

Fifteen minutes later, with the help of Dr. Omu's Kuailong and Hu Di, the matter was successfully resolved.

"According to the prisoner's self-report (hypnosis was used), he was mistakenly entered the mansion in an accident and was rescued by Geng Gui! During the few days he was recuperating in the mansion, he accidentally discovered that the former owner of the mansion left The relics below, I suddenly have evil thoughts in my heart!"

"But he knew very well that he was not Geng Gui's opponent, and it was impossible to take away the relics under Geng Gui's guard, so he began to use the lure of the nightmare to hypnotize the passing newcomer trainers, letting them enter the mansion without knowing it , hoping to draw official attention."

"Once the 'Geng Gui who endangered the passing trainer' is expelled or captured by the authorities, then he can return to the mansion, take away the inheritance, dispose of it on the black market, and then go to other areas to live the life of a rich man .”

After listening to Ms. Junsha's description, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary immediately cast contempt and disgust at the male passer-by with sly brows and mouse eyes—let's not talk about the moral issues of coveting other people's relics. It was Geng Gui who saved you, but in the end you were going to backstab someone, so you are not very good at it, okay?

Lin Qiong looked at the aggrieved purple little fat man who looked like a 90-pound child, and couldn't help but patted her stomach with his hands, and said, "Anyway, the suspicion of Geng Gui has been ruled out, right?"

"That's what I said, but in order to let more trainers pay attention to this manor, I also posted a lot of posts on the Internet, and even recruited a navy to promote this matter. As a result, the 'haunted bungalow' has already It has spread in the circle of horror lovers—" Miss Junsha showed a headache expression, and said: "That is to say, in the next period of time, there will be many haunted house lovers and horror lovers coming here Checking in will definitely bring trouble to Geng Gui."

If Geng Gui stood by and watched, he could only watch those strangers running wild in this mansion that she had taken care of for hundreds of years, and some would even jump on the bed unconsciously, or kick the cabinet a few times. ;

What if Gengar expels these people?Good guy, doesn’t that prove that there’s “something wrong” with this room?That would only attract more people to come, and maybe even attract the attention of a powerful trainer.

"How could this be?"

"Couldn't the authorities take care of this kind of thing?"

Facing the inquiries from the eldest lady and the secretary, Miss Junsha showed a helpless expression, and said: "The owner of Geng Gui died more than 100 years ago, and the property rights of this house have expired for a long time-now it is not so much that someone else broke into it." Entering the home of Geng Gui and her master, it would be better to say that the wild Geng Gui is entrenched in an unoccupied mansion."

Although it is cruel to say this, there is really no law in this world that Pokémon inherits the property rights of the owner's house, so this house that has lost its owner for 100 years is indeed unowned.

Miss Junsha took a breath and said: "Even if someone knows the news here in advance and buys this house, I'm afraid the alliance will dispatch personnel to help the other party expel the Gengars who occupy the house. .”


Geng Gui suddenly opened his mouth wide, it's bad, I became a villain occupying the house?

This, this, what can I do? ?

Geng Gui clutched his little hands a little uneasily, and the visible disappointment on his face made several people present show unbearable expressions.

"The easiest way is for Geng Gui to leave here with her master's relics." Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and rubbed his head, and said, "Of course, if this house has special meaning to Geng Gui, this proposal Just pretend I didn't say it."

"Kou, Koujie." Geng Gui was stunned for a moment, then looked sadly at the house behind him, and said in a low voice, "Koujie Koujie!"

Lin Qiong nodded, then turned his head and said to Dr. Damu: "Geng Gui said, in fact, she can't remember the master's memory very clearly. The reason why she still stays here is just a habit. .”

"Get used to it..." Dr. Oak sighed, and then suddenly realized something was wrong. He looked at Lin Qiong with wide eyes and said, "No, you, you can understand the language of Pokémon!? "

Lin Qiong scratched his face and said doubtfully: "Eh? Didn't I tell you?"

"Absolutely not!!" Dr. Oak put his head in his hands and said, "Do you know how rare this ability is!? If you can communicate with Pokémon without any barriers, the research progress can be several times faster!!"

Lin Qiong shook his head hastily, and said reluctantly: "Forget it, doctor! I feel powerless when I use my brain!"

Dr. Oki immediately put on a pain mask: "Then why do you have a brain!" '

Chapter 0022: Stand up for me!

Dr. Omu left cursing.

