"Okay, since I'm fine, I'm going to the swimming pool." Lin Qiong put his hands on his knees, stood up from the chair, then waved to Ibrahimovic, and said, "Yibao, let's go swimming La!"


Realizing that the meal ticket was safe, Ibrahimovic jumped onto Lin Qiong's shoulder, and then wagged his tail happily. Geng Gui, who was beside him, also turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the room, and got into Lin Qiong's shadow again. .

As for the Poke Ball?

Oh, no dogs will enter!

(Little Fairy: What are you barking at?)

"Wait a moment!"

The secretary shouted at that time. She looked at Lin Qiong with wide eyes and said, "Are you actually going to look at those rouge and pink swimsuits outside? Miss! Miss is here! Why are you Don’t invite her!? Is it because the eldest lady can’t compare to those people outside?”

"Crimson sand ah ah!!"

The eldest lady grabbed the secretary's hand with a red face, and said, "What are you talking about!"

Although the eldest lady tried to stop the secretary from speaking, the secretary still struggled and shouted to Lin Qiong: "Don't you want to see the eldest lady's swimsuit posture! Don't you want to see the eldest lady's snow-white skin dotted with black bikini, that succubus-like posture!"

The young miss screamed in shame and indignation: "Fei Shazi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh—""

She wanted to ask the secretary if he was crazy, otherwise why would he make such a statement! ?What on earth do you think? ?

Unlike the eldest lady who was already so shy that she lost her ability to think, Lin Qiong showed a thoughtful expression—mainly because the secretary's reaction at this time was really strange and abnormal!

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon—" Lin Qiong rested his chin, then looked at the secretary suspiciously, and said tentatively: "Secretary, I was thinking, could you be..."

When Lin Qiong said this, he paused for a few seconds and observed the secretary's reaction. After seeing the other party's movements stiff for a moment, he suddenly realized.

"...Could it be that you want to see Erina-chan's swimsuit pose, but you're too embarrassed to say so, so you're pushing me?"


The secretary trembled all over, then looked away guiltily, and said, "Why, how, how? What are you talking about? Fei Shazi doesn't know~"

Isn't your reaction completely exposed?

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary with subtle eyes. He didn't expect this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes to want him to be a forward, and he followed behind to look at the swimsuit of the young lady—too bad, I want to give her a bad one. My nickname, just call it, just call it...


"Feishazi, you..."

The eldest lady is naturally not an idiot. After seeing the secretary's reaction, she immediately understood something.

"Miss, I'm not, I don't, don't believe him!" The secretary hurriedly explained, "I, I, I, how can I covet your pristine body! I don't want to see your slim figure in swimsuit at all! "

Secretary, you are more self-inflicted than not self-inflicted. You are a top self-destruct truck.

"Fei Shazi, you..." The eldest lady's expression was very complicated - she had never set up defenses against the secretary, and usually appeared in front of the secretary wrapped in a towel after taking a bath!If the secretary took the initiative to invite her to go swimming, she would not refuse...

But why is she covering it up! ?

"Wuuuuu, miss, you have to trust me—" the secretary looked at the miss with teary eyes, and the miss rubbed the bridge of her nose helplessly, and sighed with her head raised.

At this moment, the secretary turned his head with lightning speed, made a mouth shape towards Lin Qiong, then turned his head back, and continued to look at the eldest lady with teary eyes.

Lin Qiong wiped his eyes. If he read correctly just now, the secretary's mouth shape to him just now, if translated with simple and easy-to-understand lines, it would probably be——

"Brother, raise your hand and save a wave!"


Lin Qiong almost wanted to turn into a fun person to embarrass the secretary, but his few conscience still stopped his behavior.


Lin Qiong coughed a few times, then took a sip of water from the teacup on the table in a serious manner, and then said to the eldest lady, "Dear Erina, do you want to go to the swimming pool together?"


The eldest lady's movements froze, she widened her violet eyes, and looked at Lin Qiong with surprise—she really didn't expect that Lin Qiong would take the initiative to invite her to a place like the swimming pool! ?

'This, this, this subtext means that he wants to see my swimsuit! ? '

The eldest lady looked away shyly and nervously, and stammered in response: "This, this, I, I want to take the test, think about it."

