
Ibrahimovic expressed her love in a cheerful voice, her big furry tail swaying gently, and her posture was indescribably elegant and lazy - the eyes of the three-primary-color Ibrahimovic next to her were straight.

"Is it actually customized food? That's how it is..." Katerina showed a dazed expression. Although the energy cubes she fed to Ibrahimovic were also customized, they were customized for "Ibrahimovic's general use" instead of " One for an Ibrahimovic, maybe that's the difference.

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and stroked Ibrahimovic's back, and said, "Also, keep her in a happy mood? Well, if you're in a bad mood, the luster of the coat will definitely affect it."

"Very correct!" Katerina nodded vigorously. In order to keep her Ibrahimovic's coat beautiful, she spent a lot of money to build the "Ibrahimovic Paradise" in the yard, which has special slides and courts for Ibrahimovic. Even equipment like roller coasters, "However, it can't compare to this one of yours—"

"Yibao, did you hear that? Eldest sister praised you for looking good—" Lin Qiong lifted Ibrahimovic in front of him, and said with a smile, "Do you want to go down and play with your brothers and sisters?"


Ibrahimovic lowered his head to look around Lin Qiong's feet, and looked up at Fire Eevee, Shui Eevee and Lei Eevee at her, hesitated for a while, then nodded slightly.

"In this case, let's get more members!"

Katerina's eyes lit up, she snapped her fingers and said, "Sekis, let everyone out."

"Okay ma'am—"

Next, a man in a black tuxedo appeared behind Katerina. He quickly took out a few Poké Balls from his body, and released the Pokémon inside.

"Ibrahimovic, Light Ibrahimovic, Dark Ibrahimovic, Ice Ibrahimovic, Leaf Ibrahimovic and Fairy Ibrahimovic..." Lin Qiong opened his mouth wide and said, "My good fellow, you have gathered all the members—— "

"Because I like Ibrahimovic the most!" Katerina clenched her fists with excitement, and she said excitedly like a fanatical fangirl: "Ibrahimovic is so cute ! They are simply God's greatest masterpiece!"

At such a time, unless Lin Qiong's mind lacks strings, he will never veto the fanatic's speech, so he nodded and said, "I think so too—"

After finishing speaking, he bent down and put Ibrahimovic on the ground, and after hesitating for half a second, Yibao swayed his body, walked gracefully in front of the nine Ibrahimovic, and called softly: "Boy Bouyi! "

How are you!

Obviously, even in the cute Ibrahimovic population, there are creatures like dog licking—after Yibao spoke, except for the fairy Ibrahimovic, the other eight Ibrahimovic all enthusiastically came over, and then Surrounded by Yi Bao, you expressed your love for Yi Bao with every word.

Fairy Eevee: "?"

Damn, you guys are very smart!You usually call me Xiao Tiantian, but now that you have a cuter baby, you call me Mrs. Niu, right?Huo!Isn't she just a cute little fairy?I want her to know who is the boss, I must make her...


After Ibrahimovic glanced around, she immediately set her eyes on Fairy Ibrahimovic. She approached Fairy Ibrahimovic with cheerful steps, rubbed her bow, and shouted: "Boy Ibrahimovic!"

Sister, I also want to evolve into Fairy Eevee, so beautiful!

One... must... must... hold her up and pamper her!

She is, my god! !

Chapter 0033 Come to an exciting...

After Lin Qiong exchanged some ideas about raising Ibrahimovic with this big sister, he turned his head and was immediately startled by the scene.

First of all, the one in the middle is his Yi Bao. She is sitting on the bench with an elegant and noble look on her face. Her stern eyes are like a proud queen looking at the prisoner with the eyes of a trash.

Proper protagonist.

Secondly, next to Yibao is the big sister's fairy Ibrahimovic, who is holding a cup of drink with her own ribbon, and put it near Yibao's mouth, so that she can drink it anytime and anywhere .

Proper dogleg position.

Finally, there are other kinds of Ibrahimovic, like Her Majesty's fanatical followers, they are obediently lying on the floor, then raised their heads, looking at Ibrahimovic with loving eyes.

A proper dog lick.

"This...what's the situation?" Lin Qiong opened his mouth, and then said with a strange expression.

"These little fools..."

The big sister twitched the corners of her mouth, she is very familiar with the current situation of this group of Ibrahimovic - please, those licking dogs who usually surround her skirt and pay attention to her, aren't they like this now? ? ?

She couldn't help raising her hand to hold her forehead. She never thought that the Ibrahimovic that she had carefully bred would become the licking dogs of other Ibrahimovic in less than 5 minutes. ...

