With a soft "bang" sound, the elf ball bounced in Lin Qiong's palm. A red light spread from the elf ball and quickly condensed into a small figure on the coffee table in front of Lin Qiong.


Accompanied by a crisp cry, a hideous creature with a height of only twenty centimeters, brown hair and creamy fluffy neck hair appeared in front of Lin Qiong, Fei Shazi and Erina.

Little Ibrahimovic shook his head lightly, then quickly focused his gaze on Lin Qiong standing in front of the coffee table, holding a poke ball, looking at him with excited and loving eyes.


Little Ibrahimovic uttered a cute cry again, and then staggered towards Lin Qiong with unsteady steps.

Lin Qiong quickly reached out his hands to catch the running Ibrahimovic, and muttered, "Ouch, be careful—"

"Booy Booy—"

After Ibrahimovic screamed twice in a childish voice, he used his front paws to grab the clothes on Lin Qiong's shoulders, then leaned in front of Lin Qiong, stretched out his soft tongue and licked his face. few times.

"Oh oh oh-"

Lin Qiong felt like she was about to be caught in cardiac arrest by being so cute!

He supported Ibrahimovic with one hand, and then covered his chest with the other hand, looked at Feishazi and Erina whose pupils were about to turn into love with moved eyes, and said, "Sajia, Sajia! Life is worth it!"

"Okay, okay, so cute——"

"Ah, I'm dead!"

The eldest lady and the secretary on the side were already holding their chests, showing the expression of an arrow in the heart - the lethality of the cub Eevee exceeded their imagination!

"Ibzun is too patient—"

Lin Qiong was so cute that little Ibrahimovic even changed the tone of his speech, turning into a baby voice—thanks to the fact that this world does not have Brain Axe, Da Xiji, and Mei Fu, otherwise Lin Qiong would have to talk a little bit.


Lin Qiong's appearance at this time immediately made Erina and Fei Shazi show disgusted expressions. Anyway, a 23-year-old man shouted "Kou Nai" with a smile on his face, which really made passersby a little bit unbearable. .

"Isn't little Ibrahimovic impatient?" Lin Qiong raised his eyebrows, he put his hands under Ibrahimovic's armpit, raised it in front of the eldest lady and the secretary, and said, "Little boy, give it to them." Be cute and let them see your lethality!"


Little Ibrahimovic really learned the true meaning of being cute without a teacher. After a baby cry, he flicked his big tail with a heart-shaped pattern, and then looked innocently in front of him with big watery eyes. Erina and Fei Sako.

"Mouth... Mouth resistance..."

look!The defensive power of these two people is really not enough in front of Ibrahimovic!After failing a single trick, they became French—the two of them immediately approached Ibrahimovic with aunt smiles on their faces, and stretched out their fingers to tease it.

"Boy! Booy!" Little Ibrahimovic was also lively and tight. It waved its limbs and let out a baby-like cry, which made the three of them feel that they were about to be cut off.

"Ah ah ah, no, I also want to catch an Eevee!" Erina's eyes almost burst into love, "It's so cute! How could there be such a cute creature!"

"If you want to talk about cuteness, the Vulpix in the Alola region is also very cute~" Lin Qiong took out his phone and opened the previously saved picture of the Ice Vulpix and said, "Look, the snow-white little Fu Ni. ~”


The eldest lady and the secretary immediately leaned in front of the phone and screamed with excitement.

"What is this!? What is this!? Does this cute creature really exist!?"

"Miss, this one looks like cotton candy, it's so light!"

"This tail, ah, makes people want to stop!!"

Lin Qiong looked at the two girls who fell into the beauty of Alola Vulpix and sneered disdainfully. He raised little Eevee in front of him, then rubbed his nose against little Eevee's cheek and said, "I I don’t want them to be bothered like that! I’m wholeheartedly devoted to Ibrahimovic~”

Chapter 0015 My son travels thousands of miles... the doctor is worried

In the past few days, the eldest lady has not been in a very bright mood.

The main reason is that both Lin Qiong and the secretary got their own initial Pokémon, and the two of them are like a foolish couple who just fell in love with their own Pokémon, exuding that they have no partner (referring to the initial Pokémon) ) The atmosphere of the single dog (referring to the eldest lady) gnashing her teeth.

Fortunately, this situation of "I am the only one without the starting Pokémon" only lasted for about a week, and Dr. Oak delivered the fairy milk that belonged to the eldest lady to her.


When the eldest lady opened the poke ball with excitement, a small white ball suddenly appeared in front of the eldest lady, making a cute cat-like cry.

