"Eh? Golden City?" Lin Qiong was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "I thought you would choose Yuhong City! After all, Yuhong City's perfume is very famous in this world!"

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady and the secretary gave him an angry look.

"Idiot!" The eldest lady said angrily: "We are chefs! Don't you know that because it will affect the taste of the dishes, chefs are not allowed to spray perfume on their bodies?"

Chapter 0028

"Huh? Ah—"

Lin Qiong was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a dazed expression—he remembered that in the lodging training chapter of Shiji animation, Shinomiya Kaguya's distant cousin (fog)—Shinomiya Kojiro—was Ever kicked a student out of school for smelling citrus in their shampoo?

According to the grapevine, Kojiro Shinomiya reacted so badly because his ex-girlfriend got turned on for the Citus-citrus-scented manga--just listen.

"You chefs are really hardworking——" Lin Qiong smacked his lips and said, "Doesn't that mean that apart from perfume, scented shampoo and shower gel, as well as skin care products, can't be used? ?”

"That's right." The eldest lady nodded calmly, she didn't seem to feel sad because she couldn't dress up like an ordinary girl, "We usually choose skin care products without fragrances—in our world, such There are still plenty of items.”

"Probably because I don't pay much attention to this aspect. My memory shampoo and the like seem to have fragrances—" Lin Qiong scratched his head. He used to use Clear, Head & Shoulders, etc. Yes, they are all fragrant, "Or is this a difference in the world? Because in your world, chef is the core profession, so the corresponding products are relatively complete and developed?"

"It's possible." The eldest lady nodded. After she put the notebooks and maps on the table into her backpack, she picked up Pikachu sitting on the table with a smile on her face, and said to Lin Qiong and the secretary. Said: "Now that the destination is decided, shall we set off?"

"Elbow!" Lin Qiong nodded, stood up and followed the eldest lady and the secretary out of the Pokémon Center.



If you want to go to Jinhuang City, if you adopt the ordinary travel method, then there are [Nibi City-Yuemi Mountain-Hualan City-Jinhuang City] or [Nibi City-Yuemi Mountain-Yuhong City-Jinhuang City] 】These two routes.

Of course, no matter which route it is, it needs to go through a long journey on the way. Even if there is no delay, it is estimated that it will take about half a month. However, if you take the tourist method, you only need to take the train in Nibi City. Direct access to Jinhuang City.

The former is half a month, and the latter is a few hours. It is no wonder that the eldest lady and the secretary feel full of resentment.

"Oh oh oh-"

After walking out of the train station, the three of Lin Qiong officially stepped into the scope of Golden City. After seeing this most prosperous international metropolis in the Kanto area, they all showed amazed expressions.

"This is no worse than our first-tier cities." The secretary expressed emotion with his eyes shining brightly: "The key is that the construction of humans in the Pokémon world has hardly caused any pollution to the environment..."

"It can't be said that there is no pollution at all -" Lin Qiong touched his chin and said: "There is an episode in the animation where the development of marine resources caused pollution, which led to giant stinging jellyfish besieging the city -"

Lin Qiong couldn't remember exactly which episode it was, but the thing that impressed him the most was probably Kojiro's female costume in that episode - he even had his hair cut out, which is really impressive.

I'm fine, thanks eggplant.

"Really? There is such a thing?" The secretary also showed a surprised expression, and she said: "I always thought that the environment in the Pokémon world was very good——"

"Hey, of course it's pretty good in general, but there will always be a few mouse droppings." Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said, "Okay, let's take a stroll around the largest city in Guandu. Don't think too much about it, it's not our business to worry about."

For the Pokémon world, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary are all just passers-by!

If the environment, humanities and other issues in the Pokémon world need to be worried about by three people who are just passers-by, then it would be looking down on the Pokémon League, Champions, and the Four Heavenly Kings of this world.