Is it in this river?

Please, you are also Baili... no, Qianli, Wanli, can you choose a first-class cute Ibrahimovic?Your beauty even made the Eevee brothers from Kanto contact me thousands of miles away, hoping that I would breed you! !

The results of it?But what?What about the facts?

Are you worthy of the resources I spent on you! ?

Although that Eevee is really cute...

No no no!No matter how cute you are, you can't speak your teeth like this!

The big sister has an inexplicable desire to win and lose in her heart. This feeling is like Ami Kawashima from the Dragon and Tiger studio meeting Haruno from the Harmono studio—as if seeing a fully strengthened promaxplus version of herself—— Similarly, the desire to win and lose was ignited like a grass mud horse.

"Brace me up!"

The eldest sister gathered around the Ibrahimovic group, then clenched her small fists with both hands, and cheered up her nine Ibrahimovic: "Nobuna, Shuangsuke, Cang, Xianpachi, Wengo, Maoye, Dojie, Dajiao! Take heart! One point! You are also the top Ibrahimovic selected by me! Have you forgotten the scene when you were surrounded by mother Ibrahimovic!!"


Fire, Water, Thunder, Sun, Moon, Bing, Ye, and ordinary Ibrahimovic moved their ears slightly, and the eight cuties subconsciously stood up from the ground, and then looked at each other, all thinking of their past in the Wanyi bush. However, a piece of glory that does not touch the body!

That's right, it is our duty to recast the glory of Ibrahimovic, how can a woman influence us...we...


Yibao, who was completely unaware of what was going on, looked at the seniors who were standing below him. He couldn't help but tilted his head strangely and asked: What's wrong with them?

'Oh, oh hoo! 'The eight Ibrahimovic of various colors couldn't help cheering in their hearts. They glanced at themselves and their friends who had stood up again, and then quickly lay down, wagging their tails excitedly, and looked at them with loving eyes. With Yibao.


The eldest sister showed a dazed expression, she wiped her eyes, then looked at the extremely flattering Bayi, couldn't help but turned her head and said to Lin Qiong: "Mr. Have a charming skill?"

"My Yiba is less than a month old. How can she learn other skills?" Lin Qiong waved his hand hurriedly. He didn't want his baby to be misunderstood as an Yiba bitch. "Besides, she can't even release skills." There is no light! Please don’t misunderstand——"

The charm of my Yibao is pure and natural!You are not allowed to slander her!

"Yes, but..."

The eldest sister also knew this truth, but she really didn't want to believe that the eight Ibrahimovic carefully selected by her family had no room to resist, so they bowed their heads in front of other Ibrahimovic.

Where are you from, Miss Mary Sue? ?hateful!


It seems to feel the resentment in the heart of the eldest sister, which seems to be sinking like a krypton gold ship.Lin Qiong quickly coughed twice, then stretched out his hand towards Yi Bao, and said, "Yi Bao! Let's go swimming in the open-air swimming pool!"


Okay, okay, I like playing with the master the most!

Ibrahimovic did not hesitate to abandon the fairy Ibrahimovic beside him, and then, under the watchful eyes of Ba Licking Dog, he jumped up and landed on Lin Qiong's shoulder gracefully.


Ibrahimovic turned around and smiled at the nine Ibrahimovics behind him - I'm going to play!see you later!

"Ah, she is so gentle, I cried to death—" the nine Ibrahimovic showed intoxicated expressions at the same time, and even the fairy Ibrahimovic, who had the same gender and mother, could not escape Yibao's charm.

Only a certain big sister was left looking at her nine eevee with a suspicious face.



"Little guy, little guy, why is your charm so great?" Lin Qiong held Ibrahimovic in both hands, raised her in front of him, looked her up and down, and said, "By the way, I don't have anything special to feed you. What energy cubes and the like, why is it... so outrageous?"

If Lin Qiong remembers correctly, the big sister's Ibrahimovic has been fed energy cubes to improve their beauty, and according to the breeder's suggestion, they exercise moderately every day to maintain improvement, and also use Special shower gel and the like to improve the smoothness of the hair, etc., belong to the kind of high-end Ibrahimovic that came out of the exquisite workshop.

And what about Yibao in Lin Qiong's arms?Although she ate food cooked by the eldest lady, because she was still young, she had not eaten energy cubes, let alone exercising regularly to maintain her figure, or using special shower gel to increase smoothness.

But the charm of his own "wild growth" Ibrahimovic is the high-end Ibrahimovic who crushed the big sister!I feel a little unconfident for my big sister.


Ibrahimovic yelled happily, but Ibrahimovic didn't know either!

