"Hungry? Is Miss Kamizlei the owner of the Hezhong area?" The secretary widened her eyes and said in surprise, "I thought you would be some big star!"

"Hmm, in fact, apart from my part-time job as gym owner, I also have a major job as a model~" Kamizlei brushed her hair, and said with a sweet smile: "And you can call me Xiaojuer directly, That's my nickname."

"Part-time Gym Master..."

The eldest lady showed a strange expression, and said, "Isn't the owner of the gymnasium right?"

"Well, why not?" Xiaoju'er showed a subtle expression, and said, "It's just that I prefer the job of modeling."

"Eh? Why?" The secretary asked curiously.

"Although the gym master can make me shine, as expected, I am the most shining as a model, on stage!" Xiao Ju'er's face had a faint light, which was an expression of excitement.

"I see--"

The eldest lady and the secretary understood, this gym owner obviously likes to show off his acting personality, so it's no wonder why the other party likes to be a model - it must be attracting attention!

"It's just, a model..." The eldest lady sized up Xiao Ju'er, nodded and said, "No wonder she has such a good figure! Now, Xiao Ju'er-san, do models need strict body control?"

"Well, yes." Xiao Ju'er pouted and nodded, and said a little unhappy: "In order to maintain my figure, not only do I have a professional nutritionist to take care of my three meals a day, to ensure that the calories do not exceed the standard, Proper fitness and yoga are also required, as well as the elimination of all snacks and high-calorie foods...”


Hearing Xiao Ju'er's words, the three beauties present showed painful expressions.

"I can feel the pain just by imagining it—" the eldest lady covered her face with her hands, and said, "If it were me, it would be absolutely impossible for me to endure such a thing."

In fact, activities such as exercise and yoga are okay, but the previous "many things can't be eaten" is unacceptable to the eldest lady-as a chef, how can she add a fasting list to herself?

"Actually, I think you two shouldn't need to worry about this..." Lin Qiong, who was basking in the sun, touched his chin and thought, "Everyone in the gourmet world seems to have a special physique. '

This is not what he is talking about, but he is in charge of all major gourmet comics, and it seems that there are no excessively fat people - even the fat brother of the Aldini brothers in the spirit of eating halberds, doesn't it mean that they will lose weight in summer ?

Lin Qiong guessed that the rule that the residents of the gourmet world are unlikely to become fat is the same as the rule that the residents of the Pokémon world will not be harmed by Pokémon skills. It is a unique rule of the world.

"There's no way, if you want to become beautiful and dazzling, you have to pay some effort." Xiao Ju'er looked indifferent. After all, if she couldn't persevere, she wouldn't be able to achieve what she is today.

"However, low-calorie food..." The eldest lady rested her chin, showing a thoughtful expression, and the secretary at the side also began to fall into thought, which made Xiaoju'er tilt her head in confusion .

"What's wrong with them?" Xiao Ju'er looked at the two girls who suddenly fell silent, and couldn't help asking.

"Well, it should be...a good thing for you?" Lin Qiong winked at Xiao Ju'er, and then said with a smug look on his face: "The cooking skills of our Erina and Hisako-chan are definitely It’s championship level!”

"I can testify to this." Nazi nodded at the side, and said seriously: "At least I have never eaten such a delicious thing, it is a delicacy that subverts your perception!"

Xiao Ju'er showed a subtle expression, and muttered, "Is that an exaggeration?"

Lin Qiong didn't make any excuses, but put his hands on his chest, winked and said, "Hmph, you'll know after eating tonight."

Xiao Ju'er covered her forehead: "Have you forgotten what I just said? What I eat for each meal has been prescribed by the nutritionist, so..."

"That's why I said it should be a good thing for you!" Lin Qiong interrupted Xiao Ju'er, pouted his mouth in the direction of the eldest lady and the secretary, and said, "They should be thinking now, how to Make what you eat tastier without adding calories."

Xiao Ju'er was startled: "Is this kind of thing possible? Impossible?"

Lin Qiong shook his finger with disdain and said: "Little Ju'er! You are so naive, it is even sweeter than Erzi and Aniya's couple! You don't even know that the name Nakiri Erina represents meaning!"

Xiao Ju'er was shocked by Lin Qiong's confidence, she subconsciously asked, "What does it represent?"

"On behalf of Miss Tsundere!"


The eldest lady who came back to her senses gave Lin Qiong an elbow with a dark face, then gave Lin Qiong a hard look, then looked at Xiao Ju'er again, and said, "Xiao Ju'er, can you feed your nutrition? Can you prepare me the recipe that the teacher prepared for you?"

"Hurry up, give it to her—" Lin Qiong clutched his side, gasping for air, and said, "The master of enchantment is going to perform top-level enchantment on your blueprint, and it will change from white equipment to a colorful artifact... "

"It's enough!"

