Lin Qiong showed a surprised expression—what the hell?Does the animated version of Nazi still have the setting of God? ?What the hell is this fate? ?

"Well, can you explain it?"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but ask.


There was another half-minute of silence, which made Lin Qiong completely unsure of what was going on with Nazi.

"This morning..." the puppet suddenly said, "My super powers foretell that the person who will change my future will appear in Golden City, so I made it—"

The next moment, in Lin Qiong's horrified eyes, a curved spoon appeared in front of the doll, and strangely, the spoon's broken head was pointing motionlessly at Lin Qiong's position.


Lin Qiong moved sideways subconsciously, and then turned the spoon in a very face-saving way, still pointing precisely in Lin Qiong's direction.

'Hey, isn't this the special version of Nazi's Spoon of Destiny skill? Lin Qiong couldn't help but gasped, "No, why the hell did Nazi's skills in the special episode appear on the animated version of Nazi?" ? '

Lin Qiong is a little numb now!Originally, he thought this was a purely animated version of the world, but now Nazi's performance made him a little uncertain about what was going on.

"You seem surprised?" The doll representing Nazi floated slowly to Lin Qiong with a spoon in his hand, and said in a cold and unwavering voice: "From the moment you stepped into the Golden City, the spoon pointed to I missed you, I finally caught you by screening people on the same line as it moved—”


How imbaable is this Nazi's superpower! ?To be able to cross more than half of the city, and then target a line of people! ?Are you hanging up? ?With this superpower alone, you may not be able to match the king-level Pokémon...

Oh, the ability of the special chapter, that's fine.

'That is to say, this Nazi is the character of the anime version with the ability to add a special episode?I hope that’s the case, otherwise I’m afraid it’s going to be mailed—” Lin Qiong swallowed, took a deep breath, transferred the backpack to his chest, then unzipped the zipper, took out the laptop, and said : "Miss Nazi, I have something I want to show you!"


Nazi fell into silence again. According to her temper, she could never be so "gentle", but since Lin Qiong was designated by her superpower as "the person who changed her future", then...

"Bring it over." Nazi's voice came from the doll's mouth, "But you are only allowed to come here alone."

Under the nervous eyes of the eldest lady and the secretary, Lin Qiong nodded slowly, and said, "Okay! I'll go there now—"

Seeing Lin Qiong's back preparing to walk over, the eldest lady couldn't help shouting: "Lin Qiong..."

"It's okay." Lin Qiong turned his head, looked at the face of the eldest lady who was blurred in the peripheral light of the spotlight, and said seriously: "If Nazi wants to attack us, we have no power to resist of!"

In other words, since they are still safe now, it means that Nazi has no intention of doing anything, so Lin Qiong can only follow Nazi's request as much as possible, trying to make this "safety" last longer.

Chapter 0030 Since then, Nazi has embarked on a road of no return

'Nazzi, are you ready? 'The passionate BGM sounded in Lin Qiong's heart, like something like covetous, pure land of bliss, majestic and majestic, and immediately ignited!

With his head held high and firm steps, he followed behind the puppet doll and walked towards the place where Na Zi was - since the spotlight was always locked on the doll, Lin Qiong was not worried that he would not find his way.

However, this was a pain for the eldest lady and the secretary. They could only stand nervously at the entrance of the room, watching as Lin Qiong followed the only light source and gradually walked towards the depths of the room.

Just when the eldest lady was trembling unceasingly, a hand suddenly held her hand, she trembled in fright, but the voice in her ear calmed her down slightly.

It's the secretary, and she said in a firm voice: "Miss, Miss! If anything happens, Mr. Lin and I will protect you!"

The eldest lady gritted her teeth. She is the eldest lady of the Nakiri family and the heir of God's Tongue. Why is it that she needs others to protect and comfort her now? ?

She held the secretary's hand with her backhand, and said firmly, "No! I'm here to protect you, Feisha——"

It's just that Fei Shazi didn't respond to her, but he held her hand harder, and his hand was trembling slightly.

"Actually, Fei Shazi is also very scared..." There was a warm current in the heart of the eldest lady, and she also held the secretary's hand even harder-she was using this method to convey her belief to the secretary.

It's okay, Fei Sha, I'm by your side!

But in fact……

'Oh oh oh oh Miss took my hand!Be calm!No, no, no, I can't calm down! '

Fei Shazi, excited heart, trembling hands, Segoni is hi iron duck!