'What's there to think about——' Lin Qiong blinked, then nodded his head, and said, "Okay, then think about it slowly, I'll go over there first?"

The big sister in the swimsuit is still waiting for me to pinch!

'Stupid!so stupid!So dumb! The secretary glared at Lin Qiong angrily, with a twisted expression as if she was about to release a heat beam to kill an airplane, "Why are we going to the swimming pool at this time?"Work harder and continue to invite Missy!She was shaken, you know that! ? '

The secretary was about to die of anger, she thought that if she and Lin Qiong switched sides, she could already use her tongue to bathe the eldest lady!As a result, Lin Qiong hasn't even been able to see the eldest lady's swimsuit posture!

It stretches the crotch, it stretches the crotch too much!No, I have to push the eldest lady, otherwise I won’t be able to see this swimsuit today!

"You guy, the lady is willing to show you a swimsuit, but you still think about the women outside?" The secretary raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "Could it be that the figure and beauty of the lady can't compare with those women?" Passers-by?"

"Why did you start again, Fei Shazi——" The eldest lady desperately wanted to cover the secretary's mouth, but at this time the secretary had already given up, and she said in a trembling voice: "Tell me loudly, you Do you want to see the young lady's swimsuit, or do you want to see the women passing by outside!"

While talking, the secretary was still flirting with Lin Qiong, and her heart was also mourning: "Please, you must understand my painstaking efforts!" '

Her thoughts were conveyed to Lin Qiong's brain through those fiery eyes (meaning the bloodshot eyes)!

Then, Lin Qiong realized it!

With his head held high and his chest held high, he spoke righteously, "I want to see Erina's swimsuit! The bikini one!"

The secretary turned around and said excitedly to the eldest lady: "Miss, have you heard Mr. Lin's wish!?"

What else can Missy say?

She could only stomp her foot in despair, and then shouted with a flushed face, "Ah! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


The next moment, Lin Qiong and the secretary made strange noises at the same time, and the two almost looked at each other and then clapped their hands and cheered.

The eldest lady’s fist became hard.

Nazi's abs have already cost 80 yuan.

Chapter 0036 There is no one who can fight

"call out--"

Lin Qiong blew a whistle that didn't make any sound at all, and then looked at the young lady, the secretary, and Nazi who came out in swimsuits, and said, "Is this a buy one get two free? Then I'm making a lot of money?"

"Huh? Who are the two you sent?" Nazi raised her eyebrows, her eyes suddenly lit up with a blue light, and she said to Lin Qiong with a dangerous smile: "If the answer makes me dissatisfied, please send me the answer." You become a doll, so you can only look at—”

"Hiss! What did you say—" Lin Qiong showed an exaggerated expression at the time, "It means that I can do other things besides watching!?"


Na Zi didn't follow Lin Qiong's brain circuit all of a sudden, she turned her head to look at the eldest lady, and asked, "Has he always been like this?"

The eldest lady nodded heavily and said, "Unfortunately, yes."

"How long has the patient's symptoms lasted?"

"It's been a long time."

"That's it, that's possible, there is no cure for it."

"How could it be... Doctor, doctor, save me again!"

"I'm sorry, but doctors also have limits."

"Do not--"

Lin Qiong looked at the young lady and Nazi who were acting in a melodrama with a question mark on her head, and then said angrily: "Although I am very happy to see you so close, can you stop casually defining others as incurable Mouth teeth!"

Facing Lin Qiong's resistance, the eldest lady crossed her arms and said in an arrogant voice, "Huh? What do you mean, can your brain that is comparable to Kennedy be saved?"

'Wow, this oppressive force——' Lin Qiong looked at the oppressive heart of the eldest lady, and felt that his eyeballs were almost caught and unable to move—I understand, this is gravity, right?

No no no!

Lin Qiong quickly withdrew his gaze, and then pretended to be shocked and said: "Hey! You won't be able to go to heaven after this!"

hateful!Why did the good lady start telling hell jokes?Damn it, which idiot spread hell jokes to Shiji world...

Oh, like myself?

That's fine.

The eldest lady, who noticed Lin Qiong's gaze, turned her head and snorted, pretending not to know, and said, "Even if you are going to hell, you will go first!"

