
Hard, ○head hard—I mean fist, what do you think?

"Digging rabbit, let's go!" Sao Baonan decided to use his strength to speak, he said loudly: "Use mud to shoot!"

Although it was only the first battle, due to the low level of the battle, Lin Qiong was only a little nervous, so he couldn't even speak.

"Geng Gui, dodge, use the energy ball!"

"Kou Jie!" (oo)

Geng Gui covered his mouth with his hands and grinned, his chubby body lightly twisted in mid-air, and easily dodged the Digger's mud shot!Then, Geng Gui pressed her hands in front of her, and a green, spinning energy ball quickly emerged in her hands.

"White teeth..."

Sao Baonan had a one-sided expression at the time, and he exclaimed: "The energy ball is a grass attribute skill, and the grass attribute skill can cause restraint damage to my digging rabbit! You are too baby hot!"


A question mark appeared on Lin Qiong's head, followed by a vein visible to the naked eye.

What a dick!

Oh, you use attributes to restrain my Geng Gui's digging rabbit, it's "bad compatibility"! ?

Oh, you attack with ground-based mud shots, "carefully bred"! ?

Oh, I counterattacked with a grass-type energy ball and became "Despicable"! ?

Lady Ganlin!

Although Lin Qiong was going to change his strategy and let the opponent experience Geng Gui's hypnosis-dream-eating combo, before Lin Qiong could yell out, the Digger Rabbit, whose face was directly covered by the energy ball, let out an "Ah—" After a scream, he rushed to the street.

"Digger rabbit!"

Sao Baonan showed an expression as if someone had brushed it with a rich woman's happy ball. He fell to the ground in pain, stretched out his right hand towards Digger, and said sadly: "Unexpectedly, our one hundred The winning streak plan will actually fall here..."

"May I ask, how many consecutive victories did you have before you met me?"

"It hasn't started yet."


"I mean the [-]-win streak plan."

It didn't start before I met me... Isn't that not a win? ?

It's hard, Lin Qiong's fist is hard!



"Sorry, Geng Gui."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and rubbed the little purple fat man's stomach, and said, "I let you participate in the pecking battle between chickens - I didn't expect that person to be able to cook like this!"

Although the Digger Rabbit is restrained by the energy ball of the grass type, but what if you are seconded by Geng Gui's non-property skills!It belongs to the low level!

"Talk and talk!"

Geng Gui smiled and patted Lin Qiong's shoulder, looking like an old lady - don't worry!I have lived for so long, what scene have I not seen?

However, Lin Qiong did not respond to her comfort.


Geng Gui raised his head in doubt, and found that Lin Qiong and Yi Bao in his arms saw the side deck with the expression of a mischievous little demon as if he saw Xanadu's big root, and his pupils were still there. Crazy shaking.

"Mouth Jie??"

Geng Gui followed Lin Qiong's line of sight in bewilderment, and then she poked her eyes in the next second, and fell to the ground bleeding from seven holes and struggled crazily.

Flash, the love affair between the female flash monster and the male Gardevoir is really beyond this era! !

I have never seen this scene before! !



After a short rest (SAN value recovered), Lin Qiong, Geng Gui, and Ibrahimovic sat on the bench on the deck, drinking iced freshly squeezed juice, blowing the salty sea breeze, feeling the tranquility of the years. good.

"This world is really too crowded."

Lin Qiong took a sip of the juice, and then said with a look of disbelief: "The dangers that can be seen everywhere almost made me doubt my life."

"Mouth Jie."


Recalling the scene just now, Geng Gui and Ibrahimovic couldn't help but nodded with lingering fear—although love is said to be free, the impact of the scene was too strong!

Can you imagine a monster with green skin leaning shyly in the arms of Xanadu, who is much smaller than her, and then expressing his love affectionately?

"From a personal subjective point of view, I bless their love -" Lin Qiong looked at the sea with blurred eyes and murmured: "But forgive me for not being able to accept it visually."

Too hot for the eyes.

"Kou Jie Kou Jie!" Geng Gui also nodded his head with lingering fear, if I saw such a combination in a doubles match, I might not even have the strength to make a move!


Hearing what Geng Gui said, Lin Qiong took a breath at the time, and then said with a shocked face: "Could it be that this pair was deliberately cultivated by the other party to play doubles??"

Just imagine, when your doubles team sent out positive and negative electric beats, the opponents came on the field with the flash female monster Li and the male Shanaido, and the two Pokémon were still stuck together like glue after their appearance. The other party tells of his love...

"Ah—shocking the brain—"

After Lin Qiong, Ibrahimovic, and Geng Gui imagined this scene, they all shivered on their chairs.


It's a good thing I don't need to fight, it's too, so scary!

"Okay! It's almost time to rest, let's go swimming!" Lin Qiong stood up, and then said enthusiastically: "Hmph, maybe we can meet a big sister in a hot bikini! Wuhu!"

The current Lin Qiong is not the skinny little man half a year ago, but a fitness man who looks thin in clothes and fleshy in undressing—his four-pack abs are still there when he only wears swimming trunks. Quite attractive.



Hearing that Lin Qiong was going to hook up with the young lady, Geng Gui and Ibrahimovic looked at each other in surprise, and then squatted on the ground to discuss.

"What's going on, little girl, doesn't the boss have a big sister head?"

"I can't come! Could it be that I ate it secretly?"

"Baa! If the boss and the eldest sister quarrel, our food will be..."

"No, don't do that kind of thing!"

Geng Gui and Ibrahimovic looked at each other in horror, and the two looked up at Lin Qiong who was walking towards the swimming pool with cheerful small steps, and then ran towards the room on the top floor like hell.

