"I'm fine, Geng Gui." Lin Qiong raised his hands and made a strong movement, and said, "Look! I'm in good spirits!"

"Kou Jie!" Seeing that Lin Qiong was fine, Geng Gui breathed a sigh of relief, and the worry on her face turned into a smile again, "Kou Jie, Kou Jie!"

"I made you worry." Lin Qiong said to Geng Gui while stroking Ibrahimovic's soft belly, "You are such a gentle Geng Gui."

"Kou, Kou Jie!"

Damn, hate it, why does this human being always praise others, shame to death!

Geng Gui covered his face with his face flushed, and twisted his chubby body a few times, as if he was very shy.


The secretary widened her eyes, and she said in disbelief: "Geng Gui's color is almost turning pink——"

You are too shy! ?

Lin Qiong looked at Geng Gui, who was so shy that his complexion turned pink, he couldn't help touching his chin, and said, "Looking at the pink Geng Gui, I thought of a little horror story——"

To be precise, when Lin Qiong was surfing Xiaopozhan before, he saw some videos such as "Thinking about Pokémon Cold Knowledge", one of which was about Geng Gui.

"A...scary little story?" The secretary swallowed, and said nervously, "Yes, what is it?"

"It just happened to be about Geng Gui—" Lin Qiong glanced at Geng Gui, and found that the little fat man's attention had been attracted by the topic he raised, and immediately said with a smile: "Would you like to listen to it?"

"Kou, Koujie!" Geng Gui nodded his head curiously, and although the secretary didn't want to hear it at all, but looking at Geng Gui's pitiful eyes, she could only nod with tears streaming down her face.

"Ahem, this story requires everyone to think carefully before we can reach a conclusion—"

"According to the data in the illustrated book, Ghosts and Ghosts are classified as gas-shaped Pokémon, and both weigh 0.1kg, and their characteristics are both floating—"

"However, once they evolve into Gengar, the category will become Shadow Pokémon, the weight will skyrocket to 40.5kg, and the characteristic will become a cursed body."

"Why is there such a big difference? This is obviously not right!"

"Just when everyone was wondering, someone suddenly discovered through the silhouette that the appearance of Pixie is very similar to that of Geng Gui—"

"Not only that, after consulting the information, he found that Pixie's weight is 40kg, which is only 0.5kg lighter than Geng Gui, and Pixie's characteristic is a charming body, which is very similar to the cursed body—"

"So, some people speculate that Ghost Stone needs to eat a Picosi and occupy its body to evolve into Gengar—"


Lin Qiong let out a sudden groan, and the secretary who was thinking about Ghost Stone's transformation into a shadow devoured Pi Kexi, and then evolved into Geng Gui, was startled, and subconsciously let out "Ahhh—" scream.


The secretary's scream startled Geng Gui, who was doubting life next to him - I remember I didn't eat Picosi when I evolved - the little purple fat man jumped up to the ceiling, and then "duang , duang, duang" fell to the ground.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Seeing this interesting scene, Lin Qiong couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh: "Geng Gui, thanks to you being a ghost-type Pokémon, you are an expert in pranks, and you are actually scared by the secretary's screaming? It's too embarrassing. Come on!"

"Kou, Kou Jie!"

Geng Gui covered his head in shock.

Broken, I have become the most shameful ghost department!



After half an hour.

"Mouth, mouth, mouth... Mouth Jie!!!"

Geng Gui had a dull expression, sitting on a chair like Akuya, and in front of her was a plate of curry rice exuding a tempting aroma.

Obviously, this was written by the eldest lady—after Lin Qiong fell into a coma, the eldest lady asked her secretary to stay and take care of him, while she went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for later: "It's almost noon, wait for him If you wake up, you must be hungry too, right?"

And because this is in Geng Gui's mansion, the eldest lady also made a spicy chicken curry rice for Geng Gui, which also caused Geng Gui, who had never eaten such delicious food, to start doubting life again.

I have lived for so long, and this is the first time I have eaten such a delicious thing! ?Have I lived on dogs in my previous years?

"Hoo hoo! Spicy and delicious!" Lin Qiong fanned his mouth and gave the young lady a thumbs up, saying, "Hey, my (stomach) has become Erina The shape of my dear, I can't do without her!"