Jinhuang City deserves to be the leading large city in the Kanto area, and the flow of people is no worse than places like the magic capital and imperial capital that Lin Qiong has been to!It's just that there is one thing in the world of Pokémon that the magic capital and the imperial capital can't keep up with anyway, and that is...

"Can you believe that there are no traffic jams in this kind of crowded city?" Lin Qiong stood on the side of the road with his hands on his hips, looked at the eldest lady and secretary beside him in disbelief, and said, "I remember Ni The traffic jam over there is also very serious, right?"

Talking about this problem that bothered everyone, the secretary was filled with complaints. She immediately started complaining: "It's not just serious, it's simply outrageous! If you are unlucky, you can get stuck in a traffic jam in 10 minutes." Hour!"

You know, she often has to accompany her eldest daughter to go to various parts of the country for food tasting work (for a fee), and the feeling of being stuck on the road is really annoying—especially when you want to go to the bathroom when you are stuck in traffic. That's really strange... Ahem!

Hold on to that PIay doesn't want to mess with the secretary!

"It's hard work——" Lin Qiong said with emotion from the bottom of his heart, "In comparison, the residents living in the Pokémon world are too happy."

Indeed, not only are there cute Pokémon to accompany, but the living environment is almost explosively beautiful, there is no air pollution, there is no need to worry about industry involution, and the average per capita is beautiful and handsome.

Don't even have to go to school! !Don't worry about winter and summer homework! !

No matter how you think about it, it’s so exciting, right?

"Okay, okay, let's take a look at Silver Company first—" The eldest lady looked at the two people who couldn't stop feeling emotional, and said, "I'm very interested in their advanced products, and I want to have a good time. take a look."

The reason for coming to Golden City was revealed to Lin Qiong on the train. She came here for the largest company in Kanto - Silver Company, and her target was also produced by Silver Company. those goods.

"Let me guess, is your next stop going to Kanaz City in Fengyuan area?" On the way to Silver Company, Lin Qiong touched his chin and asked the eldest lady: " If I remember correctly, Hoenn’s Devon and Kanto’s Silver are equally large companies in terms of setting.”

"You guessed it—although there is almost no difficulty." The eldest lady nodded and said: "After all, you made this proposal—I mean the proposal to introduce products from this world."

"It is worthy of being the next head of the Nakiri family. This strategic vision is within the ranks of the Si Kingdom!" Lin Qiong gave the eldest lady a thumbs up, then hugged the back of her head with both hands, and said: "Let's go, as long as If we don't meet Nazi, we are safe!"



"I always thought that the backpack and running shoes were produced by Silver, but the running shoes turned out to be Devon's products?"

After walking out of Silver Company, the eldest lady stretched herself.

"Silver's main products are all kinds of Poké Balls, and considering how Poké Balls work, it is not difficult to understand that backpacks are also their products."

Lin Qiong said while licking a popsicle.

"After all, they are all products for space applications."

The secretary followed behind the two of them while recording something in the notebook with a pen.

"It's just a pity that it's a pity—" The eldest lady shook her head and said, "Poke balls and other products are naturally very popular in the Pokémon world, but they are somewhat unreliable for us."

"Not necessarily?" Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "You can learn the routines of some novels, open a pet shop in the world of food halberds, and let Lalulas be the doorman. Qualified to enter the store, only customers who really like Pokémon can enter, and they can’t choose Pokémon independently, but randomly draw ten consecutive draws through the illustrated book, and can only buy the Pokémon in the ten consecutive draws. If you are not satisfied, you can second Day draws again."

Hearing Lin Qiong's idea, the eldest lady and the secretary tugged at the corners of their mouths.

"Lin Qiong—" the eldest lady covered her forehead, shook her head helplessly and said, "Are you trying to turn my world into a second Pokémon world?"

"It's not impossible?" Lin Qiong touched his chin and said, "When there are enough Pokémon sold, we can organize a Pokémon Battle Conference, right?"

"What about the chef's skills?" The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong and said, "When the time comes, all the people want to become trainers, so who will be the chef?"