'This, this is Fairy Milk, my initial Pokémon...' The eldest lady stretched out her trembling hand towards Little Fairy Milk, and Little Fairy Milk slowly floated onto the palm of the eldest lady, and then It fell down gently.

"What's the touch?"

Lin Qiong and the secretary immediately came to the side of the eldest lady. Lin Qiong looked at the little thing in the eldest lady's palm curiously, and asked in a curious tone - according to his observation, the body of the little fairy milk seemed to be a An uncertain fluid, a bit like a milky white, softer slime!And it exuded a very charming milky fragrance, which made Lin Qiong salivate a lot.

"It's cool to the touch, soft, and slippery..." The eldest lady gently poked Xiao Xiannai's body with her fingers, and said, "It feels like I'm poking a ball of liquid! Pokémon are really magical." biology!"


The little milk fairy seemed to feel a little itchy, and she squeaked while twisting her body. Her cute appearance made the young lady couldn't help showing a foolish smile—at this moment, she Finally, I understand why Fei Shazi and Lin Qiong have such silly smiles these days! !

How could it not be revealed?These little guys are so cute, it just melts your heart, okay? ?

"Boy Boo Yi!"


Seeming to understand that this is a new friend, Ibrahimovic and Huanhuan immediately moved to Xiaoxiannai's side and made friendly voices.


Little Fairy's body trembled a few times, her two small eyes bent into lovely crescents, responding to the calls of Ibrahimovic and Flower Therapy Huanhuan.

"It seems that they get along very friendly—" Lin Qiong squatted on the side of the coffee table, showing a happy expression, and said, "Oh, just watching their interaction, I feel like I'm being healed."

The secretary at the side nodded with a rippling face, and said, "I think so too—it feels like watching it for an hour without getting bored!"

If she were the eldest lady before she got the fairy milk, she would probably look at the two people "showing off their babies" with sourness at this time, as if they were alone, but at this time she just held her own fairy milk with a silly look on her face, If that love was converted into combat power, it would be guaranteed to be a super three.


At this time, Dr. Omu, who was leaning against the wall, coughed lightly a few times, and then said with a smile on his face: "Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied! How can you be dissatisfied?"

“Couldn’t be more satisfied!”

"Thank you so much Dr. Oki—"

Seeing the three people's palpable love for Pokémon, Dr. Oki showed a chuckle and said, "Looking at your expressions at this time, I feel more and more that my decision is not wrong."

"Hey, Dr. Oak, don't worry!" Lin Qiong held Eevee, who was wagging his tail, in his arms and said, "We will definitely treat our Pokémon well!"

The secretary also held Huazhu Huanhuan in the palm of her hand and said seriously: "I will definitely treat Huazhu Huanhuan well! She will be my lifelong partner!"


Hua Huanhuan's eyes narrowed happily, it flew to the side of the secretary's face, and gently rubbed against it—I like you so much too!

As for Missy?From her attitude of wanting to put the little fairy milk in her mouth, it is enough to prove how much she likes this Pokémon-she is afraid that the little fairy milk will fall from her hands, so she is very careful even when she gets up of.

It seems that they have completely forgotten that when the ball is first released, the fairy milk is floating on the table.

"Okay, three—" Dr. Oki clapped his hands lightly, and said, "You have already got your initial Pokémon, and it's time to think about traveling!"


Lin Qiong and the three of them looked at each other, and then showed a stunned expression - yes, we are going to experience what it's like to be a trainer and travel in the elf world for a while!

"Sure enough, you all forgot." Dr. Oki shook his head helplessly, and said, "Fortunately, I have prepared the things you need for the trip—come with me!"

In the Pokémon world, as long as the children in the family are ready to become trainers, they will go on a spontaneous trip around the age of 15, so Dr. Oak has already prepared his luggage with ease.

"These are running shoes, which can lighten the burden on your feet, and you won't feel tired after walking for a day—"

"This is a space backpack, and things like sleeping bags, tents, and pots and pans have been put into it—"

"This is the Pokémon Pokédex and Poké Ball that I promised you. Because of your uniqueness, I directly upgraded the Pokémon to the National Pokédex—"

"Then there is also a Blast Bike Exchange Voucher inside, you can exchange it for a bike you like in the Blast Bike chain store—"

"And then this is the travel expenses for you on the way, if it's not enough, you can ask me for it—"

"And this is..."

