Jie Jie, reader, you don’t want your XP to become a flashing monster, do you?

After receiving Nazi's apology, the eldest lady nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, then I will forgive you."

"Really?" Nazi raised her head in surprise, and said, "Then, can we be friends from now on?"

"Miss Nazi." When the topic of friends was mentioned, the eldest lady immediately stopped what she was doing, then raised her head seriously, looked at the girl in front of her, and said: "Friends are not made by words, but by words. Made.”

For this sentence, the eldest lady has a deep understanding!After she gained spiritual growth, she immediately let go of her unnecessary self-esteem and pride, and bravely communicated with Tian Suke, Sakaki Ryoko, Yoshino Yuki and others, and successfully gained her own friendship.

"Friends are not made by words, but by doing..." Nazi repeated these words, then raised her head, looked at the eldest lady seriously, and said, "Can you teach me how to do it?"

"Okay." The corner of the eldest lady's mouth curled into a smile, she sat next to Na Zi, and said, "First of all, I want to ask you a question, what do you think is a friend?"

"This..." Nazi showed a dazed expression. After thinking for a few seconds, she said confidently.

"Can... laugh together?"

“Friends can laugh together, but not all friends laugh together.”

"Can we cry together?"

"Friends can cry together, but not all friends cry together."

"Then I, I don't know."

Nazi, who had never had any friends, fell into confusion. She looked nervously at the eldest lady, hoping to get an answer from her.

"Friends are two words that cannot be defined with just one word—" The eldest lady looked at Nazi in front of her seriously, and said, "Being friends with people with different personalities requires different ways of getting along. same!"

People's personalities are inherently diverse and complex, and what friends need more is to seek common ground while reserving differences - as long as there is no serious conflict of views, don't be too demanding of each other.

"Let me give you an example, like..."

Lin Qiong and the secretary couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words of the eldest lady who was having a long discussion with Nazi, and then shrugged helplessly.

Yep, show off!



That night, Lin Qiong and his party rested in the Golden Gym.

Lin Qiong slept well, Geng Gui who was hiding in his shadow also slept well, and Ibrahimovic who was curled up beside his pillow also slept well, but the secretary couldn't sleep well, she suffered from insomnia.

Because the eldest lady and Nazi were hiding in the same bed, talking about their understanding of "friends" all night long.

'Obviously I was the first...'

"For the first time, I became friends with the eldest lady; for the first time, I traveled to another world with the eldest lady..."

'The overlap of two happy things should bring about an even happier thing...'

'Why, why is this happening...'

The secretary was lying on the bed, hiding under the quilt, with a sad, desolate and hesitant appearance. If it was the magic circle studio, she estimated that she would be able to transform everyone into a witch that night.

Just when the secretary was about to cry, she suddenly heard the eldest lady's voice.

"For example, Fei Sha, she has been by my side since I was very young. At that time, I didn't regard her as a friend, but just as my follower."

"But after all kinds of things happened to me, I realized the importance of her and her affection for me! Since then, I have regarded her as my best friend."


it is good!




At this moment, the secretary felt like God was revitalizing her. She sat up from the bed with a snap, then threw herself at the eldest lady with tears in her eyes, and choked with sobs: "Miss... no! Erina-chan! , you are also my best friend!"

"Hey! Fei...Fei Shasha, aren't you sleeping!?" The eldest lady almost fainted from shame. Oh my god, she saw that there was no movement over Fei Shasha and thought she was asleep, so she dared He said those words to Nazi, otherwise with her arrogant character, unless her emotions are moved to the extreme, she would never be able to reveal her true feelings...

Na Zi looked at the flushed secretary (excited) and eldest lady (shy) who were hugging each other, and said enviously, "That's great, I want a friend like this too!"

"Cough! Nazi—" The eldest lady was eager to get rid of the shy hell at this moment, so she quickly broke away from the arms of the secretary, and said to Nazi with a (pretend) serious face: "Friends are not made by talking, but by talking." It's by doing—so, would you like to try to be friends with us?"


Na Zi raised her head in surprise, she hurriedly nodded and said, "I, I am willing!"



"You girls have such a weird relationship—"

Lin Qiong propped up his chin, biting the straw in his mouth, looked at the three of them who were tightly stuck together with a weird face, and said, "Why did the relationship suddenly become so good?"

"Because we have communicated well!" The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong with a serious face, and said, "I think Nazi is a good girl!"