The eldest lady hated herself who could understand Lin Qiong's neta completely at this time. Doesn't this mean that her thinking circuit is being influenced by Lin Qiong to be the same as him? ?

"Hey, I'm helping you, aren't I?" Lin Qiong smiled, and he moved to the side of the eldest lady, and said with a pretentious face: "Remember, the one standing in front of you is the one from Yuanyue Academy." The new head coach, the holder of the God's Tongue, the person with the pinnacle of culinary skills, and a cute and arrogant size—"


The young miss hit Lin Qiong's abdomen with another elbow, then covered his mouth with a blushing face, and said, "You, you, what nonsense are you talking about... ah!"

The eldest lady felt something soft and wet brushing across her palm. Coupled with Lin Qiong's funny expression, she immediately realized what Lin Qiong had just done.


"You are—"

The eldest lady stared at Lin Qiong in embarrassment and anger.

"I was wrong! I was just joking!"

Lin Qiong hastily raised his hand to apologize. It is indeed somewhat offensive to lick a girl's palm, isn't it? ——However, what he didn't know was that it was because he was joking that the eldest lady would be angry!

'This idiot, dead wood, straight man of steel, titanium alloy idiot! '

The eldest lady gritted her teeth and looked at Lin Qiong. Why did this person chat with Isshiki, Kuga Teruki, and Xingping Chuangzhen one after another, and the atmosphere was so ambiguous that people suspected they were gαy, but when they came to me ...

Am I that unattractive? ?

"I see, why is she looking at me like this..." Lin Qiong was sweating profusely from being stared at by Erina, he looked away guiltily, and then carefully recalled the actions just now, trying to find out Where did I go wrong...

Damn, how did you find this out! ?

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary at the side in a panic, and then gave her wild winks—if you translate it in simple words, what he said is probably...

Save me, brother, raise your hand!

The secretary twitched the corner of his mouth, why is this scene so familiar, oh yes, it was me just now and now you, right?

She shook her head helplessly, then leaned close to the young lady's ear, and whispered: "Missy, think about it from another angle, he is so straight, other girls don't... right?"


The eldest lady was stunned for a moment, then showed a thoughtful expression, and murmured: "It seems, is this the truth?"

After realizing this incident, the eldest lady suddenly didn’t feel angry anymore, but instead felt an indescribable sense of security—it’s better to be hundreds of times better than meeting one and loving the other, and then frantically flirting with the girls and wives and concubines. ?

'Okay, great! '

Lin Qiong saw that the young lady was no longer angry with the secretary in a few words, and immediately showed her admiring eyes--I didn't expect wow, secretary, you still have such a role!It's amazing!

Secretary: I don't know why, but I always feel like I've been praised and belittled, so angry!

"Puff puff--"

Na Zi and Xiao Ju'er on the side were once again amused by the interaction between Lin Qiong and the eldest lady.

Xiao Ju'er: "This pair is too interesting!"Are you still not together?Wouldn't it be more fun to observe for a longer period of time? '

Nazi: 'It feels like I'm watching a real-life version of Monthly Girls, and it's fun to watch it -'



That night, the luxury room area on the top floor.

As the world's leading top model, Xiao Ju'er naturally lived in the luxury area on the top floor, so during dinner, she was directly invited to visit Lin Qiong and his three's room.

"Miss Xiao Ju'er, please sit down for a moment—" Lin Qiong took Xiao Ju'er to sit at the edge of the dining table, and said, "Erina and Fei Shazi are preparing dinner, and it will be ready soon."

"You guys have been brainwashing me all afternoon—" Xiao Ju'er sat down with a smile, and said pretending to be serious: "If it doesn't taste good, I will be angry!"

"Huh ha ha ha, Miss Xiao Ju'er, just put your mind at ease!" Lin Qiong let out a smug laugh, waved his hand, and said, "Erina's craftsmanship is definitely the champion... no, it's the master, It is at the level of a first-level god! It is invincible all over the world, and the master is empty and lonely!"

Xiaoju'er's expression at this time was a little sweaty and soy, she said dumbfoundedly: "The more you talk, the more exaggerated—"

Lin Qiong snorted and said, "Am I exaggerating? Let's see the truth in ten minutes!"

superior!Missy, bite her!

Chapter 0039 Arrived in Shuijing City

After half an hour.

Xiaoju'er leaned back on the chair with a suspicious expression on her face, her dazed expression was like watching the green caterpillar transform into Rayquaza - to be honest, it was exactly the same as Geng Gui and Dr. Oki back then.


"How about it?"

Lin Qiong moved his buttocks and came closer to Xiao Ju'er, and then said with a proud look on his face: "Is my Erina's craftsmanship the best in the world?"

"I have to admit, this kind of craftsmanship is really something I have never seen before." Xiao Ju'er's pupils converged again, she rubbed her face, and said seriously: "I never thought that these fitness meals can be delicious. to such an extent."

