At this time, the flower therapy ring wrapped around the secretary's wrist saw that its owner fainted, and quickly detached from her wrist, and then floated in front of the secretary, emitting green light.


The secretary who was illuminated by the light opened his eyes in a daze, and murmured: "I am... Miss, Miss!?"

After seeing that she was being hugged by the eldest lady, the secretary's voice suddenly raised the height of a soldier, and when she felt the soft body that belonged to the eldest lady was passing over her When the touch...

"I have no regrets in my life——"

Secretary, fell to the ground for the second time!

"Puff... puff puff..."

Na Zi leaned on the shore, hammering hard on the edge of the swimming pool, she was extremely glad that she traveled with Erina, otherwise how many interesting scenes would have been missed?



"Fei Sha ah -" The eldest lady saw Fei Sha fainted again, and hurriedly looked at Hua Huan Huan, who was sweating soybeans, and said, "Little Hua Hua, can you give her some more treatment?"


Hua Huanhuan tilted her head and thought for a while, then shook her head, silently landed on top of the secretary's head, and shook her head again.

Big sister, as long as you hold Master, no matter how many times I pull her up, she will lie down in seconds!So you better let her go!

"Ahem, that, dear Erina—" Lin Qiong held back a smile and approached the eldest lady, and said, "I think physical contact may be too stimulating for the secretary, you'd better let Nazi take care of it." her."

"Yeah..." Nazi nodded while suppressing a smile. She stretched out her hand and patted the eldest lady on the back, and said, "You can just go and play with him without any worries. I'll leave the secretary to me. "

"No, it's not to accompany him!"

The young lady stuffed the secretary into Na Zi's arms with her face flushed, and then swam towards Lin Qiong without looking back.

Secretary:? ? ?

Secretary: After all, it was a wrong payment!



"Why, how is it?" The eldest lady stood in front of Lin Qiong a little shyly, with her left hand hugging her chest, while her right hand was playing with her hair uncomfortably.

"Heavenly Immortals! Among the people present, there is no one who can fight." Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up to the eldest lady, and said, "As expected of Erina, Wai Ruigude!"

Although the corners of her mouth were raised, the eldest lady still pretended to be reserved and said: "It's too exaggerated."

"No!" Lin Qiong said with a serious face on top of Ibrahimovic: "If I had a beauty tester, I would definitely be able to see that the beauty of the eldest lady has reached the level of 53!"

"Why is it exactly 53?" The eldest lady showed a puzzled expression, "Is there any reason for this number?"

"Of course! This is Dragon Ball's first official big boss, the initial combat power of Lord Frieza, the Emperor of the Universe." Lin Qiong said with excitement: "Let me tell you, when Lord Frieza first appeared on the stage, he was such a big villain. The pressure of the boss is simply full! Compared with him, Cell and Buu who will follow are much inferior!"

The eldest lady was speechless as she looked at Lin Qiong, who started to enthusiastically explain to her how awesome Frieza was. She sighed heavily, and then complained in her heart: 'This damn straight man!I agree to go on a date with you in a swimsuit, so why don’t you give me a few more compliments? ?You don’t really think that girls dating you in swimsuits want to hear you talk about how awesome Frieza is, do you? ? '

You deserve to be single until today! !

Chapter 0037 Hey, I have two swords

The eldest lady was very unhappy and dissatisfied, so she slapped the water vigorously, and slapped a large splash of water on Lin Qiong's face, and then said "hum" to express her inner emotions: "Don't come to coax me!" I?

And what about Lin Qiong?

After he was splashed in the face by the water splashed by the eldest lady, he was stunned for a moment, and then he thought for a moment.A few seconds later, he had an idea and showed an expression of realization.

'He got it? The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong from the corner of her eye, and after seeing the dazed expression on his face, she felt a little relieved in her heart—it seems that he is not so...


The next moment, Lin Qiong let out a strange cry, and then shouted "Sword of Gale", and slapped the water with a slap, and the water splashed by the wind slapped directly on the young lady's face.

