"So I'm really numb—"

Lin Qiong was carrying a backpack, Eevee on his head, and Pikachu in his arms. He said to the eldest lady who was following him: "Didn't I just go fishing for a while? Can you give her three bowls of rice? You also Don’t look at her size!”

This is Pikachu!She is neither Arturia nor Hinata Hinata nor Akahito!The three bowls of omelet rice are almost bigger than this Pikachu, right?How did she get in there?

Spicy Nicole Maki Hachiroku!

"I, I think she is still clamoring for food, I think she is not full..." The eldest lady followed closely beside Lin Qiong, and said with a guilty expression: "Plus, I am not good at Pokémon either. I know her very well, so I thought she was a particularly edible type."

"Pi, pickup—"

Pikachu raised his hand with difficulty, asking Lin Qiong to stop blaming the eldest lady - it was her own greed and it had nothing to do with her, eh!

"And you!" Lin Qiong glanced angrily at Pikachu, who was lying in his arms, looking like he was about to burp, and said, "Don't you feel that you are full?"


Pikachu called out aggrievedly.

That's right!The trio who were going to sleep in the sleeping bags in the tent after washing the dishes had already packed their luggage and ran towards Viking City quickly, and the culprit was lying in Lin Qiong's arms with a weak face. Pikachu in.

This guy made three bowls of omelette rice and stuffed herself, causing the trio to pack her things urgently and prepare to send her to the Pokémon Center in Joban City for treatment by Ms. Joy there. one time.

'Pickup -'

Pikachu lay weakly in Lin Qiong's arms. She found that the person holding her was carefully controlling the swing of his arms, trying his best to prevent her from feeling any further discomfort.

'Actually, he's pretty good--' Pikachu thought.



"Pikachu just eats too much and has some indigestion—"

Ms. Joy pushed the trolley out from behind the Pokémon Center with a dumbfounded look on her face, and said, "Please be careful, don't feed Pikachu so much next time, she is not a little Snorkel. -"

"Ahem, I, I know—"

The eldest lady smiled awkwardly, and Pikachu, who was standing on the cart, also showed a smile. She was full of apology and uttered "Pika, Pika" to the eldest lady, as if apologizing.


The eldest lady hugged Pikachu in her arms helplessly, and said reproachfully: "I thought you were a big eater, but you actually ate yourself and lay down."

"Pi, pickup!"

No, stop saying spicy!

Pikachu's face turned red and she raised her little paws to cover her face. She felt like she had lost all her face today, woo woo woo.

Until the eldest lady hugged Pikachu and came to the table where Lin Qiong and the secretary were sitting, Pikachu didn't let go of her hands - she just wanted to die like this now!

"What happened to her?"

"Maybe it's shy? After all, it's probably the first time I've been admitted to the hospital because of gluttony."

"Indeed, it's also the first time I've seen it."


After hearing Lin Qiong's complaints, Pikachu suddenly uttered a sad cry. She tilted her head, and then stuck out her tongue. She looked like she had already belched, which made Lin Qiong and others couldn't help laughing. come out.

"It seems that all Pikachus have a talent for acting." Lin Qiong took a sip of the orange juice soda provided by the Pokémon Center and said with a smile: "I remember that Pikachu of the silly thing is very good at imitating, yours He’s also a little bit of a drama queen.”

"She hasn't been subdued by me yet—" the eldest lady couldn't help reminding, "She's still a wild Pokémon now!"

"Then don't you hurry to ask?" Lin Qiong propped his elbows on the table, and said to Pikachu who had pricked up his ears: "Pikachu, would you like to be Erina's partner?"


Pikachu was taken aback for a moment. She looked at Ibrahimovic who had fallen asleep in Lin Qiong's arms, then at the flower therapy ring hanging on the secretary's wrist, and finally turned her head to look behind her. Erina looked at her expectantly.

Be her companion?Well, I have to think about it carefully, after all, this is a very serious matter...

Seeing Pikachu's arms crossed, with a pensive look, Lin Qiong suppressed a smile and said, "If you become her companion, you can eat her cooking every day—"


Every, every day eat...

Pikachu visibly swallowed, and then showed a visibly shaken expression.

