Pikachu seemed to know that she was going to get the artifact. She jumped in front of the eldest lady with great energy, then stretched out her hand and patted her chest, saying that I would protect the master from now on!

"Pikachu is so good -" the eldest lady hugged Pikachu with a smile and said, "Then I will rely on Pikachu to protect me from now on!"

"Pika!" Pikachu patted his chest and said to me!

Lin Qiong propped his side face aside, showing his aunt's smile.



In a blink of an eye, the time came when the cruise ship docked. Xiao Juer had to say goodbye to Lin Qiong and the others after disembarking because of rushing the announcement. After the two parties exchanged PMline numbers, they parted.


After standing on the ground, the eldest lady stretched a lot, and then sighed from the bottom of her heart: "It really feels better to be down-to-earth!"

After Lin Qiong glanced at the extremely shocking figure of the eldest lady, he said, "The train to Kanaz City won't leave until the afternoon. Let's find a shop to rest?"

With her hands behind her back, the eldest lady said as she walked forward, "I checked the information before. There is a Shujing Art Museum in Shujing City. It is said that there are many portraits of the winning Pokémon in the gorgeous contest. Shall we go and see?"

"Shuijing Art Museum? Winner of the Gorgeous Contest?" Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment. He scratched his head, followed quickly, and then asked curiously, "Is Erina dear interested in the Gorgeous Contest?"

Although Lin Qiong had read the information about Pokémon to everyone in the world of Halberd Eater, the Pokémon animation was too long, so the eldest lady and the others only watched a few episodes of Muji to get a better understanding of it. I didn’t read any more about the background setting—so if Xiao Ju’er hadn’t mentioned the gorgeous contest on the cruise ship, the eldest lady really didn’t know there was such a contest that didn’t pay much attention to the strength of Pokémon.

"Well, I'm interested, but not very interested." The eldest lady teased Pikachu in her arms with her fingers and said, "Don't the Gorgeous Contest not pay attention to the strength of Pokémon? It seems to be suitable for Fei Shasha and me."

The competition in the orthodox conference is too fierce, and it is really unfriendly to the eldest lady and secretary who put all their thoughts on cooking.

Lin Qiong nodded immediately after hearing what the eldest lady said, and said, "Since Erina has said so, how can I refuse? Elbow! Aim for the Shuijing Art Museum, let's go!"



After entering the art gallery, what caught the eye was a statue of a handsome man dressed like a pervert and with long hair in a green-blue gradient. Next to the man, a lifelike Menus was entrenched.

There is no doubt that this is the second champion of the Hoenn region, as well as a top coordination trainer and a loyal fan of the gorgeous competition——Mikri!

The eldest lady, the secretary, and Nazi all looked at the statue of Menus in front of them with fascination.

The eldest lady murmured: "Is this Menus? It is indeed the most beautiful Pokémon—"

This is too beautiful⑧?It's just a fairy!Are we happy together?Let's be school idols together!

It is indeed worthy of being hailed as the most beautiful Pokémon. In an instant, it snatched the eyes of the eldest lady and the secretary, and let them indulge in this charm—even if this is just a statue of Menus .

"After all, it's Menus—" Lin Qiong also looked at Menus intently, and muttered: "Just the statue is so eye-catching, if it's the real Menus, how beautiful is it? "

The secretary nodded in agreement, and said, "It would be great if I could see Menus with my own eyes!"


Lin Qiong looked thoughtfully at the young lady and the secretary beside him, and couldn't help touching his chin, thinking: "I remember that in the game, there are two conditions for an ugly fish to evolve into Menus... '

Respectively, the beauty degree reaches 170 and then the level is upgraded, or the beautiful scale is carried for connection and exchange. I just don’t know if it evolves in the same way in the real world?

"If so..." Lin Qiong quietly took out the illustration book, and then edited a text message to Dr. Oki: "Dr. Oki, is the condition for the ugly ugly fish to evolve into Menus clear? I have some clues here..."

After sending it, Lin Qiong put away the illustrated book, and then showed a smiling expression towards the eldest lady, hiding his achievements and fame.

Chapter 0040 Great Contribution

After admiring Mikri's Menus—no one appreciates Mikri's beauty, no, no, no, no, no—the group of four began browsing around the gallery's photo wall.

"Basically, they are all very distinctive Pokémon—" the secretary looked at the portrait on the wall and the "original photo" pasted next to the portrait, and expressed emotion.

"Either you are particularly strong, or you are very beautiful, or you are very elegant -" the eldest lady nodded in agreement and said, "It seems that the water in the gorgeous competition is much deeper than I thought."

When she first learned about the beauty contest, the eldest lady thought it was a beauty contest similar to the Pokémon world, and it only needed "beauty" to finish the job!When entering the art gallery and seeing Menus, the eldest lady further confirmed this idea, but only when she saw the strange power on the wall and Pokémon such as Boss Cordora, the eldest lady realized that The gorgeous contest is not as simple as I imagined.