Lin Qiong showed a wry smile at the eldest lady, and squeezed his eyes happily, and said, "Hmph, do you want to play the water fight code with me? Don't you know that I have Yasuo in the water?" Is it a good name?"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong who was less than two meters away from her with a blank expression. She silently touched the water droplets on her face, then took a deep breath, and murmured in her heart: "Don't be angry, don't be angry— —'

Just when the eldest lady was trying to comfort herself, Lin Qiong yelled "hasa ​​ki—" again, and then slapped her palm on the water again, and the splashed water splashed on the eldest lady's face again.

"Hahahaha! How's it going?" Lin Qiong said with a big laugh, and while shooting his bow left and right, he hit the eldest lady's face twice. Looking at his results, he said arrogantly: "My two swordsmanship, Is it great?"

"No, I can't—" Nazi on the bank was lying on the ground like a dead fish, she had laughed until she had no energy to move, "This man, this brain circuit is full of wisdom... Belly laugh It hurts already...'

On the other side, the eldest lady who was smeared by Lin Qiong's "Breaking Water Flash" three times in a row clenched her fist tightly, although she tried hard to persuade herself not to be angry, don't be angry, anger is for the devil She left room for it, but her expression gradually became ferocious after the fourth flash and Lin Qiong's "Hahaha, you can't hit me", jeering.

"Give me Siney ahhh—"

Accompanied by the eldest lady's violent roar, she waved her hands from bottom to top and poured a large ball of water towards Lin Qiong. But how could such an obvious attack hit someone who was already in a fighting state? What about Lin Qiong?

"I hide-"

Lin Qiong dodged the young lady's attack nimbly, then flicked the bangs on his forehead coquettishly, and said: "The momentum of this sword, the more you cut, the more you will..."

However, before he could finish his words, the eldest lady had already rushed towards him, gritting her teeth and said: "I will give you Hazaki! I will give you the power of this sword! I will give you the two-sword style!"

"Wait, wait—"

Lin Qiong took two steps back in a panic, and said, "Da, da baa! Yes, I will meet... Gulululu..."

Lin Qiong was thrown straight by the eldest lady, and the eldest lady who dribbled the ball knocked Lin Qiong down on his back, and the two fell directly into the pool of water, making the sound of bubbling.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Na Zi still didn't collapse, she once again burst out laughing while clutching her stomach, she thought while laughing: "It's a worthwhile trip!"How can they be so funny! ? '

A few seconds later, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady struggled to stand up from the water. After wiping the water on their faces at the same time, they looked at each other out of breath.

At this moment, with the sound of "Puff——", a little brown buoyant with wet hair came out of the water, and then hurriedly climbed up Lin Qiong's shoulder.

"Boui Boi!"

After Ibrahimovic spit out the water in his mouth, he reprimanded angrily: 'What are you doing!Woohoo, I thought I was going to drown! '

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lin Qiong raised his hand and stroked Ibrahimovic's wet hair, and said with a smile: "This, it's really an accident! I really didn't expect that the eldest lady would rush towards me without talking about martial arts. "


The eldest lady raised her eyebrows, and then glared at Lin Qiong angrily—you have the nerve to say so?As long as you don't be so naive, I won't be so angry!Are you a child?Also break the water flash, return Hasa ki, and return the double-knife style!

"Boy Booy!!"

Ibrahimovic jumped up from Lin Qiong's head towards the shore, but the weight of the water-soaked hair obviously exceeded Ibrahimovic's expectations, so she landed on the water with her limbs spread wide.


After a while of silence, Lin Qiong took the lead in Bengbuzhu and laughed out loud: "Hahaha, hahaha! Ibrahimovic, what are you, hahaha! Are big characters in the water hahaha!"

Seriously charged up and jumped towards the shore, and even kicked my head, and that's the end?That's it?It's okay to jump directly into the water!

"Boui Boi!"

Ibrahimovic struggled to the shore in embarrassment, then grabbed it with both hands, vigorously shook the water from his hair, and shouted at Lin Qiong angrily: "Boybuy!"

Idiot master, drowning hello!snort!

"Ha ha--"

Lin Qiong smiled and swam to the shore, then stretched out his hand and splashed a ball of water on Ibrahimovic who had just shaken the water from his hair.

"Boo, Booy!?"