"Ah this..."

Lin Qiong scratched his head and said, "It seems to be the truth?"

If Pokémon appeared in this ordinary urban world, it would definitely be a dimensionality reduction blow!The power and ability of Pokémon will destroy all the original systems, and then quickly establish a new system centered on Pokémon - take Feng Sangou as an example, just a water dog that can purify water, I am afraid that not everyone The country begged grandpa to sue grandma, begging them to come for a stroll.

"So it is enough to introduce some Pokémon that can improve the ingredients." The eldest lady is very rational and cautious about this matter, "You must not over-introduce, otherwise my world may be renamed Pokémon City World. "

Lin Qiong showed a subtle smile at the side—in fact, he often reads urban Pokémon novels. In those novels, the Celestial Dynasty is generally set as the Yanhuang area, and then Neon is the Kanto and Chengdu areas, and then Na Zi, Sister Bai Cai, Xiao Ju'er, Li Liai, Lusamine, Lulina, Mary, etc...

Hehehe, Mary, my Lilia, I always like Sister Baicai, right Xiaojuer?Lusamine and I will live happily ever after, so come with me, Lurina!

Just when Lin Qiong's face became too smiling, several figures in white robes suddenly stopped in front of him and the eldest lady. The leader pushed the bottle-bottom glasses on the bridge of his nose and said indifferently: " Three guests, Lady Nazi is here to invite you."

Chapter 0029 Destiny

"Oh huh?"

Lin Qiong showed a "Damn" expression at that time, and he thought guiltily: "I'm sorry for your mother!"Could it be that the picture of Nazi stepping on me with a little jiojio in black silk was read by her just now?No way?Probably not—"

of course not.

Although Na Zi's superpowers are very heaven-defying, it is far from reaching half a city, and accurately capturing the random thoughts in the mind of a person she has never met in the vast crowd.

'But here comes the question, why did Nazi specially send someone to invite us? Lin Qiong looked around at the super-powered apprentices in front of him, showing a puzzled expression, and asked, "Nazie...you must be referring to the owner of the Golden Gym, right? What does she want from us?"

"Sorry, we have no right to ask that lord's arrangement—" the man in front of him pushed his glasses with thick bottle bottoms on the bridge of his nose again, and said in a cold, heartless, unjust, and unreasonable voice: "We just need to obey that lord." Just follow the orders of your lord."

'Is this man out of his mind?It was clear that he had called 'Ms. Nazi' just now, but now he turned around and started to address her as 'that person' again -' Lin Qiong tugged at the corners of his eyes and stared at the bottom of the bottle in front of him with a pair of dead fish eyes. Man: 'More importantly, did he do it on purpose or out of habit?Why does this guy use his middle finger to push up his glasses? ? '

Hate!Lin Qiong hated himself for not wearing glasses, otherwise he would have to use his middle finger to push the glasses while communicating with the man at the bottom of the bottle, okay? !

"There has to be a reason, right?" Lin Qiong slightly blocked the eldest lady and the secretary behind him and said, "It stands to reason that we have neither met Miss Nazi nor had any contact with her -"

"That's not what we need to know." The man at the bottom of the bottle pushed his glasses with his fingers silently, and said, "Please come with us."

Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary clearly saw that the hands of the people in front of them were moving towards their belts undisguisedly—obviously, that was where their elf balls were.



As if aware of the change in the atmosphere, Ibrahimovic in Lin Qiong's arms and Pikachu on the young lady's shoulders both showed fierce expressions, as if they would bravely pounce on them as long as the two give an order.

"Are you playing this set of courtesy first and then soldiers?" Lin Qiong showed a helpless smile. While comforting Ibrahimovic in his arms, he glanced at the eldest lady and the secretary, and then said to the man at the bottom of the bottle: "Let's go." .”

Without the eldest lady and the secretary, Lin Qiong would have been able to escape from the siege of this group of people with Geng Gui's surprise attack, but he could not have put the eldest lady and the secretary into crisis.