The camera turned and came to Lin Qiong's side.

He held the laptop in his arms with both hands, and then walked a long distance behind the puppet shrouded in the spotlight—it was estimated that it was more than a basketball court—before he arrived in front of Nazi’s real body .

At this time, Nazi is sitting on another chair with no expression on her face, but under the dim light of the spotlight, Lin Qiong can vaguely see that the chair that Nazi is sitting at this time is obviously bigger than the one that the doll is sitting on. To luxury everything.

It was right to think about it, if Nazi gave the doll a luxurious chair and sat on a small wooden stool for herself, Lin Qiong would have to ask her more or less "Are you okay? If you have nothing to do, eat yomei".

The doll slowly floated in front of Nazi, and was gently embraced by Nazi who stretched out her hands.

Lin Qiong took this opportunity to look at Nazi at this time openly - she was wearing a pure black dress with no visible decorations, and her hair was dark green long, hanging down to the ground, but look It feels very smooth and shiny.

For delivery,, nothing!Say nothing!

"What do you want to show me?" Nazi slightly opened her cherry lips, and said in a cold voice that was exactly the same as the voice that came out of the doll's mouth just now: "If it's something meaningless, then you can play with me Bar--"

Of course, Lin Qiong knew that the "play with me" in Nazi's mouth was not a magic sword in a sheath, nor a double dragon playing with a ball, but to turn him into a doll and become one of her collections.

"Don't worry, it's very interesting!" Lin Qiong quickly put the laptop on the coffee table, then turned it on, found the hard disk where the animation was stored, looked at the folder inside, and fell into thinking——

'So, which animation should we use to open Nazi's heart? '

'First of all, it must be a funny show, and it is best to be a concise and to the point funny show, which does not require a viewing threshold. '

’ And it’s better not to have knives mixed in with the jokes—like use with caution. '

'The blue sea?Boys?Saiki Kusuo?Monthly Girls? '

"No, although these are also very funny, but many stalks still need a certain threshold, I need more simple, rude and brainless funny stories——"

'Speaking of mindless words...'

Soon, Lin Qiong opened a folder, and clicked on the first episode.

Accompanied by the title song "Banana, I want long johns", a really brainless girl appeared in front of Nazi.

'Scatter, sprinkle, sprinkle—'

Lin Qiong clenched his fists, and then looked at Nazi with fighting eyes - he understood that this time was a battle, a battle between his funny reserves and Nazi's jokes!



Lin Qiong was already ready for a big battle, but what he didn't expect was that Na Zi's jokes were just at the level of nonsense - even more nonsense than the kind of bug catcher who sent level 2 green caterpillars to fight degree.

Under Lin Qiong's gaze, Na Zi's tears and saliva spewed out of her smile. She lay on the coffee table in embarrassment, desperately hammering the table top with her fists, but even so, her eyes were unwilling to leave the computer. Screen.

"Ahaha hicc—"

"Er goose goose goose—"

"huh huh huh huh--"

All kinds of weird laughter came from the mouth of Nazi, whose abdominal muscles had completely collapsed. Lin Qiong couldn't bear to look directly at that shapeless appearance—absolutely, absolutely not because she was worried about Nazi. Settle accounts after autumn.

Believe me, look at my sincere eyes!

Soon, the first episode of The Monkey King was over, and when the ending song was playing, Nazi was already lying on the coffee table dripping with sweat, her face flushed and panting. That look was simply not suitable for children to watch. of!

So astringent!

"How is it?" Lin Qiong coughed and leaned over, pretending to be casual and said: "There are still many episodes to come, do you want to continue watching?"

"Look!" Nazi raised her head resolutely, and said in an unquestionable voice, "I want to see! Show me quickly!"

I have to say that this comedy therapy is really effective. Nazi has just watched one episode, and her voice no longer has that emotionless voice, but is replaced by an unabashed urgency.

"Do you want to turn on the light?" Seeing the change in Nazi, Lin Qiong said tentatively: "If possible, invite my companions to watch together? It will be more lively if everyone watches together."


Nazi frowned and thought for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "Okay—"

"Deng deng deng-"

After Nazhi finished speaking, the lights in the room turned on one after another. The room that was originally dark except for the spotlights was suddenly filled with bright lights, causing Lin Qiong and others to subconsciously narrow their eyes. s eyes.