The eldest lady glared at Lin Qiong with her face flushed, and said, "You bastard, you're talking weird again! Be careful next time you put crotons in your dishes!"

"Let it go, just let it go! Even if I know there are crotons, I will eat them!" Lin Qiong said with a fearless spirit, "Even if I eat them once and for all, I will not miss Erina's handicrafts." ah!"

Fuck mud horse, it's on fire!

The eldest lady covered her forehead helplessly, and said helplessly, "Don't casually ignite a strange fighting spirit in such a strange place!"

Weird, so weird!Are you the idiot hero of the hot-blooded manga?

"Hahaha, because Erina's cooking is really delicious!" Lin Qiong chuckled, and then asked Pikachu, Ibrahimovic and Geng Gui, "Isn't it?"

"Pikapi!" (oo)


"Booy!" ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Super delicious!

However, unlike the elated Pikachu and Ibrahimovic, Gengar's reaction was a little bit...


"Mouth, mouth Jie!" (';ω;`)

So, I won’t be able to eat it anymore, how about it.

"Yes, is it not to your liking?"

Seeing Geng Gui's appearance of being subjected to Emotional Damage, the eldest lady couldn't help asking worriedly: "Is it too spicy? Shall I change it for you?"

"Kou, Kou Jie!"

Hearing that the curry rice was about to be taken away, Geng Gui hurriedly picked up the plate, and under everyone's surprised gazes, poured all the curry rice on the plate into his mouth in one breath, chewed it randomly a few times, "Gutun "Swallowed down.

one two Three……

"Mouth, mouth Jie!" Σ( ° △ °|||)

Well, so spicy! !


Lin Qiong stared dumbfounded at Geng Gui who jumped up from his seat, and murmured, "Can Geng Gui also learn to spray flames? No way?"

The eldest lady was also stunned, she said blankly: "Fei Shazi, this is the first time I have really seen a creature so hot that it breathes fire!"

The secretary nodded foolishly: "Me too—"

'Is Geng Gui doing this all over the place or is it really hot enough to breathe fire? Lin Qiong looked at Geng Gui who was jumping on the spot, then lowered his head and took another mouthful of curry. Feeling the pain from the tip of his tongue, Lin Qiong couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Speaking of which, I've heard a saying-spicy isn't actually spicy. Taste, but pain, so people with spicy taste actually like the feeling of tongue pain.”

The eldest lady looked at Lin Qiong strangely: "So?"

Lin Qiong took another mouthful of curry with a blank expression, and explained: "So, the one who likes spicy food is Shake M."


The eldest lady was choking, and she was still choking on the spicy curry, which made her burst into tears.

After coughing for a long time and taking a few sips of water to relieve the pain, the eldest lady glared at Lin Qiong and said angrily, "Then you like spicy food so much, are you shaking M?"

"This..." Lin Qiong pondered for a few seconds, then looked at the eldest lady, and said, "Why don't you try looking at me with those eyes that look like garbage, and then say something, it's really a hopeless change too?"


The eldest lady was silent, she looked at Lin Qiong with unbelievable eyes, and said, "You are so flamboyant?"

Lin Qiong pointed to the secretary next to him, and said, "Her nosebleed is about to come out."


The eldest lady hurriedly turned her head, and found that the secretary was looking at the ceiling in a daze at this time, but the blushing face was obviously not thinking about anything healthy.

"Fei Shazi, you..." the eldest lady said with a complicated expression.


Hearing Missy's voice, the secretary who woke up in a start wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth, then shook his hands in a panic, and said, "Big, big, big miss! You, you, you, don't get me wrong, I and I , I never imagined you stepping on me and saying to me, 'Fei Shazi, you are my dog'!!"

Lin Qiong covered his face with a slap: "So, aren't you begging yourself?Secretary, you are more fun than me! ! '

Chapter 0021 The Truth

What if a skill holds teammates for ten seconds?

The secretary did it.

With one word, she abruptly silenced the eldest lady for ten seconds, and after taking several deep breaths, she managed to forcefully dismiss the thought of "my root is actually a transformation" from her mind.

Can't think about it!Otherwise, I would never be able to look directly at Fei Shazi again!

The eldest lady twitched the corner of her mouth, then glared at Lin Qiong, and said helplessly, "Let's eat."

