Well, just missing a wagging tail.

"This is, mega evolution..."

Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and stroked Geng Gui's head in a daze, and a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth - those who have never tried it really can't imagine what the completed mega evolution can bring to trainers and Pokémon.

Under the influence of completely letting go of his body and mind, Lin Qiong could clearly feel Geng Gui's love, trust and nostalgia for him in his heart-you know, it took less than two days for him to meet Geng Gui!

Lin Qiong's heart was full of emotion: "Pokémon is such an extremely simple creature——"

The eldest lady and the secretary, who watched the mega evolution, widened their eyes because they saw tears running down Lin Qiong's face.

"Why, why are you crying?" The secretary couldn't help but asked in a low voice. She felt that this was too exaggerated-a mega evolution, why are you still crying?

The eldest lady also shook her head in a daze, and said, "I won't make it!"

How would I know why he was crying?

Lin Qiong, who came back to his senses, wiped the tears off his face, and thought to himself that he was a man in his 20s, how could he still be crying?Shame, shame!

However, I can't blame him!

Lin Qiong, who grew up in a normal society, will more or less encounter some disgusting bastards who want to beat him up—including but not limited to brats, classmates who love to make small reports during school, and those who hold chicken feathers as pawns. A member of the student union who commands arrows and has infinite authority.

Lin Qiong, who grew up in such an environment, has never felt the kind of wholehearted, undisguised, and extremely pure trust emanating from Geng Gui just now?

This is a direct touch to the soul.

"Ahem, it's okay, it's just that the wind is a bit noisy tonight." Lin Qiong waved his hands, smiled awkwardly, and said, "Well, what, why don't you take a good look at Mega Geng Gui?"

Only then did the eldest lady and the secretary divert their attention, and they all came together in front of mega Geng Gui, sizing up her brand new appearance.


The eldest lady rested her chin and muttered, "It feels completely different from before——"

The secretary also nodded and said, "And why can only half of the body be seen?"

Lin Qiong touched Gengar's head and said with a smile on his face: "According to the setting, the lower body of mega Gengar is hidden in another dimension."


Geng Gui responded happily. She felt very, very good now and couldn't help but rub Lin Qiong's body.

Miss: "Different dimensions? It sounds like a very powerful ability—"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips and said, "Geng Gui is strong and cute, of course he is amazing!"


Again, here we go again!Beep!

Geng Gui immediately covered his face, looking shy.

"Okay, let's stop here." Lin Qiong exhaled, and muttered: "I remember that mega evolution seems to consume energy, so I won't just get dizzy right away?"

The secretary opened his mouth, and said with a delicate expression: "But, didn't you just fainted once yesterday by Geng Gui? Are you going to achieve the achievement of fainting once a day?"

"This achievement is not fun at all. I don't want to take fainting as a daily routine—" Lin Qiong pulled the corner of his mouth, then looked at Geng Gui with a trace of blankness, and said, "Speaking of which, Geng Gui, you know How to undo the mega evolution?"

Things are a little bit troublesome.

"A mouthful?" Σ( ° △ °|||)

Geng Gui was slightly startled, it was also the first time I had this embarrassing evolution!You won't lift it, how can I?

"Ah this..."

The eldest lady covered her forehead and said, "You can't, you're stuck?"

Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, and said helplessly, "It seems, is that so? I can't find the exit button!"

At this time, Lin Qiong felt as if he had entered the Black Beast game and chose Olika as his character, only to find that the exit button was gone. He panicked—I said, I must not be sucked dry by the mega evolution, right? ?

Don't do that kind of thing!

"Help outside the venue!" The eldest lady quickly responded and said, "Dr. Oki should know how to solve it!"


Lin Qiong also reacted, he hurriedly took out his little genius watch, quickly dialed Dr. Oki's phone number, and waited anxiously for the "beep-beep-" connection sound.

Pick up whoa, pick up whoa!