Lin Qiong smiled and said, "It's one of the more popular competitions in the Pokémon world anyway, otherwise it wouldn't be so shallow."

The secretary showed full confidence in the young lady: "Missy! If you participate in the competition, you will definitely win!"

The eldest lady smiled wryly and waved her hand: "I don't even have a Pokémon that can participate in the competition now, so forget it."

Lin Qiong pointed to Pikachu in her arms and said, "Isn't Pikachu? In terms of appearance, Pikachu is quite cute. In terms of moves, grids, electric balls, steel tails, etc. can also be combined to create a good stage effect."

"Pika!" Pikachu patted his chest, Master, believe me!I can!

The eldest lady showed a flustered expression, but she quickly shook her head and said, "Forget it! I don't know anything about the gorgeous competition now, so participating in the competition rashly is a disrespect for the gorgeous competition."

"I see—" Lin Qiong blinked and said, "Okay, then I'll find you some videos of the gorgeous contest later."

The eldest lady nodded and agreed to Lin Qiong's proposal.



After visiting the art gallery, the eldest lady chose to leave contentedly, and then rushed to the department store in Shuijing City with her secretary.


Lin Qiong sat on the chair with a vicissitudes of life, stroking the hair of Ibrahimovic lying on his lap like an old man who disregarded the world, and sighed: "The talent of women in this area is really terrifying!"

Don't you feel tired after walking around the art gallery for more than 40 minutes?Do you not even need to take a break when you come out, just rush to the department store?You are too brave! ?

Nazi, who was sitting next to him, nodded. She didn't go to the department store with the eldest lady - the flow of people in the art gallery was still within her acceptable range, but the department store was too exaggerated.


Ibrahimovic turned over lazily, exposing her soft belly to Lin Qiong's claws: Anyway, she doesn't have to walk by herself, so it's not a big problem!

"You little guy—"

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows. Looking at the lazy Ibrahimovic, he couldn't help but gently scratched her itchy flesh.


Ibrahimovic, who was attacked by surprise, twisted his body in a panic, quickly got up from Lin Qiong's lap, then grinned at Lin Qiong who was grinning, and complained: Master is too bad!

Nazi glanced at the interaction between Lin Qiong and Ibrahimovic, then tilted her head and thought about it, wondering if she could also catch an Ibrahimovic to cultivate—remember that Ibrahimovic has the superpower system of Sun Ibrahimovic Evolutionary, right?

"Haha, Yibao is so cute." Lin Qiong rubbed Ibrahimovic's soft face with a smile, and said, "Little baby, you need to learn round pupils early so that you can evolve into a fairy Ibrahimovic."

"Boybuy!" Ibrahimovic nodded earnestly. She has recently figured out the trick of round pupils. It is estimated that she will be able to learn new skills in less than a week!

Facing such a cute Ibrahimovic, Lin Qiong, who has always advocated encouraging education, gave his praise without hesitation. While rubbing Ibrahimovic's soft head, he said: "You are so cute~ yoxi yoxi Yoshi yoshi-"


Ibrahimovic was so comfortable that he narrowed his eyes, and Gengar, who was staying in the shadow, watched this scene and jumped out not to be outdone.

"Talk and talk!"

She stretched out her finger and pointed at herself, motioning for Lin Qiong to rub her too, it must feel really good!

Lin Qiong was slightly taken aback, he gently put Ibrahimovic on the chair, frowned, walked around Geng Gui in deep thought, and then said under the gaze of the bewildered Geng Gui: " This, Geng Ghost! I want to rub your head too, but... where is your head?"

"Kou Jie!?" Σ( ° △ °|||)

Geng Gui stretched out his hand to touch his body in shock, and then fell to the ground all pale - it was only at this time that she clearly realized that she didn't seem to have organs such as neck and head.

"Kou Jie..."

Geng Gui, who was about to cry, raised his head pitifully, so will I not be able to enjoy the touch of love in the future?


Na Zi covered her mouth and turned her eyes away - she had to admit that she was amused by this Geng Gui's performance!

"Who said that?" Lin Qiong looked at Geng Gui so sad, and quickly comforted her: "Even if I can't rub your head, I can rub your body! Look——"

Lin Qiong opened his arms and hugged the chubby Geng Gui in front of him, and said, "Geng Gui is so good~ yo yo yo yo yo yo yo——"

"Talk and talk!"

After Geng Gui felt Lin Qiong's love, he immediately showed a contented expression, she giggled, and then swished back into Lin Qiong's shadow - I am satisfied!Master, you continue to touch little Ibrahimovic, hehe!

Compared with Ibrahimovic who is still a child, Geng Gui is a big sister after all, so his every move is quite like a big sister.