"Yeah!" The secretary on the side nodded quickly, agreeing with what the young lady said - she didn't want to be caught, but Nazi actually said that her friendship with the young lady is really enviable!

Who can stand this!

Good girl, Nazi must be a good girl!

"Okay, okay——" Lin Qiong nodded subtly. He took a sip of soy milk, then propped his chin, and said, "Speaking of which, when are you going to leave?"

Σ( ° △ °|||)

These words were like a bolt from the blue, and the three girls were stunned in place.

"This, this..."

The eldest lady glanced at Na Zi with a guilty conscience, because she had such a happy chat yesterday, she completely forgot that she was out on a trip, and it was impossible for her to stay in Golden City for a long time...

How can this be done?

"Yes, how about..." The eldest lady rolled her eyes and suggested, "Nazzi will travel with us for a while?"

"Yeah!" The secretary quickly nodded and said, "We are going to travel to famous scenic spots around the world! If Nazi goes with us, we can experience various things—for example, Swimming in Alola; experiencing the famous amusement park in Carlos; and going to the most famous grassland in Hoen..."

"This..." At this time, Nazi was obviously tempted, but after looking at the environment she was in, she said with some disappointment: "I'm sorry, I am the leader of the Golden Gym, and I can't leave the Golden Gym for a long time. From the Zodiac.”

Just when Nazi was feeling down, a voice with a smile appeared behind her: "Leave the Golden Gym to me! Nazi, play with your friends!"


Nazi turned her head in surprise, and found a bearded man in blue overalls looking at her with gentle eyes, and beside him stood a woman with dark red hair.

"Father and mother..." Nazi stood up in surprise, she had no idea that she would see the two of them here, "Why are you here?"

"Because, your mother and I have been watching you all the time—" Nazi's father lowered his head and said with a wry smile, "I am a useless father! Because you have awakened super powers, you are too happy, completely Neglecting your heart, causing you to be swallowed by superpowers when you were young, I can only take your mother to escape from the Golden Gym..."

But after leaving, Nazi's father did not give up just like that. Instead, he kept wandering near the Golden City, using his super power to observe Nazi's situation from time to time. After seeing what Nazi did when she closed off her feelings, After what he did, he himself was heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do.

Until this morning, when he was about to take a look at Nazi as usual—he didn't dare to look at her for too long, he was worried that his gaze would attract Nazi's attention—but he discovered that Nazi had recovered as if struck by lightning. It's normal, and chatting and laughing with the other two girls! ?

When she saw this, Nazi's father almost stared out his eyeballs - but his jaw was indeed dislocated because of being too surprised, so he had to go to the hospital with his wife first, After putting his chin back on, he hurried back and just heard Nazi's speech.

So, he bravely stepped forward to share the worries and problems for his daughter!

Woooooo, Nazi, this is the only thing useless daddy can do for you!Have fun with your friends!

Chapter 0032 This Eevee is simply a beautiful girl ex

'So, in fact, I am the protagonist in name, but in essence I am just a supporting role of a tool person, and Erina is the real protagonist, and this book is actually the direction of oranges, right? '

Sitting in the luxury room of the cruise ship, Lin Qiong sat on the left side, propped his chin, looked with a pair of dead fish eyes at the young lady, the secretary and Nazi who were crowded on the opposite seat and looked at the computer screen, and then Pikachu on the table looked at each other and sighed.

Pikachu is also very helpless, she was originally the eldest lady's favorite dog... Ah bah, I mean the favorite mouse, but because Nazi has the label of the sky, now there is no one on the eldest lady's side. She's out of place.

I feel down and out, my family.

"Tsk tsk." Lin Qiong shook his head and muttered, "Pikachu, you're down too—"


Pikachu was stunned, and she jumped into the eldest lady's arms with a confused look on her face.

"Really, Pikachu is good——" the eldest lady stroked Pikachu's hair with a smile, then put her on her lap, and continued to watch the plot development of the monthly girl Nozaki-kun—the pair It's too interesting⑧?Why is there no second season?


Pikachu yelled happily, and then looked at Lin Qiong with innocent eyes-boss, I am different from you, so don't use "also", okay?


Lin Qiong was almost pissed off by Pikachu's operation, but the cute Ibrahimovic jumped into his arms, stretched out her pink tongue and licked his face, comforting him.

"Booy Booy—"

Don't be sad, Ibrahimovic is with you!