After three rings, the phone was connected, and Dr. Oki's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Lin Qiong? What's the matter?"

"Dr. Ohmu, please be patient!" Lin Qiong yelled: "Gengar and I tried the mega evolution, but now we can't go back! Will I be burned out of my mental and physical strength and die?" "


After a few seconds of silence, Dr. Oki said: "First answer your most nervous question - no! Mega evolution consumes at most half of your physical strength and energy, so you can rest assured."


Lin Qiong breathed a sigh of relief, then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said, "That's good, that's good."

"Calm down now?" Dr. Oki asked back, "Then tell me what happened, what happened."

"Aww, it's like this—"

Lin Qiong quickly told Dr. Oki what happened in the mansion, and Dr. Oki was speechless after hearing the story.


Dr. Oki rubbed his head and said, "I don't know what to say, your luck is a bit...too much."

Outrageous, outrageous!This is simply outrageous to be on Zoro's body - I don't know how outrageous it is!

What script did you take?Two days to make a Pokémon fall in love with you?Could it be that you are a male lecturer who is proficient in Pokémon, and three sentences made Pokémon spend eighteen berries for you?

"I'll talk about luck later, let's talk about how to undo this mega evolution—"

"Calm down first! The core of mega evolution is a high fighting spirit and a soul that resonates, and it can be relieved by calming down the excited mood."

"Oh, let me try—"

Lin Qiong and Geng Gui looked at each other, and they both closed their eyes, and then tried to calm down their explosive emotions.

In barely a minute, Geng Gui's body emitted a burst of white light, and he retreated from the state of mega evolution, while Lin Qiong swayed, and fell to the ground together with Geng Gui in embarrassment.

"Tired, I'm exhausted—"

Lin Qiong felt as if he danced a dragon fist with Dojima Gin after three days of staying up all night. He was tired and dizzy, as if he would fall asleep in the next second, and Geng who was next to him The ghost was not much better, she leaned against Lin Qiong's body weakly, panting heavily with her tongue out.

Obviously, she was also exhausted.

Chapter 0026 I want to be Erina’s dog

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong and Geng Gui who were close together, as if they had run a full marathon, frowned and said: "This is called mega evolution, does it consume so much? None of you are fighting, just trying to do it." Are you tired of changing like this?"

So if you really fought, how tired would you be?

"I think it should be a matter of familiarity—" Lin Qiong rubbed his face, relieved the heavy fatigue, and said, "It's the first time Geng Gui and I have undergone mega evolution. It was so foreign, so out of control, and a lot of energy wasted."

The secretary recalled for a while, and said: "It seems like this? After the two evolved just now, their bodies have been exuding a faint light! So is that the leak of power?"


Lin Qiong suddenly screamed, then lay on the ground weakly, and said: "So, Gengar and I will have to enter mega evolution many times to become familiar with this power? Isn't it right -"

Tired like this once, and so tidy every day in the future, who can bear it?

No one can stand seven times in one night!

"Kou Jie!" Geng Gui scratched his hand in embarrassment, then clenched his fist and said to Lin Qiong, "Kou Jie, Kou Jie!"

"What are you talking about?" Lin Qiong frowned and looked at Geng Gui, and said, "It's my first time, why not you? Don't take the responsibility on yourself! I'm still a fledgling Where's the rookie trainer! I'm better than you when it comes to cooking—"

Just now Geng Gui said to Lin Qiong that it was because she was the first mega evolution that she couldn't control it well, so don't be discouraged, she will exercise hard!

Hearing this, Lin Qiong felt a little uncomfortable.

"Listen, Geng Gui."

Lin Qiong leaned in front of Geng Gui, squeezed her chubby body (face?) with both hands, and said seriously: "The combination of the two of us should be because I am not good enough for you! So you don't need to belittle yourself, Understand?"

