"That's it!"

The secretary said indignantly, "I'm still here! Even if I want to be Missy's dog, I should be the one to do it first!"

'That's not what I meant! '

The eldest lady sat on the chair with no love in her life, she felt very tired, this world was not worth it.



After eating a delicious breakfast (tomatoes and eggs with marinated noodles), Lin Qiong and his party embarked on a journey to Nibi City again.

"To be honest, I kind of feel..."

The secretary frowned, and said with some resistance: "Isn't this kind of travel a waste of time? We seem to be on the road almost all day."

The eldest lady and Lin Qiong stopped their steps, and they looked at each other. The eldest lady said, "At first I didn't think there was anything wrong, but after Fei Shazi said that, I seemed to have the same feeling—— What is the meaning of this kind of travel?"

"Uh, this..." Lin Qiong crossed his arms and said in distress, "I haven't really thought about it. The main reason is that the protagonists in the animation walk like this, so I just did it."

"You..." The eldest lady covered her forehead helplessly, and said, "So why is the protagonist in the original book traveling?"

"In order to become a Pokémon master!" Lin Qiong expressed the silly thing's ideal in one word, saying: "So the reason why the protagonist of the original book travels in various regions is to collect badges to participate in the tournament, and the side plot is to encounter Pokémon, and Battle with trainers on the road to improve your strength.”

"I see—" the secretary nodded, "Then, Lord Lin Qiong—"

"Are you going to collect badges from various gyms and then participate in the tournament?"

"Do not--"

The purpose of his coming to this world is just to abduct a few cute Pokémon, and he does not intend to become a Pokémon master.

"Are you going to meet all kinds of Pokémon like the protagonist of the original book?"

"Do not--"

He has a complete illustration book. If you are interested in some Pokémon, you can go directly to the other's habitat.

"Are you going to have an exciting Pokémon battle with the Encounter on the Road trainer?"

"Do not--"

He wasn't even going to participate in the conference, so why was he fighting against the trainers on the way?


The secretary spread his hands and said, "You don't collect badges, you don't encounter Pokémon, and you don't compete with others—then what is the purpose of our travel?"

"Uh... look at the scenery?"

"Then why don't you go directly to the scenic spot?" The eldest lady complained: "I thought there was some deep meaning in traveling like this, but I didn't expect you to give such a meaningless reason!"

"Gu——" Lin Qiong uttered a mournful cry, and said with a desolate expression, "You're killing me!"

"Don't play tricks——" the eldest lady crossed her arms and said with an unhappy face: "So we are equivalent to wasting several days on the road for nothing?"

"You can't say that, right?" Lin Qiong tilted his head. He pointed at Pikachu standing on the eldest lady's shoulder, then pointed at his own shadow, and said: "If you didn't travel, you probably wouldn't be able to touch it. It’s Pikachu, and I shouldn’t be able to touch Gengar, right?”

The eldest lady was slightly taken aback, she turned her head to look at Pikachu on her shoulder, and muttered, "It seems to make sense?"

'Miss, your position is too unsteady, isn't it? ' The secretary looked at the eldest lady who began to waver in a few words, and couldn't help covering her face, and said helplessly: "So, shall we continue traveling like this?"

She didn't want to care about it anymore, anyway, she was just a secretary who had no right to speak...


(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

Chapter 0027 Xiaogang is too miserable

Which travel plan to adopt has really troubled Lin Qiong and Erina for a while, so much so that they were struggling with this issue when they arrived in Nibi City, which made the secretary beside them have an urge to look forward to it.

So, at the suggestion of the secretary, Lin Qiong and the eldest lady dialed Dr. Omu's phone number through the video phone, and then conducted a consultation.

In response to the two people's questions, Dr. Omu showed a dumbfounded expression. He said: "Gengar's case is a special case. You'd better not think about it again! As for the encounter with Pikachu - little girl, imagine it first. If you chose another way to travel and you met another Pikachu, would you still ask me this question?"