"Well, Yibao—" Lin Qiong gently poked Ibrahimovic's soft belly with his fingers, and said, "When you evolve into a fairy Ibrahimovic, let's go to the gorgeous contest and feel the atmosphere. How about it?"


Ibrahimovic's ears twitched slightly, she shook her little head, and then proudly puffed up her chest: Okay!Master, just watch it, that gorgeous contest, I will definitely win the championship easily and give it to you! !

"Oh yo, Yibao is really amazing~" Lin Qiong buried his face in Yibao's stomach with an aunt's smile, and then said happily: "Ah, is it as happy as I sucking Ibrahimovic? Sucking Ibrahimovic , better than a living god!"


Ibrahimovic waved her little jiojio with a happy face—this is one of the reasons why she doesn’t like fighting. If she gets dirty because of fighting, or sweats and has a strange smell, it will cause the owner What if you don't like sucking yourself?

Daba daba!Little Ibrahimovic needs to stay beautiful!

Just when Lin Qiong was immersed in happiness and absorbing Ibrahimovic's boundless mana, the call from reality woke him up.

"Mr. Xiao Lin -" the secretary shouted to Lin Qiong: "Please come over here, the eldest lady is going to buy you two pieces of clothes!"


Lin Qiong raised his head, then looked at the secretary in surprise, and couldn't help but ask, "Me? Buy it for me?"

The secretary nodded his head "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm" and shouted to Lin Qiong with his hands trumpeting, "Hurry up! The clothes here are still pretty!"

Lin Qiong scratched the back of his head, dumbfounded, and muttered, "What a waste of money, it's not that I don't have clothes, really."

Lin Qiong stood up, then turned his head to look at Na Zi, and said, "Would you like to come with me? Or?"

Nazi shook her head quickly and said, "I'll just sit here. Just remember to come back early."

If she was willing to go in, she would have gone in long ago. How could it be your turn to invite her?

"Alright then." Seeing that Nazi was unwilling to go, Lin Qiong stopped persuading her, turned around and walked straight towards the elevator, arriving in front of the clothing store on the third floor.

"Come here quickly—" the eldest lady waved at Lin Qiong, and said, "Come try this dress on, I think it suits you quite well."

The upper body is a black T-shirt with a white pattern of crossed knives and forks printed on it; the lower body is a pair of black cropped pants of the same color, with a smirking Gengar printed on the left thigh.

"Oh, it's Geng Gui!" Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and Geng Gui, who heard his call, popped up with a "whoosh", then held his face in his hands, and looked at him with a "wow!" Trousers, pulled Lin Qiong's trousers vigorously.

Lin Qiong frantically lifted up his pants, and hurriedly said: "I know, I know, I just wear it... Don't talk! Don't talk! It's going to fall off, it's going to fall off!!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing Lin Qiong's embarrassment at this time, the eldest lady and the secretary couldn't help but let out a series of clear and crisp laughter. Unfortunately, Lin Qiong didn't see that delicate smile at this time—he was busy pulling up his pants Woolen cloth.

After finally calming Gengar down, before Lin Qiong could take the clothes handed over by the eldest lady, little Eevee started making trouble again.

"Booy booy booy!"

Little Ibrahimovic slapped Lin Qiong's face fiercely with his paws, and yelled at the eldest lady angrily.

Why is there Gengar but not me, Eevee!My pinch!I also want to be worn by my master!

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts..."

Lin Qiong hurriedly hugged Ibrahimovic from his head, and then said dumbfoundingly: "Then don't hit me! It's not my choice of clothes, right? The culprit is obviously Erina!"

The eldest lady: "?"

She stared at Lin Qiong with wide-eyed eyes, and couldn't help but ask, "Can you have a little conscience? How come you are so proficient in throwing pots? How many times have you been throwing pots?"

Lin Qiong showed a smug expression: "I'm the canyon dumper, the king of non-stick pans, and the successor to Ba Ge!"

The eldest lady complained: "Why do you still look so proud?"

Come on, it's super cool to lie down and win the game, okay?

Lin Qiong smiled, and after he stuffed Ibrahimovic into the arms of the eldest lady, he walked into the dressing room with a T-shirt and trousers, and said, "How about Miss Kangkang's taste?"

"Boui Boi!"

Eevee was still struggling in the hands of the eldest lady. She looked at the eldest lady angrily, as if asking her why she didn't choose clothes with Eevee patterns.

"Little guy, you are Ibrahimovic now, but won't you evolve into a Fairy Ibrahimovic soon?" The eldest lady looked at Ibrahimovic and said calmly, "Don't you hope that after you evolve into a Fairy Ibrahimovic, he Are you still wearing Ibrahimovic's clothes?"


Ibrahimovic showed a shocked expression. After staring and thinking for a few seconds, she stretched out her hand and patted the young lady on the shoulder.

Hmm, you have done a lot of credit!

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