"Hahaha, hahaha -" Lin Qiong suddenly let out a barbell-like laughter, which scared the little Eevee in his arms to wake up - but the little guy looked around in confusion and found that he was still there After Lin Qiong was in Lin Qiong's arms, she immediately arched into his arms, then covered herself with her tail and fell asleep again.

I'm still young, so I need to sleep more and grow stronger!

Lin Qiong pointed at Pikachu and said to the eldest lady: "Dear Erina, did you see it? This little guy was shaken just now! This little snack can't walk as soon as he eats!"


Pikachu screamed in grief and anger, then jumped into the arms of the eldest lady, buried his face in her calm heart, and let out a cry of "Pika Pikapi"-this person is necrotic!


Everyone couldn't help laughing at Pikachu's reaction. Afterwards, the eldest lady took out the poke ball and put the unresisting Pikachu into the poke ball.

"I said before at Dr. Oki's house that with your cooking skills, you might be able to subdue Pokémon with delicious food—" Lin Qiong propped his chin and said with a smile on his face: "See? This You've only been out for a day, and you managed to tame a Pikachu with delicious food!"

The secretary also sent his own praise in a timely manner: "You are indeed a young lady! Can other people do it?"

other people?Do you mean Long Aotian?

They can use their barbecue skills to subdue the terrifying existence of the dragon princess, elf princess, demon princess or empire princess who is in trouble!

Chapter 0018 Haunted House

The next morning.

When Lin Qiong was woken up by the knock on the door, he drowsily picked up the smart watch on the bedside, looked at the time, and found that it was already 07:30. He immediately yawned, sat up, and shouted to the door. Said: "Get up, get up!"

The knocking on the door stopped, and the secretary's voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Lin! Just come to the restaurant later, the eldest lady is already preparing breakfast-"

"it is good--"

After Lin Qiong responded, he turned his attention to Ibrahimovic who was yawning beside the pillow. He chuckled, then threw himself on the bed, buried his face in the fur of Ibrahimovic's neck, and took a deep breath. Take a breath, then let out a long breath of "ha--", and whispered happily: "Others suck cats, I suck Ibrahimovic, hehe--"


Ibrahimovic happily rubbed Lin Qiong's face.

Last night, after Lin Qiong entered this single room, he took Ibrahimovic into the bathroom, and then gave her a comfortable hot bath with Pokémon-specific shampoo, making her fragrant .

Ibrahimovic is a good boy who loves to be clean!



When Lin Qiong finished washing and walked into the hall with a refreshed Ibrahimovic, he found that the eldest lady and the secretary were already sitting on the table, eating their breakfast, while the little fairy Still drinking Moo Moo's milk, the foodie Pikachu who was tamed yesterday was enjoying the food with tears in his eyes.


Sajia's life is worth it!

"Let me know what Kangkang had for breakfast~"

Lin Qiong sat next to the eldest lady, then opened the lid of the bowl and said, "Oh! Tomato, egg, and shredded pork noodles, they look delicious!"

"I got up too late, so I can only mess around with it." The eldest lady curled her hair hanging down the side of her face with her right index finger, then glanced at Lin Qiong, and said, "Is the taste good?"

This is a lie, this is because the eldest miss deeply remembers that Lin Qiong prefers home-cooked dishes and Chinese dishes, so she specially made the pasta, otherwise, according to her habit, she would order a Western-style breakfast.

Lin Qiong raised his face from the noodle bowl, then vaguely gave a thumbs up to the eldest lady, and said: "Bel Bang! I can't live without you anymore——"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The eldest lady patted Lin Qiong's elbow with a reddish face, and then quickly put her gaze on Ibrahimovic, with an aunt's smile on her pretty face: "Little Ibrahimovic is up too~ come on!" , my sister made you breakfast~"


Ibrahimovic happily came to the front of the eldest lady, then wagged his tail, waiting for the eldest lady to pour the prepared food into her bowl, then bowed his head and started to eat.

The eldest lady supported her cheeks with her hands, looked at Lin Qiong, Ibrahimovic, and Pikachu who were eating breakfast simultaneously with a smile, and said with emotion: "It's like a dream."