He talked nonsense, even "Lin Qiong, do you want a quasi-god cub? Flashing iron dumbbells? Young Kiras? Include growth resources!" and "Lin Qiong, do you want to flash Lalulas♀?" All the temptations have been brought out, but this bastard is like a bastard who has eaten a weight, he is determined not to participate in his research content.

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong, and said helplessly: "Although I don't know how rare Quasi-God and Shining Lalulas are, but as Dr. Oki, they can be used as bargaining chips. They must be very precious, right?"

Lin Qiong nodded, and said: "Quasi-God can be said to be the Pokémon with the highest racial value in the world besides the legendary Pokémon, and the value of Shining Lalulas (♀) is even Above quasi-god—you can understand it by comparing your god tongue."

God's tongue?

The secretary on the side widened his eyes and exclaimed: "So Dr. Oki offered you the tongue of God to help him with scientific research, but you refused!?"

Lin Qiong looked at the secretary. He could clearly see "violence" in the secretary's right eye and "heavenly things" in the left eye. This kind of undisguised condemnation made him twitch the corners of his mouth. , said: "It's just an analogy, not the real God's Tongue!"


The secretary reacted. She laughed sarcastically, then shrank behind the speechless eldest lady, watching her nose and heart, and concentrated on being an ostrich.

The eldest lady shook her head dumbfounded, then turned her attention to Gengar who was grinning and said: "Gengar's crisis has been resolved, and he can live happily in the house from now on."

"Jie jie!" Geng Gui scratched his head, then smiled and bowed to the eldest lady and Lin Qiong, thanking them for their help to her——

This house has been bought by Dr. Oki. As long as Dr. Oki, the owner of the house, does not speak, Geng Gui cannot be expelled-as for those haunted house lovers who like to explore?They dare not break into the property of the world-renowned Dr. Pokémon, otherwise the other party will call the police and say that their important documents are lost, then they will definitely not have good juice.

"You don't need to thank us, after all, it was Dr. Oki who paid the money." Lin Qiong smiled and said, "But, if you really want to thank us, let us stay in this house for one night tonight? It's getting late, and I don't want to sleep in the wild."

"Kou Jie!" Gengar immediately patted his chest, looking like "Wrap it all over me."

"Then, I'll bother you tonight—"



"Mouth Jie—"

Gengar's eyes were very empty, very ethereal, very confused, and very doubtful about life.

At noon today, the curry rice that the eldest lady had to deal with made her feel the unevenness of the world, and tonight, the big meal that the eldest lady cooked carefully made Geng Gui's entire Pokémon fatter.

"Puff... hiccup..."

Gengar burped, then stretched out his hand to touch his round belly. He stared at the ceiling blankly, trying to take in the things he had just eaten called "Braised Pork", "Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs", and "Cola Chicken Wings". , "Hot and Sour Potato Shreds" and other foods are deeply engraved in my mind.

It seems that the eldest lady's cooking style has gradually become more common, otherwise she would have ordered boiled cabbage and the like.

'In this way, when I drink northwest wind in the future, I can have a little taste in my mouth, right? 'Although it was not until twelve o'clock in the evening, Geng Gui still felt that he was emo.


Lin Qiong sat down on the sofa next to Geng Gui, then stretched out and said, "What about that - it's still early, why don't we have some fun?"

The eldest lady who was reading books about energy cubes raised her head and asked, "What are you playing?"


Lin Qiong folded his hands on his chest, tilted his head and thought for a few seconds, and said, "It happens that Geng Gui's atmosphere is in charge, why don't we tell ghost stories instead?"

Upon hearing this, the eldest lady and the secretary immediately shook their heads, and the eldest lady refused without hesitation: "No, absolutely not!"

The secretary also helped: "Besides, if we tell ghost stories, Gengar won't be able to participate! She won't have a sense of participation!"

They are not like Lin Qiong, who have received the gift of passing through the gate and can understand the language of Pokémon.

"It's true! Only I can understand what Geng Gui said. If she said it and I repeated it, it would be meaningless -" Lin Qiong touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Well, if you want Is it a game that Gengar can also participate in?”

After thinking about it, Lin Qiong snapped his fingers and said, "Then let's play the simplest card game, how about drawing ghost cards?"


Geng Gui showed a curious expression, she struggled to sit up from the sofa, and then crawled in front of Lin Qiong curiously, "Kou Jie?"

What is this ghost-drawing card?

"The gameplay is like this—" Lin Qiong specifically explained the rules of drawing ghost cards to Geng Gui. After seeing Geng Gui nodding and showing an expression of "That's it? That's it!", he immediately greeted the eldest lady and the secretary The son also sat down.