Lin Qiong and the other three stood obediently on the edge of the table, listening to Dr. Oki's nagging instructions, a feeling of worry for a mother traveling thousands of miles could not help but grow in the hearts of the three of them——strange, Dr. Oki should be a man That's right.

"Do you understand?" Dr. Oki glanced at the three of them with a worried expression, and muttered, "You are not from this world, so you don't understand a lot of common sense... Oh, what if something happens?"

"Dr. Oki, I'm in my 20s anyway!" Lin Qiong raised his hands helplessly, and said dumbfoundingly, "It's okay for a 15-year-old child in this world to go on a trip!"

"You're in your 20s and you can't even cook—" Dr. Oki glared at Lin Qiong angrily, and said through gritted teeth, "I don't even look at what you did two days ago!"


Lin Qiong, the eldest lady and the secretary all coughed to cover their smiles.

Two nights ago, Lin Qiong didn't know what DIO picture he had seen, and excitedly said that he would show Dr. Oki his cooking skills, and then walked into the kitchen under the horrified eyes of the eldest lady and the secretary.

The eldest lady asked the secretary with her eyes: "He can still cook?" '

The secretary replied: "Instant noodles are also counted." '

The eldest lady shook her head firmly. As a chef who came out of the world of the spirit of eating halberds, she refused to admit that instant noodles count as cooking from the bottom of her heart!You should at least start a fire, right?

Wait, get rid of those who say to boil instant noodles in boiling water!

Soon, a plate of dishes was placed on the table by Lin Qiong happily. After looking at it, Dr. Oki picked up his chopsticks with a smile and said, "I thought it was something, it turned out to be shredded potatoes... I #%&^$&!"

Looking at Dr. Omu's Zeng Xiaoxian.jpg expression, Lin Qiong showed a pure smile and said: "Doctor, you are wrong! This dish is called minesweeper, and it is made with potatoes fried with ginger!"

God damn minesweeper, god damn potatoes fried with ginger!Can you be serious!

Tell me, with such a tragic experience, how can Dr. Oki trust Lin Qiong's cooking skills! ?

Pull you down, you are worse than me!I can still soak some noodles anyway!

"Okay, okay!" Dr. Oki waved his hands angrily, and said, "In short, the three of you should be careful on the road, and if you have any problems, use the smart watch of Xiaotian to call me—"

"I know, I know—"

Listening to Dr. Oki's babbling instructions on a lot of precautions, Lin Qiong looked at the eldest lady and the secretary helplessly, and the three of them nodded honestly.

Listen, what else can you do?



"Phew, I finally escaped." Lin Qiong, who was carrying a black backpack and had an Eevee lying on his shoulder, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said, "Why didn't you know before, Dr. Oki can say so?"

The eldest lady glanced at Lin Qiong and said, "Maybe it's because you are so unreliable that Dr. Oki feels worried and can't help but ask a few more words!"

"Hey, it's slandering me! It's slandering me—" Lin Qiong looked at the secretary beside him, and said, "Secretary, you know that I am a mature and reliable adult male, right?"


The secretary hesitated for a few seconds, and was just about to give Lin Qiong a nod, when he saw the piercing eyes of the young lady—the next moment, the secretary quickly shook his head, and said righteously: "It's totally unimaginable." It looks like Mr. Lin is reliable!"


Lin Qiong glanced at the smug young lady next to her, and then said cursingly, "You two are working together like a raccoon!"

"Ah yes yes yes—"

The eldest lady spreads her hands, whatever you want to say, anyway, I spread my little hands, right, right, right, what can you do to me?

"Wow, it's so uncomfortable—" Lin Qiong felt as uncomfortable as if he drank stale Sprite. He clutched his chest and said sadly: "The air is shaking and cold, this world is full of oppression for honest people, honest people Can it be better?"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes—" The eldest lady, who was looking down at the Pokémon information on the illustrated book, nodded absently, and said to herself, "Which Pokémon is better to catch?"

The secretary made suggestions from the side: "I think at least one of the electricity, fire, and water elements, so that there will be no shortage of electricity, fire, and drinking water in the wild!"

The eldest lady narrowed her eyes, she nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right! Fei Shazi is so smart!"

The secretary's face was flushed and she fell into the state of Segony's high iron duck, and her palpable loyalty made people wonder if she would have a big nose bleed.

ah?You ask Lin Qiong?

He was squatting in the corner and drawing circles, the little Ibrahimovic on his shoulder sighed, and then patted his shoulder to comfort his wounded heart.

Lin Qiong: I am angry, I will ignore you for at least 5 minutes!

Chapter 0016 Foodie Pikachu

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