Lin Qiong raised his head to look at the eldest lady, and said, "This is reality."

"I'm just feeling it."

"You will encounter more incredible things in the future, so be mentally prepared in advance——"

"Don't worry, if one day you become a magical girl, I won't be surprised!"

"If you want to change, you have to change—I am Nakiri Erina, an ordinary JK. One day, I was suddenly selected by a magic wand that fell from the sky, and became a magical girl fighting against darkness!"

"Why are you so proficient? How many magical girl dramas have you watched!"

The secretary on the side looked at Lin Qiong and the eldest lady who were joking with each other, she shook her head helplessly, and then sent a piece of Pokémon food to Huanhuan's mouth.

My flower therapy ring is so cute~



"Hey, Xiao Zhan, have you heard?" Just as Lin Qiong and Erina were complaining to each other, two trainers who looked cute at first glance were walking past Lin Qiong and the others with plates. One of them The thinner figure said with excitement: "It seems that there is a haunted house on the other side of Road No. [-]! It is said that even Miss Junsha was alarmed!"

"real or fake?"

"If you don't believe it, you can search it! It's all on the headlines——"

"Good guy—"

As the two people's footsteps gradually moved away, their voices could no longer be heard clearly, but...

"Haunted house?" Lin Qiong suddenly became interested. He took out a piece of paper and wiped the corner of his mouth, and said, "I don't know if it's a super-type or ghost-type Pokémon playing a prank——"

"You, you, are you sure it's a Pokémon?" The eldest lady looked a little nervous, she rubbed her arms subconsciously, and said, "I remember you said that ghosts really exist in the Pokémon world, right? "

"That's true." Lin Qiong nodded. In the TV Unprinted Chapter, Xiaozhi and others encountered the ghost of a girl in Maiden Gorge, as well as a ghost that could transform into a human at will and speak human language. Ghost.

"Well, what if it's really a ghost?"

The eldest lady is not calm anymore, she is a materialist, but the problem is that materialism in the Pokémon world doesn't work well!No matter how materialistic you are, you can't be the dragon god of Lie Kongzao, and the dive doesn't exist, right?

Be careful, he will hit you to death!

"Improbable, right? In my memory, there seems to be such a ghost in the entire Pokémon series—" Lin Qiong showed a thoughtful expression. He pointed to the computer provided by the Pokémon Center and said, " Didn’t that person just say it? It’s all on the headlines, let’s search it!”

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other, and they followed Lin Qiong to the computer with a sense of anxiety and uneasiness, and then watched Lin Qiong search for the keywords of "Route No. [-], haunted house".

A few seconds later, Lin Qiong turned his head and said: "It is said in the news that after some trainers entered the haunted house by mistake, they first heard a weird laugh, but then lost consciousness, and when they woke up, they had already appeared in the house." Outside, and it's hours away—"


The eldest lady and the secretary hugged each other tremblingly.

"Don't panic, don't panic—" Lin Qiong comforted with a smile: "This kind of thing made me sure that it should be a prank by the ghost-type Pokémon! Ghosts don't have such a strong power, they can make people lose consciousness for several hours .”

"Really, really?" The eldest lady swallowed, and asked as if seeking proof.

"Really! It's more real than pearls." Lin Qiong nodded vigorously and said, "Trust me, that's right!"

"That's good--"

The eldest lady breathed a sigh of relief, she patted her chest, and after a shocking wave, she said with a look of hesitation: "Well, you are not going to take a look, are you?"

"Well, I don't have that idea at the moment." Lin Qiong shook his head and said, "Although from the news, the haunted house is not dangerous, why should we go to a dangerous place?"


The young lady breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered: "It's okay, it's okay, if you insist on going, I don't even know what to do—"

That's a haunted house!Haunted house!

"Don't worry, I'm very cowardly. I won't take the initiative to go up to such a dangerous place." Lin Qiong waved his hand, waved his hand with a smile, and said, "It's just out of curiosity to understand the situation—— —Let’s go, go back to eat, and then go to Nibi City.”




Lin Qiong looked speechlessly at the foreign mansion that was shrouded in white mist and looked particularly ominous, and said, "We are being targeted."

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