Chapter 0023 He is so gentle, I cried to death

In the end, Geng Gui regained his courage and successfully advanced the plot of Resident Evil 7 to the part of his mother-in-law—that is, Margaret.

However, ever since he got into Lin Qiong's arms, Geng Gui lingered on - in her words, she felt a great sense of security!

Ibrahimovic was robbed of the best place to sleep, and she was so angry that she scratched Geng Gui with her paws desperately, but the general moves were ineffective against the ghost-type Geng Gui, so after Ibrahimovic played a lonely one, the pitiful Lie on Lin Qiong's shoulder and fell asleep.


Oh Nuo Lie Geng Gui, is it you who took my place?

This grudge, I, Ibrahimovic, write it down!

Later, due to the lateness of the sky, even though Margaret was only reached in the progress of the game, Lin Qiong still strongly asked Geng Gui to save files, and then drove the eldest lady and secretary who had already started yawning to sleep.

He himself returned to the room Geng Gui had prepared for him, and after falling on the bed, he straightened his hands and legs, stretched heartily, and then completely collapsed on the bed.

"Ah, is there some kind of strange curse on my body? I just ran into something like this when I just started traveling—"

Lin Qiong muttered something, and then leaned on the pillow like a maggot, said goodnight to Ibrahimovic who had been waiting by the pillow, and closed his eyes peacefully.

When Lin Qiong's breathing gradually became longer, a pair of red eyes suddenly lit up on the floor.

"Mouth Jie—"

Geng Gui's figure quietly emerged from the shadow of the floor. She covered her mouth with both hands and let out a sniggering sound, and then raised her right hand with a smirk on her face—the one holding the a pen.

"Kou Jie——" Gengar showed an evil smile similar to that of Sandwich Sauce.



The next day, morning.


Lin Qiong, who was still in a daze, suddenly became energetic and quickly woke up after seeing himself in the mirror.

Wang Defa! ?

At this time, a Q version of Geng Gui was drawn on his left face. The most annoying thing is that this Q version of Geng Gui was still pulling his lower eyelid with one hand, sticking out his tongue, and doing something to him. grimace! ?

"Geng! Ghost!"

Accompanied by Lin Qiong's angry roar, Geng Gui, who came out of his shadow, clutched his stomach and let out a big laugh, before falling to the ground and kicking his legs.

Yes, yes, you must laugh to death!

"You're looking for death!" Lin Qiong rushed towards Geng Gui angrily, and then stretched out his hands indiscriminately to scratch her chubby body—whatever belly, armpits, and soles of feet!

"Kou Jie Jie Jie——"

Geng Gui laughed so hard at that moment, he slapped the floor with his hands feebly and begged for mercy.

Mistakenly!Let go, let me go!

"Forgive me? It's over!"

Lin Qiong showed a cruel smile. He raised his hands, moved his knuckles slightly, and said, "Let's try the ultimate mystery that I cultivated from my roommate during college!"

Shaolin touches the whole body!

Subdue a man for eighteen years!

"Ah da da da—"

With Lin Qiong's attack, Geng Guixiao's tears were about to come out, and his short hands kept patting the floor, trying to arouse Lin Qiong's few consciences.

However, grown men have no conscience!


In the end, Geng Gui, who couldn't bear Lin Qiong's ravages, turned into a black shadow and got into the shadow of the room in embarrassment, leaving behind the emotion of "talking and talking" full of fear.

Lin Qiong, you are simply not human!

"Small sample!"

Lin Qiong stood up out of breath, then walked to the sink cursingly, picked up the soap and began to rub the graffiti on his face—fortunately, the pen that Geng Gui took out last night seemed to be for pranks , Lin Qiong just washed it off after applying soap twice.

"If you can't wash it clean, I will let Geng Gui not have good juice—"

After Lin Qiong wiped off the water droplets on his face with a towel, he looked around in the mirror. After finding that all the graffiti had been removed, he nodded in satisfaction, packed his things, and walked out of the room.


Before anyone could go downstairs, Lin Qiong's call sounded on the stairs.

"What are you eating this morning~~"

The secretary poked his head out from the kitchen and said loudly, "This morning is crab roe buns and preserved egg porridge!"

Lin Qiong's eyes started to glow as soon as he heard it. He quickened his pace and ran to the restaurant, and then said eagerly, "Oh! Just listening to it makes your mouth water!"

"Boui Boi!"

Ibrahimovic, who was lying on his shoulders, skillfully jumped onto the dining table, then flicked his big furry tail, and looked in the direction of the kitchen expectantly.

Let's eat, let's eat~ Ibubo~ let's eat~

Little Ibrahimovic shook his head and hummed an out-of-key tune, and Pikachu on the side also joined in the chorus with "Pika Pika".

La la la, Ibrahimovic (Pikachu) wants to eat~

"Mouth Jie—"

At this time, Geng Gui emerged from Lin Qiong's shadow, and then like a gymnast landing, he raised his hands upward, landed gracefully, and showed a grinning smile towards Lin Qiong.

Are you not angry?

"Hmph, if Geng Gui gives me one of her crab roe buns later, maybe I won't be angry—"

Lin Qiong winked at Geng Gui.


Geng Gui looked at Lin Qiong in shock, "It's bad, this person has a good conscience, and he wants to share my delicious food!"