According to the game, Ghost will evolve into Ghost Stone at level 25, and then evolve into Gengar through connection exchange, and Lin Qiong, the Gengar, has reached an astonishing level of 55, even in the wild. One side's overlord - in comparison, Lin Qiong, who has just become a Pokémon trainer, is indeed not worthy of Geng Gui.

"Mouth, mouth Jie—"

Geng Gui looked at Lin Qiong moved, and big tears flowed from her red eyes.

"Don't be so nasty!" Lin Qiong rubbed his arms and said uncomfortably: "Ahem, anyway, I'm not the kind of person who shirks responsibility! So it's not you working hard alone, but us working hard together, understand Yet?"


Geng Gui nodded vigorously, she grinned at Lin Qiong with a grin, and then patted her chest—don't worry!I will become super powerful!

"Boui Boi!"

At this time, Ibrahimovic on the side yelled in dissatisfaction——Don't forget me!I am also a partner!

"Hahaha, I haven't forgotten! How could I have forgotten Yibao?" Lin Qiong stretched out his hands and hugged Ibrahimovic tightly in his arms, and said with a smile: "Little Yibao also has to work hard!"


Ibrahimovic held his head high and flicked his tail in a pompous manner: "Boy Bouy!"

give it to me!I will become the cutest Ibrahimovic in the world!

The eldest lady at the side smiled and shook her head, she gently hugged Pikachu in her arms, and whispered: "Pikachu, I entrust my safety to you too—"


Pikachu patted his chest with a cute smile and said: Don't worry!Whoever dares to bully the master, I will electrocute them to death!snort!

The secretary lowered his head to look at Hua Huanhuan, who had an innocent face, and comforted him: "Hua Huanhuan, it's fine! I will subdue a more powerful Pokémon and let it protect us!"


Hua Huanhuan's eyes turned into crescent moons, and she shook her body gently——Although my combat power is not strong, I will try my best to help the master!



Because of the mega evolution training, Lin Qiong and Geng Gui were so sleepy that they fell asleep at [-] o'clock, and they slept until [-] o'clock the next morning before waking up.

"Good guy, who can stand this—"

Lin Qiong squatted by the river, wiped his face with a towel, and said to Geng Gui beside him, "It's impossible to even play the game! We have to master the mega evolution quickly!"


Geng Gui nodded vigorously. She originally planned to continue yesterday... oh, it was the Resident Evil trip the night before yesterday, but because she was too tired and sleepy, she slept with Lin Qiong to death early.

This is not acceptable!Could have played the game for three hours!Such a waste!The distressed Geng Gui's eyes were red.

Although my eyes are already red.

'Pfft—' Geng Gui, who was so amused by his bad jokes, turned his head and showed a lonely smile of a master. I'm probably the only Pokémon who can tell such bad jokes in the whole world, right?

How lonely it is like snow!

"Okay, let's go have breakfast-"

Lin Qiong stood up, and Geng Gui and Geng Gui, with their hands behind their backs, came to the dining table like an old man walking around. Before he could sit down, he began to fart: "Hi! Erina's craftsmanship is really good !I can smell the aroma of breakfast by the river—"

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong and said, "I haven't fired yet."


Lin Qiong froze for a moment, then rested his chin and murmured: "Can this be exaggerated? Isn't Missy fooling me?"

"Can you have a conscience?" The eldest lady twitched her lips and said, "Isn't it because I saw that you were too tired yesterday, and I was worried that you would get up too late and make your breakfast cold, so I waited for you to get up before making it!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Lin Qiong let out an exaggerated exclamation. He hugged Geng Gui beside him. The two looked at the eldest lady with teary eyes, and said, "It's so, so, so touching! Dear Erina cares about me so much, Woohoo, I want to be Nakiri Erina's dog!"


Geng Gui said that I will be her second dog!

"It's true that after you get to know each other well, you don't want to look like that at all, right?" The eldest lady covered her forehead and said, "Pay attention to me, hey! Feisha is still there!"

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