Big sister head!Things are going wrong ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh




When Lin Qiong came to the pool and was about to use the cute little Ibrahimovic as a medium to get in touch with the beautiful big sister, he suddenly found that... his own Yibao didn't seem to keep up?

Weird!Isn't that little guy very clingy to my mua?

Lin Qiong scratched his head, squatted down again, then reached out and tapped his shadow, and said, "Geng Gui, have you seen where Ibrahimovic has gone?"

However, Geng Gui didn't move either.

Realizing that something was wrong, Lin Qiong's expression turned serious. He stood up, no longer caring about hooking up with the pretty lady, but started looking for the missing Geng Gui and Ibrahimovic along the same path.

Then he was called back to the room by the secretary.


Lin Qiong sat on the seat in the room, and then the senior sister with a face of Mi Liu looked puzzled at the secretary in front of her and the eldest lady and Nazi who were drinking tea behind her, and couldn't help asking: "Then what?" ,What's the situation now?"

"Suspect!" The secretary crossed his arms and asked confidently, "Are you convicted?"

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary blankly and asked, "No, why do you suddenly look like you want to interrogate me? So what happened?"

"Both Ibrahimovic and Geng Gui have confessed!" The secretary held his head high and said, "They said, you're going to the swimming pool to talk to women!"

Of course, this is not the original sentence of Ibrahimovic and Geng Gui, but the line that has been beautified by the secretary!After all, what Geng Gui and Ibrahimovic said to them at the beginning was "the master is going to the swimming pool and using his abdominal muscles to hook up with the big sister who is a big grandma and has a good ass".

How could you ask a secretary, a girl, to say this kind of lines! ?How vulgar!Big grandma, big butt, etc., obviously the figure of the eldest lady is also like this, okay?What's your dissatisfaction? ?

"Cough cough, strike up a conversation... It's not so much to say strike up a conversation." Lin Qiong smiled awkwardly and politely. He has been single since his mother's solo solo, let alone a young lady, and he would feel a bit awkward talking to a strange girl proactively. Nervous, "At most, it's just... um... chatting, having an eye addiction or something like that?"

This is also the reason why he was going to hug Ibrahimovic. Since it would be very nervous to chat with the young lady, then he only needs to let the young lady take the initiative to find him, so he won't be so nervous!

Hearing Lin Qiong's cowardly lines, the secretary was speechless, and for a while she couldn't find a reason to continue to condemn Lin Qiong - she couldn't watch it and let others read it, right?

"So what are you angry about?" Lin Qiong was also a little strange. He scratched his face and said, "First of all, I'm single, right? Second, it's okay for me to talk to women normally, right? Why are you angry here?"

"Because, because..." The secretary blushed, and said falteringly: "Because, obviously, the eldest lady is here, but you don't want to see her swimsuit, but go to talk to other women..."


This time, it's not just Lin Qiong, even Erina herself couldn't help the question marks on her face, she instantly flushed her cheeks, and then shouted in embarrassment: "Fei Shazi, you, what are you talking about!? "

Chapter 0035 secretary, self-disclosure truck

On the other side, after hearing what the secretary said, Lin Qiong showed an expression of "Huh? There is such a good thing", then looked at Erina with expectant eyes, and glanced at her legs with his eyes .


After noticing Lin Qiong's gaze, Erina shook her body subconsciously, and then said to Lin Qiong angrily, "What kind of eyes are you!? Where are you looking!? You can't be shy!"

"I, Huang, swear to the sky that I will never live with drug gambling in this life!" Lin Qiong pointed to the sky with three fingers and the ground with two fingers, and made the oath in a solemn and serious voice.

"So you who have anything to do with Huang didn't say a word?"

"I said so, Huang."


Erina covered her forehead, and then said to Nazi beside her: "Nazi, I made you laugh."

"Hahaha, no, it's okay—" Nazi was so happy that she couldn't straighten her waist, she laughed and said, "I just didn't expect that you guys have such a playful side!"

"Hmph, I'm a treasure boy! I have mastered the technique of cutting useless human tissue and separating the end of the human body since I was a child!"

Nazi showed a confused expression, and she looked at the eldest lady as if asking for help.

The eldest lady twitched the corners of her mouth and explained: "He meant to cut nails and hair."


Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady in shock, and said, "Dear Erina, you actually caught up with my imagination!? Damn, I didn't expect you to have evolved to this point. It's really terrifying!"

The eldest lady covered her face in despair, and said, "Actually, I am also very desperate for being able to understand your words in seconds."

She doesn't want to understand Lin Qiong's lines in seconds, okay?Doesn't this mean that her thinking mode is gradually becoming the same as Lin Qiong's?Don't, don't do this kind of thing!She doesn't want to become such a fool as Lin Qiong!

"Pfft haha-"

Na Zi was once again amused by the conversation between Lin Qiong and the eldest lady, she squatted on the ground clutching her stomach, and said out of breath: "You, you, if you make your debut... huh... huh... make your debut There must be a market for comics, hahaha!"

"That won't work! If you act as Mancai, wouldn't Erina-san be able to cook three meals for me every day?"

"Three meals are three meals, there is no love."

"What!?" Lin Qiong was shocked, and he exclaimed, "Could it be that the white rice with pink hearts in the white rice and octopus sausages are all gone?"

"I can make octopus sausage for you, it's quite simple."

"Oh! Then I want to eat tonight!"

Unknowingly, the topic turned to a strange place, which is also the daily life of Lin Qiong and the eldest lady.

'Hey, why did the topic shift to octopus sausage? The secretary showed a confused expression, her memory was still stuck on "Missy's swimsuit posture", why did the topic become so strange?

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