"Talk and talk--"

I am a hardworking Geng Gui, I love cleaning, la la la——

"Kou Jie Kou Jie~~"

Don't be afraid of loneliness or anything, I am the strong Geng Gui——

"Talk and talk!"

I don’t need food or anything, I’m a thrifty Geng Gui——

Looking at the unpopular and empty mansion, Geng Gui couldn't help but think of the scene of four people screaming and yelling yesterday when they were hiding in Lin Qiong's arms and playing games.

At the moment when memories came to my mind, Geng Gui's song of cleaning could no longer be sung.

She stood alone in the corridor, put the broom in her hand in the corner, and then sat on the ground in a daze, shaking her short legs.

"Mouth Jie—"

It's so strange, why do I feel empty in my heart, is it because the game hasn't reached the end yet?Or are you not reconciled to losing because of drawing a joker?Or would you never eat something so delicious again...


No, no, no! !neither!

"Mouth Jie."

I miss him.

"Kou Jie..."

I feel lonely.

Geng Gui fell weakly on the floor, making a humming sound.

It would be fine if I had never seen the light, but why did I take it away after giving me a night of light?

"Boom boom boom——"

Just when Geng Gui was sad for spring and autumn, she suddenly heard a burst of rapid footsteps at the door.


Geng Gui suddenly sat up from the floor, then stared towards the door with wide eyes.


Lin Qiong supported the cabinet beside him, took a few breaths, shook his head, showed a handsome expression towards Geng Gui, and said, "Hey, Geng Gui! Do you want to walk with me?"


Geng Gui was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up from the ground with a "whoosh", rubbed his fleshy belly with both hands, and flew towards Lin Qiong.


You should have said it earlier!It made me sad for a long time!


Go wow go wow!Let's go wow!



"You really abducted Geng Gui?"

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong who was returning to the team after tossing a poke ball, and said with a strange expression: "So you two saw each other overnight?"

"Hmm——" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows proudly, and said, "This is called fate! The so-called meeting the right person at a glance in the vast crowd, right, Geng Gui?"

"Mouth Jie—"

Geng Gui's voice emerged from Lin Qiong's shadow, and a little purple fat man stepped out half of his body, then waved to the eldest lady and the secretary, and greeted them warmly.

"Talk and talk!"

Hello!From now on we can play together all the time!

The eldest lady bent down, stretched out her hand and rubbed Geng Gui's face with a smile, then raised her head to look at Lin Qiong, and said, "Where are the relics of Geng Gui's former master? Isn't Geng Gui guarding those in the mansion?" ?”

"That—" Lin Qiong scratched his face, and said, "Geng Gui took me to have a look, it was an iron box, a letter that hadn't been sent, and some badges and the like. After making anti-oxidation arrangements, I took Geng Gui and buried them in the backyard."

The eldest lady shook her head helplessly, and said, "So if it had been dealt with this way earlier, wouldn't Geng Gui not have to worry about it?"

"You can't say that. If we had dealt with it earlier, Geng Gui wouldn't have met us, right?" Lin Qiong stretched out his hand towards Geng Gui. Geng Gui smiled and stretched out his hand to strike Lin Qiong. A slap, and then nodded happily.

"its not right--"

At this moment, the secretary looked at Lin Qiong with a puzzled expression, and said, "Iron boxes, unsent letters, badges—they don't sound like valuable elements?"

With such a reminder, the eldest lady also reacted - that's right!Wasn't the reason why the little Bie Fan focused on the relics of Geng Gui's former master because the relics were very valuable?But the things Lin Qiong just said don't seem to be worth much, right?

"The valuable things are here—" Lin Qiong said, and took out two small glass beads from his pocket, and said: "The colorful one is the keystone, and the lavender one is the Gengar mega stone."

"Keystone and mega stone?"

The eldest lady and the secretary approached Lin Qiong curiously, looked at the two glass beads in his palm, and asked, "What role can it play?"

Lin Qiong explained: "The trainer wears the key, and the Pokémon wears the corresponding mega stone. When the intimacy reaches the standard, the Pokémon can be temporarily evolved into a more powerful mega form."

The eldest lady nodded knowingly, and said, "If you say that, don't you make a lot of money?"

Indeed, not only did he prostitute a Geng ghost for nothing, he also took over the key and Geng ghost's mega stone.

"I can't say that - if I were a trainer in this world, then it would be great to get keys and mega stones to greatly increase Geng Gui's strength, but my purpose is not to be a trainer, so these Things are just icing on the cake for me." Lin Qiong waved his hand indifferently, and said: "Compared with this key and the mega stone, I value Geng Gui himself - being able to meet and form a bond with her, I'm the real winner."

"Mouth, mouth Jie—"

Geng Gui stretched out his hands to cover his face, then twisted his body: Oh, our trainer is still so good at talking!Really!

"Hey, it's disgusting!" The eldest lady rubbed her arm and said, "Okay, okay, since Geng Gui has also connected, let's hurry up and go to Nibi City!"

"That's right—" Lin Qiong nodded, he raised his right hand full of energy, and said loudly: "Okay! Target Nibi City, let's go!"




Although they said the slogan "Chong Duck", after all, the few people were writing and traveling, reading it as traveling in mountains and rivers, so after a leisurely walk for a day, they were still reduced to camping.