"Dear Erina, Feishazijiang—" Lin Qiong shouted towards the door: "Come here! There is no danger! Let's see Haokang together!"

Hearing the first half of Lin Qiong's sentence, the eldest lady and the secretary were still a little nervous, but when Lin Qiong said the second half of the sentence, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

The two trotted towards Lin Qiong while discussing in low voices.

"He started talking out of tune, and it seems that he is really safe."

"However, miss, what method did Mr. Lin use to persuade that person?"

"I don't know either, just go and see."



From a stupid girl to a reincarnated and broken daughter, the two Monkey King blockbusters voiced by Ao Yuki made the three women in the room dripping with sweat, and fell down on the sofa with flushed faces, panting heavily.

"Those who don't know think that something very awkward happened here—" Lin Qiong said to Na Zi while cleaning up the mess (pointing to the laptop): "Want to have dinner together later? Erina's Good workmanship."

"That's right!"

As soon as Lin Qiong was about to brag about Missy's cooking skills, the secretary immediately turned into the number one Erina Chuck in the heavens and myriad worlds, and said, "Missy's cooking skills are simply rare in the world! Once you have eaten it once, you will never forget it." !"

This is a million dishes that are stronger than a hundred thousand dishes, no, it is a million dishes that are stronger!

Erina · Z move · tens of thousands of dishes!Killing an embarrassing tapu in seconds is not a big problem.

"Will it bother you too much?"

Due to the afternoon's hilarious therapy, Na Zi's emotions have been completely unsealed at this time, but because she has lived without emotion for a long time, she still doesn't like communicating with others.

"It's okay! It's not a date, we need a two-person world!" Lin Qiong waved his hand and said, "It's a normal meal, of course, the more people there are, the more lively it is!"

"He's right." The eldest lady folded her arms reservedly and said, "Let's come together."

Thanks to the friendship cultivated by watching the show together, the eldest lady's attitude towards Nazi is considered friendly - don't forget, at the beginning, Lin Qiong and the other three were kidnapped by Nazi, and they were arrogant. It is impossible for the eldest lady not to have any resentment in her heart.



Σ( ° △ °|||)

The above expression appeared on the faces of every member of the Golden Gym. These staff members/super power apprentices/super power trainers all looked at Na Zi with a smile on their faces suspiciously.

What happened?What happened?What happened!

Why is that Na Zi, who speaks without any ups and downs, is ruthless, and can turn people into dolls at a glance, unexpectedly showing such a smiley expression at this moment! ?

I don't believe it, I don't accept it! !

This is hallucination!I must have eaten some poisonous mushroom... Where is the villain?And the little people dancing in front of me! ?Come out quickly, tell me quickly, in fact, I am poisoned!a ha ha ha! ! !

"Don't you think everyone is looking at us strangely?" Lin Qiong moved closer to the eldest lady and Nazi, and whispered, "I always feel as if I'm looking at some rare animal."

Lin Qiong even wondered if he had turned into a shining Gardevoir carrying a large rhizome. Otherwise, why would he receive so much attention?

This is the Pokémon world, not the Pokémon world!

Chapter 0031 The secretary is up!

Faced with Lin Qiong's question, Nazi stared at the people around her a little angrily, and the group of onlookers who were eating melons were stared at by Nazi, and immediately recalled the fear of being dominated by her, and quickly lowered their heads to eat themselves Meals in bowls.

Seeing that she was "still majestic", Nazi breathed a sigh of relief, then scratched her face in embarrassment, and said, "This, it's probably because of me—the me before and the me now, um, there is a big difference." big."

It's not just big, it's like two different people, okay?That is simply the astonishment of going from a round god to an ape god!

"That's true—" Lin Qiong nodded his head seriously, and said with emotion: "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that you have changed so much in just one afternoon. "

The eldest lady nodded gracefully, and said: "Indeed! At the very beginning, you 'invited' us here by unconventional means, and you are really different from the current you."

Facing the young lady's calm "sarcasm", Nazi showed an awkward smile, and she apologized softly: "This... I'm really sorry."

Because the three of Lin Qiong were the "benefactors" who helped her break the shackles of superpowers and liberate her feelings, that's why Na Zi is so easy to talk about!If another person came over and dared to mock her like this, she would definitely let the other party know what cruelty is - I mean, you know, I am a superpower, so I can easily turn your XP into a flash mother monster.

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