Erina was stunned for a moment, and then after thinking for a few seconds according to Dr. Ohki's words, she nodded slowly - if she met another Pikachu, she would probably ask "What if it's not this one?" question.

"So it doesn't matter whether it's this one or not, what matters is which one you met—" Dr. Oki smiled, then unpacked a pack of fried pepper beef noodles on his own, and said, "I met you , and the Pokémon you know is the Pokémon you were destined for."

"I understand." The eldest lady took a deep breath, then bowed to Dr. Omu, and said seriously: "Thank you, Dr. Omu——"



"So——" Looking at the two people who sat back, the secretary who thought, "I'm finally relieved" patted his chest and asked, "Let's go on a trip according to the method of going wherever we are interested? "

"That's it!" Lin Qiong nodded, he opened the map of the Pokémon world, and said: "Currently, the Pokémon world has a total of Guandu, Chengdu, Fengyuan, Sinnoh, Hezhong, Carlos, The eight areas of Alola and Galar. However, judging from the difficulty of Dr. Oki helping you obtain the fairy milk, the Galar area should not be fully opened yet, so leave it alone for now—"

"In other words, a total of seven places to choose from?"

The secretary and the eldest lady got together, and they began to look at the map carefully. Occasionally, they opened the illustrated book, searched for articles similar to travel guides for various regions, and then compared similar scenery and recorded it on paper. …

"Good guy, this kind of frenzy is comparable to shopping—" Lin Qiong couldn't help pulling the corners of his mouth. He felt that the eldest lady and the secretary had already entered a state of frantic travel.

There is something to say, the environment of the Pokémon world is really incomparable to other worlds. The beautiful natural environment plus the characteristic Pokémon, and even more interesting regional forms...

'Sorry, if it's me, I can't hold back, okay? '

Lin Qiong shrugged his shoulders, then leaned over and said, "First of all, you must go to the Alola region! Have you all read the illustration book? The six tails in the Alola region can't be cuter, can they?"


The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and they said in unison: "Quie!"

Ordinary six tails are already cute enough, and Alola six tails with white hair is even more cute at the special attack level, and the elegance and nobility after evolving into nine tails - suddenly I have a little understanding of Comrade Sadfeng !

"Speaking of which, why don't you two tame a six-tailed one?" Lin Qiong's eyes lit up, and said: "One is ordinary six-tailed, the other is Alola six-tailed. They are proof of being good sisters, and each has its own characteristics, isn't it? Beautiful?"


A big exclamation mark appeared on the heads of the eldest lady and the secretary, and they both nodded their heads at the same time, and said, "I think it's okay!"

Girls—especially girls who are in a particularly close relationship—often make things that look like couple outfits!For example, two people use the same type of shampoo, wear similar clothes, or hang the same type of pendant on their mobile phones.

But compared with Lin Qiong's proposal, these things are really low, okay?This is a regional Pokémon. How can those clothes, perfumes, and pendants compare?It can't be compared at all!

Of course, this also has something to do with Lin Qiong's proposal of Liuwei/Alora Liuwei. After all, the looks of these two little guys are already immortal. , small fist stone, or smelly mud, then he must eat coriander noodles, celery fried meat, and zheergen.



"So, it's really scary for a woman to become crazy."

In the single room, Lin Qiong was lying sideways on the bed, while Ibrahimovic was lying on his back in his arms, letting Lin Qiong caress the soft down on her abdomen with a happy face, while sitting in front of Lin Qiong, With his back facing him, Geng Gui, who was seriously operating the controller and controlling Ethan to fight the fungus.

"The discussion didn't finish from 06:30 to 08:30! It's probably still under discussion now, it's terrible!"

"Talk and talk!"

You have to be thankful that they were just discussing their own, and didn't pull you to discuss it together.