"Don't you want to?" Lin Qiong crossed his arms, imitating Cherry... I mean Tong Nao's movements, squinting at Geng Gui.

Geng Gui nodded sadly.

Lin Qiong couldn't help joking: "Do you want to give me this nod, or do you agree or disagree?"


Can you still interpret it this way?


Give you give you!You are too bad, worse than evil-type Pokémon!

Lin Qiong suddenly showed a smug expression, am I broken?You haven't seen me when I'm broken!Jie Jie!

Ibrahimovic on the side lay calmly on his front paws, she was obedient and cute, how could Lin Qiong snatch her food?Who made the little purple fat man so skinny, he deserves it, a little——

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the eldest lady and the secretary came out of the kitchen each pushing a small dining cart. After seeing Lin Qiong who was lazily sitting at the dining table, teasing little Ibrahimovic, the eldest lady was in a hurry. He said angrily: "You really look like an uncle! Waiting for us to serve you for dinner, right?"

"Huh? Isn't it impossible?"

Lin Qiong rubbed his chin and said, "If Yu Erina said sweetly to me, 'Qiong, open your mouth, ah—', the food will definitely taste better!"

"You're thinking about peaches!"

The eldest lady glared at Lin Qiong with a blushing face. Why is this person full of indecent words and still feeding him with "Ah—"?Even Fei Shazi never enjoyed this treatment!

What about Feisha?Where is Fei Shazi?

#Query the status of Feisha#

Oh, Fei Shazi is imagining the picture of the young lady feeding her, that's okay.

Soon, crab roe buns and lean meat porridge were placed in front of everyone, and the aroma seemed to scratch people's hearts, making them unable to hold back.

"Yaoshou --" Lin Qiong smacked his mouth and muttered, "Why do I feel that Erina's skills are getting better and better?"

"Even if you praise me like this, it won't do you any good." Erina snorted with a smile on her face, then put a bun into Lin Qiong's bowl, and said while drinking porridge: "No Be careful if you overdo it, I can’t eat that much and don’t want to gain weight, so please help me eat.”

"it is good--"

Lin Qiong elongated his voice, then grinned and stuffed the steamed stuffed bun that Erina had picked up into his mouth, feeling the impact of the deliciousness blooming on the tip of his tongue, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and said, "Tsk tsk, it feels like this The buns are more delicious than other buns, what's the matter?"


Erina glared at Lin Qiong and said, "Can't eating stop your mouth?"

"Stop talking, stop talking—"

With an innocent expression on his face, Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and drew a zipper on his mouth, then turned his gaze from the amused young lady to Geng Gui.

Geng Gui, pay the price!


Geng Gui shuddered all over, then looked at the last bun on the plate with a look of reluctance, looked at Lin Qiong with pitiful eyes, and said, "Kou Jie Kou Jie!"

She, she already gave you a steamed stuffed bun, why don't you want mine——

"Da baa, da baa, da baa—"

Lin Qiong shook his head, and with a smirk on his face, he picked up Geng Gui's heartbroken expression with his chopsticks and took away her steamed stuffed bun, then shook it in front of Geng Gui, and said, "Hmph, this is you! What you promise to give me, don’t break your promise—”

"Mouth Jie—"

Geng Gui nodded with tears in his eyes, and then watched helplessly as Lin Qiong brought the buns to her... Eh?In front of her?

"Come on, Geng Gui, open your mouth, ah—"

Lin Qiong shook his chopsticks with a grin, and said, "I'll try feeding PIay too."

"Mouth, mouth Jie..."

Two lines of tears burst out of Geng Gui's eyes immediately, she choked up and ate the crab roe buns fed by Lin Qiong, and then "mouthedly" said that it was the best thing she had ever eaten.

He is so gentle, I cried to death!



The happy time is always short.


After packing up his luggage and carrying it on his back again, Lin Qiong stood at the entrance of the bungalow, reached out and patted the belly of Gengar standing at the door, and said: "Okay, we have to leave! See you again in the future. "

Geng Gui said in a panic, "Kou, Kou Jie!"

Me, do I still want to continue playing poker with you?Can we play a few more rounds before leaving?

Me, my breakfast tomorrow is really for you!Can you stay a few days longer before leaving?

Me, I haven't finished that game yet!Can't you leave after I'm done?

Chapter 0024 Do you want to come with me?

Although Geng Gui tried his best to keep Lin Qiong, Lin Qiong finally chose to leave—he knew that if he softened his heart at this time, he would soften his heart again and again in the future, and even stayed here for a few days without knowing it. months are possible.

"Kou Jie..."

Geng Gui stood at the door of the mansion in a daze, staring blankly at Lin Qiong's waving figure as he walked away, and finally took out a handkerchief dejectedly, and waved it towards Lin Qiong's back.

Need another person?

When Lin Qiong's figure disappeared before her eyes, Geng Gui raised his hands and closed the iron gate, then turned around and smiled towards the familiar mansion.


What's the point of being alone!Haven't I lived alone for more than 100 years?Is it okay?Get used to it, get used to it!

Thinking of this, Geng Gui covered his mouth and grinned, then ran into the mansion with cheerful little steps, picked up the broom behind the door, hummed a familiar tune, and started the daily cleaning work of the management.

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