That night, Viridian Forest.

After lighting a fire with flint and steel, the three of Lin Qiong were sitting on portable chairs, enjoying a delicious dinner.

"As expected of Erina! Such a delicious dinner can be cooked in such a simple environment!" After swallowing the noodles in his mouth, Lin Qiong sighed with happiness on his face: "My first It's great that the world is the spirit of eating halberds! This wave is not a loss—"

"Boui Boi!"

Although Ibrahimovic couldn't understand what Lin Qiong was saying in the second half of the sentence, she could understand the first half of it clearly!So the little guy immediately raised his head from his rice bowl and let out a milky cry, as if echoing Lin Qiong's compliment to the eldest lady.

"Hmph, isn't this level of cooking a matter of course?" The eldest lady snorted softly, tossed her hair triumphantly, and said, "If the environment is higher and the ingredients are more, I can It's even tastier!"

"Oh oh oh!"

Lin Qiong clapped his hands and said, "One country, one country, one country!"

"Mi!" The little fairy milk on the side raised her head from Momoo's milk and made a milky voice--Little fairy milk is still too young, and she can only eat Moomoo's milk for the time being, when she grows up You can eat normal food.

The secretary on the side said with a proud face: "After all, the eldest lady is the only two God's Tongues in the world! Of course she is the most powerful!"

"Okay, okay, the most powerful, the most powerful." Lin Qiong nodded, then put his eyes on the backpack on the side, and said: "But there is one thing to say, this backpack and running shoes are really black technology! If you can It would be nice to bring the technology we made to other worlds."

Hearing Lin Qiong's words, the eldest lady and the secretary turned their attention in unison, and they nodded in unison, obviously very much in agreement with Lin Qiong's statement - today's day trip has made them deeply aware of How awesome is this travel two-piece set!

The first is the backpack, no matter how many things are stuffed in it, its weight is kept at about two kilograms; the second is the running shoes, the three of them walked for a day, but the legs did not feel tired at all.

Is this not black technology enough?

The eldest lady shook her head and said softly: "It must be very difficult to replicate this magical black technology in other worlds! And it may also involve a lot of other technologies. It is too difficult to learn all of them."

Lin Qiong couldn't help pinching his chin, and muttered: "It makes sense... oh, try it! It's a big deal! Buy goods in this world and take them to other worlds for sale!"

If Chapter 1 felt that Lin Qiong, who was a two-dimensional loser, was very low when he heard himself in Chapter No. 16 actually say such a thing, he would have to go back and forth and give himself a hard time: Look at your lack of ambition!

The eldest lady and the secretary looked at each other. Just as they were about to say something, they heard a rustling sound from the bushes beside them, causing the three of them to look over vigilantly.

Two seconds later, with the call of "Pickup", a yellow mouse emerged from behind the bushes, and then looked in the direction of the table with curious eyes, as if looking for something.

"Yeah, it's Pikachu!"

The secretary lowered her voice and exclaimed, she was afraid that her voice would scare the cutie in front of her.

The eldest lady also had an excited expression on her face. She looked at Pikachu who was hiding in the bushes with only his head exposed, and said, "What should we do? What should we do?"

Do you want to go up and talk to me?But if you go there rashly, will the cute little Pikachu be scared away?But if he doesn't speak, will Pikachu run away by himself?Ahhh, so tangled, so tangled!

Lin Qiong glanced at the two girls who were completely panicked, shook his head helplessly, reached out and patted little Ibrahimovic on the head, and said to her: "Yibao, go talk to that Pikachu and ask it what it wants. Don’t come and eat with us.”


The eldest lady and the secretary cast high admiring gazes at Lin Qiong at that time, and then the two looked at Little Ibrahimovic with expectant eyes——Little Ibrahimovic, you have to stand up!Whether we can catch Pikachu depends entirely on you!


Little Eevee nodded. With a piece of Pokémon food in her mouth, she lightly jumped off the table and walked in the direction of Pikachu with graceful steps.


