
The eldest lady and the secretary hugged each other with tears in their eyes, and looked at the mansion in front of them with fearful eyes.

From the very beginning, the team had no plans to come to this haunted house to find out, but when the three of them were going to Nibi City along the No. [-] road, they somehow stumbled into this abandoned mansion.

The eldest lady stammered and pulled Lin Qiong's clothes and asked, "What, what should I do?"

"We should have been disturbed and influenced by the other party's power, so we came here unknowingly—" Lin Qiong glanced at the eldest lady, and said helplessly: "I don't know that the other party is distributing power indiscriminately." Or deliberately guide us here, the former is okay, but the latter is a bit troublesome."

The latter means that the three of Lin Qiong have been targeted by the ghost-type Pokémon that inhabit this mansion, and if they run away rashly, they might offend it—or them.

"Also, that is to say, the best way to deal with it is..." The eldest lady took a deep breath, then pointed at the western mansion in front of her with trembling fingers, and said, "Go in?"

Lin Qiong nodded and said helplessly: "From the news, there has been no murder in this mansion, so we should only have to bear the other party's pranks - maybe?"

'I don't want it even if it's a prank! The eldest lady grabbed the secretary's hand tightly, with such force that the secretary felt pain and pleasure: "Hey, hey, the eldest lady's grip is so tight... it hurts... but it's so tight... eh hey..." '

"Let's go-"

Lin Qiong took a breath, and walked towards the mansion first, followed by the secretary and the eldest lady trembling!

The moment the three of them stepped into the gate of the mansion, the white fog shrouding the mansion suddenly became thicker, and the visibility that was originally several meters was suddenly reduced to about one meter.

"The road...the road is gone—"

The secretary turned around and saw that the door behind her had disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by a bottomless cliff. She was so frightened that she quickly pulled the eldest lady forward two steps, for fear of accidentally falling. Go down.

"Calm down—" Lin Qiong reached out and grabbed the hands of the eldest lady and the secretary, and said, "We didn't come to some kind of spiritual world! This is the Pokémon world, and most of the pranksters are ghost-type Pokémon Dreams, these should be illusions cast by the other party, don't scare yourself."

Chapter 0019 How can Geng Gui be so cute?

Lin Qiong's consolation was very solid, but unfortunately, the eldest lady and the secretary did not calm down because of this, but instead grabbed Lin Qiong's wrist as if grabbing a life-saving straw.


Lin Qiong was in so much pain that he couldn't help taking a deep breath, and then looked at the two jade hands holding his wrist with disbelief - no, no, no, are you going to squeeze out some juice for me?

The grip strength of these two women is so terrifying, it must not be left behind!

Lin Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Let's go in first, otherwise, if the master here is in a hurry, he might use some unconventional means to force us in."

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and the two immediately thought of the scenes in various horror movies——

The decapitated female corpse is crawling towards itself like a spider;

A female corpse covered in pus rushed toward him with its claws and teeth bared;

What kind of half-beast, half-human transformed female corpse roared and rushed towards him.


The two shivered in unison, and then hid behind Lin Qiong even more nervously, giving Lin Qiong a strong sense of sight.

'Isn't this what happened when I came home from college for the summer and watched horror movies with my niece and daughter back home? Lin Qiong sighed speechlessly. At that time, his niece was hiding behind him in fright, and every time she saw a scary scene, she would scream and pinch his arm.

In the end, Lin Qiong forgot all about the plot of the horror movie, and only remembered his scarred unicorn arm (battle-damaged version).

After a while of dawdling, the three of them finally walked into the gate of this bungalow wrapped in white mist. The door slammed shut.


The eldest lady and the secretary, who had already been frightened, screamed immediately. They hugged Lin Qiong's arms desperately, but Lin Qiong didn't feel ambiguous or pleasant at all.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

'Death, death, death -'

Lin Qiong's painful eyes widened a few times. He looked at the eldest lady and the secretary who were pinching his arms, and tears were about to come out—you pinch it anyway, don't pinch it with your nails!It's all purple, purple! !

It hurts, it hurts too much!

"You two, calm down, calm down—" Lin Qiong tugged at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Can we analyze the wave in detail?"