"Wow, my Yibao is really a little angel -" Lin Qiong hugged the little Yibao with tears in his eyes, then rubbed her body and said: "Yibao, my Yibao -"


Ibrahimovic lay on Lin Qiong's shoulders and showed a happy expression.



Lin Qiong and the others' destination this time was Kanaz City in the Fengyuan region - after all, the eldest lady had said when she went to Silver Company that she was also planning to go to Devon Company to take a look at the products there.

Originally, Lin Qiong proposed to take a plane to take off from Jinhuang City and then fly directly to Kanaz City, but Nazi felt that this direct flight method was too "utilitarian"—since it was tourism, of course it was necessary If you are not tired, just enjoy the scenery along the way!

Nazi's suggestion was approved by the eldest lady and the secretary, so after discussing for a while, they chose the current transportation method - take a luxury cruise ship to Suijing City in Fengyuan area, and then transfer to the train. Go to Kanaz City.

Because the little rich woman Nazi paid for it, the three of them directly booked a luxury suite on the cruise ship—divided into two rooms inside and outside, of which Lin Qiong lived in the outer room, while the eldest lady and the three lived in the inner room. Because of the relationship during the day, the three girls came to the outer room to stay with Lin Qiong.

"After all, I can't make you too lonely—"

Lin Qiong was quite moved when he heard this sentence, but before he finished being moved, he saw the above scene in a daze—so the three of you are actually here to show me, right?


After sitting for more than ten minutes, Lin Qiong couldn't bear the orange atmosphere at the scene. He stood up and faced the three people who were immersed in Paras... I mean Xiao Chiyo's funny relationship history Said: "Look first, I'll take Ibrahimovic out for a stroll—"

"go Go--"

The eldest lady waved her hands intently, Nazi and the secretary also nodded intently.

They wouldn't even look up at me!Damn funny shows, me and you... Forget it, I also like to watch funny shows, that's okay.

Woohoo, season [-]⑧ will come out soon! !



After walking out of the room, Lin Qiong came to the uppermost deck with Ibrahimovic in his arms and a popsicle in his mouth.

"Ah, I smell freedom—"

Lin Qiong propped his arms on the railing, while Ibrahimovic jumped onto the railing and stood gracefully on it, showing the temperament of a rich lady in the Ibrahimovic population, which attracted the attention of many people around.


Ibrahimovic let out a cheerful cry, and then looked down curiously—on the deck below, the three primary-color Ibrahimovic in the Kanto area were playing together.

"Oh? It's fire, water, and Leibo—" Lin Qiong followed Ibrahimovic's eyes and looked down, then smiled and said, "How about it, Ibrahimovic, I want to go and see you Seniors?"

"Bui~" Ibrahimovic nodded immediately.

In fact, before, Lin Qiong used the illustrated book to ask Ibrahimovic if he had a favorite evolution form—although Lin Qiong liked the fairy Ibrahimovic, if Ibrahimovic himself had a certain preference, he would choose to respect Ibrahimovic. choose!But fortunately, this Ibrahimovic also fell in love with the fairy and beautiful fairy Ibrahimovic at a glance.

After arriving at the lower deck through the nearby stairs, Lin Qiong carried Ibrahimovic and walked towards the three-primary color Eevee over there, and then said to the trainer standing not far from them: "Hello, madam! May I ask where I am? Are the three Eevee your Pokémon?"


Long blond hair, long black dress, holding a wine glass, wearing sunglasses, a lady with a glance at Lin Qiong heard Lin Qiong's voice, turned her head and said, "That's right, you have... Wow!"

Before she could finish her words, her attention was drawn to Yibao in Lin Qiong's arms, and the originally elegant temperament of a noble lady suddenly turned into the fanaticism of Ibrahimovic's single pusher: "It's the first time I see The Ibrahimovic with such a beautiful fur color! Even the Ibrahimovic that I cultivated with high-quality products and eats high-level energy cubes every day can’t compare to... this gentleman, how did you breed this Ibrahimovic? ”

As a professional Ibrahimovic (self-proclaimed), Catalina thinks that she is quite experienced in cultivating Ibrahimovic, but she has never seen an Ibrahimovic with such a gorgeous coat color - if we say she is an elegant princess , then the other Ibrahimovics are like the village women who imitate others.

"Well, it's all thanks to my cook." Lin Qiong scratched his face, and said with some embarrassment: "Ibrahimovic's meals are all in charge of her—right? Ibrahimovic! Erina cooks it herself The food is really delicious, right?"

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