secretary beside her, and said, "Fei Shazi, elbow! We must choose an ugly dress for him!"

The secretary hurriedly followed behind the eldest lady, and walked towards the exhibition area next to her with her. When leaving, she showed a pitiful expression towards Lin Qiong.

Bless yourself!

"I'm a bitch——" Lin Qiong touched his head, and murmured subtly, "Geng Gui, Ibrahimovic, you two said, Missy won't make me a green dress with red pants, right? "

Red and green, what a shit race?


Geng Gui blinked his eyes, then tilted his head, and patted Lin Qiong's shoulder by the way,

It's all right!The owner is healthy in whatever he wears!


Ibrahimovic also nodded his head.

I like whatever the master wears!

"Although I am very happy that you are comforting me..." Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, then covered his forehead dumbfounded, and said, "But I can't bear it myself!"

Miss, please be merciful!



After all, the eldest lady was merciful.

"Should I be thankful that you didn't get me that kind..." Lin Qiong glanced at the shelf next to him, and the T-shirts with the pictures of Miss Lips and Guaili Kiss on the chest made the corners of his mouth twitch. "Fortunately, it's not Miss Lips, thank God."

The eldest lady also took a look at the eye-catching pattern and complained: "The main reason is that I can't accept that pattern hanging in front of me - I can't kill 1000 enemies and lose 800 to myself."

"No, that should be 1500 kills and 150 self-damage." Lin Qiong complained, "After all, after wearing the clothes, if you don't lower your head, you can't see the pattern, but face to face is different."

This 150 self-injury still comes from social death, okay?If you don't care about social death, you won't even have 150 self-injury.

The eldest lady was silent for a few seconds, then nodded, she had to admit that Lin Qiong was right - at least Lin Qiong didn't feel embarrassed, he could indeed use that T-shirt to kill 150 enemies by 1500 damage.

The secretary smiled and said: "Okay, you two, let's go check out first - the clerk has been staring at us for a long time."

The information that can be revealed so far is that the clerk is actually staring at Ibrahimovic, who is waving his little tail on Lin Qiong's head, and from time to time she makes silly smiles like "Hey, hey, Ibrahimovic, cute Ibrahimovic."

It's a heavyweight clerk.

When Lin Qiong and the others packed up the clothes they were about to buy and took them to the front desk to check out, the shop assistant in charge of the checkout peeked at Ibrahimovic and said enthusiastically, "Both of you, your consumption is already full this time. 5 yuan, you can participate in our store’s lucky draw for free!”

"Lucky draw!?" Hearing these two words, Lin Qiong immediately became interested. He who was just leaning on the front desk and looking at the corridor boredly turned his head quickly, then looked at the shop assistant enthusiastically, and asked: "Single Draw or ten consecutive rounds? Is there a guarantee?"

lottery!ah!lottery! !

What a charming word! ?Whenever Lin Qiong has accumulated enough stones for a round of ten rounds, he will blushed, stare at the screen of the mobile phone out of breath, and then excitedly press the button for ten rounds of rounds—of course, most of the time he will die suddenly Sitting on the seat, I looked at the four-star card with a guarantee (even some games didn’t have a guarantee) and cried, and murmured: ""

It's just that after reaching a cooperation with the Nakiri family, Lin Qiong lost interest in the lottery of mobile games and end games!After all, with the wealth of the Nakiri family, even if Lin Qiong’s krypton bills are the same as playing games every day, this makes him feel empty, gradually loses interest in mobile games, and has never had much contact with Gacha. .

But now, the excited nostrils of Lin Qiong, who has been raining for a long time after a long drought, have dilated a little—he is now full of lottery draws!I want to draw a lottery!Let me ship it soon!

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong who was so excited that she was deformed, she couldn't help covering her forehead with a speechless expression, and said, "Fei Shazi, this guy's lottery syndrome has appeared again."

The secretary also nodded with a wry smile. She saw with her own eyes how dazed Lin Qiong was in the krypton gold lottery draw at the beginning, and spent more than ten million yen in just one or two weeks.


The clerk was startled by Lin Qiong's reaction. She subconsciously took half a step back, and then stammered: "Here, this, we can draw once for spending over 5 yuan, and we can only give away one draw..." "

One time is only one single chance?But it's not a big problem, Lin Qiong's hands have already started to itch since he hasn't drawn a lottery for so long.

He said eagerly, "Okay, if you only draw, you can only draw! The rule is the banner, right?"


Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary glanced at the banner on the wall——

First prize: the same collection of suits from Zivqi Dawu;

Second prize: [-]% off this purchase;

Third prize: a pair of Balenciaga monogram stockings;

There are consolation prizes and participation prizes below, but Lin Qiong no longer cares about looking at them - his eyes are all attracted to the third prize!

First prize?That thing is simply not something we mortals can control!It's better to let Dawu, the handsome and powerful rich second-generation noble son who turned out to be the first, come.

Lin Qiong clasped his hands together and prayed softly: "Third prize! Third prize! I want to see Erina wearing Valentino! Third prize! Third prize!"

After hearing his prayer, the eldest lady behind her blushed and clenched her fists—if you continue, I will give you two punches! !

Soon, the clerk took out the box for the lottery. Lin Qiong licked his lips, put his hand in and fumbled for a while, then decisively held a ball and took it out.


The clerk took the ball, unscrewed it lightly, raised her head and said to Lin Qiong, "Hey, sir, you have won a consolation prize, and the prize is two T-shirts."

"Ah..." Lin Qiong pursed his lips, then smacked his lips in disappointment, and said, "Well, I know that my character is just a guarantee—at least it's not a participation award."

If you draw a Poké Ball, you are really "participating".

"Sir, please wait a moment, I'm going to prepare the prize for you." The clerk bowed to Lin Qiong, then turned and walked towards the shelf next to her.