If I don't divert the attention of these two people, I'm afraid I'm going to be killed by these Nine Yin White Bone Claws!

The eldest lady asked tremblingly: "Points, what are you analyzing?"

"This is the Kanto area, and the ghost-type Pokémon that inhabit the Kanto area are only the Ghosts!" Lin Qiong said while taking a breath, "Considering that the Chengdu area is very close to the Kanto area, we Counting the ghost-type Pokémon in the Chengdu area, it is the dream monster family."

"Only, only these two?" the secretary asked subconsciously, and the eldest lady beside her also showed curious eyes.

"That's right!" Feeling that the strength of his pinching had weakened, Lin Qiong nodded quickly and said, "In the first few generations of Pokémon, the number of ghost-type Pokémon was very rare. It gradually increased."

She looked around tremblingly, and after finding that there was nothing sneaky, the eldest lady breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "In other words, the Pokémon that inhabit this mansion are either ghosts or ghosts." Si, Ghost Stone or Geng Gui, or Dream Demon or Dream Demon?"

"Well, if the owner of this mansion has traveled to other regions before, then there are more choices—" Lin Qiong shrugged, and said, "Like some resentful shadow dolls, night demons, flowers, etc. Rock monsters or something."


The eldest lady and the secretary let out a groan immediately, and the multiple-choice question of choosing one of two became a multiple-choice question of choosing one of many, which has increased the difficulty by more than a little!

'Speaking of which——' Lin Qiong looked around curiously, thinking: 'Why did the ghost-type Pokémon not move after we came in? '

The reason why he didn't ask was because he felt that if he asked, the eldest lady and the secretary, who had finally calmed down a little, might start pinching his arm again.

Thinking of this, Lin Qiong couldn't help but look down at his battle-damaged arm, and the vivid nail prints made him wipe away bitter tears.

Just as Lin Qiong was rubbing the nail prints to relieve the pain, the young lady behind him who was looking through the illustrated book with his secretary suddenly said, "It would be great if the one living here was a dream monster or a dream monster—— "

The secretary added from the side: "It's also okay to have sad tea or a pot of fear!"

The eldest lady nodded: "Mimi Q seems to be okay."

Lin Qiong looked at the two in confusion, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"If the ghost-type Pokémon living here were dream monsters or Mimikyu, it wouldn't be so scary -" the eldest lady blinked her violet eyes and said, "because their appearance is quite cute. !”

"I think it's good to come to sad tea." The secretary said: "Little and chubby are also good."

Lin Qiong couldn't help but put a question mark, he asked: "No, you are thinking and discussing this kind of problem at this time?"

Aren't you worried that the ghost-type Pokémon who is hiding hears your discussion, thinks you despise it as ugly, and then throws a tantrum, scaring you to pee?

That's so wavy... no, I mean it's so unclean!

The eldest lady put away the illustration book, and muttered: "If we don't discuss this, there is nothing to discuss, right? We can't discuss what kind of torture we will encounter later, right?"

Ah, that's true...

"Speaking of which, Mr. Xiaolin, which ghost-type Pokémon do you think is the cutest?" At this time, the secretary opened the illustration book, and after screening the ghost-type Pokémon, he handed it to Lin Qiong and asked: " Is it Mimi Q? Or the Snow Fairy?"

Lin Qiong dismissed the secretary's picture book with a look of disdain, then shook his fingers and said, "I don't think you guys understand at all!"

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh? You seem to understand?"

Lin Qiong chuckled and said, "You're just kidding, I understand it very well!"

Miss: "Then tell me, which ghost-type Pokémon is the cutest?"

Lin Qiong put his hands on his hips, straightened his chest, and said, "Then there is no need to ask? The cutest ghost-type Pokémon in the world is of course Geng Ghost! How can Geng Ghost be so cute!"



"Kou Jie!?" Σ( ° △ °|||)

The eldest lady's eyes widened. She quickly took out the illustrated book she had just put back, and then after calling up Gengar's data, she said with a weird look on her face: "Uh, this is the little fat guy you are talking about...the purple one." ?”

"Mouth Jie!!"