Pikachu looked at Eevee walking towards her, showing a hesitant expression. She shrank her body and tried to escape, but the sound coming from the opposite side seemed like thousands of cats were beating their hearts with crazy words. The smell of scratching makes Pikachu's little feet unable to move...

A few seconds later, under the expectant gaze of the three, Ibrahimovic slowly stopped at a position only half a meter away from Pikachu!She lowered her head slightly, put the Pokémon food in her mouth on the ground, then raised her head like a young lady, shook her big furry tail slightly, and said: "Buy Bui! "

This is for you, eat it!

"Pickup, pickup?"

Give this to me?Why! ?

Pikachu looked at Ibrahimovic with incomprehensible eyes. In her cognition, food is a very precious thing, how could she give it to others so easily?


Because you look like you want to eat it!

"Boui Boi!"

Give it a try, and if you like it, you can come over and eat with us!


Really, really! ?

Pikachu couldn't hold back anymore.

Cautiously but impatiently, she jumped out of the bushes, then ran to Eevee, bent down, stretched out her hands to pick up the Pokémon food on the ground, and carefully took a bite.


This, this, this, what is this! !

At this moment, Pikachu seems to have opened the door to a new world. She is like the ancients who ate boiled meat in water and ate a delicacy cooked with seasoning for the first time. Immortal feeling.

"Pi... Pickup..."

Pikachu looked at the more than half of the Pokémon food left in his hand in a daze, her appetite was urging her to finish the rest quickly, to feel the unprecedented deliciousness, but her Reason is persuading her...

"Hey, don't eat it, it will be gone after you eat it! I won't be able to eat it anymore!"

What, what should I do?

Pikachu looked at the food in his hands, his expression was full of entanglements, struggles, reluctance, and pain. The richness made Lin Qiong shout that this is not a good Pikachu. One with a star.

Ibrahimovic shook his head helplessly, and she called softly: "Buy!"

What are you in a daze for?If you like to eat, come and eat together!

"Pi, pickup!"

Yes, yes!You can also have a meal!

Pikachu suddenly became energetic. She quickly threw most of the Pokémon food in her hand into her mouth, then held her face in her hands and made a happy sound of "Pika~", which made the eldest lady and secretary beside her I almost clutched my heart and beat it away.

Pikachu's fighting power may not be the strongest, but their cuteness is definitely the best in the world!It's too strong and can't be stopped!

After enjoying the delicious food, Pikachu couldn't wait to jump in front of Ibrahimovic, urging: "Pika Pika!"

quick!Let's go!


Ibrahimovic turned around helplessly, returned to the edge of the table with graceful steps, jumped onto the table lightly, and then walked straight to Lin Qiong, looking at him with proud and expectant eyes.

I have done a good job Oh!Praise me, praise me quickly!Touch me, touch me!

As if hearing Ibrahimovic's voice, Lin Qiong stretched out his hand and rubbed Ibrahimovic's head and chin with a smile on his face, and said, "Oh, my Yibao is just good! He's smart! He's capable! Awesome! Great, great!"

"Booy booy booy~"

Ibrahimovic's voice became a bit more coquettish. She rubbed her head against Lin Qiong's hand, while wagging her tail cheerfully, making the eldest lady and the secretary look hot.

This Ibrahimovic is so good!


At this time, Pikachu, who followed Ibrahimovic, looked at the table in front of him, showing a hesitant expression——she didn't know whether she wanted to jump on it or not!If you jump up, will you get too close to these humans?

Just when Pikachu was hesitating, Milk Fairy poked her head out from the edge of the table, she blinked at Pikachu, then waved her little paw, inviting: "Mi—"

What are you doing!Come up for dinner!


Pikachu, who got the invitation, showed a surprised expression. She clasped the table with both hands and climbed up the table, and then looked around with a little nervousness-oh, three humans, and they were all staring at her!

"Pi... Pickup..."

Pikachu shook his tail a little uneasy, and a trace of electric light appeared on her cheek, indicating that she had entered a state of vigilance - after all, it is a wild Pokémon, and it has a natural alertness towards humans.