So, Geng Gui, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary sat in a circle on the plush carpet, Ibrahimovic lay on Lin Qiong's lap, and Pikachu leaned against the eldest lady's arms , the flower therapy ring was hanging on the secretary's wrist as usual, as for the little fairy...

#查询小仙奶STATUS# #小仙奶在哪些##小仙奶目录#

Oh, the little fairy is still a child, and she is already happily sleeping in the elf ball, farting and snoring.

"Hmph, then, I'm going to start—"

After picking out all the pairs in his hand, Lin Qiong looked at Geng Gui beside him eagerly, and said, "Geng Gui, I won't show mercy!"

"Kou, Kou Jie!"

Geng Gui grabbed the poker cards with his short hands, and then looked at Lin Qiong in front of him with a face like an enemy, as if Lin Qiong was not drawing the poker in her hand, but was planning to take away her heart Same.

"Let me see--"

Lin Qiong's hands moved above the playing cards, and his eyes were observing the changes in Gengar's expression!

Soon, Lin Qiong discovered that when his hand was in other positions, Geng Gui's expression was serious and dignified, but when his hand was close to the third poker card on the left, Geng Gui's expression would change. Dewakuwaku, and when his hand moved to the third one on the left, Geng Gui's expression would become dignified and tense.

'It's so fun⑧?It's a sound of nature! '

Lin Qiong, who was very playful, let his right hand slide back and forth on Geng Gui's hand, and Geng Gui's expression also switched back and forth between seriousness, expectation, and nervousness.


A few seconds later, the eldest lady who couldn't help laughing patted Lin Qiong on the shoulder and said, "You are too bad! Don't bully Geng Gui!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Lin Qiong couldn't help but laugh like a barbell, while Gengar looked like a chubby Gengar who was confused.


what? What?Nimeng is laughing! ?

"No, it's nothing—" Lin Qiong waved his hands out of breath, and said, "I just think Geng Gui is very cute."


Again, here we go again!

Why do you always say such things that make Geng Gui ashamed!

Geng Gui covered his face with his face flushed, and then fell on his back on the carpet, yelling "Mouth and Mouth", while shaking his body back and forth.

Shame to death Shame to death!

Lin Qiong touched his nose delicately, why does he feel that Geng Gui is extremely easy to deal with?



After nearly an hour of drawing jokers, a few people who were a little bored decided to change to another game!So Lin Qiong took out his laptop and controller from his backpack, then sat on the sofa, watched Geng Gui playing Resident Evil with the eldest lady and the secretary.

When the dead man's head came out of the sewer, Geng Gui threw the handle in fright, and then "whoosh" got into Lin Qiong's shadow, screaming "Ji Jie Kou Jie".

The eldest lady couldn't help asking: "What did Geng Gui just say?"

Lin Qiong covered his face and said, "She said that the shadow moved, so she stopped playing."

The eldest lady and the secretary were dumbfounded. They looked at each other, and then burst into pleasant and crisp laughter at the same time.

"Ming, it's a ghost-type Pokémon, why are you so timid!"

"Hahaha, so cute⑧!"

Gengar, who was hiding in the shadow of Lin Qiong, immediately came out of the shadow angrily after hearing the ridicule of the eldest lady and the secretary. Then he sat down in front of the computer and picked up the controller again.

"Talk and talk!"

Who, who is afraid!I am not afraid!Just play!

"She's anxious -" Lin Qiong blinked, and then said with laughter, "So she wants to prove herself."


Amidst the laughter of the eldest lady and the secretary, Geng Gui angrily continued to explore the biohazard, and then...


Help, help, help me!Help!Help!

Gengar shrank into a ball in fear and got into Lin Qiong's arms, squeezing Eevee who was sleeping on his lap next to him.


Ibrahimovic woke up from her sleep cursing, and then angrily looked for the responsibility for disturbing her dream, but what caught her eyes was a shivering...

Purple ball?

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay -" Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and comforted Geng Gui, and said, "Isn't it just a death? If we do it again, we can definitely do it!"

At this time, the content of the game is the opening of Chapter 2, that is, Ethan wakes up in the restaurant, and then needs to get the key from the table in the corridor, and then open the door of the underground passage. The horror of chasing and laughing and scaring all changed color.

Come on, you're a ghost-type Pokémon!Why are you frightened into a color-changing Geng Gui ball mouth teeth by horror games!

Give me support (annoyed.

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