"Hmph, the cuteness of Pokémon can't just be seen in the illustrated book!" Lin Qiong shook his head. At this time, he was like the only Chinese hero in the group who knew the source of the gif, and he took out his own phone, and said: "It just so happens that I saved some photos of Geng Gui before, and now I will let you know how cute Geng Gui is!"

"Kou, Koujie!!" (/ω\*)

After Lin Qiong opened the photo album, he found a picture of Geng Gui COS Nine Color Ibrahimovic, and asked, "How is it, isn't it very cute?"

After looking at the picture, the eldest lady couldn't help but muttered: "Okay, it seems really cute..."

"Kou, Koujie!" ╰(*°▽°*)╯

"Right?" Lin Qiong squinted his eyes triumphantly, and said, "Don't look at Geng Gui as just a little fat purple guy, but he's super cute!"

"Kou Jie Kou Jie!" ヾ(≧≦*)ゝ

"That, that..." At this time, the secretary suddenly said with a livid face: "You, have you noticed that there have been strange voices since just now!"

"Weird... sound?"

Lin Qiong and the eldest lady looked at each other, and they both tilted their heads and started to recall, and then they all hammered together, and said in unison: "It seems that there really is!"

That, where did it come from?

After realizing this problem, Lin Qiong, the eldest lady, and the secretary suddenly felt a slight chill from the back of their necks, and the muscles that had been relaxed by the three of them suddenly tightened, and then they felt like rusty door hinges. Usually, he turned his head stiffly.

What caught the eye was a huge purple figure with scarlet eyes and a grinning mouth.


Seeing that these three people finally found themselves, Geng Gui waved at them with some joy—oh, this is the first time someone came in and praised him for being cute!Others were either yelling or yelling to come out, I want to subdue you and so on.

So annoying!

However, Geng Gui, who had a great impression of Lin Qiong and the others at this time, did not realize what kind of shock his silent appearance behind the three would bring to people.

"Wow ah ah ah-"

The next moment, the three screamed in unison.

"Mouth jerk!!!"

Gengar, who was frightened by the frightening scream, ran up to the shadow of the ceiling. After a while, he poked his head out with lingering fear and patted his chest with his hand.

Lin Qiong, who had calmed down, touched his chest and panted, and said, "Why do I feel that this Geng Gui was startled by us?"

The eldest lady felt a little weak in her legs and supported Lin Qiong's arm. While panting, she said, "No, as expected of the ghost department, there is really no sound at all."

"Mouth, mouth Jie—"

Gengar scratched his head in embarrassment and fell from the ceiling, then shook his body a little uncomfortably, and glanced at Lin Qiong from time to time.

Trio: "?"

"It, what's wrong with it?" The eldest lady couldn't help asking.

"Looks like you're shy?" The secretary said hesitantly.

"Shy? Could it be..." Lin Qiong seemed to realize something, he took a step forward, and tentatively said to Geng Gui in front of him, "Geng Gui is super cute!"

"Kou Jie!" Geng Gui's eyes widened in surprise. After bouncing around on the spot for a few times, she leaned in front of Lin Qiong, stuck out her tongue and licked his face.

Then Lin Qiong's vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

Chapter 0020


With a soft groan, Lin Qiong covered his head and sat up, then said with a hint of confusion: "I am..."

The secretary who was lying on the table at the side turned his head when he heard the movement, and said with a surprised face: "Ah, Master Xiaolin, are you awake?"

"Secretary? What's wrong with me?"

"You passed out after being licked by Geng Gui! So Mrs. Erina and I asked Geng Gui to move you into the room."


Lin Qiong couldn't help but rubbed his face, and said, "I'm afraid Geng Gui subconsciously used his licking skills, and my physique is not a super newcomer, so I passed out."

"Boui Boi!"

At this time, a small brown ball flew to Lin Qiong's chest, and then made a beeping sound, as if very worried about him.

"Oh, Yibao, I made you worry—" Lin Qiong quickly reached out and stroked the hair on Ibrahimovic's back, and said, "It's okay, Geng Gui was just careless!"

"Mouth, mouth Jie—"

At this time, accompanied by an embarrassed voice, Geng Gui's figure emerged from the shadow beside the bed, and then looked at Lin Qiong with an apologetic expression. Lin Qiong couldn't bear to blame her for his aggrieved and worried appearance. .

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