Lin Qiong blinked innocently, and muttered: "It's not my fault, I just put forward a very constructive meaning, it's the secretary who can't control himself—"

'Who can't hold it anymore!Who can't hold it anymore? The secretary roared inwardly, "Who can hold back in front of the eldest lady!" ?Who can! ?No one can!So I can't hold it? Is there a problem?No! '

I am confident!

But she couldn't say it, so she could only pretend that she didn't hear it, and ate the curry in the bowl with a low eyebrow, and then said dryly from time to time, "It's delicious, Missy's cooking skills are still as good as ever." praise.

The eldest lady is also very stiff, except when her secretary praises her cooking skills, she also dryly responds with the modest words of "just perform as usual", and she can't find a topic at all--the conscience of heaven and earth, she As long as he is ready to speak, he will make up the scene that the secretary just described.

"Give me a way to open up the topic—"

The eldest lady lightly kicked Lin Qiong's calf with her toes, and then hinted with her eyes that he should find something to talk about to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Lin Qiong blinked innocently, and then focused on Geng Gui, who was lying comfortably on the chair after the hot energy had been relieved, holding a popsicle in his hand and sucking it.

Hey, the little fat purple guy is so cute!

"By the way, Geng Gui—" Lin Qiong supported his chin and asked curiously, "Why did you turn all those passers-by in?"


Geng Gui, who was licking the popsicle happily, and was even so delicious that Jiojio was slightly taken aback, she struggled to sit up from the chair, then stretched out her hand and scratched her head, and said in confusion, "Kou Jie?"

Didn't those passers-by break in by themselves?


Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary couldn't help but look at each other, and then turned their gazes on Geng Gui again.

Lin Qiong asked: "We didn't intend to come to this mansion, but when we realized it, we were already standing in front of the gate of the mansion—this means that someone deliberately led us here."

"Kou, Kou Jie!?"

Geng Gui obviously showed a surprised expression, she threw the popsicle directly into her mouth, shivered from the cold, then turned into a black shadow and disappeared in front of Lin Qiong and others.


The secretary made a confused voice. She looked at the eldest lady first, then at Lin Qiong, and said weakly, "So, it wasn't Geng Gui who brought us here?"

"Looking at Geng Gui's reaction, it shouldn't be her—" Lin Qiong frowned, and said, "And there are indeed many doubts about this matter."

The eldest lady regained her spirits, she changed her sitting position slightly, and asked, "Explain in detail."

"First of all, you should also be able to see that there are many traces of Geng Gui's life in this mansion, right?" Lin Qiong looked around and said, "For example, it should be a bungalow that has been uninhabited for a long time, but inside But there is no dust; and occasionally, the photo of Geng Gui—”

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and they both nodded at the same time - when they were "tricked" in at the beginning, they were indeed flustered for a while, but when Lin Qiong was licked by Geng Gui and fainted, and After Geng Gui was so frightened that he almost turned white, the two of them suddenly felt that Geng Gui was not so scary anymore.

Later, Geng Gui hugged Lin Qiong and brought the eldest lady and the secretary to the previous bedroom. The clean room surprised them for a while!After all, the two thought at first that they had to clean the room before Lin Qiong could lie down.

"Secondly, if you recall carefully, you will find that the "haunted house" in this house only started in the last half a month—" Lin Qiong pressed his chin, showing the same pose as Commander Ikari, and said : "If Geng Gui really had the idea of ​​playing a prank, it wouldn't have started in the past half a month, right? Or was she sleeping all the time before that, and when she woke up, she started cleaning and making pranks?"

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other again, and they nodded in unison again—this analysis makes sense!Seems like that?

"In the end, it was Geng Gui's reaction just now!" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows and said, "Her reaction directly vetoed the second possibility! In other words, she should have been living quietly in this mansion, Be a ten-thousand-year-old house, but in the past half a month, there have been other people pretending to be Geng Gui living here..."

The eldest lady and the secretary swallowed, and the two suddenly felt as if they had discovered some terrible secret—damn it, we won't be involved in some strange things, right?

The eldest lady hesitated for a few seconds, then said, "Then what are you going to do? Should you leave quickly, or—"

"At this time, if little shrimps like us who have no fighting power move around freely, it is easy to get into trouble—" Lin Qiong shook his head rationally, and said: "Of course the best way is to ask for help from the powerful people outside the field. audience."

The eldest lady and the secretary: "Huh?"

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