Lin Qiong returned to the eldest lady and the secretary with a smirk, and said, "I'm still as bad as ever! Hey, I thought I could win the second prize."

second prize?Are you sure it's not the third prize?

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong sideways, and then curled her lips. I'm too lazy to reveal your little thoughts!

Soon, the clerk took two white T-shirts and walked up to Lin Qiong and the others, and said with a smile on her face: "You two, this is the best couple T-shirt sold in this store! I don't know Are you satisfied? If you don’t like this one, we have other patterns to choose from—”

A t-shirt on the left with a blue negative pat printed on the chest, and his tail is reaching towards the right side of the t-shirt;

On the right is a t-shirt with a red positive pat on the chest, and her tail is reaching towards the left side of the t-shirt.

Obviously, the shape of these two couple T-shirts is that when two people stand together, the tails of the positive and negative electric patters will just touch together, creating a "couple" gimmick.


The corner of Lin Qiong's mouth twitched a little as he took the T-shirt handed over by the clerk, and then quietly looked in the direction of the young lady—as expected, the young lady's face was so red that it could boil water.

"That, that, uh..." Lin Qiong looked at the young lady with some embarrassment while holding the T-shirt in his hand, and said weakly, "How to deal with this?"

The eldest lady looked to the side with some erratic eyes, and stammered: "I, I, I, how do I know?"

Just when there was an awkward and ambiguous atmosphere between Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, the secretary stood up decisively. In the eyes of the eldest lady, "Fei Sha, my savior", she suggested to Lin Qiong He said: "You have already taken it all out, so just accept it first! Otherwise, it would not be a good idea to bother someone else's shop assistant lady to exchange it!"

Lin Qiong nodded quickly, and said: "That's the truth! Take it first, take it first—cough! Then what, I bought the clothes, can we leave?"

"Yes, yes, yes." The eldest lady also nodded quickly, and said, "Go first, let's go first! I have to take a car later!"

The secretary covered his mouth and watched as Lin Qiong and the eldest lady walked out of the clothing store together with crutches, then bowed to the clerk with a 0.0 face, and walked out cheerfully with his things.

'Oh, did the clerk give me an assist? "The corner of the secretary's mouth showed a smile that couldn't wait to eat melons, "It would be great if I could pierce that layer of window paper——"

Chapter 0042

Nazi, who had been waiting on a bench outside the department store for a long time, saw Lin Qiong and others coming out, and she greeted them enthusiastically.

Then the eldest lady walked quickly past her with her head lowered, without even looking at her.

Na Zi's expression froze, and she looked at Lin Qiong who was following closely behind the eldest lady.

Then Lin Qiong walked past her quickly with a stiff expression, without even looking at her.

Nazi's mouth dropped, and she looked pitifully at the secretary who was walking at the back, carrying something and smiling like an aunt.

The secretary stopped in front of Nazi with a smile, and said, "Natzu-chan, I've been waiting for a long time."


Nazi whimpered, and said aggrievedly, "Why are they ignoring me?"

The word "Share" appeared in the left eye of the secretary, and the word "Gossip" appeared in the right eye. She looked around, then leaned into Nazi's ear, and whispered, "I'll tell you! The thing is like this... ..."

"Mmmm... Mmmm? Mmmm!"

Nazi's eyes started to shine as she listened. She lowered her voice and said excitedly: "Doesn't that mean that they are just short of a chance now!?"

The secretary quickly comforted Na Zi, and said, "Don't be in a hurry! The eldest lady is a bit arrogant, and Mr. Xiao Lin is a cowardly and straight man. If one is not good, it will easily make the relationship between the two people extremely awkward. It's time for trouble!"


Nazi nodded hurriedly, then rubbed her little hands excitedly and said, "When I watched them before, it felt like a romantic comedy. Now is it finally coming to an end?"

The secretary put the bag in his hand on the ground, then held Nazi's hand with both hands, and said solemnly: "Whether we can welcome you depends on our efforts, Nazi-chan!"

Na Zi held the secretary's hand backhand, and said, "I got it! Let's work hard together, Fei Shazi!"

Just as the two were developing a revolutionary friendship, the young lady who was walking in front turned around and shouted loudly, "Fei Shazi, what are you doing?"

The two reacted and hurriedly followed Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, replying: "Coming, coming!"



Inside the compartment of the train bound for Kanaz City.

Lin Qiong was sitting by the window, staring out the window motionlessly, as if watching Hupa fight Necrozma;

The eldest lady was sitting diagonally across from Lin Qiong, stroking the hair of Pikachu in her arms with her head lowered, as if she wanted to count how many hairs Pikachu had.

Na Zi, who was sitting next to the eldest lady, and the secretary, who was sitting next to Lin Qiong, looked at each other, and then nodded in unison.

It can't go on like this anymore, the degree of awkwardness between these two people is beyond our imagination!

To assist!


The secretary cleared his throat, then took out a pack of playing cards from his backpack with a smile on his face, and said, "It's still a long time before we reach our destination, why don't we play cards to relieve boredom?"

"Wow - I've been bored for a long time!" Nazi pretended to be happy and clapped her hands and said, "Then how should we play?"

The secretary winked at Nazi: "You are too fake, your tone is too artificial!" '

Nazi replied innocently: 'I don't have any experience either -'

The secretary looked away, and said with a smile: "If there are four people, let's play draw cards! It's simple and interesting, and you can also add a punishment mechanism, how about it?"

Nazi nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, yes! It sounds very interesting!"

'It's hard for her, it's not easy to support her like this. The secretary withdrew his gaze from Nazi, then bumped Lin Qiong with his elbow, then gently kicked Erina's shoes, and said, "Miss, Mr. Xiaolin, can we come and play together?"

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