After spending half an hour in silence, the car slowly stopped at the gate of the Golden Gym. The man at the bottom of the bottle sitting in the passenger seat opened the door first and got out of the car, then came to the back seat, He bent down and opened the car door, and said, "Here we are, please get out of the car."

It can be said to be very polite.

Except he pushed his glasses up one more time with his middle finger.

"Feel sorry."

The eldest lady got off the car with Pikachu in her arms. She looked at Lin Qiong apologetically, and said, "It's me and Fei Shazi who dragged you down."

"I brought you here, how could I leave you and run away?" Lin Qiong shook his head, then forced himself to show a calm look, and said, "It's not a big problem! How to solve Nazi's problem, I still have a belly draft!"

In Lin Qiong's memory, the animated version of Nazi was a "superpower machine" who had superpowers since she was a child, so she was addicted to it, closed her feelings, and became ruthless. A ghost stone who can live a whole life pokes Nazi's smile, thus awakening her feelings.

'Back then, Zhi Daozi could poke Na Zi's smile with a ghost stone. Today, I, Lin Benwei, used a secret weapon to poke her smile. It's not a problem! Lin Qiong tightened the backpack on his back, and then thought with a cold face: "I will ambush her later, and then do a super double later, and it will be boring!" '

That's right!

Under the guidance of the man at the bottom of the bottle, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary walked into the golden gymnasium. After passing through the long corridor, the four of them stopped in front of a metal door.

"The front is where the lord is, and I have no right to enter." The man at the bottom of the bottle pushed his glasses with his middle finger and said, "So please go forward by yourself."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Lin Qiong and the others, then turned and left the passage—he still had to go back and continue to practice superpowers, and strive to learn to see through eyes one day, and then sat in the men's bathhouse to watch the live broadcast of the women's bathhouse .

"Then, let's go in." Lin Qiong glanced at the button on the wall and said, "Don't panic, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

After pressing the button, the metal door retracted into the wall towards the right, revealing a dark room—only a small area of ​​the door was illuminated by the light from the corridor outside the door, and there was deep darkness further in , so that the eldest lady and the secretary couldn't help swallowing.

After Lin Qiong stood at the door and took a deep breath, he took the lead and walked in with his legs. The eldest lady and the secretary followed closely behind him and also stepped into the room!

The moment the three of them walked into the room, the door of the room was slowly closed, blocking the only light source from the door, and the whole room was completely plunged into darkness.


A few seconds later, with a soft sound, a light came on from the ceiling, and under the light was a...


"Then... what is that?"

Looking at the doll under the spotlight, the secretary couldn't help asking in a trembling voice.

"Nazie's doll." Although he had known about Nazi's situation for a long time, Lin Qiong couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva when he saw this weird scene, and said in a dry voice: "It's her substitute, used to fight with her." For outsiders to communicate."

"Then, what about her body?"

"Should... be in this room?" Lin Qiong guessed with an uncertain voice - there is really too little description of Nazi in the animation, and it might as well be as much space as in the special comic!

Such a beautiful character design is in vain, and the screenwriter is stupid!

Just when the three of Lin Qiong were hairy all over, the doll who was sitting on a chair with his head down suddenly raised his head, and then, under the horrified eyes of the three of them, floated into the air, revealing the really unusable " Cute" to describe the face.

"Welcome to my gym—" Immediately afterwards, a robot-like voice appeared from the doll's mouth, "Want to play games with me?"

Lin Qiong stood in front of the eldest lady and the secretary, and then said in a calm voice, "Miss Nazi, can you tell us why you asked someone to bring us here in front of you?"

Faced with Lin Qiong's question, Na Zi did not answer, but fell into silence, causing the nervous palms of the eldest lady and the secretary to start sweating due to nervousness.

After half a minute of silence, Nazi finally spoke.

"Because of fate."

She said four words.


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