"Mouth Jie—"

After Geng Gui ate the cream stew, he made a sound of emotion, and then he helped the young miss pull away the bench extremely graciously, looking like a dog leg.

"Look, Gengar has more conscience than you -" the eldest lady glanced sideways at Lin Qiong and hummed: "Some people eat the food I cook every day and don't feel grateful at all, but they actually arrange it I."

This man, his conscience is really bad! Bigbig’s bad!

"You've misunderstood me, when did I arrange you?" Lin Qiong raised her head innocently, looked at the young lady in front of her, and said, "You are slandering me, you are slandering me!"

"Oh? Really not?"

"How dare I! I can only say good things about you from the bottom of my heart, okay?" Lin Qiong shouted aggrieved, he held up his hands, and said, "Like Miss Erina, who has so fair skin, so tender, 360 degrees The beauty of the prosperous age with no dead ends! Miss Erina has such a good figure, she is full of heart at a young age! What Miss Erina has beautiful legs, graceful and round yet..."


Erina couldn't hold back anymore, she patted the table with her face flushed, and said, "You, you, what are you talking about! You, you—"

This is not even a word.

"I'm just telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can ask the secretary?" Lin Qiong looked at the secretary beside him and said, "Secretary, do you think I'm right? Isn't Erina beautiful and cute? 360 degrees without dead ends..."

"Yes, yes, yes!" The secretary nodded frantically, and said with an extremely fanatical attitude: "Missy is the most perfect person in this world..."

The [-]-word compliment is omitted below.

'Crimson Sand...'

The eldest lady covered her forehead with her hands helplessly, then glanced at Lin Qiong, who was snickering, and said, "I can feel why you and Geng Gui have such a high degree of compatibility—you They look exactly the same when they smile."

"Eh? Is there any?"

Lin Qiong turned his head and glanced at Gengar next to him.

"Mouth Jie?" Is there any?

Geng Gui also looked at Lin Qiong curiously.


The next moment, both of them showed a wicked snicker at the same time.

"Exactly the same—"

The eldest lady shook her head, and said angrily: "I feel that the two of you can mega evolve now - why don't you give it a try?"

Lin Qiong was a little unhappy: "Eh? Don't! How embarrassing it would be if you failed—"

Geng Gui seemed to be in high spirits: "Jie jie jie!"

Try it?try it!I haven't tried mega evolution yet!

"Do you want to try?" Lin Qiong looked at Geng Gui, and said helplessly: "Well, since you want to try—but I said it earlier? Even if the evolution fails, I'm not sad! After all, we just met , there will be more opportunities to cultivate relationships in the future!"


Geng Gui jumped up from the chair with a look of excitement, her chubby body landed on the open space beside her with extraordinary flexibility, and then waved her fist like a boxer, with a menacing look.

bring it on!I'm ready!

Chapter 0025 Can't Change Back

"Hiss, whoo—"

It was Lin Qiong's first attempt at mega evolution, and he was a little nervous!

After all, he is not a "protagonist" like Chiye, Luye, or Baicaijie. He has absolute confidence and a bond with Pokémon. Mega evolution and the like are easy to grasp - if he fails, he will be somewhat frustrated. ,Right?

Therefore, what he said to Geng Gui before, "It's okay to fail", is actually what he said to himself.

'Even if it fails, it's nothing! '

Lin Qiong comforted himself from the bottom of his heart, then raised the key in his right hand, and said to Geng Gui, "Geng Gui, are you ready?"

"Kou Jie!" Geng Gui nodded impatiently.

Come on quickly!

"Cold flames surround everything in the world, let the dark flowers bloom—" Lin Qiong put the key on his chest, stared at Geng Gui, who was facing away from him, and said softly: "Geng Gui, mega evolution! "

The next moment, with the "hum" sound of air vibration, a colorful light bloomed from the key in Lin Qiong's hand and the mega stone on Geng Gui's body, and the light quickly enveloped and infected the bodies of Lin Qiong and Geng Gui After that, it gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

The secretary stammered, "Miss, failed?"

The eldest lady frowned slightly and murmured: "Why does it feel a bit...anticlimactic?"

Just when the two were puzzled, a large number of yellow light bands spewed out from Lin Qiong's chest, and the same number of blue light bands spread from Geng Gui's chest. Under the shocked eyes of the young lady and the secretary, The bands of light are linked together——


A strange feeling spread in Lin Qiong's chest, as if he could feel Geng Gui's mood in front of him - it was a heavy, undisguised, and passionate love. After she lost her original owner, Cherish the relationship with Lin Qiong even more.


Lin Qiong felt that his heartbeat was gradually getting louder and heavier!For just a few seconds, there was no other sound in his ears, replaced by a heartbeat that sounded like a drum.There was no more food in his sight, only Gengar's back.

'coming! '

The moment this feeling exploded in Lin Qiong's mind, the connected light bands quickly turned golden and spread towards both sides until they reached their chests.


As if the soul resonated, Lin Qiong's heart was completely connected with Geng Gui.


Accompanied by an enthusiastic cheer, Geng Gui's body was suddenly enveloped in white light, and after a sudden swell, it turned into a mega Geng Gui form with the lower body in a different dimension.

Wuhu, success!

Geng Gui turned his head excitedly, and came to Lin Qiong's side with a "swish", and then circled around him happily, just like a Xiu Gou who had completed his master's task and was waiting for praise.

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