Lin Qiong touched his mouth, thought for a few seconds, and said, "It's not a big problem, deduct 1 for God and the angel to laugh with you, so it's all right."

Na Zi on the side had already knelt down on the ground, clutching her stomach and pounding the floor desperately, said out of breath: "No, it's not working, it's really not working, if you keep laughing, yes, you will die—" —”

Stomach, stomach hurts!Abdominal collapse!

Someone wants to ask, where is the secretary?Wasn't she extremely anxious just now?Why don't you speak now?

The answer is simple, because at this time Erina has already changed into a swimsuit—although it is a water drop pattern with a blue background instead of pure black—so she has realized her dream.

Secretary: 'I think of running in the sunset that day, that was my lost youth!So, Sajia's life is worth it! '

"Boui Boi!"

Ibrahimovic, who stood at the door for a long time, turned his head and called to Lin Qiong: "Oh, I've been waiting for a long time!"Hurry up and go! '

"That's right -" Lin Qiong scratched his head. He turned his head and said to the eldest lady: "Shall we leave first? If we delay any longer, I'm afraid we will have to admire Erina's swimsuit in the room."

Admire the swimsuit in the room! ?No matter how you think about it, this is too weird!It feels like he put on a swimsuit just to let him see it!And, and, in the room, I specially changed into a swimsuit for the men to see, isn't that, that, isn't that like, yes, want, want, do that kind of thing? ?

Thinking of this, the eldest lady couldn't help but glared at Lin Qiong with a red face, and then said dryly: "Quick, hurry up and leave!"

Lin Qiong looked at the back of Erina leaving without knowing what Mi Liu's senior was. He innocently looked at the secretary and Nazi, and asked, "Why is she angry again?"

It's just that the secretary didn't have time to pay attention to Lin Qiong's question at all. At this moment, her mind was full of the image of the young lady getting out of the swimming pool, and the picture of the lotus emerging from the water, so she quickly followed.

"Don't look at me, I don't know—" Nazi rubbed her 80 yuan abdominal muscles, and said to Lin Qiong, "How about I ask you later?"

"Forget it, I don't really want to know." Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "Let's go! Go to the swimming pool!"

Lin Qiong felt that it was too difficult for him. After almost an hour of tossing, he could finally go to the swimming pool to admire the beauties in swimsuits!

Wuhu, I'm here to provoke——



Aura, what is an aura?

After the eldest lady, the secretary, and Nazi appeared in swimsuits, the number of people in the swimming pool was reduced to three quarters, and the rest were single men, or those who were confident enough in their external conditions. female.

Those who are not confident have already left the swimming pool with their boyfriends by their ears. After all, if they don't leave, their man's eyeballs will pop out—some saliva will almost drip down.

After all... ahem, after all, Pokémon is a fan, so the gap between the style of painting and that of Halberdasher is still quite big, and when this gap is reflected in reality, then... everyone understands Do you understand?

"oh oh--"

The moment the eldest lady entered the water, Lin Qiong and the secretary suddenly exclaimed as if they had seen a miracle, and Lin Qiong couldn't help muttering: "I am a turtle, I can really float! "


The eldest lady covered her heart with her hands with her face flushed, then glared at Lin Qiong, grinned and said, "You, you, what are you talking about!"

"I'm praising you for your good figure!" Lin Qiong gave a thumbs up and said, "I'm very impressed with the yellow and black website and the cultivation of the panda website, otherwise I would have designated some nosebleeds to show respect!"

"Well, someone already has a nosebleed."

Na Zi on the side raised her finger delicately. Under the control of her super power, the nosebleed dripping from the secretary floated obediently in mid-air, and did not harm the water in the swimming pool.

"Hu Chi... Hu Chi..."

However, the secretary who was too emotional at this time could no longer take care of her overflowing loyalty. She was staring at the young lady standing in the water with her face flushed and her hands covering her chest.

"I have no regrets in my life——"

She passed out.

"Fish Sand!"

In a panic, the eldest lady helped up the motionless secretary who had fallen into the swimming pool, then nervously patted her on the face, and shouted: "Fei Sha, Fei Sha!"


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