You know, in order to maintain her figure, she usually eats things like boiled broccoli and chicken breast. Although the calorie intake is indeed low, it is really tasteless!

Although her family's nutritionist tried her best to make these dishes delicious, firstly, these dishes were difficult to taste, and secondly, if a lot of seasonings were added to enhance the taste, it would become unhealthy instead.

Wouldn't that put the cart before the horse?

"I'll give you the cooking recipe later." The eldest lady had a slight smile on her face, and she said with a light smile: "You can take it back and learn it from your nutritionist, so that you will have a good taste in the future." gone."

"Huh—" Xiaoju'er raised her hand and rubbed her face, and said, "I don't even know how to thank you."

The eldest lady smiled lightly and waved her hands, and said, "It's fine to thank you or something! I just changed the recipe for you on a whim!"

Xiao Ju'er shook her head: "No, Miss Erina! It's just a whim for you, but it's a big help to me - to tell you the truth, I almost suffer from anorexia after eating bland food for a long time. sick."

The eldest lady was surprised: "Is it so exaggerated? Haven't you in this world considered similar things?"

Xiao Juer smiled wryly: "Most of the attention in our world is focused on Pokémon - although fighting Pokémon also eat fitness meals to maintain their body fat percentage, they can eat energy cubes to improve their appetite , so there is really no need for this.”

The eldest lady opened her mouth, shook her head helplessly, and said, "This really makes me not know what to say."

Looking at the menu in front of her, Xiao Ju'er couldn't help but fell into deep thought. When the secretary found out about her situation, she poked the eldest lady and Lin Qiong.The two looked at each other, patiently waiting for Xiao Ju'er's next words.

"Miss Erina..." Xiao Ju'er licked her lips and said, "Can you invent a low-fat and sugar-free sauce? In this way, there is no need to modify the recipe in a targeted manner, just spread the sauce In terms of food, you can make the food delicious—”

The secretary clapped his hands and added: "Miss, this is a good way! You can even sell the sauce directly as a product, there will definitely be a market!"

Xiao Ju'er couldn't help but widen her eyes. She brought up the sauce because she was embarrassed to ask Erina to modify all her recipes one by one, so she planned to use this lazy method. She really didn't expect this layer.

She couldn't help but glanced at the secretary, and murmured in her heart: "I always thought she was just a maid, but I didn't expect..."

Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows: "To be able to think of this in a short period of time, the secretary is indeed a secretary!" '

After hearing what the secretary said, the eldest lady couldn't help but ponder for a moment and said, "It's not impossible..."

Xiao Ju'er couldn't help but leaned over and said, "Miss Erina! If you find it troublesome, Lei Wen Gymnasium can cooperate with you! We are responsible for all links of procurement, production, packaging, publicity, and sales. You Just sit and count the money!"

The eldest lady showed a somewhat hesitant expression. After all, she is not from the Pokémon world, so she really doesn't have much interest in starting a business in the Pokémon world.

Just when the eldest lady was hesitating, Lin Qiong interjected and said, "Yes, it is possible, but we also have some small requirements here, I wonder if Miss Xiao Ju'er can satisfy it?"

Xiao Ju'er nodded: "But it's okay to say."

Lin Qiong said: "I remember that Lei Wen Gymnasium is proficient in electricity, right? Then Miss Ju'er should have the cultivation method of Pikachu, right? Erina just happens to have a Pikachu, so..."

Xiao Ju'er showed a dazed expression, she nodded with a smile, and said, "No problem, after I return to Leiwen Gym, I will sort out Pikachu's breeding experience and send it to you."

Lin Qiong continued: "Besides that, I wonder if you can help Erina get an electric bead?"

Xiao Ju'er was taken aback, and said, "Electric beads... ah! You mean the one used by Pikachu?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said, "As long as you can provide Pikachu's breeding experience and an electric bead, then we agree to cooperate with you."

Xiao Ju'er glanced at the eldest lady and the secretary, and found that the two had no objections, she stretched out her hand without hesitation, and said, "No problem—then wish us a happy cooperation?"

Lin Qiong also reached out his hand, shook hands with her, and said, "Happy cooperation!"



After Xiao Ju'er left, the eldest lady and the secretary immediately came to Lin Qiong.

The eldest lady couldn't help asking: "I can understand you want Pikachu's breeding experience, but what is that electric ball?"

Lin Qiong thought for a while, and then explained: "Well, if I use game terms to explain it simply and roughly, the electric ball is Pikachu's exclusive equipment, which can double the damage of Pikachu's skills."

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other in surprise, and the eldest lady couldn't help but said, "It sounds really powerful."

The secretary also nodded quickly, and said, "The skill damage is doubled, and it feels like it's getting stronger all of a sudden!"

This is indeed the case. After all, Pikachu's physical attack and special attack racial values ​​are only 55, and his special attack racial value is only 50. It can already make Pikachu comparable to the offensive ability of the wind speed dog.


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