Unable to get the answer, Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, and could only attribute it to Yibao's natural beauty—maybe she is Shinmi Teruhashi of the Pokémon world, who was favored by the Creator God?



When Lin Qiong carried Ibrahimovic to the next floor, he found that there happened to be a boy in shorts and a master in a suit engaged in a fierce pecking-style Pokémon battle.

Well, it's Little Lada fighting Snake Bear, is it a battle between Kanto's mouse and Fengyuan's mouse?

"Little Lada, rush up and use Bite!"

"Zerobear, don't be afraid! Use ram!"

"Little Lada—"

"Snake Bear!"

"hold onto!"

"Get out of the way!"

"Come on!"

"Don't fall!"

After Lin Qiong hugged Ibrahimovic and looked around for a while, he suddenly felt like his eyes were hurt - this feeling is like when you play a MOBA game and find two rookies playing solo, and one of them is killed by a hero without a blue bar. Back to the blue equipment, the other is the same as the magic power equipment for the physical assassin.

I really can't stand it!

"Brother, your Ibrahimovic seems to be well bred!"

At this time, a man who looked particularly coquettish walked over gracefully, he winked at Lin Qiong frivolously, and said angrily, "Would you like to have a game with me?" An exciting battle of Pokémon?"

'I thought you were going to play gwent with me...'

Lin Qiong glanced at Yi Bao in his arms, and then asked, "Yi Bao, do you want to fight?"

"Boui Boi!"

Ibrahimovic shook her head reluctantly, she didn't want to have a Pokémon battle, not only would she get dirty all over her body, but it would also hurt so much if she was injured, I don't like it!

"Then don't fight—" Lin Qiong raised his head indifferently—he didn't feel disappointed by Ibrahimovic's answer, after all, Ibrahimovic's attitude towards the battle had been told him from the very beginning.

It was the second day after he got Ibrahimovic, he asked Ibrahimovic if he didn't want to train Pokémon, and Ibrahimovic's answer was that she followed Lin Qiong's choice!If Lin Qiong wants to become a great trainer, she will definitely fight for him!Facing Ibrahimovic's answer, Lin Qiong just reached out and touched her head, and then told her that he did not plan to become a powerful trainer, so the Pokémon he tamed could pursue the lifestyle he liked.

"What about you?" Lin Qiong squatted down, tapped his own shadow lightly with his fingers, and said, "Geng Gui, do you want to fight?"


Geng Gui jumped out of the shadow with an eager expression on his face. After spinning for thirteen and a half circles in mid-air, he opened his hands and landed firmly on the floor beside Lin Qiong.


After landing, Geng Gui immediately turned into a flexible fat man, swished a set of combined punches, and then gave Lin Qiong a look - let's go!Beat him up!

"Is it actually Geng Gui?" Sao Baonan looked at Geng Gui who was full of fighting spirit, couldn't help showing a charming smile, and said, "Hmph, from this point of view, our compatibility is very bad!"

"Huh? How do you say it?" Lin Qiong looked at Sao Baonan curiously, but the other party did not explain, but released his Pokémon.

A digging rabbit.

The moment he saw the fat rabbit, Lin Qiong showed a dazed expression, no wonder the other party said that he was not compatible!After all, from the point of view of attributes, Geng Gui, who is a ghost and poisonous, is completely restrained by a general ground-adding rabbit.

It's just that Lin Qiong just curled his lips in disdain for Sao Baonan's "phase sex theory"—what's the matter, did I take a little Lada from the Alola area to find Chaomeng, and Chaomeng saw it When you get to the little Lada of the evil department, you shout that your compatibility is too bad, and then you fall down and worship? ?

Are you kidding me buddy!

Chapter 0034 Is Missy better than others?

When Sao Baonan walked to the command area opposite Lin Qiong, he took out a plastic rose from nowhere, then crossed his hands on top of his head, exposing his armpits, then put the rose in his mouth, and put it out With an enchanting poss, a deep voice came out of his mouth: "Hey, boy~"

The key is that Lin Qiong also saw a few girls next to him cheering "Yeah!", as if fans saw their idols! ?

Lin Qiong: I don’t understand, but I was shocked.

"My Digging Rabbit, but the baby I carefully bred—" The flamboyant man put his hands down anyway, but his ability to continue talking with a plastic rose in his mouth, and his ability to enunciate the words very clearly, let Lin Qiong glanced sideways—he seemed to understand why these girls were ecstatic, "Are you ready to accept failure?"

"Huh? Ah?" Although he heard the other party's words, Lin Qiong looked up at the other party with a blank face on purpose, and asked, "What did you just say?"

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