"Pi, Pikachu—" the eldest lady said in a voice so gentle that the secretary couldn't help but be jealous: "Would you like to try my cooking?"

After Pikachu felt the kindness of the eldest lady, the vigilance in his eyes gradually faded, and the electric current on his cheek disappeared without a trace, and he immediately returned to his harmless and cute appearance before.


I am very cute, please feed me!

Obviously, Pikachu's cuteness easily penetrated the resistance of the young lady whose cuteness was negative. She stood up excitedly and said, "Wait, I'll make you omelet rice right away!"

Seize the opportunity, Erina!Use your culinary skills to transform this Pikachu into your shape!Jie Jie!

Chapter 0017 Conquering Pikachu


On the not-so-large table, Pikachu buried his face in the omelette rice and made a sound of extreme happiness, while the eldest lady and the secretary sat on either side of her, talking with sparkling lights. He looked at the cute little thing on the table.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

The eldest lady asked softly.


Pikachu looked up from the omelet, and replied in a cheerful voice, there were even a few grains of rice sticking to her mouth—this cute and confused appearance made the young miss hold herself tightly fist.

'Oh oh oh, it's great to be able to cook! ! '

Long live!

"Then eat a little more, if it's not enough, I'll make it for you!"

The eldest lady held her chin with her left hand, and then said with a hint of tentativeness: "By the way, Pikachu, can I touch you?"


Pikachu showed a hesitant expression. She looked back and forth between the omurice in front of her and the lady beside her, and then showed a tangled and thoughtful expression.

The eldest lady suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness, she felt that her palms were about to sweat - the last time she felt this way, it was the last time!


Finally, under Missy's expectant eyes, Pikachu nodded his head cheerfully, and then took the initiative to put his head under Missy's hand hanging in mid-air, and rubbed it affectionately.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that Erina's good looks and cooking skills have had an effect—" Lin Qiong smacked his lips, and said with a smile on his face: "If I want to touch Pikachu, she will not let me touch it. "

"Look at what you said—" The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong, and then said to Pikachu: "Pikachu, would you like to let this big brother touch you?"


Pikachu's ears trembled slightly, she tilted her head to look at Lin Qiong who was sitting on the other side, and then showed a tangled expression - the obvious hesitation and entanglement made Lin Qiong happy at the time, and said: "Look Well, let me just say that she dislikes me, right?"

The eldest lady rubbed her head and said, "No, why do I feel that you are very proud?"

What is it like to be proud of being disgusted by Pikachu?something is wrong with you.

"Doesn't this prove from the side that you are good at fighting with your appearance? I am proud of you." Lin Qiong chuckled, then stretched out his fingers to tease Ibrahimovic in front of him, watching the little guy playing with his fingers With a look on his face, he said: "If you don't get close to me, don't get close to me. Anyway, I have my cute little Eevee - right, little Eevee?"


Ibrahimovic happily responded to Lin Qiong's exchange, and then flicked his little tail while "hitting" Lin Qiong's fingers back and forth, making Pikachu beside him wipe his eyes.

"Pickup, pickup?"

What, what’s going on! ?Why did that young lady who looked particularly elegant just now act like a child now! ?What kind of magic power does this man have? ?

The next moment, Pikachu slapped himself severely, and cursed secretly: "Pikachu, Pikachu, what are you doing?"You were distracted while eating! '

This is the most delicious food you have never eaten in your life!

So, Pikachu calmed down and buried his head in the rice bowl again, shouting "Pika~" while eating the ketchup omelette rice made by the eldest lady.




Probably because she had never eaten such a delicious thing, so Pikachu had to show off three bowls of omelet rice before stopping - this was because her stomach couldn't hold it, otherwise she had to order to show off.

"Pi, pickup—"

Show off the meal for a while, and eat to support the crematorium.

At this time, Pikachu perfectly interprets what is called extreme joy begets sorrow - how happy she was when she was showing off her food just now, how painful it is now because her stomach is supported.

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