"Hiss, that's true—" Lin Qiongguang imagined himself being caught by the eldest lady and the secretary to discuss travel matters, and couldn't help shivering, and said, "It's terrible! It's better for my Yi Bao , cute and fragrant~”


I was praised, happy~

Ibrahimovic made a super happy sound, and the little tail was wagging almost like an afterimage—stop it, you are a fox, not a dog!


Lin Qiong put his face in front of Ibrahimovic, then put his nose against Ibrahimovic's nose, and looked into Ibrahimovic's eyes.

Ibrahimovic blinked his eyes motionless, and looked at Lin Qiong with innocent eyes. Lin Qiong couldn't hold back that cute appearance that exploded—he buried his face in Ibrahimovic's abdomen, and then deeply Take a deep breath.


Suck cats?Pooh!What does the cat compare with my Ibrahimovic! ?Bah bah bah, Ibrahimovic is number one in the world, Fairy Ibrahimovic is number one in the universe!

"Boui Boi!"

Ibrahimovic let out a cheerful cry, causing Geng Gui who was on the side to take a sour look at this side—without checking for a while, the character she controlled was slapped to death by a monster that suddenly fell down.


Ah, dead!

Geng Gui put the handle on the table, then floated into the air with his hands on his hips, looked down at Lin Qiong and Ibrahimovic, stomped his feet unwillingly, and said, "Kou Jie Kou Jie!"

You rub me too!You see I am chubby, I must feel very good!


Lin Qiong raised his head with a strange expression, then looked at Geng Gui, and said, "No, Geng Gui, you don't have fluff like Ibrahimovic on your body, it always feels strange to rub you."


Geng Gui suddenly turned pale with fright. She stretched out her hand to touch her chubby body, then leaned in front of Lin Qiong, waved her hands, and said hastily, "Kou Jie Kou Jie!"

Although I have no hair, my body is soft and comfortable to hold!You try it!

"Good good-"

Lin Qiong sat up from the bed, then stretched out his hands to hug Geng Gui who also opened his hands.

"Mouth Jie?" How about it?

"It feels like holding a balloon—" Lin Qiong narrowed his eyes and said, "It's soft and elastic."

"Talk and talk!"

Geng Gui bared his teeth and said proudly that you can hug me more in the future, it's so comfortable!

"Well, it's fine in summer, but in winter—"

Lin Qiong let go of Geng Gui, then stretched out his hand and patted her "waist", and said, "Geng Gui's body is a bit cold, and it's very comfortable to hold in summer, but it will definitely be very cold in winter."

"Buy?" Very cold?

Ibrahimovic picked it up curiously, then lightly touched Geng Gui's body with his paw, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Buy!" Really!It’s cool and so comfortable!

"Right?" Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "Only in summer, Gengar is the most perfect natural air conditioner!"


Woohoo, I don't want such a physique!I also want to post with you in winter!



The next morning, after enjoying Missy's Jajangmyeon, the three of them sat at the table with their Pokémon.

"Hmm, now that we have decided to travel, let's decide on our next destination!" The eldest lady happily took out the notebook she had planned with her secretary all night.

"By the way, what about Nibi City?" Lin Qiong scratched his face and said, "You're here, why don't you visit the Nibi Gym?"


The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and they shook their heads in unison.

"do not want!"

"I can't accept Xiao Gang!"

"That's right!"

"The moment he sees Missy, he will definitely rush over and hold Missy's hand. I will never allow this to happen!"

Lin Qiong listened to the condemnation of Xiao Gang by the young lady and the secretary, and couldn't help showing a dumbfounding expression—if Xiao Gang knew that because of his "enthusiasm" performance in the animation, the young lady would be shocked If a beautiful woman like Secretary He keeps a respectful distance from him, it is estimated that he will have the urge to punch himself in the animation, right?


"Then where is the first stop you expected?" Lin Qiong asked curiously, supporting his chin.

"of course--"

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and they both put their fingers in the middle of the map by coincidence, and said in unison: "Golden Yellow City!"

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