Ibrahimovic showed a dumbfounded expression at that time, she turned into a drowned chicken again, raised her head, looked at her trainer who was smiling wildly, and couldn't help puffing up her mouth.


Ibrahimovic rushed towards Lin Qiong angrily, stepped on Lin Qiong's face with his soft pad, and then kicked hard, Lin Qiong, who had not yet stood still, fell on his back...

On the body of the young lady who rushed over.


Sensing the strange cry from the soft Lin Qiong from the back of his head, he hurriedly stood up straight, and then looked behind him—the eldest lady was staying in place at this moment, her eyes widened, A completely unresponsive expression.

"I just now..." Lin Qiong couldn't help touching the back of his head and said, "Did I bump into something?"


The eldest lady's face turned red visibly, she raised her head tremblingly, and said in a tone-deaf voice, "'t say it!!"

Ah this...

Lin Qiong couldn't help but scratched the back of his head again, and then glanced at Ibrahimovic on the bank who looked like "hidden merit and fame", and said with a strange expression: "You little clever ghost, could it be intentional?" right?"


Ibrahimovic tilted his head, and then said "Hey".

"Hey hey bag da yo!"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but stretched out his hand to ravage Ibrahimovic's face and said, "You little guy, you've been getting worse and worse lately!"

"Boui Boi!"

Ibrahimovic struggled, and retorted: What, he obviously learned from you!

"Hey!" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, and retorted: "What do you mean you learned from me? Damn, I seem to be a handsome, unrestrained, suave and suave Yushu with a graceful demeanor like a surprise, knowing 500 years before, knowing 500 years after He's like a cool, intellectual, and abstinent guy!"


Not only Ibrahimovic, but even the eldest lady next to her couldn't help but widen her eyes, she couldn't help raising her voice, and said, "When you say this, you won't feel blushing and Are you shy?"

"Why are you blushing?" Lin Qiong pointed to Ibrahimovic confidently, and said, "It's obviously what Ibrahimovic said! I'm not boasting!"

"Boui Boi!"

Ibrahimovic strongly protested: I didn't say it!

"Look, Ibrahimovic is nodding in agreement!"


Ibrahimovic couldn't help but cover his face, and then showed a desperate expression - it's over, my master's shamelessness will not be transmitted to me in the future, right?

Don't do this kind of thing!


At this moment, a crisp laughter came from not far away from the crowd——Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked over at the same time, and found a figure lying on a sun lounger by the pool, covering his face with a magazine Sit up slowly.

"I'm sorry, sorry, I'm not laughing at you, it's just..." After the other party sat up, he took off the magazine on his face, then shook his long blond hair, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "It's just Your conversation was so interesting that I couldn't resist eavesdropping on it."

"What does it mean to have an interesting conversation? Why don't you just say that this guy has a thick skin!" The eldest lady squinted at Lin Qiong, and said angrily, "Idiot, thick-skinned, straight man of wood, steel, fool, pig head! "

"Hey, hey, why does it get weirder the more you talk about it!?" Lin Qiong turned his head with a black face and said, "Don't you know that when I was in school, the teachers of all subjects praised me for being smart, but I didn't put the energy into it? Is it for study?"


The eldest lady's eyes became particularly disgusting, and she said full of contempt: "As far as I know, this kind of praise is usually a trick used by teachers. They will say this to every naughty student, just to make them laugh. The other party is just studying hard."


Lin Qiong's eyes widened, he pointed at his face in disbelief, and said, "Could it be that I'm actually not smart!?"

"Seeing that you can face up to yourself, I am very relieved, and I am also touched. You have grown up."


"Poof—" x2

Apparently, the "cross talk" between Lin Qiong and the eldest lady made Nazi on the bank and the blonde beauty who sat up fall down again holding their stomachs.

Nazi clutched her aching abdominal muscles and wailed, "Hold your mouth high! Stop playing tricks, if you keep laughing, you will die!"

The blond beauty sat up with difficulty, then panted, rubbed her belly, and said, "I, I think so too! If I keep laughing, my abs might come out!"

Chapter 0038 straight man's sense of security

10 minute later.

Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, Nazi, the secretary who woke up, and the blond beauty were sitting in the leisure area on the second deck, chatting happily.

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